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Kristin Valerie V Cruz


A Project Proposal for HCI

Hands-Free House

This project entitled Hands-Free House offers and interface for its users to
manipulate almost anything in the house. The house will have a garage which will be
operated with the use of the app. Locking the gate and opening the gate as well as
the turning on and off for the lights in the garage will be one part of it.

Another part of the app will be operating the lights of the entire house and can
also sense if the light was left on if there are no movements in the room for the set
number of minutes. The application can also be of use in the kitchen. One part of the
kitchen menu will be on the fridge which can scan what food is in it. It can capture
details as to when the food was placed inside and its expiration date. Another for the
kitchen menu will be a set of recipes that can be used by the owner. it can scan the
cupboard and the fridge as to what items are present and give the items that are
needed to be bought at a supermarket. In addition, the app can also control the
stove, the microwave oven, oven toaster and blender and other electronic appliance
that the user will install or place in the kitchen.

The app can also control the temperature of the house as to the current
temperature of the environment. It will give notice to the user and it will automatically
turn on or off the air conditioning system and the heater system of the house. It will
detect unnecessary usage of electronic devices so to save energy/electric

The app can also have a menu for the family members, it can give nutritional
diets to everyone and determine if their consumption is based on the recommended
diet. For example, a pregnant wife will be given the nutritional diet that she needs in
her pregnancy. An overweight kid will be given information on the diet he/she needs
to have. The app can also have a menu for exercise that can be customized by the
user of the app.

As for the bathroom and sinks, it can detect if the water level is below the
minimum and will automatically turn on the water supply if needed. This will prevent
excess usage of water of the family.

This project will be beneficial for the practicality of the family as well as their
well being. The project can help family members to have an easier lifestyle and can
detect what is to be done and what are needed to be bought.

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