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SWT Examples


The advantages and disadvantages of solar power compared to other forms of renewable energy have
been greatly debated. While obviously superior to some forms of energy, solar power's high cost and
efficiency dependent on geography have limited its appeal. However, a large number of advantages
also merit further development and even possible adaptation for residences.

Advantages of Solar Power

Solar energy remains popular because it is both a renewable and clean source of energy. These
advantages along with the hope that eventually nations can use solar power to decrease global
warming ensure its popularity.


Solar energy is a true renewable resource. All areas of the world have the ability to collect some
amount of solar power and solar power is available for collection each day.


Solar energy is non-polluting. It does not create greenhouse gases, such as oil-based energy does, nor
does it create waste that must be stored, such as nuclear energy. It is also far more quiet to create and
harness, drastically reducing the noise pollution required to convert energy to a useful form.
Residential size solar energy systems also have very little impact on the surrounding environment, in
contrast with other renewable energy sources such as wind and hydroelectric power.

Low Maintenance

Solar panels have no moving parts and require very little maintenance beyond regular cleaning.
Without moving parts to break and replace, after the initial costs of installing the panels, maintenance
and repair costs are very reasonable.


Solar power is a renewable source of energy, but its high cost and efficiency
dependent on geography are constraints for it, however, a vast number of merits like;
low maintenance and clean source of energy makes it more reliable and sustainable
energy source.
Many insecurities, fears, and doubts stem from lack of understanding or lack of knowledge
about something. The more you understand and know about a situation, the more
comfortable you will be and thus the less power your shyness will have over you.

Let’s take for example the subject of public speaking. This is an activity that terrifies most
people half to death, but only because most people don’t have much knowledge about it. If
you do some research and investigation, you’ll come to learn that it’s perfectly natural to be
terrified of public speaking, and that almost every single person has the same fears and
insecurities that you do.

When you take it further and ask yourself why you are so terrified of this, you’ll come to
learn that you are scared of being judged, or of being laughed at. From there, you can go
and read and learn about people who are good at public speaking—learn their tips and

This way you are much more prepared because your knowledge on the subject is vast. As a
result of this, your confidence will already be much higher than before, which might allow
you to attempt public speaking when you join a club like Toastmasters. As you practice
more, you will naturally become even more confident.

This rule applies to any area where you feel insecure. Read and research as much about the
topic as possible. This will help increase your confidence enough to give the activity a try to
see if you might be able to become better at it. And that initial confidence to take action is
all you need to get the ball rolling and overcome your shyness.


It is natural with every person that due to lack of knowledge or understanding in any
field, there will be fear or insecurities, and the reason for that is people are scared to
be judged or being laughed, however, if a person read and research about that field,
he or she can increase their confidence and might be able to become better at it.

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