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[01/05, 14:11] : Capt.yeshwant Raj

1.duties of master as per ISM u will motivate ur crew
3.fixed foam ....diff btw high expansion n low expansion...why we use these diff
type..... 4.dry dock survey & type of ispection by flag& class...5.collision- duties of
Dg: step by step for casualty investigation.... exapansion how it is
numbered, sheer stake ,garboard.... 7.where transverse thrust act, 8.davit launch
liferaft launching to release from ship side....he expected all in
details & in depth answer for all questions
[01/05, 14:26] +91 90031 89189: 9.grain loading procedure in general
cargo.10.can u load grain without DOA.,11. type of surveys reason n diff

[01/05, 16:14] Minoj Asm: Capt Yeshawant raj

1. What all certificates required for isps

2.what all certificates are required by imo and there validity
3. Dry dock... what all surveys are done
4. Ship is loaded with cargo ... have damage ... owners arranged to do dry dock
..action as master ...
5. What arrangements can owner do in above case
6. What is critical period... why it is called critical period
7. What is the formulae for calculating gm in above case
8. How can u reduce critical period
9. What is derelicting (I did not understand)
10. What is the requirement of fixed fire fighting on board a tanker
11. Requirement of foam n co2
12. Procedure for releasing co2 in engine room
13. How will u come to know how much co2 is disposed during fire fighting ... how
will u calculate
14. What pressure is it supposed to be maintained at fire pump as per
15. What is requirement of height of jet as per requirement.. (he said as a master
u shud be able to look at the jet n analyse the pressure at the pump)
16. Why is spray system given in fire nozzle
17. How will u fight fire with fire hose nozzle
18. What is ship routing , items in ship routing ... dig deep in
19. What are quartering sea
20 surfing ...
21. What documents required for registration
22. Formula for calculating gz curve
23. What is ship reporting system
24. How will u a analyse u r the overtaking ship
25. Narrow channel which side u will overtake and justify ur answer
26. Sound signals in narrow channel

[01/05, 18:56] :
1. Rule 19.
2. PSC expanded inspection. 
4. CLC and Fund. 
5.Cert of psg ships and subdivision loadline. 
6. Fire control plan. 
7. Explosive loading precautions. 
8. Loading of IMDG cargo, duties as master. 
9. Vessel grounded, action for refloatation.
10. Seafarers deserted ship, action as per master, police arrested and return him
to ship.

[01/05, 21:24] +91 99444 29430: Questions of Capt.yeshwantraj

1.Things under isps

2.Information's in SSP
3.ISm auditing interval
4.special survey n continuous survey difference
5.Mlc 2006 n ilo 147 differences
6.Towage n salvage
7.throw pressure of water from hydrants n maximum reach
8.Rule 19
9.When u will consider vessel overtaking vessel at anchor light n shapes
11.grain code n precautions of grain loading
12.imdg and chemical cargo pollution n reporting procedures
13.Surveys after refloating
14.Docs required for certification of registry
15.Docs required for imdg cargo
16.synchronised n parametric rolling
17.information's in maneuvering booking n what is advance ,transfer,drift angle
,head reach ,track reach
18.Quartering seas

No questions from Capt.s.k.das


[03/05, 12:59] +91 91760 76167: Capt. Yeshwanth

1. Rule 19.
2. PSC detention
3. Olb records
4. CLC and Fund. 
5.Cert of psg ships
6. Fire control plan. 
7. Willful disobedience action
8. Loading of IMDG cargo, duties as master. 
9. Navigational warnings how is recvd onboard who sends nav warnings in India
10. Seafarers deserted ship, action
11.main vertical zone

[04/05, 08:12] +91 81487 65814: External - Capt. Yeshwanth.

Candidate - prashanth.
Attempt - 2.
Result - Pass.
1. Can a PSC detain you if you don't have your certificate.
2. Difference between NC and major NC.
3. Loadline certificate validity.
4. Loadline exemption certificate validity.
5. DOC contents and its validity ( IMDG )
6. Ur country is not a party to a convention and u don't have a certificate can a
psc detain you.
7. Explain Both to blame clause.
8. Rule no 19 quote.
9. What is blind navigation.
10. CLC applies to which type of oil.
11. Your ship is in narrow channel what is action as ordinary practice of seaman.
12. Difference between BTM n BRM.
13. Who gives nav warnings in india.
14. Who gives meteorological warning in India.
15. What is main vertical zone.
16. INDSAR reportings.

Thanks to all guys in the group, specially to naren. All the best to all future. 👍

[04/05, 08:40] +91 97903 45403: ASM Orals - Chennai, 

External - Capt Yeshawant raj
Attempt -2. 
Result - Pass.

1. Masters responsibility as per ISM?

2. Masters over riding authority?
3. What is certificate of fitness? Who will issue certificate?
4. How will u load chemical cargo? Where can u find information about loading a
chemical cargo?
5. What type of fixed fire extinguishing method in your ship and explain about
I told low expansion foam and explained how it works and what is the ratio?
6. What is the requirement , how long can u fight fire with ur foam on deck?
Requirement is if u have Ig then foam should be sufficient to fight fire for atleast
20 mins and without ig u should able to fight fire for 30 minutes.
7. Rule 19 explain
8. Grain loading stability criteria
9. What is dynamic test in lifeboat? How often u carry out?
10. On load and off load test?
11. How sprinkler system works?
12. Air bottle pressure in lifeboat, how will u check pressure? How will u check
whether bottle is leaking or not?
13. Lifeboat falls wire how often u renew?
14. Who has got authority to cancel your coc in India??
15. Parametric rolling explain?
16. Clear grounds?
That's all, then he ask me to wait for das to give results.

[01/06, 14:37] External:- Capt.Yeshwant Raj

Internal:- Capt. S.K.Das
Attempt:- 3
Result:- Pass

1. What is observation, nc, major nc? What actions for each if given?
2. More detailed inspection?
3. Which type of fixed fire fighting on board it ship?
4. What is low and high expansion foam? Which will be used where?
5. What type of foam is used on board?
6. What is hyper mist system? Advantages?
7. LRIT? What distance u can recieve? 
8. Can u receive LRIT details for Chennai port if he vessel is in mid ocean over
1200nm ?
9. Fire control plan? Details in it?
10. Main vertical zone? Which vessel applicable to?
11. Type of fire bulkheads? Which one used in main vertical zone?
12. CLC? Who pays? Why?
13.  Fund? Who pays?
14. Loading imdg container, what all u will check?
15. What will u get from DOC imdg?
16. Vessel in Singapore, mooring stations, one of Ur crew not following ur orders
to let go lines. Action? As per MS Act?

[7/5/2017, 4:01 PM] : Surveyor:YR abd Das

1. Masters resp. As per ism

2. Subdivison loadline.
3. Main vertical zone.
4. Rule 10
5. Clc and fund conv.
6. Log book entries.
7. Grain loading
8. Damage stab. Criteria.
9. Crew fight. Masters resp.
10. Pax ship cert.

Time: abt 20 mins

[7/25/2017, 7:31 PM] Month - July 17

Surveyor - yeshwantraj
Attempt - 1

1.) what is the duration to close non conformity

2.) certificates and documents required as per ISPS ? He is expecting u to tell csr in
addition to all issc , ssp, etc
3.) main vertical zone
4.) what all arrangements are there to prevent the spread of fire.
5.) synchronous and parametric rolling ( he expects answers as per max.circ.1228,
it's in Samsul book )
6.)grain stability calculation - asked to draw the diagram of grain stability curve.
7.) Clc and fund
8.) registration of ship
9.) He is asking ROR cards.
He didn't give any time to answer ,basically was very moody today.

[7/25/2017, 7:34 PM] Rupesh Krishnamoorthy

Surveyor: yeswanthraj

How will u load a grain?

Draw and explain Stability criteria for grain?
PCC fixed fire fighting ?
Foam sample analysis ?
PSC detailed inspection?
Action as master when radar not working .. clear visibility ? Mid ocean?
In Arabian Sea ship's hull badly damaged action as master?
6 ROR cards he took randomly ?
Proof load test for lifting appliance and loose gear?
Marpol annex 1 discharge criteria?
Sea anchor and uses?
Parametric rolling? How will u avoid?
Rule 19?
Radar in operational action?
Solas Requirements for carrying radar?
Free fall LB requirements ?
Static load and dynamic load test?
Davit launched LRaft requirements ?

[7/25/2017, 9:09 PM] Surveyor : Yashwant Raj

1. Hazards of bulk Carrier 
2. Hazards of high density cargo 
3. Hazards of coal 
4. Triangle on ship side. 
5. How will you know you can load high density cargo? 
6. Different types of coal? 
7. Why do you check gases in cargo holds when loaded with coal? 
8. Precautions when loading coal. 
9. What is high density cargo? 
10. How do fight if there is fire in cargo hold when loaded with coal. 
11. Contents of passenger ship safety certificate. 
12. Subdivision load line and as per which convention? 
13. NC and major NC 
14. What will u do when u get a major NC
15. IF major NC defect cannot be repaired in that port what will u do
16. Use of Sea anchor 
17. How will you launch davit Launched life raft (angles) 
18. Onload /of load release
19. Contents of fire plan. 
20. What are SECA & ECA area? 
21. Vessel lost propeller at mid sea,  action. 
22. ROR cards.
[9/1/2017, 4:38 PM]

1.ror safe speed.,rule 10.

2.ism Master responsibility
3.passenger ship certificates and documents
4.grounding action
5.Drydocking after grounding survey preparation
6.ship reporting
7.lifeboat ..liferaft rescue boat marking.launching req
8.inflatable lifejacket wat gas in it how many chambers
9.clc,fund requirements.
10 timber loading on deck
11.grain loading
12.parametric rolling action.
13.ship reporting in Indian coast..islerep why req

[9/1/2017, 6:15 PM]

- Cert of class ,validity and surveys involved.
- Certificate of fitness validity survey and use.
- what is enhanced survey programme
- what is special survey
- u have abondoned ur vsl all survivors rescued what will u do with the lifeboat.
- can u sink the lifeboat in water what is the inherent buoyancy of lifeboat
- what is marine evacuation.
- how will u inflate a lifer aft
- what is synchronous rolling how will u avoid it
- how will u cross a tss
- restricted visibility both radar failed action
- can ais be used for restricted visibility for navigation . Y not.

[9/1/2017, 6:22 PM]

Surveyors:capt yeswanth raj & capt das

1. Masters responsibility as per ism

2.Cert fall under hssc
3.Cert of class validity. How the survey will be carried out?
4.vertical zone defi. Y req. What is A class subdivision
5.Navigation warnings how u receive, who transmits in India. Looking for latest
6.Can a vessel transmit navigation warning where procedure is given
7.L/b, r/b launching speeds
8.L/b tests
9. Buoyancy chamber location and purpose
What happens if lifeboat damaged
10.Fire in alleyway action as master
11.Rule 10 explain, some situations and buoys.
12.Singapore strait as master action
13.Synchonous rolling, how to avoid
14.How will u load imdg
15.Doc req
16.As a master yr responsibility
17.Doc who issues, validity
Contents of doc, shippers declaration for imdg
18.Ozone depleting substances as per annex 6
19.Diff between cfc , hcfc. Till when valid?
20.Sox nox discharge criteria
21.Certificates required as per annex 6
22.Sewage definition, grey water definition. 23.Discharge criteria for both.
24.What is disinfected and treated sewage
25.As a master action if plant does not work
26.Shipping casualty, investigation
27.Collision in Indian coast investigation procedure
28.As a master yr responsibility and action wrt sc.
29.Who initiates formal enquiry and in what circumstances.
30.Registration of ship in India, outside India docs req
31.Official log book contents and entry.

All the best guys..

[9/1/2017, 6:23 PM] : - Stability criteria for grain
- y grain required to be secured
- what is casualty ?shipping casualty has occurred what is the procedure after
- sox and nox emissions which annexe . Limits. What r the rules as per annexe 6
[9/1/2017, 6:24 PM] : Difference between imdg and harmful substance .
All the best guys

[9/3/2017, 8:34 AM] External- Yeswantraj

Date - 1st Sep 2017

1.What is PSC detailed inspection?

2.What is STP ships and certificate required?
3.MARPOL annex 1 equipments onboard your ship?
4.Any other equipment regarding MARPOL onboard your ship?
5.Low expansion foam and high expansion foam difference and where it is used
and why?
6.What are the three types of freefall L/B launch?and duration?
7.Lifeboat launch procedure in detail?
8.What is sync. rolling and how will u avoid it?(Pls read MSC. Circ 1228, that what
he want)
9.Dangers regarding qurterly seas?
10.Grain stability criteria?
11.Reporting requirmnts for DG cargo overboard?(Read resolution
12.Seaman went ashore and havent returned in foreign port action?
13.If police return him O/B saying caught him while deserting, action?
14.What is CLC,Fund & Supp Fund?(Say him every thing)
15.OLB entries?
16.Salvage criteria?
17.What if formula for Dry docking?
18.Why vsl has stern trip during DD?

[06/10, 18:23] +91 98407 98243: External: yeshwanth Raj

1. What is high density cargo

2.What will you check as a master before loading high density cargo on a 15 year
old bulk carrier.
3. What is ESP?
4. Validity of ESP certificate?
- said only ESP file is there, no cert.
5. Validity
6. When will you carry out ESP ? In concurrent with which certificate
7. Passive fire protection in ships ?
8. Why bulk carrier and passenger ships have different type of bulk head divisions
9. What is main vertical zone ?
10. What is over ridding authority ? As per which regulation ?
11. What is major NC
12. Whole in life boat PSC detained , ISM auditor gave major NC what is the
13. What are the substance which cause ozone depletion ?
14. How will you control ?
15. What are the certificates and documents as per annex 6
16. ROR , crossing situation what are the actions by stand on vessel ?
17. What is the other action other than manoeuvre alone ?
18. Anti fouling convention came in to force ?
19.what are the paints? Why ?
[06/10, 18:24] +91 98407 98243: 7. Passive fire protection in bulk carrier and
passenger ships ? Why ?
[06/10, 18:26] +91 98407 98243: 19. What are the paints used on board ? How
will you know it is the correct/ suitable paint ?
[12/30/2017, 1:08 PM] +91 98842 01111: [01/05, 13:04] +91 97910 85679: Rule
Psc expanded inspection
Passenger ship certificate
Grounding and action for refloating
Surveys to be followed

[11/14/2017, 5:08 PM] : Yashwant raj

Harmonious survey and certificates
Passage plan who approves and as a master how will you go about checking plan
as a
Gas tanker loading after dry dock as a master
What is cert of fitness
Which annexes of Marpol apply to Gas tankers
Discharge criteria of annex 2
P and A manual
Sewage definition as per marpol
Discharge criteria and any new amendments
Distress seaman
Distressed seaman
Distressed in Australia action
Police brings seaman back from shore action
Grounded and refloated. Actions and who to pay based on action: GA
Definition and example of GA
Main vertical zones
Margin line and flooding
2nd mate informs fog signal astern. ACtion as master
Radar not functioning during this period. Action as per master
PSC defainable deficiency with example. When and how does he give a deficiency
Cert of class . Diff between cancelling and suspending cert
Free fall test height requirement
What is ramp angle
Grain : why securing required. Which grains require securing .
If grain loaded in bulk carrier where to get information on securing and why DOA

[11/14/2017, 5:22 PM] : 5 of us still awaiting internal

Name: Gopinath Kumar
External: Yashwant raj
Date: 14-Nov-2017
Awaiting internal

1. On what basis a detailed inspection is carried out

2. What is ur action as master when PSC detains your vessel
3. What are the documents required in passenger ship(not certificates)
4. What are the informations available in the manouvering diagram
5. Requirements for fixed fire detections system in tankers
6. What is high expansion and low expansion foam
7. What are the criteria for low expansion
8. Advantages and disadvantages of foam extinguisher
9. What is the composition of foam extinguisher
10. Dropping test requirements of free fall life boat
11. Minimium hoisting speed for rescue boat
12. Grain stability requirements
13. What are the effects of following seas
14. What is pooping, broaching to and surfing
15. What is a wreck
16. What are the componsations for salvage
17. What is scopic
18. Difference between salvage and towage
19. Documents required to register a vessel

Extra from capt yeshwant raj not mentioned above.

1.Sewage discharge criteria
2.Define sewage
3. Is livestock waste covered by annex 4

[11/14/2017, 10:49 PM] : Date : 14/11/2017

Internal: Capt Das
External: Capt Yeshwanthraj
Attempt 1
Result: Pass
Questions asked by External:
1) lifeboat and rescue boat launching and recovery
2) surveys as per Solas
3) Drydocking Survey
4) What to check specifically on Rudder in drydock
5) Synchronous Rolling cause and action
6) Registry of Indian Ship
7) Shell Expansion Plan use and what all things u get from it
8) Drydocking Plan contents
9) Grain Stability criteria and diagram of same
10) Timber criteria and why less GM
11) Restricted Visibility action for overtaking vessel
12) Both radars inoperational action
13) ISM code clear grounds
14) Good seamanship practice when navigating in Narrow Canals ( remark don’t
tell him narrow channels)

[11/15/2017, 10:04 AM] :

1. major NC. Action
2. Can't rectify in the same port.
3. Major NC because of life boat damage. Then psc gives the same deficiency.
4. Main vertical zone
5. Class A and B bulkhead
6. A15 and B15
7. Passenger ship document's
8. Wat is the list of operational limitation
9. Decision support system.
10. Interaction between vessel.
11. Emergency technical assistance applicable to which all ship
12. Fire pump requirement
13. Rate of fire pump and emergency pump
14 Document of compliance
15. Gm for timber ship
16. Clc load line limitation
17. Deterministic and probabilistic
18. Subdivision of passenger ship
19. Wat does P1 P2 P3 stands for
20. How to relocate ur ship
21. IMDG on fire
22. One card
23. South cardinal bouy lights
24. Range of navigational lights
25. Arc of visibility for lights

[11/15/2017, 1:21 PM] : Capt. Yeshwanth Raj

Date : 14 Nov 2017

1. Nc and major NC
2. Major NC action
3. Certificates and documents required on PS
4. Contents of PSSC
5. Fall arrester on lifeboat - on/off load mechanism working principle
6. Fire pump requirement
7. Fire pump pressure requirements
8. Dangers of following and quartering seas
9. Pooping
10. How to refloat an aground vessel
11. Intact stability criteria
12. Grain stability criteria
13. Methods of securing grain
14. Grain securing in partly filled compartment
15. Timber stability criteria
16. Timber lashings
17. Documents required for IMDG cargo
18. Doc in detail
19. Shippers declaration details
20. Fire in imdg cargo
21. Can a bulk carrier do alternate hold loading
22. Which all ships can do alternate hold loading
23. Official log book contents and entries
24. Casualty investigation code in detail
25. Where it is given that to comply with casualty investigation code
26. Marpol annex 2 categories
27. Discharge criteria for annex 2

[11/15/2017, 6:43 PM] : Date : 14th Nov 2017

External : Capt Yeshwant Raj
Internal : Capt S.K.Das
1. Draw location of water tight bulkhead for container ship ?
2. Describe construction of container vessel?
3. Describe construction of container vessel double bottom tank?
4. What happen in case of bottom damage for container vessel ?
5. What is CLC and FUND convention?
6. What do you mean by persistent oil?
7. What happens to tanker carrying less than 2000gt of oil as cargo?
8. What are various limits and liability as per CLC , fund and supplementary fund ?
9. What charges are levied as per ms act for oil pollution ?
8. What is LLMC ?
9. What are the duties of master with regards to cargo loading on container
10. Precaution as master prior loading , during transit and discharge of DG cargo ?
11. Reporting required wrt to dg cargo?
12. What is .DOC and content of Doc?
13. Why certain cargo hold are not loaded with dg while certain cargo hold are
allowed to Carry the same ?
[11/15/2017, 6:52 PM] +91 97898 21589: 14. Fire fighting additional requirement
for dg cargo carriage ?
15. Fixed fire fighting requirement for cargo hold and machinery space ?
16. Heavy weather damage at sea , actions as master?
17. When , why , how to decide , risk assesment with regards to place of refuge ?
18. Collision during second officers watch ? Actions as master
19. What is causality investigation ?
20. What is shipping causality?
21. Who will carry out causality investigation ? If casuality investigation carried
out then why prelimnery inquiry, formal investigation, ? By whom explain ?
22. If after investigation second officer found guilty can administration cancel his
coc ?
23. If yes then as per which rule and then then what is court of survey ?
24. What is synchronised rolling and parametric rolling ? Actions required?
25. TSS as per which rule in COLREGS? Explain rule 10
26. Vessel arriving hosberg to enter Singapore strait, what all measures taken as
master for smooth transit ?
26. What is certificate of class and its validity?
27. What is special survey ?
28. What is esp? Along with which survey esp carried out ?
29. Difference between special survey and esp?
30. What are different class of bulk and where will you find the same ?
31. What is fire control plan?
Capt das only asked the following
32. What are all documents required as per ism code?
33. Explain all the survey required for .DOC AND SMC ? Validity of certificates ?
34. Owners liability as per CLC ?
35. Stability requirement as per grain code ?
36. Explain securing of grain ?

[11/17/2017, 1:32 PM]

*conventional features of BC n Container construction
*Assignment of freeboard
*DD of BC of 15 year old ship
*GMDSS requirements of A3
*Explosion in ER 4E died,vsl in TSS action
*LSA requirements for BC vsl
*Rule 1,2,9,10,15,16,17
*BC 50000GT nav requirements
*Radar malfunction whether vsl can sail or not??
*Why load line required n in passage plan what u wl check
*What do you mean by compulsory pilotage?
*Definition of port, harbour,naval port
*SOF N time sheet diff
*Vsl on voyage charter plan for loading iron ore
*Gauge Visby master duty
Cessar clause
*IMBSC Code annex v
*Purpose of COR
*INDIAN ship definition
*Carving n marking note
*Purpose of tonnage cert
Rest question fm his set only

[12/13/2017, 3:12 PM] : December 2017

External - Capt Ys
No internal
1.In general cargo Hw u go abt loading grain.
2.y DOA
3.draw grain stab diagram
4. Master Overidding authority ISM in Wat all purposes
5. Periodic lifeboat maintenance
6.Few cards and RV situations
8.singapore straits precautions
9.some manoeuvres
10.Passenger ship docs
12.if less than 2000T Dn limits
13. Causalty investigation code in detail with a situation at high seas ie collision
14.Court of inquiry in detail
15.Annex 4 criteria marpol
[12/19/2017, 8:18 PM] +91 98404 98919: External - capt yeswanth raj
Surveys carried out in tankers
Esp in detail
Fixed fire protection in tankers
IG oxygen requirements
Meaning of positive pressure
Purpose of IG
How will you go about loading in bulk carrier
If chief mate is saying that the particular cargo to be loaded in alternate holds
how will you go about it
Meaning of 'misobedience of lawful order' and
Some example of it
Morning you are getting information like second mate is missing,action
Mrcc in India
Official log book
Crew not obeying orders in foreign port
Rule 19 situation between pd vessel and sailing vessel
Isolated danger buoy

[12/30/2017, 1:08 PM] : External - capt yeswanth raj

Surveys carried out in tankers
Esp in detail
Fixed fire protection in tankers
IG oxygen requirements
Meaning of positive pressure
Purpose of IG
How will you go about loading in bulk carrier
If chief mate is saying that the particular cargo to be loaded in alternate holds
how will you go about it
Meaning of 'misobedience of lawful order' and
Some example of it
Morning you are getting information like second mate is missing,action
Mrcc in India
Official log book
Crew not obeying orders in foreign port
Rule 19 situation between pd vessel and sailing vessel
Isolated danger buoy
[1/1, 7:02 PM] : External-Yeshwant raj
Attempt 2

1.what is continuous synopsis record?what are the contents?

2.hssc..what all certificates under it?
3.Survey on oil tankers
4.difference between towage and salvage
5.enclosed lifeboat launching procedure and requirements
6.buoyancy chamber in lifeboat
7.Scopic clause
8.Stowaway as asylum seeker
10.PSC expanded inspection
11.CLC n fund convention
12.grain loading full procedure
13.IG requirements on oil tanker
14.Passenger ship certificates protection on passenger n cargo ships
16.Quote rule no 9

[1/1, 8:09 PM] Name - Sundar

External - Capt. Yeshwantraj
Date - 01/01/2018

1. Expanded inspection
2. Passenger ship Certificates & Documents
3. VDR requirements - Recordinga Time/ after 30 days wat wil happen
4. Lifeboat winch & brake test
5. PMS - Critical & Special Equipment
6. Loading Grain
7. Grain stability criteria
8. UNHCR & Asylum seeker
9. What action to take while Parametric Rolling
10. Towage & Salvage
11. What docs reqd for Registration of ship
12. CLC,Fund convention
13. Article 14 & SCOPIC
14. Sewage Discharge Criteria
15. Margin line & Floodable length
16. MTO & Multimodel Transport
17. Marine Electronic Highway
18. Mooring ( Running & Standing moor)
19. Piracy & Armed Robbery
20. Muster list Content
21. Trackline & Parallel sweep search patterns (Drawing)
22. Fire control plan
23. CO2 releasing procedure in E/R
24. Damage control plan & Booklet information
25. London Dumping convention
26. Marine Casualty
27. Pilot vsl under pilotage & Towing vsl tow exceed >200m length what lights
28. IALA Region - A Port hand buoy & Isolated danger buoy characteristics

[1/1, 9:21 PM] : External - Capt. Yeswant Raj

Internal - Das
Attempt- 2
Result - Pass

1. Passenger ship certificate

2. Certificate for bulk carrier
3. Survey for bulk carrier
4. Lifeboat stowage height
5. Lifeboat davit testing
6. Free fall L boat launching procedures and drills
7. Life boat engines requirements
8. Fixed fire fighting systems requirements
9. A class bulkhead and standard test
10. Bulk carrier alternative loading ?
11. Restrictions in bulk carrier for loading high density cargo ? Wat is triangle
12. Amendments in Imbsc code ?
13. Types if coal ? Hazards of coal?
14. Y 2 anchors are used ? Wat is running moor and standing moor?
15. Bunker convention? Wat is the limitation??
16. Parametric rolling and hw to avoid synchronised rolling ??
17. Annex two certificate and discharge criteria?
18. Unhrc? For wat purpose ?
19. Seamen ran away in Usa port, immigranting officer brought him onboard?
Action ?
20. At 0200hrs second officer reported vsl aground in tss? Action ?
21. Marine causality? Causality investigation code ?
22. Load test for lifting appliances?
23. Head and track control?
24. Quote Rule no 19
25. Can and cant do in Rule no 19 ?
26. All Psc inspection ? Detailed inspection ?

1. Ror cards..
Result Pass

[1/1, 10:34 PM] : Name - Agnel

External - Capt. Yeshwantraj
Date - 01/01/2018
Result : Fail

1. Surveys carried out on Tanker?

2. What is ESP
3. Explain ESP in detail
4. What is CAP
5. What is the difference between CAP & ESP
6. What is owner’s liability for oil pollution in any foreign port
7. What is owner’s liability for oil pollution in Indian port
8. Oil pollution – Action as master
9. Who will pay for the loss if there is an oil spill?
10. Who will pay for the loss if there is a bunker spill?
11. Bunker convention application?
12. Annex 1 – Discharge criteria from cargo space
13. Annex 1– Discharge criteria from Machinery space
14. Damage stability?
15. Intact stability criteria for tankers
16. As per which convention?
17. Hazards of loading bulk cargo
18. Bulk carrier alternative loading ?
19. Grain loading procedures
20. Who is a deserted seaman
21. Action as master – deserted seaman
22. Explain UNHCR?
23. How do you prevent the spread of Fire?
24. What are Active & Passive FFA items? Give eg..
25. What are A-class & B-Class Divisions?
26. Life Boat lowering procedure in detail (He also expects for a free fall life
27. Life boat engine requirement (At what temp it should start)
28. What fuel you use in L/Boat?
29. L/Boat fuel capacity
30. What are the various inspection carried out by a PSC inspector
31. Explain detailed inspection
32. Explain Expanded inspection
33. Action as a master incase of detainable deficiency?
34. How as a master would you know if a PSC inspector has given a detainable
35. Give example of detainable deficiency
36. Rule 19 : Explain in detail
[1/1, 10:51 PM] Int: Capt.Yeshwant Raj

1. Discharge criteria for Marpol Annex2

2. Grounding actions as master
3. VDR requirements
4. Lifeboat buoyancy
5.Lifeboat & davit test requirements
6.Type of FFA in gas tankers why 2type FFA in deck ?
7.restricted visibility situation rule and action
8. tss rule
9.Marine casualty
10. Surveys after incident / Collison
11.ISM certificate requirements
12. When DOC can be cancelled and how ?

[1/2, 9:58 AM] : Name: Anand

Attempt: 1
External: Capt.Yeshwant Raj
Internal: Capt.S.K.Das
Date: 01 Jan 2018
1. docs as per ism
2. passenger ship certificates
3. loading procedure for grain
4. Intact stability requirements for passenger ships.
5. classes of bulkheads and full explanation
6. buoyancy of lifeboats and liferafts
7. fixed co2 maintanance procedures.
8. marine investigation procedures.
9. loose gears testing procedures.
10. lifeboat static and dynamic tests.

Capt.S.K.Das didn ask any question.

Result : Pass
[2/5, 3:21 PM] Date : 05 February 2017
External : Yeswant Raj
Internal : S K Das
Attempt : 1
Result : Pass

Very first question started about written results. I told will get through, das said
that u cannot say dg or mmd will say.... Nice punch before starting itself...

1. Certificate of class certification procedure

2. Scenarios for Suspension, cancellation, withdrawn
3. Condition of class why and when
4. Purpose of class certificate, quarterly listing
5. Grounding action, what is foundering
6. Refloating action as master
7. Surveys after hull damage and procedures
8. Ground tackle and anchor in tandem
9. Dry dock procedure, requirements as per solas
10.Loaded ship to dock for hull damage procedures
11.General average definition
12.Towage and salvage operations in high seas
13.Scopic in brief, cross questioned a lot abt it
14.Dry docking declivity, critical instant
15.Virtual loss of GM during drydock and formulas
16.Freefall lifeboat requirements as per solas
17.Noise level requirements as per solas
18.Fixed fire fighting system in ur last vessel
19.Does that comply solas regulations or not
20.Marpol annexe 4 definition and discharge criteria
21.Shipping casualty as per ms act and procedures
22.CLC and fund, what if no bunker CLC if not party
23.Periodical surveys and intermediate surveys
24.Harmonised surveys and what all included
25.PSC inspections and explain each of them
26.Major NC and action as master if given
27.Who are refugees and brief abt UNHCR
28.Grain loading in detail including stability criteria
29.Alternate hold loading procedure in bulk carrier
30.Alternate hold loading possible in general cargo vsl
31.Triangle symbol indication and why
32.Midship section of bulk carrier and explain each
33.Cross flooding in brief, he asked is this new..
34.Fire control plan contents, why do u have it..
35.Bulkheads and it's explanation of each bulkhead
36.Ozone depleting substances, name few of them
37.Article 101 and Article 94-7 of unclos, just briefly
38.Documents required for registration of ships
39.Quote rule 19 and rule 9 word by word
40.Why safe and practicable in rule 9 and explain
41.ESP special survey and continuous hull survey
42.Special mark and safe water marks
43.Navigation in restricted waters, shallow water effects
44.Synchronous rolling and action as master
45.Pooping, reason for the same

That's all I remember guys... Many thanks for the group for supporting at all
times. Especially I thank each and everyone of my ASM batch...

My thanks again and prayers will continue for u guys.. wishing u all a very good
[2/14, 8:01 PM] : Cba is an agreement made btw employer, employee and a trade
[2/14, 8:02 PM] : Aoa is an agreement made btw employer and employee

[12/03, 16:02] External: Yeshwant Raj

Internal: Das

1. First internal asked my ship types( gas carrier)

2. Why is gas carried in liquid form?
3. Why do gas carriers have spherical tanks?
4. Any special requirements in gas carriers pertains to LSA ( lifeboats in particular)?
5. Following by external:
6. What extra certificates should gas carrier carry?
7. What other statutory certificates?
8. Contents of certificate of fitness?
9. What is NC and major NC? What action if you get Major NC?
10. Contents of fire control plan?
11. What are the MRCCs in India?
12. Passage plan- what would you check?
13. Life boat on load and off load release system?
14. Grain stability requirements?
15. How is a casualty investigation carried out?
16. What lights should towing vessel carry?
17. Fog signal for above vessel?
18. Noise code requirements?

That’s all of it

[12/03, 18:09] +91 96001 60297: Surveyor : yeshwantraj 

Wat is damaged stability of container ships ( he was not happy wen I quoted stability
requirements.. May be he s expecting something related to probabilistic and determistic
method not sure) 
Tell abt anti fouling convention. Contents of anti fouling certificate, validity, Wat paint should
not be used and Wat paints shud b used? 
Doc.. Wen doc can be suspended.? Does cancelling doc means only fr one ship or all types of
QUOTE rule 2 and 19
Pilot vsl lights
Who is distress seaman and deserted seaman? 
Grounding action? 
Hw Wil u release co2 fr engine room? (He expects us to say closing of quick closing valves) 
Contents of fire plan? 
How will u launch Davit launch lifer aft? 
Who is OSC? How will u knw it? 
Action on sighting ice? 
Precautions wen loading Dg cargo? 
How far u will go from offshore platforms? 

[08/04, 08:46] : Date: 06-04-18

External: YSR
Internal: S.K.Das
First question is whether have u cleared written.

1) Docs reqd as per USPS

2) Define NC and major NC
3) Action as master for the above
4) what is has
5) what are all the conventions under Has
6) Fire control plan contents
7) IMO ship routeing and contents
8) what are the hazards of grain and methods to prevent them
9) Different search pattern
10) what is bank cushion effect and explain with diagram
11) Interaction between vessels
12) Types of free fall launch
13) which are all the ships required to carry free fall L/B
14) Certified height
15) What are the tests for free fall LB before putting in service
16) Beaching and precautions
17) Loading of DG containers and docs required
18) class 1 segregation table for cargo vessel and passenger vessel
19) why some areas are not allowed to load dg as per doc and how are they identified
20) Imdg fire in hold and deck , fire fighting methods
21) What is marine casualty and the procedures for investigation as per MS Act
22) You are joining a gas carrier in dry dock and going for loading - precautions

Result: Fail
[08/04, 10:54] : Date: 06-04-18
External: YSR
Internal: S.K.Das

1) Cert under HSSC

2) what are docs req for passengers ship under SOLAS
3) Diff type of passenger ship.
4) Which are the area special trade passenger ship not allowed
5) Brief about ESP and it carried along with which cert survey.
6) Fire control plan contents why it's differ from FFA plan
7) NHCR who are they and their duties.
8) what are the hazards of grain and methods to prevent them also draw intact stability criteria.
9) Damage stability criteria for bulk carrier why it is more stringent.
He needs to hear B60 and B100 requirement also it's stringent for high density cargo carrying
vessel no. 1 hold aft bulkhead needs more strengthen.
10) Duties for master in case of receiving Distress message.
11) Why u need to go for SAR operation when coastal state asking u to do any so many cross
12) OSC and his duties.
13) when u will acknowledge the distress alert.
Need to say A1, A2, A3 and A4 areas.
14) ROR cards few.
15) definition of CBD and not under command vessel.
16) Master action after refloating the vessel.
Need to say will notify port of destination and PSC along with class survey report or COC.
17) concentrate cargo and hazards.
18) how can u load grain cargo in cement carrier.
19) why 1/3 of deadweight only allowed reason.
20) Passenger ship certificate.
21) can u drop anchor in traffic lane if not why reason and so many cross questions.
Some questions I forgot.
Das question:
1)fishing vessel light.
2)Anchor vessel sound signal in RV.
3)mass of bell and its striker also diameter of gong carried onboard.
Result: Pass

[13/04, 19:25] : Date: 13.04.17

Ext : capt. Das
Internal: ysr
Result : Fail

1. Draw cross section of a container vessel and explain.

2. Draw intact stability criteria of container vessel.
3. Contents of damage stability booklet and procedure for using.
4. DG loading criteria and various documents for same.
5. Various arrangements in DG hold.
6. Contents of fire control plan.
7. Fire in ER action.
8. Fire is uncontrollable in E.R.
9. Various fixed fire fighting system, their requirements and procedure for using.
10. How the required CO2 amount for machinery space is calculated.
11. After above incident u have engine since ER filled with CO2. What will you do now.
12. Towage contract.
13. Salvage and scopic.
14. Various lifeboat testing criteria.
15. Grain loading procedures and hazards of grain Cargoes
16. Vessel has no DOA how will load grain.
17. Clc and LLMC
18. Synchronised and parametric rolling.

For each and every above question he went more deep and many cross questions.
[4/18, 1:00 PM] : 


What is a Special Trade ?

What is:
1. Special trade?
2. Special trade passenger?
3. Special trade passenger ship?
4. What are Subdivision loadlines?
5. What certificates are to be carried by special trade passenger ships intending to
carry special trade passengers as provided in Merchant Shipping Act 1958?


1 1. Special Trade

2 2. Special Trade Passenger
3 3. A Special Trade Passenger Ship
4 4. Sub-division Loadlines
5 5. Certificates are to be carried by Special Trade Passenger Ships
1. Special Trade

A Special Trade means the transporting of a large number of passengers by sea

within prescribed areas.

2. Special Trade Passenger

It means a passenger carried in special trade passenger ships in spaces on

weather deck or upper deck or between decks which include pilgrim or person
accompanying pilgrim.
3. A Special Trade Passenger Ship

A Special Trade Passenger Ship mean a mechanically propelled ship carrying more

than 30 special trade passengers.

4. Sub-division Loadlines

With respect to passenger ships, subdivision load lines are marked so as to

indicate the depth to which the ship may be loaded having regard to the extent
to which the ship is subdivided & space which has been allotted to passengers. No
ship shall be loaded so as to submerge the appropriate subdivision loadline in salt
water. If she is so loaded the ship is to detain until she ceases to be so loaded.

5. Certificates are to be carried by Special Trade Passenger Ships

A ship intended to carry special trade passengers to or from ports in India is

required to have been issued a certificate “A” & a certificate “B”.
A ship intending to carry special trade passengers to or from or to a port in India
to or from a port outside India must have the following certificates:

A passenger ship safety certificate

An exemption certificate
A special trade passenger ship safety certificate
A special trade passenger ship space certificate &
[4/23, 12:46 PM] +91 94427 47625: Booklet renewal procedure: step 1 visit imc
site. Bottom they have full procedure . 2. Don't take DD, it's now through
bharatakosh only. Fees is 1000 rs. 3. Register yourself in wpc . Then go to
bharatakosh site pay fee, take printout of receipt. 4. Put only required attested
copy and send through speed post. 5. Wait ...within 50 days you will get one sheet
through post. That sheet need to kept along with booklet

[5/10, 11:51 AM] : Qstn YSR

1. STP ship
2. STP area
3. Difference between Hague and Hague Visby rules
4. Solas ch 12 - atleast 6 points
5. Why lodicator mandatory for bulk carrier.
6. Damaged stability of oil tanker
7. PSC compliant procedure
8. Isolated danger mark
9. South cardinal buoy
10. Annexure 4 Marpol

[5/10, 12:22 PM] : Surveyor YSR.

1.Chemical tanker what all will check for loading
2.intact stability criteria.
3. Damage stability criteria.
4.Bulk carrier loading, bulk carrier safety precautions and regulations as per solas
chapter XII.
5.LIFE boat surveys, How load test and all done.
6.PSC inspections.
8.Salvage when and how you will ask for salvage out at sea.
9. When will the Salvor invoke SCOPIC and why and will you allow him to Invoke
10.Coating compatibility where will u find, high density cargo loading restriction
and where will you find it,.
11.quatering and following seas , how will u avoid it, and he want exact formula
for calculating if you tell him graph and table is available .
12.Isolated danger buoy , lights at night , how will pass.
13.WIG craft lights.
14.Class surveys
15. What is special survey , class survey based on special survey or continuous
machinery assessment.
16. What is sewage definition, what is special area for sewage and how you can
discharge sewage.
[5/10, 5:03 PM] : Date:10May2018

Ext: Capt.YSR
- explain Types of PSC inspection
- when will PSC board vessel
- PSC appeal process
- Grain stability criteria.
-Grain loading requirements
-passenger ship docs and
-Accomodation fire action
- when and who will revoke Scopic
-Why salvor choose SCOPIC
- annex 6 requirements/limits
- Isolated danger buoy , lights at night , how will pass.
- WIG craft lights.
-how to determine other target in RV
-RV situation u see a vessel by radar (your action and wat action he should take)
-Marine casualty
-how the investigation process works in MSAct
- outcomes of investigation
-what is Formal investigation when and who will conduct
(Discussion went on on each topic asusual YSR style)
YSR passed me & asked to send next guy, Capt.sundaram asked me to come along
with next guy

In same room Capt.Sundaram rechecked till other guy was out of room
[5/10, 5:04 PM] : I was attending Capt.Sundaram orals till next guy finished with
[5/10, 5:14 PM] : capt.sundaram- questions
-GA & PA
-examples of GA and PA with situations
-what is wreck
-conventions connecting it
-conventions connecting salvage
-criteria for fixing awards
- convention to connect security
-conventions connecting piracy
-Explain Unclos
-UNCLOS sea limits and effects
- stowaway convention
-action for stowaway
- Passenger ship as Master first thing to do excluding Drills prior departure
-passenger ship LSA requirements
- fresh 2nd mate joined ! How to Manage?
-2nd mate called you in night saying unidentified buoy -you are also not sure
action ?
-seeing a floating drum,items in War risk zone action
-how and wat will u handover and write in standing order to C/O when you go
ashroe for medical treatment
- how to make sure Night order is transferred to all officers
- Unseworthy definition
- Lifeboat damaged at sea? action (was going in-depth)
-above case dispensations procedures and why ?
Tats all I remember

[5/14, 7:22 PM] : Cargo Ship

[5/17, 1:57 PM] : Date: 17 may 2018

1) wat r d diffrnt types of inspection by psc, wats cic?
2) actions of master on nc and mnc?
3) precaution and proceedure of releasing Co2 fixed fire extinguishing system
4) high expansion foam system nd requiremnts and proceedure
5) u r in malacca straits as per navigation wat are considerations and problem as
a master ull face
6) how u load imdg cargo, y shipper declaration is given, wat s specifically gvn in
shippers declaration dat is not dr in the supplements and other 2 volumes
7) wats diffrence between special survey and continuos machinary survey
8) registration of ship outside india
10) contents of grain loading booklet, wats doa nd y is it gvn wats d importance
11) bunker clc weather applicable to tankers , weather lub oil is applocable to
bunker clc
12) main vertical zone
13) emergency generator requirement

Emergency generator shall be automatically started and connected within 45 sec

Emergency power source, Emergency generator must be sufficient to operate

certain essential services at least for the period of 18 hours .

1)   Emergency lightening (at alley way, stairways and exits, muster and
embarkation stations, machinery space, control room, main and emergency
switchboard, firemen’s outfits storage positions, steering gear room)
2)   Fire detecting and alarming system
3)   Internal communication equipment
4)   Daylight signaling lamp and ship’s whistle
5)   Navigation equipment
6)   Navigation lights
7)   Radio installations, (VHF, MF, MF/HF)
8)   One of the fire pumps, emergency bilge pump

Rules and Regulations for Batteries

Where emergency source of electrical power is an accumulator battery, it shall be

capable of carrying loads without recharging and battery voltage throughout
discharge period must be maintained within 12% above or below its nominal

Battery system is automatically connected upon loss of main power.

Batteries are required as transitional power source for  30 min  for following

1)   Fire detecting and fire alarm

2)   Emergency lightening
3)   Navigation lights
4)   Internal communication equipment

All cross questions and in detail

Result :failed

[5/17, 4:04 PM] : Date: 17May2018

External: YSR
Internal: S. K. Das
First he asked which type of ships I did? I said bulk carriers then he started
1. Can you load alternate hold loading? Where do you get?
2. What certificates u require to load dangerous cargo?
3.If u want to load IMDG cargo how will u do?
4. What information do you get in Doc?
5. Fund limit?
6.CLC for which vessels n limit?
7. Athens convention?
8. What is LLMC?
9. Sua convention?
10. Masters duties as per Ism? do you release CO2 in eng room?
12. What are weekly monthly, yearly, 5 yrly, 10 yrly inspections? do you know how much CO2 is required her particular area. He asked me
14.L/B in oil tankers how do you check sprinkler system and air bottles
15. Certificate and documents required as per Isps?
16. Navigation in narrow canal what precautions?
17. When do you use both anchors?
18. Contents of wheel house poster?
19. Contents of manuovering booklet?
20. Beaching procedure and when u will do?
21. If u have the tide will u beach against the tide or with the tide?
22. Fpk ruptured how will you do beaching?
23. What is scopic?
24. How is the remuneration given or bank guarantee?

Then he told internal Surveyor to take over.

Result: Passed

[5/17, 8:43 PM] : 17.05.17

External : Capt YSR
Internal : Capt Das
1. What is major NC
2. Action as a master
3. PSC detailed inspection
4. Manouvering booklet and Manouvering diagram diff
5. Fire control plan & booklet
6. Accommodation fire action
7. Beaching in detail
8. Salvage
9. Ga
10.Wen to evoke scopic
11.CLC / Fund / LLMC limits
12.Bunker convention
13.WiG craft light
14.RV suitations
15.Fog signals in RV
16.Passive fire fighting
17.Main vertical zone
18.Rule 9, 10 & 19 in general
19.Precautions while transiting malacca strait
20.FV at anchor
That’s all I remember...

All the best guys

[5/18, 6:10 AM] : Internal Capt Das

External Capt YSR
1. Various inspections in PSC
2. Suspended inspection
3. MNC action as Masters
4. Rules 10 19
5. Safe water mark description
6. Contents of cargo securing manual
7. IMSBC code
8. How will you load dangerous cargo
9. What is DOA
10.Hazardous and harmful substance difference
11.Main vertical Zones
12.How will you protect the fire
13.Accommodation Fire action
15.Criteria for fixing reward
17.Contents of manoeuvring. Diagram
18.GA and PA with examples
19.Grounding action
21.Stern damaged how will you beach
22.Damage stability booklet

6/12, 2:07 PM] : Date: 11.06.18

Internal - Cap. Das
External - Cap. Ysr
Result - Pass
1. Requirement for magnetic compass.
2. When and how will correct magnetic compass.. He asked me details of various
co-efficient and the name of the magnets for correcting it.
3. Various survey and certification.
4. Diff between Hague and Hague visby
5. Bill of lading in detail.
6. How will you do Single buoy mooring..
7. Vessel aground action..
8. MAS
9. Marine casualty investigation.
10. When will u call towage and salvage..
11. First action as master when salvage party arrives..
12. Salvage renumeration and scopic
13. Various fixed fire fighting system..
14. What is passive fire fighting..
15. Which is the best class of bulkhead.. (I told H120 and in A class is A60)
16. Requirement of A60 bulkhead.
17. Difference types of damage stability calculation.
18. What is Ism and masters responsibility as per it.
19. In RV hearing fog signal in your port qtr.. Action - I said i will continue with my
course and safe speed...
20. How will you establish whether a vessel is overtaking you..
21. Sailing vessel is overtaking you.. Whose resp to keep clear under what rule.
22. ROR cards.. Towing vessel with tow > 200mtrs.
23. RAM vessel with obstruction on one side...

Date: 11.06.18
Internal - Cap. Das
External - Cap. Ysr
Result - Pass –
1. hssc applicable certificates
2. various hssc surveys
3. how to check survey due on sign on-quarterly listing
4. condition of class and memorandum
5. ESP for tanker and hoe it is established with respect to different years
6. cargo and ballast tank ESP requirements @ tanker
7. Grain loading. How will u load the cargo .from start to end
8. Stability requirements for grain. Explain the entire item in the curve.
9. How is heeling arm curve is calculated, why it starts from positive value not
from zero.
10.Grain securing.
11.What are the documents required for grain. What are the contents of DOA.
12.Passenger ship sub-division load line
13.Precaution when entering Malacca strait(he is worried about the navigation
and also asking the local requirements like the green lights for crossing)
14.Vessel grounded –reporting requirements
15.Vessel now beached- how will u beach
16.Now vsl to be refloated –how will u re-float
17.Tides are unfavorable to beach what u will do.
18.After refloating what will u do – mainly he is worried about the underwater
survey and the repairs surveys.
19.What is the role of class and p and I when the damage happens.
20.Marine casualty as per casualty code and the principle of the casualty code.
21.What is shipping casualty
22.Ur mtr and vsl grounded and second mate agreed that he made the
mistake and not corrected the chart, how will the investigation go about.
What will be the master role.
23.As per msa what is initial investigation and formal investigation so in the
above case what type of investigation will be carried out- I am not sure
what answer he expects but I said it depends on the central
government(dg)and they will have to decide for which he was not satisfied.
24.Isps documents and certificates
25.Ssp contents. Ship security assessment.
26.Pal convention with limits and why necessary
27.Marpol annex 4 requirements and special area. What is the purpose of
holding tank and treatment plant. Why r they necessary. Sewage definition.
28.Ror how will u join or leave tss- he made a diagram- he asked me how will u
join or leave and why, with respect to vessel.
29.Rule 19 – 2 vsl how will u asses and action, then 3 vsl, 4 vsl. Radar
assessment with respect to 19 rule. Finally about the speed as per rule 19.
He was least interested about the rule quoting.

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