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‘GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT ‘O/o. the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, ‘Andhra Pradesh, GUNTUR. IRCULAR Sub: Munigpal Adminstration Department - Pubic Heath = Seasonol Diseases ~ Containment of Preventive measures to be taken up ~ Implementation of Acton Pian — Formation of Teams - Certain Instructions issued ~ Reg. Ref: 1. This office Circular Roc.No.3390411/2023-M3, dated (07.03.2020, 03.03.2020, 14.03.2020 & 35.03.2020. 2, DO Lr.No.H-11025/01/2020-LSG EFS-9(82564, dated 11-03-2020, ofthe Joint Secretary, Urban Development & Local Sef Government, MoHUA, Gol, New Delhi 3. This office Ciroular Roc.No.3390411/2023-M3, it 14.03.2020 & 4. This office Procgs. Roc:No.3390411/2020-M3, dt. 15.03.2020. 5. Review meeting convened on 16.03.2020 by the Hon‘ble Minister for MA 8 UD Dept. ‘The attention of the Commissioners ofall the Urban Local Bodies in the State is invited to the reference 1" cited, wherein directions were issued to take all the necessary steps for containment of COVID-19 (Corona virus) ‘and submit information on daily basi. 2. In the reference 5” cited, the Hon‘ble Minster for MA & UD Dept:, has ‘convened a Meeting on 16.03.2020 and reviewed the status on the activities taken up by the ULBs on containment of COVID-19 (Corona virus) and Instructed to Issue directions in detail to the ULBs once again for taking further action inthe matter. 3. In view of the above, the detailed drections/guidance for implementation of Action Plan on containment of Corora virus (COVID-19) in the ULBs are prepared and attached to this Ciralar as the following ‘Annexures: Annexure-I:Guidelines on Door-to-Door Campaigning with ‘Ward Volunteers and ULB level IEC/Publicity ‘Annexure-II:Guldelines on Environmental Sanitation and Quarantine Centres. ‘Annexure-IIT: Guidelines on Precautionary Measures to be taken up by Institutions and Establishments, ‘Annexure-IV: Guidelines on Precautionary Measures in Municipal ‘Schools and other Educational Institutions, ‘Annexure-V:Monitoring and Forming Rapid Response Teams Annexure-VI: Socal Distancing Measures 4, Therefore, the Commissioners ofall the Urban Local Bodies in the State ‘are directed to go through above Annexures and take immediate action by ‘adhering to the said directions and furnish compliance reports, in addition to the submission of the daily information in the (2) Formats prescribed previously. 6. All the Regional Director-cum-Appellate Commissioners of Municipal ‘Administration in the State are requested to ensure the above instructions are ‘compiled with by all their Municipal Commissioners without any deviation, to ‘obtain information from all their ULBs and furnish the same to the District Medical & Health Officer concerned and also to this office by 17.03.2020 before evening noon without fal 7. This matter should be given *Top Priority”. ‘Sd jay Kumar G Se, IAS ‘Commissioner & Director Encl:4.Annexures- I to VE. 2.IEC Material/ ‘Awareness Material (in Telugu). To ‘The Commissioners of all the Urban Local Bodies in the Stat. ‘All the Regional Director-cum-Appellate Commissioners of Municipal ‘Administration In the State, Copy to the District Nodal Officers concerned. Copy to all the District Collectors in the State. Copy to the Mission Director, MEPMA, AP, Guntur. Copy submitted to the Secretary to Government, MA & UD Dept., AP. ‘Secretariat, Velagapul for favour of information. Copy submitted to the Principal Secretary to Government, Medical, Health & Family Welfare Department, AP Secretariat, Velagapudi for favour of information. Jo Comrassoner ecee ‘gfed>eoe ANNEXURE-I (Guidelines on Door-to-Door Campaigning with Ward Volunteersand ULB level IEC/ Publicity) 1.1 The Ward Volunteers shall © Visit all the households in the Wards alloted to them and create awareness by explaining the precautionary measures to be followed by the households and disseminate IEC materials tke, Pamphlets, Broachers (annexed in the enclosures) covering certain important items like: + Personal Cleanliness/hygiene, + Hand washing frequently with soap/sanitizer, + Avoid sneezing and spitting at public places, * Cover nose and mouth while sneezing/coughing in public, + Avoid public contact who is with symptoms like cough, fever, dfficuty in breathing, etc., ‘+ Wear a mask while going to outside, ‘Avoid mass gatherings, etc. © During their visits, identify persons with symptoms/foreign returned individuals and inform the same to the concemed ‘authorities through the Ward Secretariats concerned. © Submit dally reports to the Municipal Commissioner through the respective Ward Secretaria. 1.2. Roles and responsibilities of Ward Environmental Secretaries and Ward Health Secretaries positioned in the ULBs: + The Ward Secretaries will monitor the above Door-to-Door Campaigning by the Ward Volunteers and compile and submit the dally report. ‘+ Communicate the Alerts of Government to the public and communities in the ward; ‘+ Dissemination of Early waming message at household level in the ward; ‘+ Awareness to senior ctizens; ‘+ Bring awareness among ctizens with the help of NGOs, RWSS, SHGs & \WSs for door to door campaigning in the ward; 13 ‘+ Monitor the situation for time to time at ward level; ‘Continuous monitoring of the preparedness, response & relief activites in the ward and report to higher authorities, ULB Level IEC & Campaign ‘The ULBs must organise extensive outreach programmes to create ‘awareness on personal hygiene. Avoid spitting at public places, cover nose and mouth while sneezing/coughing in public, wash hands frequently with handwashjsoap/santizer. People with ‘symptoms like ‘cough and fever should avoid public contact, wear a mask and similar ‘guidelines on personal hygiene issued by Department of Health must be informed to the public through extensive deor-to-door awareness ‘campaigns. Emphasis must be given for giving awareness to senior citizens. Door to {door visit and personally informing the senior ctizens these guidelines must be ensured. Services of may be used for the same. ‘Campaigns for migrant communities including dally labourers from ‘other states must be ensured. ‘The above mentioned campaigns must be organized at Schools, Residential associations, Markets and all the places where people gather. Display hoardings/banners/Fiexies on DOs and CONTS with related TEC content as prescribed by the Medical & Health Department at Ward Secretariats, prominent places, congregation places, etc. (Material for Hoardings enclosed). Create awareness by playing jingles, skits with relevant IEC content as prescribed by the Medical & Health Department through local cable TV, FM Radio, etc,(Material for above IEC content enclosed). Create awareness through public addressing systems Le, mikes, etc, Give Emphasis for giving awareness to senior citizens, Ensure campaigns for migrant communities including daily labourers from other states, Constitute Teams to conduct house-to-house surveillance for Identification of suspected cases, [Any attempt to create fear or confusion regarding COVID-19. by ‘propagating fake news shall be dealt with firmly and action taken under relevant Rules such as Section 54 of the Disaster Management Act, 2008. (End of Annexure-1) 2a 22 ‘ANNEXURE-IT (Guidelines on Environmental Sanitation& Quarantine Centres) Environmental Sanitation: Conduct Special Sanitation Drives at all Public Places, viz., Markets, Rythu Bazars, Municipal Schools, Public Toilets, Community Toilets, Parks, Bus Stops, around the Bus Stand and Railway Stations, Municipal Schools, etc, Maintain proper Environmental Sanitation at ward level and keep ready sufficient stocks of disinfectants such as Bleaching Powder, Sodium Hypo Chloride, Crizo, ete., Keep all the fogging machines functional so as to take up fumigation Provide necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as Gloves, Masks, Aprons, Shoes, Goggles, etc., to the Pubic Health Workers who are attending’ environmental sanitation and in the areas where suspected home/street/colony in concerned area and also to the Ward Volunteers and other staff, who are in surveillance activities. Ensure quality of drinking water supply and proper chlorination level even at tall points, Ensure proper regulation of food standards especially, in case of public eateries, food streets, hotels and restaurants, etc. If any cases are identified in a particular Ward, it has to be treated as a Containment Zone and the area around it as a buffer. Immediately take up disinfection and decontamination measures with the help of Medical & Health Department and in coordination with the District ‘Administration implement necessary entry restricion and home isolation protocols within the zones. Quarantine Centres: Identify faciities/buildings that can be used as quarantine centres or Can be converted to temporary hospitals with isolation facilities; To prevent spread of disease, household Items must be purchased and made available to the family under isolation; If any economically weaker family Is kept under isolation, daily sustenance amount must be provided to them; Render support to the people in home Isolation ard to support supply of ‘Goods to homes in the respective Urban Local Bodies, Constitute and keep ready Sanitation Teams and impart training to sanitize suspected houses and premises (in containment zone and buffer zone). ‘The home quarantined person should: Stay in a wel-ventiated single-room preferably with an ‘attached/separate toilet. If another femily member needs to stay in the same room, It’s advisable to maintain a distance of at least 1 meter between the two. Needs to stay away from elderly people, pregnant women, chitdren ‘and persons with co-morbiities within the household. ‘© Restrict his/her movernent within the house. © Under no circumstances attend any social/religious gathering 9. wedding,condolences, et. © He should also follow the under mentioned public health measures at all times: + Wash hand as often thoroughly with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand Sanitizer + Avoid sharing household items e.g. dshes, drinking classes, Cups, eating utensis, towels, beddlng, or other teens. with other people at home. + Wear 2 surgical mask at all the tie. The mask should be changed every 6-8 hours and dsposed of, Disposable masks are never to be reused. + Masks used by patienis / care givers) close contacts during home care should be dsinfeced sing ordinary bleach solution (5%) or sodium hypochlorite solution (1%) and then disposed of ether by burning or deep bur. + Used mask should be considered as potently infected. {IF symptoms appear (coughifevericuty in. breathing), hefshe Should immedlatly inform the nearest heath centre ‘+ Instructions for the family members of persons being home quarantined Only an assigned family member should be tasked with taking care of suchperson. ‘Avoid shaking the soiled linen or direct contact wth skin Use disposable gloves when cleaning the surfaces or handling solled linen ‘Wash hands after removing gloves > Visitors should not be allowed > In case the person being quarantined becomes. symptomatic, all his close contacts will be home quarantined (For 14 days) and followed up for an additional 14daysor til the report of such case turns out negative (lab testing » The home quarantine period is for 14 days from contact with a Confirmed case or earlier if a suspect case (of wrom the index person Is, 2 contact) turns out negative on laboratorytesting (End of Annexure-T1) aa 32 ANNEXURE-II es on Precautionary Measures to be taken up by Institutions and Establishments) All the MCs shall issue notices and ensure that the following directions are implemented by the Institutes/Establishments as indicated below: Indicative list of Institutes, Establishments etc: Shopping Malis, Entertainment Zones, Theatres, Function Halls/ KalynaMandapams, Offices, Banks, SSchoois/Colleges/Coaching centres/Hostels/Residential Schools and colleges, Factories/MSMES, ‘Bus Stands (Including Private Travels), Railway Stations, Hospitals, Public Offices, MeeSevajE Seva/AP Online centres, Hotels & Restaurants, “Temples/Mosques/Churches/Gurudwara etc., Old age homes/Destitute homes, Tourist spots, Residential Complexes including Apartments, Gated Communities, et. Measures to be taken up by the Institutions/ Establishments: ‘Awareness and training to all the staff about COVID-19. Maintain details of staff with travel history to contained /prone areas and their contacts should be educated and restricted from attending duties; ‘Supply of Personal Protective Equipment (like Mask, shoes, dresses, etc.) to staff particularly in Housekeeping, Maids, Servers and all other Staff; Display of Awareness boards (on Dos and Don'ts of COVID 19) at all visible places in the premises; Halt Bio Metric Attendance System, Usage of thermal screens at the entrances particularly in Shopping Mails/Theatres/Function halls, etc. Encouraging the use of individual safety measures such as frequent hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette Provide access to handwashing facilities and place hand sanitizing dispensers in prominent locations throughout the premises including, but not limited to entrances, food courts, play areas, seating areas with surfaces, restrooms ete. Consider providing additional tissues to those who develop early respiratory symptoms. Provide anti-bacterial wipes for use in high-touch areas with surfaces Including food courts, common area seating and charging stations and play areas. Frequent Spraying of Disinfection chemical in the areas where people have frequent contact with each other's and share spaces and objects (e.9., phones, elevator buttons, computers, desks, lunch tables, kitchens, tollets, washrooms, cash registers,” seating areas, surface counters, customer service counters, bars, restaurant tables/menus, trolleys, raings) Where feasible, adjustments to policies and procedures may be put in Place to reduce social contact, such as teleworking arrangements, work from home, flexible hours, staggering start tines, use of email and teleconferencing. ‘Swiping Machines must be regularly sanitized Regular Cleaning of all transport Vehices (All tyoes of Publlc Transport vvehicles~buses and taxis), Terminals with disinfectants. If any symptoms are observed in the staff, he/she should Immediately be separated from others and sent home’ after duly informing to the Government Call Centre and the establishment must be closed til Cleared by concerned authorities. Encourage online transactions from Home, isinfection for surfaces frequently touched by hands Disinfection of seats, chairs, door handles, ticket counters and hand rallings in cinema theatres should be cleaned with Cresol spray after every show. In buses and trains, the door handles, straps. hand rails and seats should be cleaned with Lysol periodically after every trip. In hotels, lodging houses and marriage halls, Cresol should be sprayed fon the ‘surfaces frequently touched by hands should be done periodically, as many times as possible infection + Cresol spray for di > Cresol 1P (50% Cresol and 50% Liquid soap) > Bus stands, rallway stations, buses, trains, vehicles, cinema theatres, marriage hals, etc. > 25% Cresol (1 liter of Cresol in 19 iters of water’ > Hospitals, clinics and ambulances > 5% Cresol (1 liter of Cresol in 9 ites of water) ‘As per the concentration of Cresol in the market, required concentrations can be prepared. Disinfections for floors/ambulances > 1% Hypochlorite solution should be used for cleaning the floors 33. In addition to the above, the following public Places may be closed temporarily: i. Parks and Play grounds/Play Zones and Indoo” Entertainment Places ‘may be temporarily cosed and desanitized, i. Al Summer camps, meetings, workshops including international Conferences should not be organised, iii, Swimming pools, multi-sport factities induding in residential Complexes and Hotels etc, to be closed; |v, Major sport events being held in stadiums may be cancelled; v. All Religious/Cultural/Fairs and Festivals may be postponed; vi. All Pilgrim tours operated by Private agences and PTD may be postponed; ‘At private functions large gatherings may be avoided 3.4 Forming Teams to monitor the activities taken up by the Private Establishments and send the reports regularly to this office. (End of Annexure-I11) ANNEXURE-IV (Guidelines on Precautionary Measures in Municipal ‘Schools and other Educational Institutions) 4.1 The Following are certain guidelines for preventive Interventions |. Frequent hand washing. Wash hands with scap and water or use alcohol ~ based hand rub. Wash hands even if they are vi lean, i, Respiratory etiquette’s (using handkerchief aver mouth while coughing/sneezing, use of tissue paper or using the sleeve of shlrt covering upper arm, staying away from college/school when sick, avoiding public gatherings, ete.,) which help in preventing/reducing transmission of not only this disease but also large number of other communicable disease, notably flu-like ines. Ul. Throw used tissue into closed bins immediately after use. lv. If you have these signs/symptoms please call State helpline umber or Ministry of Health & Family Welfare’s 24X7, helpline at 011-23978046, Avoid participating in large gatherings. Vi. Don't have close contact with anyone, if you're experiencing ‘cough and fever. vil. Don’t Touch your eyes, nose and mouth, spit in public. vill. If any student is suffering from cold and cough, the concerned Headmaster should intimate the same to the parent of such student and see that to provide necessary medical assistance. Ix. All classrooms, school premises, and its surroundings should be kept clean. x, Store and Cooking rooms should be kept neat and clean, xl, Mid-day meals should be prepared in hygienic condition. xi, Meal- Plates should be cleaned with soap water and keep dry before using plates. xl, Leaf- vegetables and vegetables should be cleaned with salt water before using It. ANNEXURE-V (Monitoring and Forming Rapid Response Teams) 5.1 Monitoring the situation: * Constitute _a Monitoring Cell/Local Emergency Centres (LOCs) by proving a Toll Free Number in the ULB vith suffient staff by 24 X 7 to Feceive the complainants from the pubic releting to the cases of COVID-19 and providing information; ‘+ Appoint one Senior Officer as ULB Nodel Officer to coordinate with the Health Department, District Adminstration and District Nodal Officers for reporting the Status on the measures taken by the ULBS to prevent cOvID-19; + Establish required communication tink and ensure coordination with Health Department and Distct Administration; + Coordinate with the State Level Inter-Departmental Coordination Committee (COVID-19) and initiate action as per the instructions of the sid Commitee; + Constitute @ Rapid Response Team comprising of sanitation workers with complete protective gear. 52. Formation of Rapid Response Teams: ULBS to form Teams as specfed bebow for undergoing Training to be imparted by the Officers concerned of Medica & Heath Department for rapid response and mitigation: ‘Municipal 2 Teams consisting of 50 |One Team for ULB Corporations Members (PH Workers and| and the other for Malstries, Municipal Health District level Officer, "Sanitary Supervisor, monitoring Sanitary Inspectors. and Environmental Engineers} ‘each Selection, Special] 1 Team consisting of 30 |ULB level & 1 Grade| Members(PH Workers and Municipalities | Maistries, Municipal Health Officer, Sanitary Inspectors, Health ‘Assistants, and Environmental _ Engineers) | HT & IM Grade[1 Team consisting of 15 Municipalities and] Members (PH Workers and NNagarpanchayats | Maistries, Municipal Health Officers, Sanitary Inspectors, Health ‘Assistants,and Environmental Engineers) ‘+ To furnish particulars of the said Teams to the District Medical & Health Officer concerned by 18-03-2020 (End of Annexure-v) ANNEXURE-VI (Social Distancing Measures) 1, Private sector organizations/employers are encouraged to allow employees to ‘work from home wherever feasible. 2, Meetings, as far as feasible, shall be done through video conferences, Minimize or reschedule meetings Involving large number of people unless necessary, 3, Restaurants to ensure handwashing protocol and proper cleanliness of frequently touched surfaces. Ensure physical distancing (minimum one metre) between tables; encourage open air seating where practical with adequate distancing, 4, Keep already planned weddings to a limited gathering, postpone all nonessential social and cultural gatherings. 5. Local authorities to have a dialogue with organizes of sporting events and competitions involving large gatherings and they may be advised to postpone such events, 6. Loca authortes to have a dialogue with opinion leaders and religious leaders to regulate mass gatherings and should ensure no cvercrowdingat least one metre distance between people. 7, Local authorities to have meeting with trader's Associations and other stakeholders to regulate hours, exhibit Do's and Donts and take up a communication drive in market places like sabsimandi, anajmandi, bus depots, raivay stations, postoffices etc., where essential services are provided. ‘8. All commercial actives must keep a distance of one meter between customers. Measures to reduce peak hour crowding in markets. 9. Non-essential travel should be avoided. Buses, Trains and aeroplanes to maximize social distancing in public transport besies ensuring regular and proper disinfection of surfaces. 10.Hospitals to follow necessary protocol related with COVID-9 management as prescribed and restrict femilyfriendschiéren visting patients in hospitals. 11.Hygiene and physical distancing has to be maintained. Shaking hands and hugging as @ matter of greeting tobe avoided. 12,Special protective measures for delivery men/ women working in online ordering services. 13.Keep communities informed consistently and constarty (End of Annexure-V1) Ba DOAN BA, GOH dzB,0 Soe drsatbasends Gr Sersoowd (Sto aes eee) gm . @ roe ue irie Races: wereu sie) How, Osmow mdv0o6 0866-2410978 & 965 Sax,08. Bocin S88 HOSS HU 104 IE,BS w HoHDOOS Pilots ero omer ata n. wola ic wed eee Vs x are a Uy Sasson DODO) Ndwre poecinn SHAT WaIVCMOWD aroma wierd OR teisserei ao )) I fos cg, eto, ay Bind ago rich aban octynabs heatn Be,pO neo Segpocston, hon, aSoros sdo0b5 1B66-2410978 » aa5 ae 24x Soin oy Sess Both 104 DEBE oo DSSGDrOS SH, SS GIST Gedaso e P=] Sa6-19 (C@VID-19) DBWo 6206 806 SAW sro DBowsows yjseo ——- a Sorsonso @ Savanna YW 08S Sotsbo: 0.00; Beg RB Dasstoed * 2086IO BSHOS! SOSHLOD 3 a pieces Boast, Seyen, an $ 20868 28 man dS 8,BS Costin SScinH00 Strand fot SScnBOWOS. Sot SSBnBows Scrans 1% PIIGH / BedH gov sod. DISODOS SH, SGGIT Gaesoo = 5 Sta&-19 (C®VID-19) i DETo 0G 80H SAD mw mooSSCD mise We Ulhstigto, Somv,suytio DBS wtigtySRb : dassonsa S850 + BRsayw, aomysay fo S360, Somp ago ds oxrenst mma, 6492555555 mo 65,08 aesdassso: ¢ nS Bars S560 God mS Bop Goo dak wysoso. Bao ogs: + > Bebow sey soa HBS his 20 DEH Bobo Simmd Sew, ey shoatn he eorsentnd SIE, ShS0 60% oops SDB 88, 08 CMOS S50 OPABS fo Fedo go Tiviand. HESOROS TH, SOGGSSS Geseipo | J de =. SaG-19 (C@VID-19) DOWo L0G Ob Sap anio DBowwsows aijzen Sot BH HPSswsisvO aooseten f hfs sony / i, 808 sors /SObH soe, soy moan Ge=O8 ee [EARS 2G, IN Sous Sep Som 20 ne Hy eam S65) Seem 60% comsAS SDD 458, ony85 ernON SOK eOPEES fo Sabesto oom OQ UAB doy fy Fevow oUBeyOGSE. fag oats Bes: Sides mackce ey teybAW Seen egicatteb tig. o Reams yo BRO OS Bend yO orm ey oan 4,55 agesssoe. Bavancoo M $ ©502gHI6 THOS f GOED, SHEP, SEO evsbo TaD DSSOR OS - Progeds Seago S'a&-19 (C@VID-19) DEMO HE 80H Sos art sBosivetw meson * SEO S805 Swot SSsinB yo 54,0 SOP GOOSSEW. + BW dma0w! geen drGowbo aw Sq; dgoo Hoa SHO TO OS SHOT SGouwomre. (oy DSSG2rods wg, SoS BSE (Sedwsso | 8 e @ eae or DO-PO WOE GOH) WN GeOSCNW arGOWHOWN PUSH) . 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