Mid-Test Syifa Salsabila (1910702060)

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Name: Syifa Salsabila

NIM: 1910702060
English Class B

Read and answer the questions (20 points)

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most
people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover
without requiring special treatment. Older people and those with underlying medical problems like
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop
serious illness. At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. However, there
are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments. WHO will continue to provide updated
information as soon as clinical findings become available.

The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the
disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands
or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face. The COVID-19 virus spreads
primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or
sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a
flexed elbow).

1. Is corona virus a new type of Virus?

Answer: Yes, corona virus is newly discovered virus.
2. Is there a medicine to cure this disease?
Answer: At this time,there is no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19, However,
there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments.
3. The people who would likely not be in serious illness due to the virus is younger people or
people who haven’t underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
chronic, treatments.
4. Which part of a person’s body will be affected if infected by COVID19?
Answer: Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate
respiratory illness, so part of a person’s body will be affected if infected by COVID19 is
lungs and respiratory tract.
5. What is the proof that WHO is finding a fixed treatment for this disease?
Answer: At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19.
However, there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments. WHO
will continue to provide updated information as soon as clinical findings become
6. What information is vital to slow down the transmission of this disease?
Answer: protect yourself and other from infection by washing your hands or using an
alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face
7. The COVID19 may spread by the below action except you pracetice respiratory etiquette by
coughing into a flexed elbow
8. What would be the best Title for this?
Answer: Corona virus Disease
9. The word “those” in paragraph one refers to the people
10. The word “it” in paragraph two refers to corona virus or COVID-19

Complete the sentences using the right word in referring the past (for, since, during, ago)

(20 points)

1. They have lived here since they arrive in London two years ago.
2. She broke her leg since the tennis match she played last Monday.
3. She worked as a waitress for over five years, then she became a chef.
4. We stayed in Madrid for a couple of days before visiting Rome.
5. She has had a terrible headache since she got up this morning.
6. She left twenty minutes ago and hasn’t come back.
7. This statues has been here during centuries.
8. They have been playing computer games since 5 o’clock.
9. My mobile phone rang during my visit to the museum.
10. I’ve been studying for the last two weeks. I hope I’ll pass all my exam

Part D: Complete each sentence with the right choice of words (40 points)

1. For a coffee bar [to succeed/to success/succeed], it’s a good idea to offer desserts, too.
2. To minimize the risk of covid19, the [government needs/governments needs/government
need] to lockdown infected areas.
3. If Rachel [had leave/had left/have leave] for college, she would have gotten a bachelor
4. Parked would [had owned/have own/have owned] Stark Industry, If he had kept Tony’s
5. Ed should have [perform/performing/performed] more exercises when he had a vacation.
6. [Before/After/As soon as] the virus went pandemic, everyone cared less about health.
7. [By the time/Before/Until] the government declared positive threat, people got into panic
buying mode.
8. [The moment/Before/After] the disaster took place; the price of masker was cheap.
9. A mysterious virus outbreak appeared in France [ago/for/during] the 1800.
10. We had a great basket exercise. What about [buys/buy/buying] a delicious Big Belly Burger
after this?
11. I didn’t enjoy this book on how to succeed in business. It wasn’t very (affordable / well typed / well
12. I learned a lot about how to run a successful bookstore from reading that magazine. I found it very
(attractive / informative / knowledgable).
13. For arestaurant to succeed, it has to (keep up with / maintain / put up with) a high level of quality
in both food and service.
14. Three scientific advances took place during the mid-1890s; the (discoveries / exploration /
inventions) of X-rays, radioactivity, and the electron.
15. The (exploration / invention / population) of the audio CD in 1983 led to the development of CD-
ROM and DVDs.
16. Landing a spacecraft on Mars in 1997 was a great (achievement / disaster / terrorist act) in space
17. In 2003, a powerful earthquake struck Bam, Iran. It was (a disaster / an assassination / a
population) for people living in the area.
18. Aung san, the man who led Myanmar to independence, was (discovered / assassinated / existed) in
1947. No one is certain who killed him.
19. Until the 1960s, there were many laws that (discoverd / transformated / segregated) againts
African Americans in certain regions of the United States.
20. The European Nation has (existed / discovered / invented) since 1957. There are now 25 member

Read and answer the questions (20 points)

1. What was the problem with General Motors Chevy Nova?
Answer: The problem with general motors chevy nova is the name because No va in Spanish
means “ it doesn’t go ”
2. In which country did Pepsi “Come Alive” campaign successful?
Answer: In United States
3. What translation mistakes did Pepsi make in China?
Answer: The translation in China is "Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the grave."
4. What made Gerber baby food a great sale?
Answer: a picture of smiling,round cheeked baby has helped sell countless jar of gerber
baby food
5. What happened when Gerber tried its marketing tactic in Africa?
Answer: the african think that thew picture on the jar shows what the jar has in it
6. What is Camellia flower associated with in Brazil?
Answer: Because in Brazil camellia flowers associated with funerals
7. Why did many Revlon brand fell in Brazil?
Answer: Because the company doesn’t respect culture in Brazil
8. The word "its" on paragraph 1 refers to product's companies
9. The word "it" on paragraph 2 refers to chevy nova
10. The word "it" on the last paragraph refers to parfume from revlon company

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