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Ashish Pradhan 715EC5164

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
National Institute of Technology Rourkela


Abstract— Urban areas in the entire world are dealing The smart street lighting system is a prototype where the street
with increasing energy consumption and carbon light intensity is controlled on the basis of movement of the
emissions, a known contributor to climate change. Due to
inadequate dimming control and low efficiency, current vehicles on road in order save electrical energy. This prototype
street lighting is wasteful in terms of energy spending, also has an accident prevention system which helps the drivers
accounting for a major part of governmental electricity to know of incoming vehicles around a blind U-turn. This
costs. Also accidents are very common in hilly terrain due prototype uses an Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller, LDRs,
to the presence of blind U turns usually when a driver is Passive Infrared Sensors (PIR) and laser modules interfaced
not able to see the other side of turn. This report proposes together for the working of the system. Arduino UNO R3 is a
a system and prototype to tackle the above said problem
microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. Arduino is an
and reduce the unnecessary wastage of power in the
street lights. Two sensors viz. The light dependent open-source, prototyping platform and its simplicity makes it
resistor (LDR) and object sensor which are utilized as a ideal for hobbyists or novice to use as well as professionals. The
part of the smart street light framework to recognize day Arduino Uno has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be
and light and distinguish the movement of walker and used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz crystal
vehicle separately. And a combination of laser module oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and
and LDR to track the movements of vehicles in blind U- a reset button. LDR is a Cadmium Sulphide photo resister that
changes its resister according to the spectrum of light falls on it.
Keywords— LDR, object sensor, street light, accident. Its resistance is 1MΩ in the absence of sunlight and 5kΩ in the
presence of sunlight. So when there is complete darkness it
conducts electricity very poorly due to high resistance and when
I. INTRODUCTION there is a visible spectrum of light it conducts electricity very
The thought of outlining a new framework for the street well. The street lights which will receives the signals from LDR
lights that don't devour immense measure of power and light when to switch the street lights on or off. By using this concept,
up vast zone with high intensity. Smart Street lights we can develop an automatic street light. PIR sensors are made
framework is an essential piece of the smart city which up of pyro-electric crystalline elements which detects the
represents 10-40% of aggregate power utilizations which is a change of thermal energy due to the emission of infrared rays
discriminating attentiveness toward general society powers. by the pedestrian or any animals. The PIR sensor detects the
So a vital and productive vitality advancements are to be objects without any physical contact within the nominal range
executed for monetary and social security. As said this of its electromagnetic radiations. It senses the change in the
prototype is designed using an Arduino Uno microcontroller electromagnetic field and corresponding return signal from the
and a system of laser modules and LDRs and resistors to object. Which in turn helps us in dimming or increasing the
physically simulate the prototype. Basically the street lights street light based on the motion of the objects on the road.
in this system turns when the object detection sensors detect
the movement of vehicle and lower the intensity when there
is no movement detected. And for the accident prevention
laser and LDR module system tracks the movement of
vehicles and turns on the warning signal and buzzer when
vehicles are approaching from both sides simultaneously at
the blind turn. The whole prototype is automatically
controlled with Arduino Uno. This system is an efficient way
of implementing the smart street lighting. Here an Arduino
Uno was utilized to control all the command from LDR and
Object Sensor and execute them legitimately. Fundamentally
it acts as the mind of the entire framework.

For a comparative study we have to take the following

 Suppose a 10 km long one-way street contains 500 street
lights and the nominal range of all the street lights are 20
 All the street lights are supposed to glow for a period of 12
hours from 6 pm to 6 am.
 One street light is supposed to consume 1 kwh power for a
period of 1 hour when it glows with its maximum intensity
so that one street light consumes maximum 12kwh in a day.
 So 500 street lights consume maximum
12kwh*500=6000kwh power in a day.
 All the vehicles are crossing the street lights at a speed of This paper expounds the configuration and development of
40km/hr. Smart Street lighting control framework circuit. Circuit meets
expectations appropriately to turn road light ON/OFF. In the
Case-1: (from 1am to 5am; let only one vehicle is in motion) wake of planning the circuit which controls the light of the road
All the 500 street lights are consuming a power of 500 kwh for as delineated in the past segments. LDR sensor and the object
a period of one hour and a vehicle is crossing the lane at a sensors are the two fundamental conditions in living up to
constant speed of 40 km/hr. expectations the circuit. On the off chance that the two
In conventional street light system all the street lights are conditions have been fulfilled the circuit will do the wanted
supposed to consume 500 kwh. work as indicated by the particular system. Every sensor
Time required to cross the nominal range of one street light controls the killing ON or the lighting segment. The road lights
𝑁𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 have been effectively controlled by Arduino UNO. With orders
= from the controller, the lights will be ON in the spots of the
𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑉𝑒ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒
20 movements. The venture points were to lessen the reactions of
= 10000𝑚 the present street lighting framework and discover an answer for
40∗ 3600𝑠 power loss. In this venture, the first thing to do is to set up the
So every street lights will glow with 100% intensity for only 1.8 inputs and yields of the framework to control the lights of the
second and rest period 3598.2 second it will glow with 10% of street. The model acts not surprisingly and will turn out to be
the maximum intensity. Now we can see that when a street light exceptionally valuable and will satisfy all the present limitations
glows with its maximum intensity it consumes 1000 watts for if actualized on a vast scale.
3600 seconds so it consumes 0.278 watts for 1 seconds with
100% intensity and 0.0278 watts with 10% intensity.
So one street light will consume 100.02 watt and 0.5 watt and [1] Müllner, R. and Riener, A., 2011. An energy efficient
total 100.52-watt power when a vehicle crosses it. So a street pedestrian aware Smart Street Lighting system.
having 500 street lights will consume 50.26 kw. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and
Communications, 7(2), pp.147-161.
Case-2: (from 5am to 6am and 12 pm to 1 am; let only 10
[2] W. Yue; S. Changhong; Z. Xianghong; Y. Wei;
vehicles are in motion)
“Design of new intelligent street light control system
If 10 vehicle crosses the street light one by one; so for a period ,“ 8th IEEE international Conferences on Control and
of total 1.8 * 10 = 18 seconds, they will be in the nominal range Automation(ICCA), ( 2010) , Page(s): 1423 – 1427.
of street lights. So total 5 watts + 99.5 watts = 104.5 watts. [3] S. K. Cho and V. Dhingra, “Street Lighting Control
Based on LonWorks Power Line Communication,”
Case-3: (from 10pm to 12am; let only 100 vehicles are in IEEE International Symposium on Power Line
motion) Communications and Its Applications, (Jeju
City),(2008), Page(s):. 396-398.
If 100 vehicle crosses the street light one by one; so for a period [4] Rohaida Husin, University Technology MARA, Shah
of total 1.8 * 100 = 180 seconds, they will be in the nominal Alam, Selangor, Malaysia; “Automatic Street Lighting
range of street lights. So total 50 watts + 95watts = 145watts. System For Energy Efficiency Based on Low cost
Case-4: (from 6pm to 10pm; let only 1000vehicles are in microcontroller”, ISSN:1437-804x online, January
2005,DOI:10.5013/IJSSST, pp.43,44

If 1000 vehicle crosses the street light one by one; so for a period
of total 1.8 * 100 = 1800 seconds, they will be in the nominal
range of street lights. So total 500 watts + 50watts = 550watts

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