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[10 Marks]
[Time Suggested : 15 minutes]
Answer all questions in this paper
Question 1
Read the text below. There are grammatical errors in the text. The errors have been underlined for you
Write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has been given. The correct word
must not change the meaning of the sentence.

James Cameron, the director of Titanic and Avatar, embarked on a

solo submarine dive towards the depths of the Pacific Ocean recently. e.g ___into______

His journey ended after he safely returns to the surface of the ocean. (a) ____________________

He was able to reach the deeper point on the ocean floor using a Deep sea (b) ____________________

Challenger submersible making him the first person to successful make (c) ____________________

the solo dive intothe Pacific Ocean valley. He spend a few hours in (d) ____________________

the crushing high-pressure Pacific Ocean sea floor to collects samples (e) ____________________

for scientific research or take still photographs and moving images. (f) ____________________

He describes his experience travelling into the valley as going to another (g) ____________________

planet and returning to Earth. He feels that the dive down to the sea floor (h) ____________________

were like “falling through darkness”. In order to collect samples, (i) ____________________

Cameron used a sediment sampler, an robotic claw and other tools.He (j) ____________________

collected small sea creatures living there and took the temperature,

salinity and pressure at the deepest point.

(10 Marks)


[30 Marks]
[Time Suggested: 40 minutes]
Question 2
Read the following text. Then, answer questions (a) – (j)

A great way to stay fit and healthy is walking. Walking 10,000 steps every day has the potential to
reduce the risk of developing heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and stroke. With so many benefits,
there is no excuse not to incorporate walking 10,000 steps daily.
Do not be put off by the high number of steps. It can be done and the following are some tips to
get there.
Form a group of people who share the interest of walking. Then, organise walks to interesting
places where you can enjoy the sights while you walk. Set weekly goals so you can achieve 10,000 steps
slowly but surely. Increase your steps gradually to get your spirits high and motivated throughout the
Keep a journal so you can monitor your progress. A journal will chart your progress and help you
monitor and stay focused on your goal. Challenge yourself regularly so walking can be a part of your
life. You can walk more than the 10,000 steps or try to walk 10,000 steps in a shorter time. As you build
your stamina and get fitter, you can take part in walks, runs or marathons.

(a) Walk ____________________

How to challenge yourself:
(i) ___________________________


How to reach your walking goal:

Benefits include reducing the risk of
(e) ______________________________ developing:
(f) ______________________________ (b)
(g) ______________________________ ___________________________

(h) ______________________________ (c) ___________________________


(10 Marks)
Question 3
Read the book descriptions below. Then, answer questions (a) – (j).
The Dragon Slayer
This story comes from a poem that is considered the first great work of English literature. The poem was
written in England more than twelve hundred years ago, but the fiction takes place in Denmark and
Sweden. It is the story of the adventures of a mighty warrior named Beowulf. He has all the qualities most
admired by the Anglo-Saxon people who lived in England at that time. He has strength, courage, loyalty
and generosity. As in many legends, this is the story of a man who sets out to do his duty, even though he
knows it will cost him his life.
The Terrible Lion
Long ago, the Malinke people were part of the great Mali Empire in western Africa. Today, they live in
what is now the nation of Mali. This tale is part of a long song that the Maline still sing. The song is
sometimes sung at special ceremonies for hunters. The song tells how Kambili and his wife, Kumba, risk
their lives to protect people who have come to them for help. It is obvious that the Malin have great
respect for men and women who try to help others.
The Captive Princess
This tale of a captive princess is based upon a long and beautiful poem. The poem was written by a poet
named Valmiki, in India, more than two thousand years ago. Called the Ramayana (‘Romance of Rama’),
it is probably based on stories that had been told for hundreds of years before they were put into writing.
The Ramayana is one of India’s greatest and most treasured works of literature. It remains popular today
because it is an exciting story filled with magic and adventure and has heroes and a heroine who are
courageous and loyal to each other.
The Changing of the Sea People
Just off the very tip of South America, there is a group of islands called Tierra del Fuego. This name
means ‘Land of Fire’, but this is not a place of warmth. The islands are not very far from the South Pole,
so they are cool in summer and cold and snowy in winter. Penguins come to the islands to lay eggs and
rear their young. Seals abound in the water around the islands. On some of the islans live the Yahgan
Indian people. They make their living by fishing in the sea, from canoes. This story is one of their
legends. No one knows how old the legend is, but the Yahgan people may have been telling it for
thousands of years.


Questions (a) – (d): Based on the book descriptions, state whether the following statements
(a) The Dragon Slayer took place in Africa ______________ (1 Mark)
(b) The Ramayana was written by an Indian poet called Valmiki. ______________ (1 Mark)
(c) The Terrible Lion originates from a poem. ______________ (1
(d) Penguins could be found in Tierra del Fuego. ______________ (1 Mark)

Questions (e) – (i): Read the descriptions carefully and answer the questions below.
(e) Which story has a hero who is strong, courageous and loyal?

(1 Mark)
(f) Besides The Dragon Slayer, what is another story which originated from a poem?

(1 Mark)
(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate word from the descriptions.

Meaning Word
i. kept as prisoner (1 Mark)
ii. exist in great numbers (1 Mark)

(h) Why do you think the Mali people have great respect for people who try to help others?


(1 Mark)
(i) Why is the Land of Fire not a place of warmth?


(1 Mark)

(j) You wish to recommend a book to your cousin. In about 50 words, write an email to your cousin.

In your e-mail:
 state the book you have chosen
 give reasons to support your choice
 add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

(10 Marks)



[20 Marks]
[Time Suggested: 20 minutes]
Question 4
Read the article carefully and answer questions (a) to (i)

‘Straight As’ Culture

Education is greatly valued worldwide, particularly in Eastern countries. In areas such as the Asia Pacific
region, education is seen as the means to a better life, which translates to affluence and a better social
status. Many parents make various sacrifices in order to secure the best education for their children.
While there is nothing wrong with excelling academically, it is unhealthy when there is an overemphasis
on getting perfect results. This way of thinking is called the ‘Straight As’ culture.
It is common for parents of this culture to equate a good education with affluence. A person with
money is seen to live a comfortable life. So, parents pressure their children to get excellent academic
results. They resort to sending their children for extra tuition in almost every subject. Some even get
personal coaches for their children. Fun activities, which should be a part of growing up, are curtailed to
make time for studying. Students are piled with revision books, and many other forms of study materials.
When public examination results are released, students who scored straight As are talked about,
praised and even featured in newspapers. Friends and family shower them with gifts and cash rewards.
More importantly, these students are likely to have more opportunities for financial assistance or
scholarships to continue with tertiary education. Their future is clearly carved out. For those who do not
get straight As, it is a different story. Not only do they have fewer opportunities, they have to live with
labels like ‘average student’, ‘not so academically inclined’ and so on.
Examination results are seen as an index against which a student’s personal worth is measured.
There is little wonder, then, that a number of students commit suicide when they find out that their results
are not up to their expectations. This is happening not just in Malaysia, but also Singapore, Hong Kong
and India.
Is getting straight As an indicator of success in life? Certainly not! A string of straight As does
not guarantee a bright future. There is more to life than a certificate filled with As. Success in life also
requires skills and strengths not tested in examinations. Many successful entrepreneurs, businessmen and
even entertainment and sports personalities were not straight As students at school, Bill Gates being a
famous example. These people have the ability to manage people well, knows how to speak in public and
have good organisational skills. They are not tested in all that during public examinations.
It is time we realise that straight As alone does not make a person successful. Only then can we
move towards putting an end to the ‘Straight As’ culture.


(a) Why has education been perceived as important in Eastern countries, especially in areas like the Asia
Pacific region?
(1 Mark)

(b) What do parents who follow the ‘Straight As’ culture equate a good education with?

(1 Mark)
(c) Name two activities that are usually curtailed to make more time for studies.
(i) _________________________________________________________________________________
(1 Mark)
(ii) _________________________________________________________________________________
(1 Mark)
(d) In the ‘Straight As’ culture, what are examination results seen as?

(1 Mark)
(e) Fill in the table with an appropriate word/phrase from the article.
Meaning Word/Phrase
(i) held in esteem
(ii) prosperity; wealth
(iii) reduced
(iv) kill themselves
(4 Marks)
(f) State one sacrifice that parents make for their children’s education?

(1 Mark)
(g) Why do you think students commit suicide when they do not get the results they expect? Give two
(i) _________________________________________________________________________________
(1 Mark)
(ii) _________________________________________________________________________________
(1 Mark)

(h) Do you think a student who does not get straight As can be successful in life? Give a reason for your



(1 Mark)

(i) Name two skills needed to be successful that are not tested in public examinations.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________________
(1 Mark)
(ii) ___________________________________________________________________________
(1 Mark)

Heir Conditioning

Grand dad did you breathe

before air cons were invented?
was it hard staying
alive without modern inventions?
Grandma weren’t you flustered
as you fluttered with paper fans?
Could you communicate before
faxes and long distance calls
became basic necessities?

Grandchild we lived
before your age. Because
of our ignorance,
we did not know
pollution, stress, traffic jams
destruction of forests, streams and hills
Question 5
we feared God and nature
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer
now nature fears youquestions
and (a) – (d)
money is your new God. [Lihathalamansebelah
M SHANmughalingam TERHAD

(a) Who do you think is the heir in the poem?


(1 Mark)
(b) According to the poem, what price does man have to pay for modern technology?

(1 Mark)
(c) What do the words ‘money is your new God’ say about the modern generation?

(1 Mark)
(d) Why do you think the poet chose to call the poem ‘Heir Conditioning’? Give two reasons for your

(2 Marks)
[40 Marks]

[Time Suggested: 45 minutes]

Question 6
You should spend 30 minutes on this question
The pictures below show a road accident. As a member of your school Road Safety Club, you have been
asked to write about the accident for your club newsletter.
Based on the pictures given, write your article.

student – knocked down – bus - called – ambulance – boy - broken leg - discharged – days –
school hospital road safety rules

When writing about the accident, you should:

 use all the notes given
 say how it happened
 describe what happened after the accident
 offer some advice on road safety
 write between 120 to 150 words.




Question 7

Based on the novel “Around The World In 80 Days”, describe an incident that motivates you and state the
reasons why. Provide evidence from the text to support your answer.

Your response should be

 not less than 50 words.

 in continuous writing (not in note form)



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