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Solar Fire Midpoint Interpretations

(c) 2008, Esoteric Technologies Pty LtdSome Interpretations are from:Roderick Kidston,
Aquarius Communications, 2003-10

This report provides you with a list and interpretations of the planets or points and their aspects
to midpoints in your chart. You will note the number of items in this midpoint report can vary
depending on the modulus degree value and orb that are selected. The modulus degree value is
associated with a harmonic of the chart. For example, selecting a modulus of 360° will show
planets to midpoints that are conjunct in a normal 360° chart wheel. Selecting a modulus of 90°
(the 4th harmonic) shows planets to midpoints that are in either conjunction, opposition or square
to the midpoint. For general midpoint work, the 90° modulus is the one normally used but other
values may also be used.

The order in which planet to midpoint is presented is based on the degree from Aries to Pisces
the midpoint is placed. This is the same order as used in Solar Fire's Midpoint Axes and
Midpoint Trees reports.

The Solar Fire Midpoint interpretations text has been written by UK astrologer Julian Venables.
Julian works in England as a client-based astrologer, teaching beginners’ classes as well as
conducting private tuition. He holds a certificate from The Faculty of Astrological Studies and
has completed his Diploma studies and Exams. Julian was on the committee of The Astrology
Lodge of London and is a member of The Astrological Association of Great Britain.


Transits Chart
New Rochelle New York, 40°N54'41'', 073°W46'58''
Geocentric Tropical Zodiac
Placidus Houses, True Node, Parallax Moon


Modulus 90°00' - Max Orb 2°00'

Aries Point = Jupiter / Vertex +0°21'

Aries Point = Venus / Vernal Point +0°38' d

Aries Point = Ascendant / Midheaven -1°14'

Aries Point = Chiron / Vernal Point +1°46' d

Vernal Point = Jupiter / Vertex +0°21'

Vernal Point = Venus / Aries Point +0°38' d

Vernal Point = Ascendant / Midheaven -1°14'

Vernal Point = Chiron / Aries Point +1°46' d

Venus = Chiron / Aries Point +0°30' d

Venus = Chiron / Vernal Point +0°30' d

Venus = Jupiter / Vertex -0°55'

Venus = Mars / Saturn +1°01' d

You might find relationships and partnerships are difficult to sustain due to the restriction and
inhibition of expressing your feelings. You might find it difficult to express love and instead be
more comfortable keeping your distance.

Venus = Aries Point / Vernal Point -1°16' d

Venus = Mars / North Node +1°16'

You can be diplomatic and charming in your collaborations and unions with others. You might
express your desires openly and with passion.

Venus = Moon / Eq.Asc. +1°18' d

Venus = Mercury / Vernal Point +1°37' d

Venus = Mercury / Aries Point +1°37' d

Chiron = Mercury / Venus -0°01' d

Chiron = Mars / Pluto +0°04' d

Chiron = Mercury / Aries Point -0°39' d

Chiron = Mercury / Vernal Point -0°39' d

Chiron = Moon / Eq.Asc. -0°58' d

Chiron = Mars / North Node -1°00'

Chiron = Mars / Saturn -1°16' d

Mercury = Neptune / Eris -0°03' d

Mercury = Pt Fortune / Eris -0°10' d

Mercury = Jupiter / Saturn +1°30'

Your worldview is likely to change frequently and you look for variety in various different belief
systems and faiths. You might feel to constantly make changes in the world around you and
enjoy having time on your own.

Mercury = Jupiter / North Node +1°45' d

You are a good communicator and are drawn to pull groups together to share ideas and
knowledge. You make a good traveller and can find your destiny in foreign lands. You liaise
well with contacts and associations and share your successes.

Vertex = Jupiter / Saturn +0°45' d

Vertex = Neptune / Eris -0°48'

Vertex = Pt Fortune / Eris -0°55'

Vertex = Jupiter / North Node +1°00'

Vertex = Mercury / Chiron -1°51'

Saturn = Vertex / Eq.Asc. +0°05'

Saturn = Vulcan / Mercury -0°07'

Saturn = Venus / Midheaven -0°10'

You might find that relationships and expression of love is difficult and repressive. You might be
happier on your own and find things get better as you get older.

Saturn = Jupiter / Ascendant +0°44'

You can feel somewhat estranged and distant from your associations and the people around you.
A cool attitude towards others and in your relationships leads to disaffection and unfriendliness,
when you want the opposite.

Saturn = Midheaven / Vernal Point -0°49'

Saturn = Midheaven / Aries Point -0°49'

Saturn = Chiron / Midheaven +0°57'

Saturn = Vulcan / Chiron -1°15'

Saturn = Mercury / Uranus -1°19'

You find you need to separate yourself from your thoughts. Thinking can get very serious and
create nervous tension. You might have to act quickly to overcome inhibitions. You understand
difficulties and have innovative ideas that help you to advance slowly and steadily through life.

Saturn = Pluto / North Node +1°35'

You feel destiny and the path you wish to follow restricted or repressed. Associations and
relationships are difficult to get along with and you want to fight against boundaries and

Saturn = Sun / Mercury -1°54'

You apply boundaries and rules to life. Your common sense is based on disciplined and practical
concerns. Your long term plans are conventional and conservative.

North Node = Jupiter / Ascendant +0°13'

You enjoy creating and being part of a happy environment. You are drawn towards bringing
people and contacts together. You throw a great party and make a good organiser

North Node = Vertex / Eq.Asc. -0°25'

North Node = Chiron / Midheaven +0°27'

North Node = Vulcan / Mercury -0°38'

North Node = Venus / Midheaven -0°41'

You are friendly and affectionate towards your contacts and associates, making you popular.
You might find a very deep union within a love partnership.

North Node = Saturn / Pluto +0°50' d

You might have a group experience of hard times and challenging situations with your contacts
and associations. You could find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time that affects your

North Node = Midheaven / Vernal Point -1°19'

North Node = Midheaven / Aries Point -1°19'

North Node = Mercury / Midheaven +1°34'

You are stimulated to find people who share the same interests as you. Combining your aim and
objectives with others gives you growth.

North Node = Vulcan / Chiron -1°45'

North Node = Mercury / Uranus -1°50'

You like to bring together people and teams to work on innovative ideas and new concepts. You
get stimulated by changes of events and sudden turns.

Pluto = Mercury / Midheaven -0°36'

You have a fanatical approach to your aim and objectives in life, with excessive ambitions.
Expressing so much power in your vocation can lead to surprising and fatalistic outcomes.
Pluto = Moon / Pt Fortune +0°55' d

Pluto = Moon / Neptune +1°02' d

You are extremely sensitive to fluctuations in your environment and easily influenced by others.
You might regularly experience emotional trauma or crisis because of this.

Pluto = Chiron / Midheaven -1°43'

Pluto = Jupiter / Ascendant -1°57'

You might have a deep compulsion to influence people around you in a harmonious and good
way. Your ambitious desire is likely to gain you recognition for your beliefs or teachings.

Eris = Moon / Pt Fortune +0°20'

Eris = Moon / Neptune +0°27'

Eris = Mercury / Midheaven -1°10' d

Eris = Pluto / North Node -1°40' d

Eris = Saturn / Pluto -1°55'

Sun = Midheaven / Eris +0°11' d

Sun = Mars / Neptune -0°22' d

You are inspired but lack the willpower to take action and can often feel discontented. You
might have health problems and be susceptible to illness through a weak constitution. Avoid
drugs and alcohol.

Sun = Moon / Venus -0°22'

You are protective of your family or clan and enjoy creatively expressing your loving feelings
through the arts or on the stage.

Sun = Mars / Pt Fortune -0°29' d

Sun = Moon / Chiron +0°46'

Sun = Moon / Aries Point -1°00'

Sun = Moon / Vernal Point -1°00'

Sun = Moon / Mercury +1°53'

You have clear and realistic thinking and would make a good negotiator due to enhanced
intellectual powers.

Uranus = Moon / Chiron -0°21'

Uranus = Sun / Vulcan +0°37' d

Uranus = Moon / Mercury +0°45'

You might have sudden ideas that make you act hastily. A surprising event in life could make
you nervous and think independently.

Uranus = Midheaven / Eris -0°56' d

Uranus = Mars / Neptune -1°30' d

You might have rapidly fluctuating energy levels triggered by tension or nervousness. A lack of
energy can create a predicament that leaves you at a disadvantage.

Uranus = Moon / Venus -1°30'

You might act erratically or eccentrically when expressing love and feelings. You might have
sudden and unpredictable changes in your family life.

Uranus = Mars / Pt Fortune -1°37' d

Uranus = Saturn / Ascendant +1°53' d

You act very independently and are inflexible and stubborn your interactions with others, making
it difficult for people to get on with you. You can easily get into disputes and arguments that lead
to separations.

Eq.Asc. = North Node / Ascendant +0°02' d

Eq.Asc. = Saturn / Ascendant -0°12'

Eq.Asc. = Sun / Midheaven +0°44'

Eq.Asc. = Vulcan / Uranus -0°53'

Eq.Asc. = Pluto / Ascendant +1°08'

Eq.Asc. = Jupiter / Pt Fortune +1°17' d

Eq.Asc. = Uranus / Midheaven +1°19'

Eq.Asc. = Moon / Mercury -1°20' d

Eq.Asc. = Jupiter / Neptune +1°24' d

Eq.Asc. = Sun / Vulcan -1°27'

Vulcan = North Node / Ascendant -0°15'

Vulcan = Sun / Midheaven +0°26' d

Vulcan = Saturn / Ascendant -0°30' d

Vulcan = Pluto / Ascendant +0°49' d

Vulcan = Jupiter / Pt Fortune +0°59'

Vulcan = Uranus / Midheaven +1°00' d

Vulcan = Jupiter / Neptune +1°06'

Vulcan = Moon / Mercury -1°38'

Midheaven = Mars / Chiron -0°26' d

Midheaven = Mercury / Mars +0°40' d

You are someone who likes to be seen taking action in a determined and courageous manner.
Your career or vocation could involve planning and the ability to judge a situation.

Midheaven = Venus / Mars -1°35' d

Your life direction involves relationships, marriage and a healthy sex life. Expressing and
indulging in your passions is important for success in your vocation and career.

Ascendant = Vertex / Aries Point +0°02' d

Ascendant = Vertex / Vernal Point +0°02' d

Ascendant = Moon / Vulcan -0°29' d

Ascendant = Venus / Vertex +0°40' d

Ascendant = Mars / Eris +0°41'

Ascendant = Saturn / Pt Fortune +0°45' d

Ascendant = Saturn / Neptune +0°52' d

You might find that your general approach to life is restricted and it is difficult to find your
freedom. You can feel your environment and the people around you are oppressive and cause
you be depressed.

Ascendant = North Node / Pt Fortune +1°01'

Ascendant = Neptune / North Node +1°08'

Your general approach might be subdued and reticent in front of people. You could be
disappointed in your relationships and often find yourself lied to and deceived.

Ascendant = Moon / Uranus -1°41' d

Your general approach to the world is excitable and restless. You can be influential to others for
good or bad. You express your personality with plenty of energy.
Ascendant = Moon / Midheaven +1°43' d
Your soul’s mission is to understand others spiritual needs and to adapt and change your
character according to the environment you find yourself in.

Ascendant = Chiron / Vertex +1°49' d

Moon = Vertex / Eris -0°28'

Moon = Jupiter / Midheaven +1°06'

You are known for expressing cheerful feelings and emotions and look forward to meeting other
people. Your relationships and partnerships are likely to be harmonious and contented.

Moon = Vulcan / Jupiter -1°06'

Moon = Mercury / Pluto -1°08'

You can use emotion and feeling in your writing and speaking when you are convincing people.
You might change your tact in order to get your way and can be restless.

Moon = Eq.Asc. / Aries Point +1°39' d

Moon = Eq.Asc. / Vernal Point +1°39' d

Mars = Eq.Asc. / Eris +0°00' d

Mars = Vulcan / Pluto -0°07'

Mars = Saturn / Midheaven +0°44'

Achieving your aspirations is beset with difficulties and restrictions due to your lack of initiative
and enterprise. Rather than give in to easily you need to muster up your energy and strength to
reach those goals.

Mars = North Node / Midheaven +0°59' d

You pull together an active team of comrades, all physically working together to reach the same
goal or objective like in a sports team. Your group understands your desires and physical urges.

Mars = Vulcan / North Node -1°13' d

Mars = Uranus / Pluto -1°19'
You might experience fanatical desires that need to be satisfied. Be wary of your own destructive
energy. You could be susceptible to accidents.

Mars = Vulcan / Saturn -1°28'

Mars = Moon / Jupiter -1°44' d

You have drive to make your relationships successful. You have ever expanding desires for
success so that you can indulge in life’s luxuries.

Mars = Sun / Pluto -1°53'

You must learn to control your emotions and desires and avoid conflict or fighting. You probably
work very hard and put out a lot of energy.

Pt Fortune = Sun / Eq.Asc. +0°24'

Pt Fortune = Uranus / Eq.Asc. +0°58'

Pt Fortune = Moon / Vertex +1°03'

Pt Fortune = Pluto / Midheaven -1°18' d

Pt Fortune = Mars / Jupiter +1°37' d

Neptune = Sun / Eq.Asc. +0°10'

Neptune = Uranus / Eq.Asc. +0°44'

Neptune = Moon / Vertex +0°49'

Neptune = Mars / Jupiter +1°22' d

Your enterprising ideas and business plans may be impractical or unrealistic. Your drive for
success could be clouded in a dream world that leads you to making the wrong decisions and
leading to possible failure and hopelessness.

Neptune = Pluto / Midheaven -1°32' d

Your life direction and career involves a peculiar objective, which you can get quite fanatical
about. You might have the wrong ideas and head down the wrong path leading to disappointment.
You have a spiritual and mystical vision.

Neptune = Vulcan / Eq.Asc. +1°56'

Jupiter = Venus / Pt Fortune +0°14'

Jupiter = Neptune / Aries Point -0°16'

Jupiter = Neptune / Vernal Point -0°16'

Jupiter = Venus / Neptune +0°21'

You have a love of comfort and luxury that can make you lazy. It is easy for you to be in illusion
about love and to appear to be happy in relationships. You have artistic and creative talents.

Jupiter = Pt Fortune / Vernal Point -0°23'

Jupiter = Pt Fortune / Aries Point -0°23'

Jupiter = Sun / Ascendant +0°36' d

When you are successful, it helps you to gain self-confidence, esteem and importance. Public
recognition is likely due to your jovial outlook and cheery approach. You might easily gain

Jupiter = Mars / Vertex +1°10'

Jupiter = Uranus / Ascendant +1°10' d

You cooperate with others well at work and adapt to your surroundings successfully. Your
partnerships tend to happy and successful and you like to make connections where you can show
joy and happiness.

Jupiter = Moon / Saturn +1°22' d

Your instinctive responsible approach leads you towards a happy and successful life. Even when
you have separations and departures, you still express hope and optimism.

Jupiter = Chiron / Pt Fortune +1°23'

Jupiter = Neptune / Chiron +1°30'

Jupiter = Moon / North Node +1°38'
You have successful associations and contacts that help your confidence in team work situations.
You are drawn towards and stimulated by happy relations and generous behaviour amongst


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