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Food Chemistry 284 (2019) 90–99

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Positive and negative effects of polyphenol incorporation in baked foods T

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Juanying Ou , Mingfu Wang , Jie Zheng , Shiyi Ou
Food and Nutritional Science Program, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Department of Food Science and Engineering, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, Guangdong, China


Keywords: Polyphenols are hot research topics worldwide owing to their physiological and pharmaceutical activities.
Bakery foods Polyphenols and polyphenol-enriched by-products have been widely used in bakery foods because of their
Polyphenols neutraceutical properties. This review summarizes the classification, biosynthesis, main source and analysis of
Quinone polyphenols and intensively discusses the effects of their incorporation in baked foods. The positive effects of
Antioxidant activity
polyphenol incorporation include elevation of antioxidant activity of baked foods, scavenging of food-borne
Food-borne toxins
toxins produced during thermal processing and decreasing postprandial serum glucose level. Meanwhile,
Serum glucose polyphenol incorporation negatively influences colour, texture and flavour of baked foods and bioavailability of
the added polyphenols. Most polyphenols are thermally sensitive and reactive. Thus far, few studies have in-
vestigated on neoformed compounds from the reaction of polyphenols or their oxidised products (quinones) with
other food components. Before launching polyphenol-incorporated bakery foods in the market, future work
should focus on full toxicological evaluation of newly derived compounds from polyphenols.

1. Introduction properties and reduce the content of food-borne toxins (Gómez &
Martinez, 2018; Martins, Pinho, & Ferreira, 2017; Sabally, Sleno,
Polyphenols are characterised by the presence of one or more hy- Jauffrit, Iskandar, & Kubow, 2016; Yeh, Hsia, Lee, & Wu, 2017; Zamora
droxyl groups linked to a benzene ring and comprise a broad group of & Hidalgo, 2018). Given that polyphenols are quite reactive and sen-
plant secondary metabolites that contribute to plant growth, pigmen- sitive to thermal processing of food (Table 1), they may interact with
tation, pollination and resistance against pathogens, predators and the components of raw materials and the compounds formed during
environmental stresses (Serra, Almeida, & Dinis, 2018). More than 8000 baking. The consequence of neoformed compounds during thermal
polyphenols have been identified (Knaze et al., 2018). Although poly- processing of food should not be underestimated. Here, we review re-
phenols are regarded as non-nutrient xenobiotics (Crozier, Jaganath, & search progress on the beneficial and adverse effects of polyphenol
Clifford, 2009), they exert various biological activities, including anti- incorporation in baked foods and provide perspectives for future stu-
oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, prevention of neurological, dies.
cardiovascular and chronic intestinal diseases, diabetes and Alzheimer’s
disease and improvement of memory and cognitive function (Grosso 2. Classification, biosynthesis, source and analysis of polyphenols
et al., 2017; Santhakumar, Battino, & Alvarez-Suarez, 2018; Serra et al.,
2018; Syarifah-Noratiqah, Naina-Mohamed, Zulfarina, & Qodriyah, Based on the chemical structures of polyphenols, they can be clas-
2018; Williamson, 2017). The multiple functions of polyphenols has led sified as flavonoids and non-flavonoids (Serra et al., 2018). Flavonoids
to a sharp increase in their consumption and production. The amount of are polyphenolic compounds with C6–C3–C6 structure and are com-
industrially extracted polyphenols reached 16,380 tons in 2015 and is posed of 15 carbons with two aromatic rings connected by a three
anticipated to increase to 33,880 tons by the end of 2024. The industrial carbon bridge. Flavonoids can be further subdivided into 13 groups,
utilisation of polyphenols is dominated by functional beverages (44%) such as flavones, flavonols, flavan-3-ols, isoflavones, flavanones and
and food (33%) (Adebooye, Alashi, & Aluko, 2018). In recent years, anthocyanidins (Crozier et al., 2009; Cutrim & Cortez, 2018; Grosso
polyphenols or polyphenol-enriched food by-products have been widely et al., 2017). Non-flavonoids include structurally different compounds,
incorporated in dough to prepare various baked food products, such as such as phenolic acids (derivatives of benzoic acid with a C6-C1 struc-
breads, cakes, muffins and cookies to improve their functional ture and derivatives of hydroxycinnamic acid with a C6-C3 structure),

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (J. Zheng), (S. Ou).
Received 27 September 2018; Received in revised form 12 December 2018; Accepted 14 January 2019
Available online 23 January 2019
0308-8146/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Ou et al. Food Chemistry 284 (2019) 90–99

Table 1 (Adebooye et al., 2018; Rothwell et al., 2013). This finding indicates
Average recovery (%) of polyphenols in muffins enriched with fruit pomaces that polyphenols show low thermal stability.
(from strawberry, black currant, and raspberry).
140 °C 180 °C 220 °C 3.1. Phenolic acids

Enriched with strawberry Total ellagic acid 110 109 110 Ferulic and coumaric acids are the main phenolics in cereals. Baking
pomace Pelargonidin-3-O- 24 37 39
increases the amount of free phenolic acids in bread, cookies and
Quercetin-3-O- 98 99 101 muffins but decreases the amount of bound phenolic acids (Abdel-Aal &
glucuronide Rabalski, 2013), suggesting that baking can transform phenolic acids
Enriched with black Delphinidin-3-O-glucoside 93 43 54 from bound to free ones. During thermal treatment, ferulic acid can be
currant pomace Delphinidin-3-O- 92 51 60 degraded to guaiacol, 4-methylguaiacol, 4-ethylguaiacol and 4-vi-
rutinoside nylguaiacol (Ezekiel, Singh, Sharma, & Kaur, 2013). 4-Vinylguaiacol
Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside 44 54 57 can participate in the Maillard reaction to form two adducts: adduct
Cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside 53 63 64
Myricetin-3-O-glucoside 83 84 86
Myricetin-3-O-rutinoside 85 85 85 [3,2,1] oct-3-en-2-one); and adduct 2,2-(6-(furan-2-yl)-7-(4-hydroxy-3-
methoxyphenyl)-1-methyl-3-oxo-2, 5-diazabicyclo [2,2,2] oct-5-en-2-
Enriched with raspberry Cyanidin-3-O-sophoroside 26 46 53
pomace Cyanidin-3-O- 32 53 55 yl) -acetic acid (Jiang, Chiaro, Maddali, Prabhu, & Peterson, 2009).
glucosylrutinoside Chlorogenic acid is the main phenolic acid in potato and coffee
Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside 29 49 53 beans. Chlorogenic acid accounts for more than 90% of phenolics in
Cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside 35 57 61
potato (1000–4000 mg/kg) and up to 10% in green coffee (Ezekiel
Quercetin-3-O- 91 93 100
et al., 2013; Świeca, Gawlik-Dziki, Sęczyk, Dziki, & Sikora, 2018). The
Quercetin-3-O- 90 97 99 degradation of chlorogenic acid depends on processing conditions.
glucuronide Navarre, Shakya, Holden, and Kumar (2010) found that chlorogenic
Total ellagic acid 101 101 102 acid is not degraded by microwaving, steaming and boiling but is
completely destroyed during baking of potatoes at 212 °C for 46 min
(Dao & Friedman, 1992). Coffee roasting significantly decreases the
lignans (C6-C3-C3-C6) and stilbenes (C6-C2-C6) (Landete, 2012; Serra
amount of chlorogenic acid; 8%–10% of its amount is lost for every 1%
et al., 2018). In plants, polyphenols commonly exist in the form of
loss of dry matter (Nunes & Coimbra, 2010). During coffee roasting,
glycosides; in which, the moiety of polyphenol is referred to as aglycone
chlorogenic acid undergoes rapid decarboxylation and produces simple
(Serra et al., 2018).
phenols, including catechol, 4-methylcatechol, 4-ethylcatechol and 4-
Non-flavonoids are formed through shikimic and phenylpropanoid
vinylcatechol (Moon & Shibamoto, 2010; Nunes & Coimbra, 2010).
pathways, while flavonoids are formed from the combination of two
Chlorogenic acid and its hydrolysed product, namely, caffeic acid, also
separate biosynthesis pathways. In the biosynthesis of flavonoids, the
participate in the Maillard reaction to form melanoidin (Nunes &
ring B and C in flavonoids are synthesised from p-coumaroyl-CoA, and
Coimbra, 2010).
ring A is synthesised through the malonic acid pathway. Detailed in-
formation on their biosynthesis can be referred to in the review by
3.2. Anthocyanins
Crozier et al. (Crozier et al., 2009).
Flavonoids are mainly distributed in dicotyledons, such as fruits,
Among polyphenols, anthocyanins are the most sensitive to thermal
vegetables and tea (Crozier et al., 2009). In cereals, the main compo-
treatment. Cyanidin-3-glucoside is the predominant anthocyanin in
nents of phenolic compounds are hydroxycinnamates, such as ferulic
black soybeans. Slavin, Lu, Kaplan, and Yu (2013) incorporated 24%
and coumaric acids; most of them are bound to lignocellulose and exist
whole fresh soybean flour in dough, which was then baked at 177 °C for
in insoluble forms (Ou & Kwok, 2004; Pei, Ou, Huang, & Ou, 2016).
10 min and at 149 °C for 16 min to prepare crackers; the baking pro-
Staple cereal food, such as wheat flour and rice, contain very low
cesses resulted in a 74% and 68% reduction in the amount of cyanidin-
amounts of soluble phenolic compounds.
3-glucoside, respectively. Berries contain various polyphenols. Górnaś
Polyphenols can be determined by spectrophotometric and chro-
et al. (2016) incorporated fruit pomaces from strawberry, black currant
matographic methods. Spectrophotometric methods are usually used to
and raspberry in muffins and determined the average recovery of dif-
determine the total content of polyphenols. Folin–Ciocalteu assay is the
ferent polyphenols. The results in Table 1 showed that anthocyanins are
most widely used method for quantification of polyphenols (Cutrim &
very sensitive to baking, and most of them are lost by up to 50%
Cortez, 2018). However, spectrophotometric methods cannot de-
(Gornas, Juhnevica–Radenkova, Radenkovs et al., 2016). The same
termine each polyphenol that often co-exists with other polyphenols in
phenomenon occurred in wild blueberry-incorporated bread. The an-
plants unless the sample is highly purified. Chromatographic methods
thocyanin content in the wild blueberry decreased extensively after
can efficiently identify or quantify a single polyphenol in plants. Among
cooking and baking, whereas the levels of quercetin, ferulic and caffeic
chromatographic methods, HPLC is the most widely used analytical tool
acid remained unchanged (Rodriguez-Mateos, Cifuentes-Gomez,
for identification and quantification of polyphenols. Other analytical
George, & Spencer, 2014).
technologies, such as hyphenated methods and multi-dimensional se-
The typical thermal degradation pathway of anthocyanins is illu-
paration techniques, including LC-MS/MS, UHPLC-MS/MS, Orbitrap
strated in Fig. 1 (left). Under thermal treatment, anthocyanins are
and Q-TOF, NMR, have also been used to identify new polyphenols and
transformed into chalcone glycosides and then hydrolysed to release
their derivatives (Cutrim & Cortez, 2018; Tzima, Brunton, & Rai, 2018;
chalcones, which undergo cleavage to form various products, including
Yang, Gan, Ge, Zhang, & Corke, 2018).
aldehydes and acids (Patras, Brunton, O'Donnell, & Tiwari, 2010;
Sadilova, Carle, & Stintzing, 2007; Sadilova, Stintzing, & Carle, 2006).
3. Effect of baking on polyphenols Sinela et al. (2017) identified various degradation products after
thermal treatment of pigments from black carrot concentrates; such
The retention factors (loss or gain of a compound during food products included phenolic acids attached to anthocyanins (Table 2).
processing) of epicatechin and catechin are 0.55 and 0.4, respectively, Moreover, metal ions (iron, copper and manganese) in food materials
in baked products of plum, common bean, apple, apricot, almond and can catalyse anthocyanins to form quinones, which can react with
pear; the retention factor of anthocyanins is 0.3 after eggplant grilling proteins and other polyphenols to form condensation products and

J. Ou et al. Food Chemistry 284 (2019) 90–99

Fig. 1. Thermal degradation pathway of anthocyanin (left) and quercetin (right).

Table 2 degradation products. Ravber et al. (2016) heated rutin at 220 °C and
Anthocyanins and their degradation products identified from the pigments from 400 bar; the degradation of rutin produced several compounds, such as
black carrot concentrates heated at pH 3.5, 95 °C for 6 h. 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, catechol, 2-hydroxy-1-(2,4,6-trihydrox-
Anthocyanins before heating Degradation products yphenyl) ethanone and 4,6-dihydroxy-3-benzofuranone (Fig. 1, right).

Cyd-3-gal-xyl-glc Protocatechuic acid

4. Effect of polyphenols on flavour
Cyd-3-gal-xyl-glc-sin p-Coumaric acid derivative
Cyd-3-gal-xyl-glc-fer Ferulic acid derivative
Cyd-3-gal-xyl-glc-coum Phloroglucinaldehyde The incorporation of polyphenol-enriched by-products adversely
Sinapic acid derivative influences the aroma of baked foods. The addition of fruit pomace
(20%) from blackcurrant fruit, rowan, rosehip and elderberry decreased
Ferulic acid
the aroma score of shortbread cookies (Tańska et al., 2016). Bread
added with 10% grape pomace powder showed low acceptability
Cyd: cyanidin, Pel: pelargonidin, gal: galactoside, glc: glucoside, xyl: xyloside, (Hayta, Özuğur, Etgü, & Şeker, 2014). Adding 5% ground green coffee
coum: coumaric acid, fer: ferulic acid, sin: sinapic acid. bean powder significantly decreased the bread aroma (Zain, Baba, &
Shori, 2018).
contribute to food browning (Sinela et al., 2017). Intensive work by Peterson’s group and other scholars indicated that
polyphenols contribute to the inhibition of baked aroma. They initially
3.3. Flavonoids aimed to control unwanted flavour in milk after ultrahigh-temperature
processing (UHT). Early in this century, Perkins and Deeth (2001)
Flavonoids are more stable than anthocyanins during baking. conducted a survey on UHT milk consumption and found that it only
Chassy et al. (2015) found that sauteeing and baking onion decreased accounted for 9% of the drinking milk market in Australia and 5%–13%
the quercetin content by 12.6% and 1.3%, respectively. Vogrinčič, in UK. UHT milk products have a stronger flavour than traditionally
Timoracka, Melichacova, Vollmannova, and Kreft (2010) used tartary pasteurised milk. The low consumption rate could be due to the un-
buckwheat flour to prepare bread; the dough was initially baked at desirable flavour produced in UHT milk and their variations with
200 °C for 10 min and then at 180 °C for another 30 min. The rutin ageing. Methional, 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline and 2-acetyl-2-thiazoline are
content in the crust decreased by 53.5% after baking, and 94.2% of the off-flavour Maillard-type reaction products in UHT milk (Kokkinidou &
quercetin remained (Vogrinčič et al., 2010). The transformation of rutin Peterson, 2014). A 32-fold reduction in flavour dilution values for
into quercetin may counteract the decrease in the quercetin content. methional was observed in UHT milk after the addition of 0.1% epi-
The hydrolysis of rutin may occur through thermal treatment (Buchner, catechin (Colahan-Sederstrom & Peterson, 2005). In 2014, Kokkinido,
Krumbein, Rohn, & Kroh, 2006; Chassy et al., 2015) or with the aid of & Peterson found that catechin and genistein effectively suppressed the
rutin-degrading enzymes in tartary buckwheat (Kalinová, Vrchotová, & generation of off-flavour markers, namely, 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, me-
Tříska, 2018). These enzymes are quite stable during heat treatment thional and 2-acetyl-2-thiazoline, during processing and storage; ca-
and remain active at 140 °C; they can catalyse the deglycosylation of techin and genistein reduced the methional content by 80% and 75%,
kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside, kaempferol-3-O-β-D-glucoside and piceid. respectively, during storage.
Quercetin is also stable in model reaction systems. Buchner et al. In the reaction models, polyphenols, such as epicatechin, effectively
(2006) heated quercetin at 100 °C in an aqueous solution and found that inhibit flavour formation. In the glucose–glycine model, equimolar
it did not decrease at 120 min and pH 5.0 and 75% of it was left after addition of epicatechin significantly inhibited Maillard-type volatiles
heating for 300 min. At pH 8, quercetin was depleted to approximately (2,3-butanedione, pyrazine, methylpyrazine, acetol, 2,5-methylpyr-
20% within 240 min (Buchner, Krumbein, Rohn et al., 2006). These azine, cyclotene and 2,3,5-trimethylpyrazine); the content of acetol and
scholars detected the degradation products by using HPLC–MS/MS and 2,5-dimethylpyrazine decreased by 8.5- and 113.4-fold, respectively
proposed the degradation pathway shown in Fig. 1 (right). (Totlani & Peterson, 2005). In the fructose–glycine reaction model, the
Under violent heating condition, quercetin forms numerous thermal addition of epicatechin significantly reduced the formation of many

J. Ou et al. Food Chemistry 284 (2019) 90–99

Table 3
Effect of polyphenol incorporation in bakery foods on starch digestion.
Foods Polyphenol source Level (%) Test methods Digestion inhibited (%) References

Bread Black rice extract 1 In vitro 12.8 Sui, Zhang, and Zhou (2016)
2 14.1
4 20.5
Cookies Pomegranate peels 7.5 In vitro 9.4 Colantuono, Ferracane, and Vitaglione (2016)
White bread Green tea extract 0.4 In vitro 35.6 Coe and Ryan (2016)
Grape seed extract 0.2 19.1
Resveratrol 0.22 37.5
Baobab fruit extract 1.88 41.6
Muffin Mango by-product 50 53 Ramírez-Maganda et al. (2015)
Biscuits Pigeon pea 50 Health man 13.5 Gbenga-Fabusiwa et al. (2018)
75 16.6
Cake Apple peel 3 In vitro 20 Jun, Bae, Lee, and Lee (2014)
6 47

flavour compounds, such as 5-methylfurfural, acetol, 2,3,5-tri- acrylamide formation in cookies. Tea polyphenols and tert-butyl hy-
methylpyrazine, furfural, 2-acetylfuran, 2 (5H)-furanone, 2-acet- droquinone affected the colour of the cookies but did not influence the
ylpyrrole and furfuryl alcohol; 16.9- and 12-fold reductions were ob- texture; meanwhile, the antioxidants of bamboo leaves influenced the
served in 5-methylfurfural and acetol, respectively (Totlani & Peterson, texture but not the colour. Epicatechin, rosmarinic acid and resveratrol
2007). were added at 0.2% and 0.02% into cookies to alter the colour; the
Similar to epicatachin, other polyphenols, such as ferulic acid, effects were evaluated based on phenolic type, level of addition and
chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, gallic acid, tannic acid, protocatechuic baking temperature. Compared with the control, cookies fortified with
acid, coumaric acid, rosmarinic acid, TBHQ, BHA, epigallocatechin-3- 0.02% rosmarinic acid and resveratrol showed no difference in chro-
gallate, catechin, genistein, daidzein, phloroglucinol, pyrogallol and matic value; meanwhile, adding 0.2% of these compounds significantly
cyanidins inhibited flavour formation (Favreau-Farhadi, Pecukonis, & increased the chromatic value of the cookies. Polyphenols did not in-
Barrett, 2015; Jiang et al., 2009; Moskowitz, Bin, Elias, & Peterson, fluence the hardness or fracturability of the cookies under the given
2012; Pasqualone et al., 2014; Porter et al., 2006; Zhao, Yao, & Ou, conditions (Ou, Teng, El-Nezami, & Wang, 2018). With increasing
2017; Zheng, Chung, & Kim, 2015). However, polyphenols were re- amount of polyphenol added, their effect on the colour and texture of
ported to contribute to the formation of flavour compounds, such as the product was more pronounced. Zhang, Chen, and Wang (2014)
phenylacetaldehyde, during co-heating with phenylalanine (Delgado, added 0.25% (w/w) epicatechin, quercetin, naringenin, chlorogenic
Zamora, & Hidalgo, 2015). acid and rosmarinic acid into cookies; the results showed that all the
Three possible mechanisms have been proposed for the inhibition tested polyphenols significantly increased the chromatic value and
effects of polyphenols against flavour formation. The compounds hardness of the cookies compared with the control (Zhang et al., 2014).
mainly involved in the aroma formation during thermal processing of Quercetin also significantly influenced the colour and texture of bread.
food are mainly generated from the Maillard reaction and lipid oxida- In comparison with the control, the addition of 0.2% quercetin de-
tion in high amounts and from yeast fermentation in small amounts creased the specific volume of the bread by 9.7% but increased the
(Moskowitz et al., 2012). In the bread crust, the major aroma com- hardness and chewiness by 23.8% and 30.5%, respectively (Lin & Zhou,
pounds produced by the Maillard reaction are 6-acetyltetrahydropyr- 2018). The addition of maize bran feruloylated oligosaccharides
idine, 3-methylbutanal, methional, 2-ethyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazine, 5- (1.25–40 mg/g) increased the browning and hardness of biscuits in a
ethyl-3-hydroxy-4-methyl-2(5H)-furanone, 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, 4-hy- dose-dependent manner (Huang et al., 2018).
droxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-furanone and 3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl- In comparison with polyphenols alone, food by-products (such as
2(5H)-furanone, and those from lipid oxidation are (E)-2-nonenal and bran and fruit pomace) enriched with polyphenols and dietary fibres
(E,E)-2,4-decadienal (Jiang et al., 2009). Wang and Ho (2012) found are used more prevalently in baked foods as a source of antioxidant and
that di-carbonyl compounds, especially methylglyoxal and glyoxal, are functional ingredients. According to a review by Dziki et al., these plant
involved in the formation of flavour compounds, such as pyrazines, materials could enhance the antioxidant activity of wheat bread;
pyridines, pyrrolines, pyrazinones, furanones, 3-methylbutanal, phe- however, most of them adversely influenced the sensory properties
nylacetaldehyde, thiazoles and thiazolines. Many polyphenols are po- (Dziki, Różyło, Gawlik-Dziki, & Świeca, 2014). Moreover, polyphenols
tential trappers of di-carbonyl compounds. Hence, the first mechanism affected the colour and texture of cookies, biscuits, muffins, cakes and
for the inhibition of flavour formation by polyphenols involves their steam bread (Almaski, Coe, Lightowler, & Thondre, 2017; Gbenga-
trapping capacity for di-carbonyl compounds from sugar fragmentation. Fabusiwa, Oladele, Oboh, Adefegha, & Oshodi, 2018; Jayalaxmi,
Second, polyphenols or their degradation products can react with the Vijayalakshmi, & Maruthesha, 2018; Pasukamonset et al., 2018;
flavour compounds; for example, the reaction of pyrazinone with the Rumiyati, James, & Jayasena, 2015; Tańska et al., 2016; Walker, Tseng,
degradation product of ferulic acid (2-methoxy-4-vinyl-phenol) (Jiang Cavender, Ross, & Zhao, 2014; Wang & Zhu, 2018; Zain et al., 2018;
et al., 2009). Lastly, free radicals are involved in the formation of Zhu, Sakulnak, & Wang, 2016).
Maillard-type flavours (Rizzi, 2003) and lipid oxidation. Acting as free The underlying mechanism for the effect of polyphenols on texture
radical scavengers, polyphenols may inhibit flavour formation during remains unclear. The interaction of polyphenols with wheat proteins
Maillard reaction and lipid oxidation. and starch may affect the texture of baked foods (Amoako & Awika,
2016; Gammoh et al., 2018).
The oxidation of polyphenols and the reaction of their oxidised
5. Effect of polyphenols on the colour and texture of baked foods
products with amino acids may affect colour formation. Polyphenol
oxidase, metals, heat or high pH allows the oxidation of polyphenols
The incorporation of different types and levels of polyphenols in
into quiones. Quinones react with amino acids and proteins through the
dough exerts different effects on the colour and texture of baked foods.
Maillard reaction, Michael addition or Sterecker reaction, resulting in
Li et al. (2012) used three polyphenols (antioxidants of bamboo leaves,
the formation of brown polymeric pigments (Bittner, 2006). For
tea polyphenols and tert-butyl hydroquinone) at 0.1–0.2 g/kg to inhibit

J. Ou et al. Food Chemistry 284 (2019) 90–99

Fig. 2. Adducts formed between polyphenols and the toxic aldehydes (blue). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)

J. Ou et al. Food Chemistry 284 (2019) 90–99

Table 4 The total phenolic content increased after in vitro gastrointestinal di-
Methylglyoxal trapping capacity of hydroxytyrosol, hydro- gestion of white breads enriched with buckwheat. The polyphenol
xytyrosol acetate, gallic acid, caffeic acid, protocatechuic acid, content increased by 8- and 11-folds in breads added with 50% each of
chlorogenic acid, sinapinic acid, ferulic acid, gentisic acid and p- white buckwheat flour and roasted buckwheat groats, respectively
coumaric acid.
(Szawara-Nowak, Bączek, & Zieliński, 2016). Similar results were ob-
Compounds IC50 (μmol/mL) tained by Hidalgo et al. (2018), who carried out an in vitro digestion of
biscuits prepared from einkorn flour mixed with different proportions
Hydroxytyrosol 0.195
of amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat (Hidalgo et al., 2018). However,
Hydroxytyrosol acetate 0.204
Gallic acid 0.176 the underlying mechanism remains unknown.
Caffeic acid 0.222
Chlorogenic acid 0.367
Protocatechuic acid 0.389
7. Effect on serum glucose upon intake of polyphenol-enriched
Sinapinic acid 0.892
Ferulic acid 1.648
baked foods
Gentisic acid 3.179
p-Coumaric acid 2.985 Polyphenols affect starch digestion through the interaction with α-
Pyridoxamine 0.059 amylase and amylose. α-Amylase is present in the saliva and the small
intestine and catalyses the digestion of starch into glucose. Polyphenols
interact with α-amylase mainly through the hydrogen bonding between
example, chlorogenic and caffeic acids contribute to the red-brownish
the hydroxyl groups and the active site of the enzyme and through the
colour of tobacco; catechin and epigallocatechin quinones affect the
hydrophobic interactions between the aromatic moieties of polyphenols
colour of black tea; the reaction of the quinone of caffeic acid with
and the enzyme (Xiao, Kai, Ni, Yang, & Chen, 2011). The binding of
glycine contributes to the green colour of coffee; and the polymerisation
flavonoids to amylase follows a static mechanism; flavonoids bind near
of quinones produced from chlorogenic acid or their reaction with
the enzyme active site or behind the catalytic triad (Martinez-Gonzalez,
proteins contributes to the formation of green pigment in the baked
Díaz-Sánchez, de la Rosa, Bustos-Jaimes, & Alvarez-Parrilla, 2019).
products of sunflower seeds (Liang & Were, 2018; Wildermuth, Young,
Polyphenols can interact with amylose through hydrogen bonding and
& Were, 2016).
hydrophobic interactions to form non-digestible complexes (Amoako &
Awika, 2016). Starch seems to favour interaction with high-molecular-
6. Effect of polyphenols on the antioxidant activity of baked foods weight polyphenols, such as tannins. Sorghum tannins (with 129 mg/g
proanthocyanidins) significantly increased the content of resistant
Bakery products essentially provide energy and human nutrients. starch containing amylose. The addition of 25.8 mg/g tannin sorghum
Natural polyphenols have been used to increase the antioxidant capa- phenolic extracts into maize starch increased the amount of resistant
city of bakery foods worldwide (Dziki et al., 2014). Various polyphenol- starch by 66.5% after pasting (Barros, Awika, & Rooney, 2012). The
rich products, including rice bran, wheat bran, buckwheat, grape seed interaction of polyphenols with α-amylase and amylose retarded starch
extract, chamomile flowers, fennel leaves, barley and flaxseed hull, digestion and decreased the postprandial serum glucose, suggesting its
powder of fruit pomace, fennel seed, green tea, ginger and turmeric, are potential as alternative medicine for controlling and treating type II
usually used in bakery foods. The incorporation of these products in diabetes (Sun, Gidley, & Warren, 2017, 2018).
dough considerably increases the content and antioxidant capacity of By-products rich in polyphenols and dietary fibres have been
breads (Dziki et al., 2014) and biscuits (Caleja, Barros, Antonio, usually incorporated in dough to prepare baked foods with functional
Oliveira, & Ferreira, 2017; Verardo et al., 2011). properties. Various polyphenol-enriched products reduce the starch
However, some researchers suspected that the application of poly- digestion of different food products (Table 3). Moreover, the in-
phenols or polyphenol-rich products in bakery foods would increase corporation of polyphenol-enriched products can decrease starch di-
their antioxidant capacity. We incorporated 0.02% resveratrol, epica- gestibility in vitro. However, the in vivo study of Coe and Ryan (2016)
techin and rosmarinic acid in cookies and determined the antioxidant presented a different conclusion. They prepared white bread fortified
activity of the cookie aqueous extracts by using the DPPH radical with green tea extract (0.4%) and baobab fruit extract (1.88%), which
method. Compared with the control, fortification with the three poly- were consumed by volunteers (50 g of available carbohydrate) with
phenols increased the antioxidant activity. When the same amount of 250 mL of still water within 15 min. Blood samples were collected at 15,
polyphenols was added to the extracts of the control cookies, the an- 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 min postprandial. The glycemic re-
tioxidant capacity was significantly higher than that in the polyphenol- sponse did not differ between the control and extract-enriched bread.
fortified cookies (Ou et al., 2018). Zhang et al. (2014) added 0.25% (w/ However, the bread fortified with baobab fruit extract significantly
w) quercetin, epicatechin, naringenin, chlorogenic acid and rosmarinic reduced the total (0–180 min) and segmental insulin, as represented by
acid individually to dough to prepare cookies and determined the an- the area under the curve at 0–90, 0–120 and 0–150 min. Hence, the
tioxidant capacity of the cookie extract by using the Trolox equivalent addition of baobab fruit extract can reduce the amount of insulin
antioxidant capacity assay. The total antioxidant activity was lower needed for a given blood glucose response.
than the quantity of polyphenol that was originally added to the cookie Compared with the incorporation of single polyphenols in baked
recipe, especially for epicatechin, which is thermally sensitive (Zhang foods, the addition of polyphenol-enriched by-products involves the
et al., 2014). Verardo et al. (2011) replaced 60% (w/w) of the refined contribution of dietary fibres to decrease the postprandial serum glu-
wheat flour with barley coarse fraction that is rich in flavan-3-ol to cose level. However, soluble polysaccharides in the by-products could
prepare biscuits. Although the flavan-3-ol content in biscuits was in- antagonise the inhibitory activity of polyphenols against porcine pan-
creased by more than sevenfold, the peroxide value and the content of creatic α-amylase (Sun, Warren, & Gidley, 2018).
oxidised fatty acids in the enriched biscuits were higher than those in The use of natural polyphenols in treating diabetes must be further
the control biscuits after storage for 10–12 months (Verardo et al., studied. Polyphenols did not show higher inhibitory capacity (based on
2011). These findings suggest that baking would not increase the an- IC 50 value) than acarbose, an anti-diabetic drug used to treat type 2
tioxidant capacity of polyphenols or increase the stability of lipids in diabetes mellitus (Nyambe-Silavwe et al., 2015; Ombra et al., 2018;
baked foods. Zhang et al., 2017). However, some polyphenols, such as luteolin,
Some researchers found that polyphenol-fortified bakery foods ex- showed higher binding capacity for α-amylase than for acarbose
hibit increased release of polyphenols during gastrointestinal digestion. (Martinez-Gonzalez et al., 2019).

J. Ou et al. Food Chemistry 284 (2019) 90–99

8. Scavenging capacity of polyphenols for toxic aldehydes toxic aldehydes due to the thermal degradation of polyphenols. For
produced in baked foods example, compared with the lower temperature model system (125 °C),
the scavenging capacity of epicatechin for methylglyoxal decreases by
Toxic aldehydes, such as glyoxal, methylglyoxal, 3-deoxyglucosone, nearly 50% in baked cookies (Noda & Peterson, 2007; Ou et al., 2018).
hydroxymethylfurfural, malondialdehyde, 4-oxononenal, 4-hydro-
xynonenal and 4-hydroxy-2-alkenals, are produced during sugar de- 9. Toxicological consideration of polyphenol incorporation in
gradation and lipid oxidation (Amoroso, Maga, & Daglia, 2013; Wang bakery foods
et al., 2017).
Polyphenols scavenge toxic aldehydes through adduct formation Polyphenols can be eliminated efficiently through metabolism in the
(Bourden et al., 2008; Cui et al., 2018; Es-Safi, Cheynier, & Moutounet, body and often show low toxicity. According to animal (rats) tests,
2000, 2002; Hou et al., 2018; Kokkinidou & Peterson, 2014; Ou, Huang, oligonol (a product containing catechin-type monomers and lower oli-
Wang, & Ou, 2017; Shen, Xu, & Sheng, 2017; Szwergold, 2017; Totlani gomers of proanthocyanidin) and apple polyphenol extract exhibited no
& Peterson, 2006; Wang, Chen, & Sang, 2016; Wang et al., 2015; toxicity when administered at a dose of 2000 mg/kg body weight (Fujii,
Zamora, Aguilar, Granvogl, & Hidalgo, 2016; Zamora & Hidalgo, 2018; Sun, Nishioka, Hirose, & Aruoma, 2007; Shoji, Akazome, Kanda, &
Zhu et al., 2012). Many adducts have been identified (Fig. 2). Zamora Ikeda, 2004). However, the excessive consumption of polyphenols is
and Hidalgo (2018) summarised the adducts formed between poly- associated with hepatic and renal toxicities, but the doses that cause
phenols and carbonyl compounds produced from lipid-derived reactive acute symptoms are generally very high. For epicatechin gallate, the
carbonyls. LD50 in mice is 2170 mg/kg bw (Sarker, Sultana, Pietroni, & Dover,
Trapping of toxic aldehydes, such as glyoxal and methylglyoxal, is 2015). Given the large diversity of polyphenols, conducting a tox-
an important mechanism for polyphenols to inhibit the formation of icological investigation of each polyphenol is difficult. Moreover, dif-
AGEs (Yeh et al., 2017), which widely occur in vivo and in food. These ferent polyphenols show different toxicity levels. Boncler et al. used a
polyphenols include plant extracts (rosemary, cinnamon, garlic, Ilex high content screening analysis to evaluate the toxicity of 22 poly-
paraguariensis, tea, tomato and herbs) and their active ingredients, such phenols in 5 cell lines (HepG2, Caco-2, A549, HMEC-1 and 3 T3), and
as flavonoids, phenolic acids and tannins (Peng et al., 2012; Sefi et al., found that their toxicity levels greatly varied among the tested poly-
2010; Tsuji-Naito et al., 2009; Wu, Huang, Lin, & Yen, 2011). The in- phenols (Boncler et al., 2018). For example, the AUOC (areas under and
corporation of polyphenols reduces the content of some toxic aldehydes over the curves) score for the lowest toxic compound (naringin) were
in baked foods. The content of total phenolic compounds remained −2.63, −1.94, −2.43, −2.9 and −2.56, respectively, and reached
exhibits a highly negative correlation with some toxic aldehydes in 1.48, 2.96, 2.27, 2.05 and 2.2 for the highest toxic compound
cookies at −0.85, −0.77 and −0.77 for glyoxal, methylglyoxal and (kaempferol).
diacetyl, respectively, after baking at 200 °C for 7 min (Kocadagli, Žilic, However, polyphenols should be cautiously incorporated in baked
Tas et al., 2016). The addition of 0.2% each of resveratrol, epicatechin foods based on the following reasons. Firstly, baked products are staple
and rosmarinic acid reduced the content of methylglyoxal by 52.6%, foods and are consumed daily by humans. Hence, the accumulation and
42.4% and 23.8%, respectively (Ou et al., 2018). chronic effects of polyphenols should be considered. Secondly, given
The trapping capacity of polyphenols for toxic aldehydes and their the reactivity of polyphenols, their interaction with food components
capacity to inhibit AGEs should not be exaggerated based on the fol- would occur inevitably. Several reports indicated that the interaction of
lowing reasons: Firstly, polyphenols decrease the contents of glyoxal polyphenols with proteins, lipids and carbohydrates showed deleterious
and methylglyoxal but greatly increase the content of 3-deox- effects (Limwachiranon, Huang, Shi, Li, & Luo, 2018). Thirdly, although
yglucosone. 3-Deoxyglucosone formation was increased three-fold after polyphenols were reported to be easily metabolised in body, the me-
adding 50 mM chlorogenic acid into the fructose-aspartic reaction tabolism and toxicity of their adducts, especially those formed with
model (Zhang et al., 2016), and a highly positive correlation was found food toxins mentioned in Section 8, remain unknown. Fourthly, the
between total phenolic compounds and 3-deoxyglucosone in cookies excess transformation of polyphenol into quinones, which can occur in
(R2 = 0.93) and honey (R2 = 0.843) (Arena, Ballistreri, Tomaselli, & vivo (Bolton & Dunlap, 2017), during the thermal treatment (baking) or
Fallico, 2011; Kocadağlı et al., 2016). 3-Deoxyglucosone also acts as a in the presence of some metals, may produce potential hazardous ef-
precursor of AGEs, such as 3-deoxyglucosone imidazolones (Ashraf fects on humans. Quinones produced from natural polyphenols, such as
et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2011), which decreases the secretion of glu- epicatechin gallate, quercetin, hydroxychavicol, luteolin and procya-
cagon-like peptide-1 and insulin (Zhang et al., 2016). Thus, the addition nidin, show some biological activities, including chemoprevention,
of polyphenols in baked foods may decrease the formation of some antibacterial and antileukemia effects (Bolton & Dunlap, 2017). How-
AGEs but may increase the formation of other AGEs. Secondly, although ever, quinones are active Michael acceptors, which can also damage the
Wang et al. detected adducts in the urine of mice after the intake of cells through reactions with crucial cellular proteins and DNA, resulting
genistein with methylglyoxal (Wang et al., 2016), the toxicological in various hazardous effects, such as acute cytotoxicity, im-
evaluation of adducts formed between the polyphenols and toxic al- munotoxicity, neurotoxicity and carcinogenesis (Bolton & Dunlap,
dehydes has not been reported. Whether the adducts can decrease the 2017; Bolton, Trush, Penning, Dryhurst, & Monks, 2000; Kato & Suga,
toxicity of toxic aldehydes and how they metabolize in vivo remain 2018). For example, catechol, a thermal degradation product of quer-
unknown. Thirdly, the scavenging capacity is not higher compared with cetin, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid (Moon & Shibamoto, 2010;
drugs. Navarro and Morales (2016) incubated methylglyoxal Ravber et al., 2016), can form benzoquinone, which induces the for-
(5.551 μmol/mL) with different phenolic compounds under physiolo- mation of granular stomach tumours in rodents and leukaemia in ani-
gical conditions for 168 h; all of the tested compounds showed trapping mals and humans (Oikawa, Hirosawa, Hirakawa, & Kawanishi, 2001).
capacity for methylglyoxal (Table 4). However, their IC50 values are For these reasons, the consequence of polyphenol incorporation in
lower than that of pyridoxamine, a drug for slowing the progression of baked foods should be fully evaluated.
diabetic neuropathy. The modification of polyphenols may provide a
pathway to elevate their scavenging capacity. For example, the ester- 10. Conclusion and future perspectives
ification of gallate significantly increased its trapping capacity for
glyoxal. The incubation of 0.5 mM glyoxal with 0.5 mM propyl gallate For neutraceutical purposes, polyphenols and polyphenol-enriched
at pH 7.0 for 30 min increased the trapping capacity of gallic acid from by-products have been widely used in baked foods. The incorporation
13.8% to 67.6% (Hou, Xie, Cui et al., 2018). Fourthly, the incorporation of polyphenols can increase the antioxidant activity, scavenge food-
of polyphenols in baked foods decreases their capacity for trapping borne toxins and decrease the postprandial serum glucose level after

J. Ou et al. Food Chemistry 284 (2019) 90–99

intake of baked foods. Polyphenols influence the colour, texture and Dao, L., & Friedman, M. (1992). Chlorogenic acid content of fresh and processed potatoes
flavour of baked foods as well as the bioavailability of polyphenols. determined by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry, 40, 2152–2156.
Moreover, most polyphenols are thermally sensitive. Before the launch Delgado, R. M., Zamora, R., & Hidalgo, F. J. (2015). Contribution of phenolic compounds
of polyphenol-incorporated bakery foods on the market, future studies to food flavors: Strecker-type degradation of amines and amino acids produced by o-
must investigate the chemical reactions of polyphenols and their oxi- and p-diphenols. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 63, 312–318.
Dziki, D., Różyło, R., Gawlik-Dziki, U., & Świeca, M. (2014). Current trends in the en-
dised products (quinones) with other food components and compre- hancement of antioxidant activity of wheat bread by the addition of plant materials
hensively evaluate the toxicology of the derived compounds. rich in phenolic compounds. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 40(1), 48–61.
Es-Safi, N. E., Cheynier, V., & Moutounet, M. (2000). Study of the reactions between
(+)-catechin and furfural derivatives in the presence or absence of anthocyanins and
Acknowledgements their implication in food color change. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48,
This work was supported by Guangdong Science and Technology Es-Safi, N. E., Cheynier, V., & Moutounet, M. (2002). Interactions between cyanidin 3-O-
glucoside and furfural derivatives and their impact on food color changes. Journal of
Department (No. 2018B050502008) and National Natural Science
agricultural and food chemistry, 50, 5586–5595.
Foundation of China (Nos. 31701607 and 31871902). Ezekiel, R., Singh, N., Sharma, S., & Kaur, A. (2013). Beneficial phytochemicals in po-
tato—a review. Food Research International, 50, 487–496.
Conflicts of interest Favreau-Farhadi, N., Pecukonis, L., & Barrett, A. (2015). The Inhibition of Maillard
browning by different concentrations of rosmarinic acid and epigallocatechin-3-gal-
late in model, bakery, and fruit systems. Journal of food science, 80, C2140–C2146.
All authors declare no conflict of interest. Fujii, H., Sun, B. X., Nishioka, H., Hirose, A., & Aruoma, O. I. (2007). Evaluation of the
safety and toxicity of the oligomerized polyphenol Oligonol. Food and Chemical
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