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Will microgrids be

Global Power & Utilities

utility killers or
Digital Disruption saviors?
of Utilities
October 2015

Everything comes full circle. In 1882, can serve as a supplemental source of

Our research shows that in the first public power station was built energy that reduces their reliance on the
2020, the use of microgrids by the Edison Electric Light Station in traditional grid system. Alternatively,
can provide anywhere from London, England. It was a disruptive they can act as a stand-alone power
technological advancement that began generator that eliminates the need of
US$64b to US$171b in
as a series of small, distributed energy the traditional grid entirely. In emerging
electricity cost savings to generation systems, or microgrids. economies, microgrids serve as a lifeline
commercial companies in 20 Today, these same microgrids, which where electricity is either unreliable or
countries we analyzed. once served as the utilities’ launch pad to non-existent.
electricity supremacy, are becoming the
As the technology to more effectively
advancement that threatens their very
operate microgrids improves, and the cost
of solar energy and storage technology
In mature economies, microgrids have falls, microgrids are creating real
reemerged as a disruptive force that opportunities for companies to reevaluate
enable commercial and industrial their energy plans.
companies, as well as residential
customers, to self-generate power. They
Will microgrids be utility killers or saviors?

Yet, for all the opportunities they offer electricity by companies identified for the

What is a
consumers, they present an equal or model will increase to US$1.6t in 2020.
greater number of threats for utilities
Utilities are undertaking efforts to find

companies. Top-line revenues, driven
efficiencies — from shale gas in North
by energy sales or throughput volumes,
America, to efficiency improvements in
are at risk. For utilities, the combination
fossil fuel power plants and investments
of affordable microgrids that could lure
EY defines a microgrid in renewables around the globe — to
customers and long-term increases in
as a form of distributed energy costs does more than squeeze
counteract this trend. However, to date,
these efficiencies have had an insignificant
generation. Unlike margins; it rocks the very foundation upon
impact on electricity costs.
which they’ve built their business.
traditional grid At the same time, new technologies,
Given the disruption microgrids have
systems, microgrids the potential to cause in the wake of the
combined with cheaper photovoltaics,
energy storage and inverters for energy
are decentralized and challenges the sector already faces, utilities
management, have the potential to make
located close to the should be asking: will microgrids be utility
microgrids broadly viable and cost effective
killers or saviors?
area they serve. They for companies by 2020.

tend to derive their

power from renewable
A powerful incentive for A jolt of reality for utilities
energy sources or change To better understand the impact microgrids
A seismic shift across the global energy will have on the utilities sector, EY
cogeneration and
landscape is fracturing the business model developed a methodology for calculating
operate with capacities utilities have been using for decades. the gross potential for cost savings for
of 10 megawatts or less. Overall, electricity costs continue to
commercial and industrial customers. Based
on our research and the cost dynamics of
Microgrids can serve as rise. Fossil fuels, grid reinforcements
newer technology and cheaper solar energy
and new build projects, levies and taxes,
a supplement to a larger, government-driven environmental
and batteries, we believe that in 2020, the
use of microgrids can provide anywhere
connected grid system or mandates and C02 are working in concert
from US$64b to US$171b in electricity
as a stand-alone power to increase costs. According to estimates
cost savings for commercial companies
derived from a microgrid research model
source. EY has developed, the amount of spend on
operating in the 20 countries we analyzed.

Solar photovoltaic Global installed energy storage

prices have fallen for the grid and ancillary services
power capacity will grow from
80% Battery prices are
since 2008 and are expected
forecasted to drop
to keep dropping
538 MW 21GW between
in 2014 in 2024 40% to 60%
by 2020

346 GW
of new distributed solar
photovoltaic panels will
be installed globally
by 2024

2 | Digital Disruption of Utilities October 2015

Will microgrids be utility killers or saviors?

What could happen in the year 2020?

Cost savings and operational value potential for commercial entities
(in % of status quo electricity cost)

0%–10% microgrid cost savings potential

11%–20% microgrid cost savings potential
21%–30% microgrid cost savings potential
Over 31% microgrid cost savings potential

Cost savings and operational value potential for industrial entities

(in % of status quo electricity cost)

0%–10% microgrid cost savings potential

11%–20% microgrid cost savings potential
21%–30% microgrid cost savings potential
Over 31% microgrid cost savings potential

Digital Disruption of Utilities October 2015 | 3

Will microgrids be utility killers or saviors?

Microgrid research methodology

EY selected the largest 10 OECD (The Organisation for peak load shaving using on-site storage. The model selects the
Economic Co-operation and Development) and the largest 10 cost-optimal electricity mix in 2020, considering the above
non-OECD economies upon which to develop a scenario model constraints.
to determine the feasibility of widespread use of microgrids
The primary saving potential for corporations is defined as
by 2020. Together, these countries represent 73% of global
the sum of energy cost savings, peak load shaving savings
GDP and a population of 4.4 billion in 2020. We projected the
and savings by reducing the value of lost loads and increased
electricity markets, the cost for microgrid generation (diesel
power quality to the corporate operations and the heat value
genset, natural gas combined heat and power (CHP), and
from CHP. These are expressed as maximum savings potential
photovoltaics) and lithium ion storage technology to the year
for commercial and industrial corporations for each country in
2020 for each country. We then created four scenarios to test
question. Actual uptake will vary greatly depending upon local
the impact of the differences in interest rates, power prices, fuel
and company-specific factors.
prices and technology costs.
When calculating potential market values, we used data and
Our model differentiates between commercial and industrial
projections from a variety of sources that we consider reliable.
customers and considers technical limits to the amount of
When no data was available, we performed our own projections
self-generated electricity. The model assumes incentive-free
based on what we consider most likely. In cases where
operation of photovoltaics and storage. When modeling CHP,
reasonable estimates cannot be made, we have excluded the
we included the value of heat provided. The model assumes
savings effect. However, we believe that there are significant
that there is an energy and a power price component in every
other savings that we have not quantified.
country. The power price component can be mitigated with

As the pace of emerging technology for • Change in the role of the grid. Under a A path for utilities to
microgrids accelerates and the costs for scenario where there is widespread use
photovoltaics and storage continue to of microgrids, traditional utility grids will electrify the future
fall, we expect the savings potential for shift from providing load to providing What would a path forward look like? There
commercial and industrial companies to capacity to back up microgrids. To date, are a number of actions for utilities to
grow. many utilities have regulatory structures consider.
that do not align to this role.
What this means for utilities will ultimately
depend on whether utilities see microgrids • New entrants from outside the Lead by collaborating rather than
as a threat or an opportunity. utilities sector. Technology and competing
telecommunications are already looking Companies that invest in microgrid
The threats of microgrids to utilities are
for a means of entry into the utilities infrastructure may, at times, have excess
market and their customer base. energy that they want to sell back to
• Cannibalization of the existing the grid. By managing this service for
Utilities willing to reinvent their business
business. Although initial discussions to companies, as well as other services like
models have an opportunity to adapt to a
date have focused on grid defection, the regulatory compliance and reporting,
new era of power generation.
discussion has shifted to load defection, utilities can gain access and control of
which has lower barriers for electricity additional capacity, as well as demand
customers to realize but is just as response for the grid. They would also be
damaging for utilities. able to lower system costs.

4 | Digital Disruption of Utilities October 2015

Will microgrids be utility killers or saviors?

Seizing this opportunity would require opportunity to provide value to both parties, In a world of digital disruption and
regulatory changes and the creation of a utilities will have to adopt a customer- disintermediation, microgrids have the
smart electricity market. However, with centric culture that is dedicated to power to save the utilities industry —
these changes, utilities would be able to delivering exceptional client service in every provided they adapt. By reinventing their
postpone needed and costly investments interaction they have with the customer. business models, they can become leaders
in transmission and distribution grid in both the building of microgrid assets and
infrastructure. Provided the potential Work with regulators to keep pace capacity providers when back up needs
is fully realized, we believe that utilities with change arise. They can develop products and
globally could postpone or cancel billions of Exploring new opportunities will inevitably services that engage and delight customers,
dollars in transmission and distribution grid mean working with regulators to ease forging long-lasting relationships and
investments. regulatory constraints. Smart energy loyalty. And they can expand into new
markets and demand response services in markets, packaging their intellectual
In addition to collaborating with microgrid-
particular will require changes to current property to help emerging economies build
operating companies, utilities will want
regulations. new microgrid assets.
to consider partnering with companies
that are at the leading edge of technology Utilities have excelled at lobbying For utilities that decide to maintain the
development for the industry. An excellent governments for tightening regulations status quo, microgrids will kill them. They’ll
example of such collaboration is the for their advantage. They can now use this be disintermediated to the point of having
relationship Sunverge Energy (Sunverge) expertise to lobby the easing of restrictions assets and revenues that don’t match their
in California is building with utilities around in areas that will enable them to have costs. Other companies, likely from outside
the world to install customer-sited energy first-mover advantage in the burgeoning the industry, will come in and cannibalize
storage. As a sector disruptor, Sunverge is microgrid market. utilities’ business, picking off the best parts
working with utilities, rather than competing of the business, piece by piece, until the
against them, to help them understand and Shift focus to emerging markets utilities’ very survival will be at stake.
exploit the opportunities of new technology In decades of building, operating and
It’s time to choose. Do you want to be the
or business models. This creates a win-win managing energy assets, utilities in mature
utility that microgrids save, or the one that
for both parties. markets have built up a wealth of skills
they kill?
and knowledge that are the envy of many
Accelerate the development of new emerging markets. Utilities could adapt
products and services these skills and use them to expand into
Microgrids come with many benefits for emerging markets, where microgrids would
corporations — if they can afford to build be the first step in a longer journey to
them. Utilities have an opportunity to developing a larger utility infrastructure.
finance, own and manage microgrids for
their customers. Once on site, utilities
can work with companies to identify A call to action
opportunities to reduce waste in energy
Many industries, from media and
usage — an often underused asset that
entertainment, to telecommunications, to
companies poorly track. Utilities can also
banking, already have transformed their
work with companies to achieve additional
businesses in response to technological
energy efficiency savings through
change. It’s time for utilities to do the same.
contracting models where the savings are
As technology improves and prices fall,
shared between the parties.
microgrids have the potential to become
Owning, operating and managing the primary energy source for companies
microgrids for customers also enables and residential consumers alike. Some are
utilities to develop a service-based business even predicting that by 2035, microgrids
model that locks their customers into could become the base load in some mature
long-term agreements. However, for this markets where there’s been significant
investment in renewables.

Digital Disruption of Utilities October 2015 | 5

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About EY’s Global Power & Utilities Sector
In a world of uncertainty, changing regulatory frameworks and environmental
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anticipating change and reacting to it quickly. EY’s Global Power & Utilities Sector
brings together a worldwide team of professionals to help you succeed — a team
with deep technical experience in providing assurance, tax, transaction and advisory
services. The Sector team works to anticipate market trends, identify their implications
and develop points of view on relevant sector issues. Ultimately, this team enables us
to help you meet your goals and compete more effectively.
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+44 20 7951 4500

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