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Learning Diary – 7

Each student will keep a journal in which they will write entries detailing their learning experience. The recommended
total length of each section entry is of 4 paragraphs (5-7 Sentences for each paragraph/section), each paragraph
represents 1/4 of the grade, that is, every paragraph has the same weight thus their length should be balanced, and
the recommended structure is:

1. Completeness: one paragraph discussing the key aspects the session.

This session was an extension of leadership. A good leader should possess some skills and qualities. Leadership can
be explained with the help of some theories. Contingency theory and cognitive theory are one of the important
concepts in this part. Leadership can be of different types and there are seven traits associated with leadership.
Leader is one who leads the entire group and helps to achieve the common goal of an organization. He or she should
have a good communication skill, should be specific in his or her target in any situation.

2. Development: one paragraph discussing additional related concepts and sources, that is, relate the session
contents with other academic experiences you had.

Leadership is the ability to influence others, with or without authority. Ones ability to influence others is a derivative of
interpersonal communication, conflict management and problem solving. A good leader should be a good motivator
and he should be able to motivate and guide his team to move with interest as well as hard work to a common goal.
Leadership always tries to find out improvement through changes. Important behavioral studies are done by Ohio
university studies and Michigan university. Contingency theory explains that effective group depends on the proper
match between a leader’s style of interacting with his subordinates and it mainly focuses on follower’s readiness.
Cognitive theory states that stress can affect a situation and it has an impact on the leader. Base of leadership is trust
and integrity.

3. Transfer: one paragraph discussing the session contents vis-a-vis professional/personal experiences you
In my college I got an opportunity to become the part of a new event in our management fest. Being the college union
chairperson, I have to manage so many things. We had to arrange funds for the event, sponsors for the event etc.
Being a leader, I should be more specific in my decisions and entire college is looking forward into these programme.
The network of friends and distribution of job among members we were able to get sponsorships. All this and our
teamwork led the event to be a grand success. From this I learnt that we require a good network who are willing to
follow a leader’s instructions as well as a positive emotion towards our work.

4. Reflexivity: one paragraph discussing your personal learning process, the session itself (activities,
presentations, papers discussed, lectures etc.), avenues for improvement (student, colleagues and
instructor), and your experience, responsibility and motivation in relation to the class and class dynamics.
From my real-life experience and the from the class I understand that leader the one who is responsible for the
success as well as failure of any event. If he or she could have a good coordination and understanding about the
group they can easily assign jobs to the subordinates. Leadership quality of a person is built on the trust and integrity
he made with his group members. So, the leader should be more specific and accurate in his decision because the
entire is believes in his or her decisions. There may be issues in between the group members he should be able to
sort it out.

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