Form 3 Sem1 Exam Paper

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Section A

(10 marks)
(Time suggested: 15 minutes)

The text below is about ways to curb road accidents.

Question 1
Read the text below. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is one
grammatical error in each line.
Underline the error. Then, write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example
has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence. There are no
spelling and punctuation errors in this text.

A helicopter has many uses. Do you know what they are? Firstly, it can carry
away a wide range of tasks that ordinary planes cannot do. It can fly passengers e.g. out
from one crowded city to other. In the agricultural sector, it can be used for (a) ____________
spreading pesticide or fertilizers on the crops. It can also be used for rescue (b) ____________
work in high-rising buildings, rugged terrain or rough seas. Besides, it can (c) ____________
also be deploying for conducting aerial surveys and many other jobs in the (d) ____________
arm services. Many different types of helicopter have been developed. There are (e) ____________
light-weight single-rotor helicopters carrying the crew of two to large transport (f) ____________
helicopters who are able to carry passengers and heavy equipment. Helicopters (g) ____________
are also widely used by the armies for scouting, carrying troops and for searching (h) ____________
and rescue work on emergencies. In Malaysia, helicopters are often used to (i) ____________
carry ‘flying doctors’ and nurses to the remote inside of Sabah and Sarawak. (j) ____________
Sometimes, helicopters out mercy flights when there is an emergency.

Section B

(30 marks)
(Time suggested: 40 minutes)

Question 2
Read the following text. Then, answer questions (a) – (j).

Pollution is one of the biggest global killers, affecting over 100 million people. That is
comparable to global diseases like malaria and HIV. According to the World English Dictionary,
pollution can be defined as the act of polluting of the state of being polluted where harmful or
poisonous substances are introduced into an environment.

According to a 2012 study from UNICEF, 2200 children die every day as a result of dirty
drinking water. 14 billion pounds of garbage are dumped into the ocean every year. Most of it is
plastic. Over 1 million seabirds and 100 000 sea mammals are killed by pollution every year.
Vehicle or manufacturing exhaust disturbs the natural composition and chemistry of the air. This
causes an increase of smog in the air. There is the danger of higher rain acidity and higher rate of
asthma, especially among children and the elderly.

Each and every one in the world has a part to play in the conservation of our Earth. Plant
trees! They provide shade, clean air, mask noise and need much less water than lawns. Avoid
aerosol products. They can pose safety hazards and require special processing at the Household
Hazardous Waste Collection Center. Low flow shower heads reduce water use from 4 to 2.5
gal/min. Therefore, a shower head using only 2 ½ gallons a minute can save as much as 15
gallons of water during a normal 10-minute shower. Save water and money by fixing leaky
faucets. A dripping faucet can waste 20 gallons of water a day or more.

Make an effort! Save the world! Save our future generation!

Adapted from

Question (a) – (j)

Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organizer.

Measures: Definitions:

(i) ______________________________ (a) ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________

(j) ______________________________ (b) ______________________________

______________________________ ______________________________


Types of pollution:
(g) ______________________________
(c) ____________________________
(d) ____________________________
(h) ______________________________



(e) ______________________________


(f) ______________________________


(10 marks)
Question 3

Read the poster below. Then, answer questions (a) – (i).

Questions (a) – (d): Based on the poster, state whether the following statements are TRUE or

(a) During bath, turn on the shower while soaping up. ____________ (1 mark)

(b) Using rain water can help reduce water bill. ____________ (1 mark)

(c) Don’t leave the tap water running while brushing teeth. ____________ (1 mark)

(d)Watering plants in the afternoon help save on evaporation. ____________ (1 mark)

Question (e) – (i): With reference to the poster, answer the following questions.

(e) What is the reason for checking on the faucets and pipes?
_____________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(f) Give two possible uses of collected rainwater.

______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(g) Based on each of the meanings provided in the table, write in the corresponding space a word or
phrase to be chosen from the brochure above.
Meaning Word/ Phrase

(i) ‘Similarly’
___________________________________________________(1 mark)

(ii) ‘decrease’
___________________________________________________(1 mark)

(h) What should one do when washing dishes by hand?

______________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(i) How will early watering and late watering help in saving water?
______________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
[10 marks]

(j) Your friend, Jason, has been complaining to you that the water bill for his house has increased

recently. In about 50 words, write a letter of advice.
In your letter:
 suggest how he can cut down on water consumption.
 give relevant reasons to support your suggestion.
 add any relevant information.




Dear __________________,















[10 marks]

Section C
(20 minutes)

(Time suggested: 20 minutes)

Question 4
Read the passage about hair conditioning.

Do you know that the condition of your hair can reflect the general state of your health? How to
keep your hair in good condition? First and foremost, wash your hair at least once every few days, more
frequently if it is oily. However, try not to wash your hair every day. Daily baths and showers will strip
hair of its natural oils.

Rinse thoroughly and dry with a hair dryer or soft towel. Hard rubbing with a rough towel can
split the ends. When possible, brush the hair gently as it dries. Hold some of the hair together and brush
the lower end of that tress only. Then brush higher up, and finally brush the ends near the scalp. Brushing
the whole length of the hair in one sweep can also split the ends.

Washing removes dirt as well as the natural oil from the hair. No shampoo may restore it.
Shampoos usually contain only soap or detergent, with added perfume. A poor shampoo may contain a
mild alkali such as borax which can irritate the scalp. Thick oil dressings tend to clog the openings of
sweat glands and irritate the scalp. These should therefore be avoided. If you are troubled with dandruff,
wash your hair with a medicated shampoo; and if you have dry hair, message a little olive oil into the
scalp after shampooing.

Go easy on styling products. Styling products can dry your scalp if you use them directly at the
scalp. Try not to use styling products often, but if you must, apply to hair strands and not the scalp. Thus,
style your hair at most 4 times a week to avoid damaging it.

Eat healthy foods that will keep your hair strong and lustrous. Your diet can also prevent hair
loss. Essential fatty acids, especially omega-3 acids, promote healthy skin, hair and nails. You should eat
some of these foods, which are rich in omega-3, every day: salmon, tuna, mackerel and other fatty fish;
flax seed oil: walnuts, almonds and milk.

Read the passage above carefully and answer questions (a) to (i)

(a) How often should one wash their hair?

______________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(b) What is the adverse effect of washing one’s hair every day?

______________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(c) What should one do to get rid of dandruff?

______________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(d) How should one apply styling products to their hair?

(i) ____________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(ii)____________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(e) Fill in the table with appropriate words/phrases from the letter.

Meaning Word/Phrase
(i) make your skin sore or painful
(ii) gets rid of
(iii) soft and shining
(iv) encourage

(f) Why it is important to prevent split ends?

_______________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(g) What does it mean by ‘the condition of your hair can reflect the general state of your health’?

______________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(h) What should you do when you have an irritated scalp?

(i) _____________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(ii) ____________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(i) Suggest two other ways how one could keep his or her hair in good condition.

(i) ____________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(ii)____________________________________________________________________(1 mark)
Leisure [10 marks]
What is this life if, full of care, No time to turn at Beauty’s glance
We have no time to stand and stare. And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to stand beneath the boughs No time to wait till her mouth can
Question 5
And stare as long as sheep or cows. Enrich that smile her eyes began.
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) – (d)

No time to see, when woods we pass, A poor life this if, full of care,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to see, in broad daylight, 8

Streams full of stars, like stars at night. William Henry Davies
(a) What is the persona trying to tell us when he says ‘stare’?


(1 mark)

(b) In stanza 3, what activity does the persona suggest people do?


(1 mark)

(c) What does ‘a poor life’ mean?


(1 mark)

(d) What would you do to avoid having ‘a poor life’?





(2 mark)

Section D
(40 marks)
(Time suggested: 45 minutes)

Question 6

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

The picture below shows a story of a child being abused. Based on the pictures and notes given,
write a story.

When writing about the story, you should:

 describe what happened
 express witness’ feelings
 give two lessons learnt from the story
 write between 120 to 150 words

Question 7

The Railway Children - Edith Nesbit (retold by John Escott)

Based on the novel above, write what you have learnt from the characters. Provide evidence from
the text to support your response.

 in not less than 50 words
 in continuous writing (not in note form)



[10 marks]



1. another 6. a
2. spraying 7. that
3. high-rise 8. search
4. deployed 9. in
5. armed 10. Interior

(Question 2)
a. The act of polluting/The state of being polluted
b. The introduction of harmful or poisonous substances into an environment.
c. Water pollution
d. Air pollution
e. Improper waste disposal
f. Gases emitted into the air
g. Death among children
h. Danger to health
i. Plant trees
j. Avoid aerosol products

(Question 3)
a. False
b. True
c. True
d. False
e. To check for possible leaks.
f. Cleaning the porch and washing the car
g. (i) Likewise (ii) reduce
h. Turn off the tap
i. Low-flow aerators will regulate water flow.

Scoring rubric for question (j)

(Question 4)
a. Once every few days.
b. It will remove the hair’s natural oil.
c. Use medicated shampoo.
d. (i) Apply at most 4 times a week.
(ii) Apply only to the hair strands.
e. (i) irritate
(ii) removes
(iii) lustrous
(iv) promote
f. To avoid hair breakage and hair loss.[accept relevant any answer]
g. People who are healthy generally have strong lustrous hair. [accept relevant any answer]
h. (i) Do not scratch your scalp.
(ii) Do not undergo and use chemical hair treatment such as hair colouring.
[accept other relevant answers]
i. (i) Go for hair-cut once a month.
(ii) Comb hair neatly and don’t keep it unkempt.
[accept other relevant answers]

(Question 5)
a. The persona wants us to take time to look long at our surroundings.
b. The persona suggests people look at squirrels hiding nuts in the grass
c. It means that life is meaningless.
d. Suggested answers: make time to enjoy my surroundings/participate in recreational activities
which are both relaxing and fun/learn to deal with the problems in life without letting them
consume me.


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