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Specifications: ratio, 150/5; voltage of primary circuit 13,800, 60 cycles

External burden Volt−amperes=3.5

Power factor=0.8
Current: Phase Angle: 25 min; Ratio = 0.5 percent

Items 1 to 5. Within certain limits, a large number of turns in the windings will tend to reduce the
errors because the exciting current component in the primary will be a small percentage of the total

We shall assume the total secondary ampere – turns to be 1500

Since Ip = 150 and Is= 5, the number of turns are Tp= 10 and Ts = 300, but a very slight change in
the secondary turns may be made later to compensate for ratio error.

Assuming a core-type transformer as shown in section (Fig. 180), there is no serious objection to
winding both primary and secondary on both limbs as in a distributing or power transformer. We
shall, however assume the winding to consist of a single coil both primary and secondary turns

Items 6 to 8. A high current density in the secondary should be avoided as it tends to increase the
IR drop in the winding. This is apart from the heating effects, which are not likely to give trouble on
normal loads but may be very serious on momentary overloads such as occur in the case of short
circuits on the primary system.

Assuming current densities of 1,100 and 1,500 amp per sq in. in secondary and primary,
respectively, we have 5/1100 = 0.00454 as the cross section of the secondary wire. From the wire
table on page 432, we select no. 13 square wire with a cross section of 0.00456 sq in. The current
density in the secondary is, therefore, 5/0.00465 = 1,075 amp per sq in.
Before deciding upon the actual dimensions of the primary winding, which will probably consist
of a fairly heavy conductor of rectangular section, it will be advisable to settle upon the
approximate dimensions for the window or opening to accommodate the windings.

Items 19 to 24. By formula (134) we have sf = 10/ (30 +13.8) =.228, but this should be reduced at
least 10% per cent because of the small size of the transformer. We shall try .205; whence for an
average current density of about 1,200, we have for the area of the opening in the core, H X D =(2 X
1,500)/(1,200 X .205) = 12.2 sq. in. If the length H of the window is made of equal to about twice the
width D, we may try the dimensions H = 5 and D = 2 2/5 . The width D may be altered later if
necessary to accommodate the coils.

A rough estimate must now be made of the core cross section in order that the lengths of wire in
the windings may be calculated. The total flux in the core will depend upon the total voltage to be
generated in the secondary and not only on the amount of the external burden. We shall assume the
total burden (including secondary winding and connecting leads) to be 15 volt-amp which, with a
secondary current of 5 amp, means that the flux in the core must develop 3 volts in the 300 turns of
secondary winding. Thus,

3 x 108
Ф= =3700 maxwells
4.44 x 60 x 300

Very low flux densities must be used in order to avoid exceeding the limits of error as specified. Of
we use a good quality of silicon-steel, which is a cheaper material than nickel-steel, we may select a
flux density as low as B’’ = 2000 lines per sq in. This leads to a core section about 1.5 by 1.5 which,
with a stacking factor 0.89, makes the cross section of iron equal to 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.89 = 2 sq in.

Items 8 to 14. For the primary winding we need a copper cross section of about 150 / 1500 = 0.1
sq in and, since we have to insulate for 13,800 volts, we shall assume a winding layer 6 ½ in long,
leaving ½ in at each end between high-tension winding and core. Two strips in parallel, each .35 by
.15, wound one on top of the other to make one layer of seven turns will probably be satisfactory.
The current density in primary is therefore 150/[2(0.35 x .=.15)] = 1430 amp per sq in. For the
secondary, the length of layer may be 3 ¾ in. There will be 7 layers of 13 square dcc wire with
0.005- in. paper between layers. As a check on width of window opening, and in order to calculate
length of wire, we have the total thickness of coil built up as follows:

Insulation on core, and clearance t = 0.125

Secondary coil consisting of 7 layers of wire with 0.005 in. paper between
layers, and a small allowance for “bulging” s = 0.75
Insulation between primary and secondary, built up of press-board, varnished
cambric, or flexible mica, and cotton tape (no oil ducts) g = 0.15
Primary coil, two layers of dcc copper strip 0.15 in. thick, with allowance for
bulging p = 0.43
Insulation, primary to core (same as g) 0.15
Total 1.605 in

With a window opening D = 1 5/8 in , there should be plenty of room to accommodate the
windings. The reason why this dimension is appreciably less than the estimated 2 ¼ in. is that the
windings are all on one limb instead of on both limbs as in power transformers, and also that solid
insulation has been used and there are no ducts for oil circulation.

The mean length per turn of primary is 0.95 ft, and of the secondary, 0.76 ft. The weight of
primary is 3.6 lb and secondary, 4.23 lb.

Items 15 to 18. From the wire table on page 431, the resistance per 1,000 ft of square No. 13 is
found to be 1.846 ohms at 60°C. Whence the secondary resistance at 75°C is 1.846 x 0.213 x
[(235+75)/(235+60)] =0.413 ohm, and the IR drop is 0.413 x 5 = 2.065. Including connections
between transformer and instrument, this drop might be 2.2 volts. In order to calculate the total
burden (internal plus external), we have for the instrument burden, IZ = 3.5/5 0.7 volts; IR = 0.85 x .
7 = 0.595 volts, and IX = 0.7 x 527 = .369 volts. If we assume the reactance of the secondary winding
and leads to be negligible, the total IR is 2.795 and the total IX is 0/369.

Tan ∅ = 369/2795 = 0.132; whence (from trigonometric table) cos ∅ = 0.991 and sin ∅ = 0.131.
The total emf to be developed in the secondary winding is 2.795/0.991 = 2.82 volts, and the total
secondary burden is 2.82 x 5 = 14.1 volt-amp.

Items 19 to 27. The corrected window dimensions are 4 ¼ by 1 5/8 in. The total flux is ∅ = (2.82
x 10^8 )/(4.44 x 60 x 300) =3520 maxwells; whence B” = 3520/2 = 1760 lines per sq in. when the
secondary current has its full rated value of 5 amp.

The mean length of flux path in the core is 2( 5 + 1 5/8 +3) = 19.25

The weight of iron is 19.25 x 2 x 0.28 =10.78 lb

Figure 180 shows a section through core and windings of the transformer as designed.

Items 28 to 31. From Fig. 178 we read the ampere-turns per inch for the iron (silicon-steel), about
0.35 for B” = 1760 and 0.05 for B” = 176. From Fig. 179 we read watts per pound = .0013 lb for B” =
1760. It is practically impossible to read the losses at one-tenth rated burden from this curve, but
by assuming the iron loss to vary as, we have for B” = 176, watts per pound = 0.0013 x (1/10)^1.5

In calculating the magnetizing current component we shall make no allowance for joints in the
magnetic circuit because the reluctance of the
Joints is negligible at very low flux densities. Then, by formula (153), at full load,

And at one-tenth load, ____________________

By formula (154), at full load.

And at one-tenth load,

Item 32. By formula (151), the tangent of the phase angle with 100 per cent rated current is

Whence α = ________

Similarly, with one-tenth rated current, we have tan α = _____________ and α = ________.

These results are well within the specified limit of 20 min.

Item 33. If we leave the secondary winding unchanged with 280 turns, the ratio with full-rated
current, by formula (152) is

And with one-tenth rated current,

The maximum percentage ratio error being ____________________ which is well within the specified
limit of ________ per cent. If desired, this error can be reduced by altering the number of secondary
turns. Thus, if we remove one turn of the secondary, the compensation for ratio error is
____________________, which makes the actual ratio at full load equal to _____________ and at one-tenth
load, _____________, the percentage errors being ________ and ________ respectively.

Since the calculated performance of this transformer is somewhat better than that called for in the
specification, it is possible that some saving of material might be effected (1) by reducing the
number of primary turns from _____________ without decreasing the core section, or (2) by leaving the
number of turns unchanged and slightly decreasing the core section. The greatest saving in weight
would be obtained by using nickel-steel instead of silicon-steel for the transformer core.

Effect of Overload on Temperature of Windings. A short circuit may cause the current through
the primary windings of current transformers to be from fifty to one hundred times the rated full-
load value, and, unless the circuit breakers interrupt this current in a very short interval of time, the
instrument transformer may burn up. This is apart from possible mechanical injury which will be
considered in the following chapter.

In order to calculate the maximum length of time during which such a condition may exist without
damage from overheating, it is usual to neglect the very small amount of heat which will be
dissipated by surface radiation and consider merely the thermal capacity of the coils.

Assuming that a temperature above __________ would be injurious to the insulation, and that the
copper temperature is __________ under normal operating conditions with ________ amp in primary,
the permissible rise of temperature is __________________

The primary copper loss when the current is ________ amp at a density of __________ amp per sq in.
may be calculated by formula (131) in Art. 130. Thus, at __________, the loss in the primary coils is
____________________________. The permissible watt-seconds per pound of copper are calculated as
explained in Art. 64. And since ________ watts will raise the temperature of _____ lb of copper _____ °C
in _____ sec, the permissible amount of heat which can be stored in the primary coil before the
temperature becomes excessive is ____________________

Suppose that, under short-circuit conditions, the current through transformer primary may be
__________ times normal, or _______________ amp. The rate at which energy in the form of heat is being
stored in the copper will be ____________________ watts, and since ____________________ sec, this is the
maximum time during which the short-circuit current may pass through the coil without damage to
the transformer.

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