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Soil atterberg limits and consistency indices as influenced by land use and
slope position in Western Iran

Article  in  Journal of Mountain Science · November 2015

DOI: 10.1007/s11629-014-3339-z


12 2,823

4 authors:

Zahra Zolfaghari Mohammad Reza Mosaddeghi

Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan University of Technology


Shamsollah Ayoubi Hamid Kelishadi

Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan University of Technology


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Comparing the Effects of Vetiver and Polyacrylamide on Soil Structural Stability and Erosion Indices View project

Development and carbon stable isotope composition of loess- derived forest soils of Northern Iran View project

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J. Mt. Sci. (2
2015) 12(6): 14
471-1483 e-m
mail: jms@im http://jm
DOI: 10

Soil Atterber
A rg Limitts and Consiste
C ency In
ndices as
s Influe
by Lan
nd Use and Slo
ope Pos
sition in
n Weste
ern Iran

Z ARI http:///
5-8849; e-maiil:

mamd Reza MOSADDEG
M GHI http:///
30-3195; e--mail:

sollah AYOU
UBI http:///
00-0002-4455-3139; e-maiil:

DI http://o
0-0001-5709--3445; e-mail:: kelishadi.h@

Departtment of Soil Sciience, College of Agriculture, Isfahan

Is Universsity of Technolog
gy, Isfahan 841156-83111, Iran

Citatioon: Zolfaghari Z,Z Mosaddegh MR,M Ayoubi S, et e al. (2015) Soiil atterberg limiits and consistency indices as influenced
i by
land usse and slope possition in Western
n Iran. Journal of Mountain Sccience 12(6). DO OI: 10.1007/s116629-014-3339-zz

© Scieence Press and Institute

I of Mou
untain Hazards and Environmeent, CAS and Sp
pringer-Verlag B
Berlin Heidelberrg 2015

Abstract: Atterberg lim mits and con nsistency ind dices andd OM/clay ra atio, and deccreased bulk density (ρb)
are used for classificatioons of cohesiive (fine-grain ned) andd relative bulk k density (ρbb-rel) as a resu
ult of higher
ation with com
soils in rela mpaction and d tillage practices. biommass production and plan nt residues added
a to the
They also provide inform mation for intterpreting sevveral soill compared to t other land d uses. Exceept for sand
soil mechan nical and phyysical propertties such as sh hear conntent, OM, ρb, cation exch hange capacityy (CEC) and
strength, compressibili
c ty, shrinkag ge and swellling calccium carbona ate equivalennt (CCE), slo ope position
potentials. Although, several stud dies have beenb sign
nificantly afffected soil physical an nd chemical
conducted regarding
r thee land use efffects on varrious properties. The highest valu ues of silt, OM/clay
O and
soil mechan nical propertties, little is known
k aboutt the CEC C/clay were found in the toeslop pe position,
effects of laand use and slope positio ons on Atterb berg pred dominantly induced
i by ssoil redistribuution within
limits and d consistencyy indices. This T study was the landscape. TheT use of ccomplexed (C COC) ‒ non-
conducted to t investigatee the effects of land use and commplexed organ nic carbon (NNCOC) conceept indicated
slope positiion on selecteed soil physical and chem mical thatt majority off the studied soils were lo ocated below
properties, Atterberg limmits and consiistency indicees in the saturation lin ne and the OM M in the soilss was mainly
hilly region of western Irran. Three lan nd uses includ ding in the
t COC forrm. The LL,, PI, FI and d A showed
dryland farrming, irrigatted farming and pasture and sign
nificant diffeerences amo ong the land d uses; the
four slopee positions (i.e., shoullder, backsllope, highhest values belonged
b to thhe irrigated farming
f due
footslope, and
a toeslope) were used fo or soil sampliings. to high bioma ass productio on and pla ant residues
One hundreed eleven soill samples were collected from f urned to thee soils. Furth
retu hermore, slo ope position
the surfacee soil (0‒10 cm). Selected physical and sign
nificantly afffected the Atterberg limits and
chemical prroperties, liquuid limit (LL), plastic limitt (PL) connsistency indiices except fo or SL. The highest values
and shrinkage limit (SL L) were mea asured using the of LL,
L PI, SI an nd A were o observed in the t toeslope
standard methods;
m and consistency indices
i includding position probablly because of higher OM an nd CEC/clay
plastic index (PI), fria ability index (FI), shrink kage duee to greater amount of eexpandable phyllosilicate
index (SI)) and soil activity (A A=PI/clay) werew clayys. Overall, soils
s on the toeslope und der irrigated
calculated. The results showed
s that irrigated
i farm
ming farm
ming with hig gh LL and SI aand low valuees of FI need
significantlyy increased organic
o matter content (O OM) careeful tillage maanagement to o avoid soil coompaction.
Received: 30
0 March 2015 Key
ywords: Lan
nd use; Slope position; Attterberg
Accepted: 13
3 August 2015

J. Mt. Sci. (2015) 12(6): 1471-1483

limits; Soil consistency; Relative bulk density; Keller and Dexter 2012).
Complexed organic carbon The Atterberg limits and consistency indices
are used for classifications of cohesive (fine-
List of abbreviations, symbols and units grained) soils. They also provide information for
Parameter Definition Unit interpreting several soil mechanical and physical
LL Liquid limit kg 100kg-1 properties such as shear strength, compressibility,
PL Plastic limit kg 100kg-1
shrinkage and swelling potentials (Archer 1975;
SL Shrinkage limit kg 100kg-1
PI Plastic index kg 100kg-1 Wroth and Wood 1978; Campbell 2001; McBride
FI Friability index kg 100kg-1 2008; Seybold et al. 2008). These water content
SI Shrinkage index kg 100kg-1 limits are also essential for infrastructure
A Soil activity (i.e., ratio of −
plastic index to clay
application (e.g., buildings and roads construction).
content=PI/clay) Moreover, these limits and indices are helpful for
OC Organic carbon content kg 100kg-1 classifying soils in relation with compaction and
OM Organic matter content kg 100kg-1 tillage practices (Soane et al. 1972; Campbell 2001),
CCE Calcium carbonate kg 100kg-1
equivalent optimum water content for tillage (Campbell 2001;
CEC Cation exchange cmol(+) Dexter and Bird 2001; Keller et al. 2007;
capacity kg-1 Mosaddeghi et al. 2009), and in soil-machine
ρb Bulk density Mg m-3 interactions (Campbell 2001).
ρb-rel Relative bulk density −
COC Complexed organic kg 100kg-1 The effects of soil intrinsic properties on the
carbon Atterberg limits and consistency indices have been
NCOC Non-complexed organic kg 100kg-1 commonly reported in the literature. de la Rosa
(1979) found that clay content, cation exchange
CC Complexed clay kg 100kg-1
NCC Non-complexed clay kg 100kg-1 capacity (CEC) and organic matter (OM) had
significant influences on PI variability in the
Florida soils. de Jong et al. (1990) and Mbagwa and
Abeh (1998) reported significant positive
Introduction correlations between LL, PL and PI and clay
content in southern Saskatchewan, Canada and
Physical and mechanical properties of cohesive tropical regions of Nigeria, respectively. Odell et al.
(fine-grained) soils greatly depend on the water (1960) showed that OM, clay content and the
content. Soil consistency indicates the soil’s montmorillonite content in the clay fraction had
resistance to deformation when exposed to significant influences on LL and PI. Seybold et al.
mechanical forces. Based on gravimetric water (2008) indicated that clay content and CEC were
content, Atterberg (1911) defined three consistency highly related to LL and PI in a database in the US.
limits including shrinkage limit (SL), lower plastic Keller and Dexter (2012) also reported significant
limit or plastic limit (PL) and upper plastic limit or positive relationships of LL, PL and PI with clay
liquid limit (LL) for fine-grained soils. The SL is content but not with OM using a soil database from
the limit between solid and semisolid states, PL is different countries. Dexter et al. (2008) observed
the border between semisolid and plastic states, that, for mineral soils, it is not the total amount of
and LL separates plastic state from liquid state organic carbon (OC) that controls soil physical and
(Casagrande 1932; Archer 1975; PCA 1992; mechanical behavior, but the amount of complexed
Campbell 2001; Das 2006; McBride 2008). Soil organic carbon (COC) or non-complexed OC
consistency indices represent the water content (NCOC). They reported that for the soils where OC
ranges, over which specific mechanical behaviors is mainly complexed (i.e., OC ≈ COC), inverse of
occur. In the plastic range as quantified by bulk density (i.e., specific volume) is significantly
plasticity index (i.e., PI=LL‒PL), soil mechanical related with the OC content, but not with the clay
behavior is plastic/irreversible without cracking content. They assumed that this complex (COC) is
upon loading. In the semisolid state (between SL formed by the association of unit mass (i.e., 1 g) of
and PL), soil is friable and behaves in brittle OC with 10 g of clay. Havaee et al. (2014) employed
manner (Campbell 2001; Das 2006; McBride 2008; COC-NCOC concept of Dexter et al. (2008) for the

J. Mt. Sci. (2015) 12(6): 1471-1483

soils under different land uses in Semirom region, to determine the possible influence of land use and
central Iran. Their results showed that almost all of slope position on selected soil physical and
the soils located below the saturation line (1:10), chemical properties, Atterberg limits and
indicating that the studied soils were not saturated consistency indices in hilly region of western Iran.
with the OC and had all OC in the COC form. The
irrigated soils were closer to the COC saturation
line because of the higher organic material inputs 1 Materials and Methods
in the irrigated farming.
There is extensive information around the 1.1 Study area
world about the land use effects and to a lesser
extent about the slope position effects on soil This study was carried out on the hilly regions
properties (e.g., Lal 2004; Celik 2005; Lorenz et al. of Cherlgerd watershed located in western Iran
2008; Xie and Wei 2013; Falahatkar et al. 2014). (Figure 1). The study area is located between 50°5'
The influences of land use changes and to 50°28' E longitudes and 32°13' to 32°35' N
management practices have been studied on soil latitudes and approximately covers an area of 370
mechanical and physical attributes such as soil km2. The mean elevation of the study area is 2360
hydraulic properties (Green et al. 2003; Schwartz m a.s.l. The mean annual precipitation and
et al. 2003), soil strength (Blanco-Canqui et al. temperature at the selected area are 1440 mm and
2005; Havaee et al. 2015), sorptivity (Shaver et al. 9.4°C, respectively (
2002), aggregate tensile strength (Arthur et al. The soils in the study area are developed
2012), degree of compactness (Havaee et al. 2014), mainly on Cretaceous limestone and Oligo-
and soil aggregation (e.g., Dexter and Horn 1988; Miocene deposits and classified as Entisols,
Ayoubi et al. 2012). In Iran, few studies have been Inceptisols and Vertisols (Mehnatkesh et al. 2013)
done on the effects of land use (change) (Ayoubi after Soil Survey Staff (2010). Major land uses
et al. 2011, Havaee et al. 2014, 2015; Kelishadi et al. include pasture, dominantly covered by milkvetch
2014) and slope position (Khormali et al. 2009; (Astragalus sp.) and brome grasses (Bromus sp.),
Mokhatri Karchegani et al. 2011; Khormali and and dryland farming and irrigated farming mainly
Ajami 2011) on soil quality indicators. consisting of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum)
Although, several studies have been conducted and alfalfa (Medicago sativa), respectively
regarding the land use effects on various soil (Kelishadi et al. 2014).
mechanical properties, little is known about the
effects of land use and slope positions on the 1.2 Soil sampling and analyses
Atterberg limits and consistency indices. Blanco-
Canqui et al. (2006) investigated the effects of five Soil surface layer (0‒10 cm) was sampled at
land use managements including moldboard- 111 locations in September, 2012. Surface soil was
plowed continuous corn, no-tilled continuous corn, sampled because its mechanical behavior is
no-till continuous corn with beef cattle manure important in soil erosion processes/modelling and
application, and pasture and forest systems. They tillage studies and much difference among the soil
showed that no-till system had the lowest value of properties such as texture, CCE and OM is
soil particle density and the highest values of OM, expected to occur in the surface soil. Sampling
LL, PL and PI. Significant differences in the soil points had a good scatter representing the study
consistency limits were mainly attributed to the region, considering soil variability, different land
variation in OC values among the management uses and slope position (Figure 1). Three major
systems. land uses and four slope positions were considered
Land use and slope position can indirectly for soil sampling in the region. Numbers of
affect the soil consistency limits and indices along sampling locations were 34, 23 and 54 for dryland
the landscape. Presumably land use and slope farming, irrigated farming and pasture land uses,
positions by altering soil physical and chemical respectively, depending on the area covered by
properties could regulate the soil consistency but each land use. Numbers of the sampling points
documentation is scanty. This study was conducted among the slope positions were 18, 20, 42 and 31

J. Mt. Sci. (2015) 12(6): 1471-1483

Figure 1 Location of the study region in west of Iran and spatial distribution of soil sampling sites in the region.

for shoulder, backslope, footslope and toeslope, raised 10-mm above the base by a crank and
respectively. In order to reduce micro-variability, dropped freely onto the base at two revolutions per
in each location three soil samples were collected second until the two parts of the soil came into
and mixed, and the composite samples were contact at the bottom of the groove over a length of
brought to the laboratory. An undisturbed soil 13-mm. The number of blows required to do this
sample was also collected from the surface soil was recorded. Then, more distilled water was
using Kopecky core samplers of 4.9 cm diameter added to the soil sample and the procedure was
and 5.3 cm height (i.e., 100 cm3) to measure bulk repeated for another two water contents to give a
density (ρb) by oven-drying at 105ºC for 48 h. range of results lying between 50 and 10 blows. The
Soil samples were air-dried and passed linear relation between the water contents and the
through 2-mm sieve for laboratory analyses. Soil log of the numbers of blows was plotted, and the
texture and particle size distribution (clay, silt and gravimetric water content corresponding to 25
sand fractions, PSD) were measured using the blows was recorded as the LL (Casagrande 1932;
pipette method (Gee and Bauder 1986). Soil BSI 2000; Campbell 2001). The PL was measured
organic matter (OM) was determined using the using the 3-mm soil thread method, as the water
Walkley-Black method (Nelson and Sommers content at which a 3-mm remolded soil thread
1982). Calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) was begins to crack longitudinally and transversely
measured by the Bernard's calcimetric method (Casagrande 1932; BSI 2000; Campbell 2001;
(Richard and Suarez 1996). Cation exchange McBride 2008). The SL was determined by the
capacity (CEC) was measured using the sodium linear shrinkage method (BSI 2000). Gravimetric
acetate method (Rhoades 1982). water contents at the Atterberg limits were
The liquid limit (LL), plastic limit (PL) and measured by oven-drying the soil at 105ºC for 48 h.
shrinkage limit (SL) were determined on soil The plastic/plasticity index (PI=LL‒PL),
material passing a 0.425-mm sieve according to the friability index (FI=PL‒SL) and shrinkage index
standard methods. The LL was determined using (SI=LL‒SL) as soil consistency indices were
the Casagrande three-point method. Soil sample calculated (BSI 2000; Campbell 2001; McBride
was wetted with distilled water, remolded and put 2008). The ratio of PI to clay percent (i.e., PI/clay)
in the cup of Casagrande apparatus. The sample was also considered as soil activity (A), indicating
was divided in two by drawing grooving tool the physical and mechanical activity of the clay
through the sample. The cup was alternatively fraction. The A mostly depends on the dominant

J. Mt. Sci. (2015) 12(6): 1471-1483

clay minerals, exchangeable cations and salts in the land uses and on different slope positions. We also
soil solution (Campbell 2001). followed the concept of complexed clay (CC) and
In order to evaluate the degree of compactness non-complexed clay (NCC) described by Dexter et
irrespective of soil type (i.e., clay content), the al. (2008) and Dexter and Czyż (2011), to evaluate
relative bulk density (ρb-rel) as the ratio of ρb to a the effects of land use and slope position on the
reference ρb (ρb-ref) was calculated as follows: clay fractions. Correlation analysis was also done in
the SPSS v. 17.0.
ρ = b

2 Results and Discussion

where ρb-ref was calculated as a function of clay
content by following equation (Jones 1983; Dexter
2004): 2.1 Soil physical and chemical properties
ρb-ref (Mg m-3) = 1.882 ‒ 0.0083Clay (kg 100kg-1) (2)
A summary of statistics for the soil physical
Mosaddeghi et al. (2009) observed that ρb-ref and chemical properties categorized based on the
calculated using Eq. 2 has a strong correlation with land use are given in Table 1. The most variable
natural soil ρb. The ρb-rel might be better linked to property in the three land uses was CCE with CV
several physical soil functions such as water and air values of 72.2, 69.7 and 77.2 kg 100kg-1, for dryland
storage, mechanical impedance to root growth, and farming, irrigated farming and pasture,
water availability for plants when compared to ρb respectively. Sand content also showed high
(e.g., see Asgarzadeh et al. 2010, 2011). The ρb and variability in the land uses following CCE. However,
ρb-rel were used to assess the impact of land use and ρb and ρb-rel had the lowest variability among the
slope position on degree of compactness of the soils land uses in the study area. No significant
in the region. difference was found between land uses in terms of
the mean values of primary particle-size fractions
1.3 Statistical analyses and CCE (Table 1), presumably because these
intrinsic soil properties are mainly influenced by
Descriptive statistics including minimum, parent material and geomorphic positions rather
maximum, mean, and standard deviation (SD) than management practices.
were computed using SPSS v. 17.0 (IBM Com., The organic matter content (OM) was highly
Chicago, USA). Coefficient of variation (CV) was variable in all of the studied land uses; on an
employed for exploring the variability of the average, irrigated farming had the highest and
selected parameters and properties in the study dryland farming together with pasture showed the
area. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was done in a lowest mean OM (i.e., 1.34 kg 100kg-1, see Table 1).
completely randomized design with unequal The differences in OM means between land uses
replications. Since all of the land uses were not were significant in the order: irrigated farming >
found in all of the slope positions, one-way ANOVA dryland farming = pasture (Table 1). The highest
was done separately for three land uses including means of OM and OM/clay ratio and the lowest
irrigated farming, dryland farming and pasture and means of ρb and ρb-rel were obtained for the
four slope positions comprising of shoulder, irrigated farming due to organic manure
backslope, footslope and toeslope. Therefore, it was application, higher crop production and greater
not possible to investigate the interactive effects of plant residues returned to the soil. Similar results
land use and slope position on the Atterberg limits were reported by Havaee et al. (2014) in Semirum
and consistency indices. The data were analyzed district in central Iran. Pasture and dryland
using ANOVA in the SPSS v. 17.0. Means’ farming showed similar low values of OM, ρb and
comparison was done using the Duncan's multiple ρb-rel. Lower values of OM in the pasture and
range method at p<0.05 probability level. dryland farming might be attributed to intensive
We used the COC-NCOC concept proposed by grazing and sparse vegetation in the pasture, and
Dexter et al. (2008) to discriminate the organic little addition of litters and residues to the soil plus
matter status of the studied soils under different intensive tillage practices in the dryland farming

J. Mt. Sci. (2015) 12(6): 1471-1483

(Kelishadi et al. 2014). The

Table 1 Descriptive statistics and means’ comparisons of soil
differences in ρb-rel means physical and chemical properties among different land uses (LU)
among the land uses could be in the study region
elucidated by the influences LU Variable Min Max Mean* CV (%) SD
of OM on ρb. The decreasing Clay (kg 100kg-1) 6.4 58.4 34.2a 33.9 11.6
impact of OM on the degree Silt (kg 100kg-1) 39.4 83.8 58.2a 19.4 11.3

Dryland farming
Sand (kg 100kg-1) 2.0 19.2 7.6a 63.2 4.8
of compactness might be due OM (kg 100kg-1) 0.38 2.79 1.34b 46.3 0.62

to dilution effect (i.e., low CCE (kg 100kg-1) 1.5 50.0 16.9a 72.2 12.2
density of the organic CEC (cmol(+) kg-1) 24.5 69.5 51.5a 18.3 9.4
materials) and because OM CEC/clay 0.90 5.05 1.76 a 53.4 0.94
ρb (Mg m-3) 1.10 1.48 1.24a 8.1 0.10
improves soil aggregation and ρb-rel 0.60 0.99 0.78ab 8.9 0.07
hence increases soil porosity OM/clay 0.01 0.23 0.05b 100.0 0.05
(Mosaddeghi et al. 2000; Clay (kg 100kg-1) 4.0 56.0 30.3a 43.9 13.3
Havaee et al. 2014, 2015). Silt (kg 100kg-1) 41.00 86.4 61.6a 21.3 13.1
Irrigated farming

Sand (kg 100kg-1) 2.0 15.7 8.1a 51.9 4.2

The results of ANOVA OM (kg 100kg-1) 0.46 4.38 2.07a 54.1 1.12

showed that the slope CCE (kg 100kg-1) 0.0 55.0 21.8a 69.7 15.2
position significantly affected CEC (cmol(+) kg-1) 2.5 57.0 42.2b 30.1 12.7
CEC/clay 0.07 9.37 2.12 a 101.9 2.16
the soil physical and chemical
ρb (Mg m-3) 1.09 1.37 1.21a 6.6 0.08
properties except for sand ρb-rel 0.61 0.87 0.74b 9.5 0.07
content, OM, ρb, CEC and OM/clay 0.01 0.60 0.12a 116 0.14
CCE (Table 2). Along the Clay (kg 100kg-1) 3.2 49.7 35.7a 26.1 9.3
Silt (kg 100kg-1) 42.6 85.8 57.6a 16.3 9.4
landscape, soils located in the Sand (kg 100kg-1) 1.0 18.1 6.7a 67.2 4.5
toeslope position had OM (kg 100kg-1) 0.1 3.38 1.34b 44.0 0.59

significantly higher silt CCE (kg 100kg-1) 1.0 45.3 16.2a 77.2 12.5
content (i.e., 66.7 kg 100kg-1) CEC (cmol(+) kg-1) 27.1 70.3 49.7a 18.1 9.0
CEC/clay 0.70 10.57 1.66 a 88.6 1.47
when compared to the other ρb (Mg m-3) 1.07 1.50 1.25a 7.2 0.09
slope positions (Table 3). This ρb-rel 0.60 0.99 0.79a 8.9 0.07
may be due to susceptibility OM/clay 0.001 0.6 0.05b 160 0.08
of the silt fraction to erosion Notes: OM, Organic matter; CCE, Calcium carbonate equivalent; CEC,
and preferential movement of Cation exchange capacity; ρb, Bulk density; ρb-rel, Relative bulk density;
Minimum; Max, Maximum; CV, Coefficient of variation; SD, Standard
those particles from the upper deviation.
slopes to toeslope position * For each property, the values with different letters among the land uses are
(Rhoton et al. 2002; significantly different (Duncan's test, p<0.05).
Khormali et al. 2009;
Mokhtari Karchegani et al.
2011). The OM/clay and CEC/clay ratios were 2.2 Complexed and non-complexed organic
higher in the lower positions compared to the carbons and clays
upper ones. Higher values of CEC/clay ratio in the
Dexter et al. (2008) and Dexter and Czyż
toeslope position are mainly attributed to greater
(2011) confirmed that in mineral soils using the
2:1 expandable clays (i.e., smectites) in this
concept of complexed organic carbon (COC) and
position (Zolfaghari 2014), which increased the
non-complexed organic carbon (NCOC) better
clay activity.
explains soil physical behavior compared to the
In contrast to some other results reported from
total OC. We employed COC-NCOC concept of
Iran (Khormali et al. 2009; Ayoubi et al. 2012;
Dexter et al. (2008) and calculated COC and NCOC
Karchegani et al. 2012), slope position did not
for our samples. The results showed that majority
significantly affect sand, OM, ρb, CEC and CCE in our
of the studied soils were located below the
study. It seems that high diversity in the land uses
saturation line (1:10) and the OC in the soils was
and management practices on different geomorphic
dominantly in the COC form (Figures 2a and 2b).
positions could mask the distinguishable effect of
However, four out of 23 soils (17%) in irrigated
slope position on some soil properties.
farming, three out of 54 soils (5.5%) in pasture, and

J. Mt. Sci. (2015) 12(6): 1471-1483

Table 2 The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for land use and slope position effects on soil physical
and chemical properties in the study region
Statistics Clay Silt Sand OM CCE CEC ρb ρb-rel
Land use effect
Mean square 233.86 134.83 17.54 4.84 268.48 648.11 0.008 0.012
F value 1.95 1.15 0.86 8.76 1.59 6.5 0.86 3.27
Significance level 0.147 0.32 0.425 0.0001 0.209 0.002 0.425 0.049
Slope position effect
Mean square 1036.61 1031.65 15.14 0.81 41.18 158.14 0.01 0.03
F value 10.76 11.24 0.74 1.29 0.23 1.46 1.30 7.11
Significance level 0.0001 0.0001 0.529 0.279 0.871 0.229 0.275 0.0001
Notes: OM, Organic matter; CCE, Calcium carbonate equivalent; CEC, Cation exchange capacity; ρb, Bulk density;
ρb-rel, Relative bulk density.

Table 3 Effects of slope position on soil physical and chemical properties among different slope
positions in the study region*
Slope position Clay Silt Sand OM CCE CEC
(kg 100kg-1) (kg 100kg-1) (kg 100kg-1) (kg 100kg-1) (kg 100kg-1) (cmol(+) kg-1)
Shoulder (N=18) 36.7a (±10.9) 55.0b (±9.6) 8.3a (±4.9) 1.35a (±0.58) 18.3a (±12.9) 47.7a (±5.8)
Backslope (N=20) 41.1a (±6.7) 52.7b (±4.7) 6.2a (±4.4) 1.25a (±0.65) 17.7a (±13.9) 49.9a (±10.1)
Footslope (N=42) 35.5a (±8.1) 56.9b (±8.8) 7.5a (±4.7) 1.56a (±0.75) 16.3a (±12.4) 50.7a (±8.9)
Toeslope (N=31) 26.2b (±12.5) 66.7a (±12.4) 7.0a (±3.9) 1.64a (±0.99) 18.8a (±12.7) 45.8a (±13.8)
Slope position ρb (Mg m-3) ρb-rel OM/clay CEC/clay CC NCC
(kg 100kg-1) (kg 100kg-1)
Shoulder (N=18) 1.25a (±0.09) 0.79ab (±0.07) 0.07ab (±0.03) 1.81ab (±0.52) 7.4a (±3.5) 29.3ab (±10.5)
Backslope (N=20) 1.27a (±0.10) 0.82a (±0.07) 0.03b (±0.01) 1.23b (±0.06) 7.2a (±3.9) 34.0a (±6.8)
Footslope (N=42) 1.23a (±0.10) 0.77bc (±0.07) 0.05b (±0.02) 1.52b (±0.08) 9.0a (±4.3) 26.5b (±8.6)
Toeslope (N=31) 1.22a (±0.08) 0.73c (±0.06) 0.11a (±0.08) 2.49a (±0.35) 8.1a (±4.2) 18.1c (±13.1)
Notes: OM, Organic matter; CCE, Calcium carbonate equivalent; CEC, Cation exchange capacity; ρb, Bulk density;
ρb-rel, Relative bulk density; CC, Complexed clay content; NCC, Non-complexed clay content. The values in
parentheses are standard deviations.
* In each column, values with different letters are significantly different (Duncan’s test, p<0.05).

two out of 34 soils (5.9%) in dryland farming fell The concept of complexed clay (CC) and non-
above the saturation line and were saturated with complexed clay (NCC) described by Dexter et al.
organic carbon (i.e., had values of OC > clay/10) (2008) and Dexter and Czyż (2011) was also used
(Figure 2a). to evaluate the effect of land use on the clay
This indicates that irrigated soils are relatively fractions. The means’ comparison of total clay
in better condition in terms of organic matter in showed no significant difference between the land
the region. However, the findings of Soussan et al. uses (Figure 3), but CC and NCC interestingly
(2004) implied that in pasture soils, COC could be showed significant differences among them. The
persevered for longer time if not disturbed. Thus greatest mean of CC (i.e., 10.4 kg 100kg-1) was
non-complexed/non-protected OC is sensitive to observed in the irrigated farming, whereas the
soil management practices as it is vulnerable to smallest values (i.e., 7.5 kg 100kg-1) were obtained
decomposition (Dexter et al. 2008). In addition, in the dryland farming and pasture. However, the
the COC-NCOC concept of Dexter et al. (2008) was greatest value of NCC was calculated for the
applied for the soil samples on various slope dryland farming and pasture (Figure 3). Dexter
positions (Figure 2b). Almost all of the samples et al. (2008) using the POLSTAB database,
positioned below the saturation line (1:10), demonstrated that NCC was more readily dispersed
whereas some soil samples from toeslope position in the water than CC. Therefore, it might be
were located above the saturation line (Figure 2b). implied that clay particles are less water-
This finding might be due to the fact that majority dispersible in the irrigated soils compared to the
of irrigated soils are located on the toeslope soils under dryland and pasture in our study.

J. Mt. Sci. (2
2015) 12(6): 14

Figure 2 Application
A off COC-NCOC concept
c propo osed by Dexterr et al. (2008) for the studieed soils as cateegorized by
(a) land use and (b) slop
pe position. Th
he diagonal lin
ne is saturatio
on line (1:10 lin
ne). The pointts below the liine refer to
the contennts of complexxed organic caarbon (COC) anda heights above
a the 1:10
0 line are conttents of non-ccomplexed
organic carrbon (NCOC).

Figure 3 Means’
M compa arisons of tota
al clay, compleexed clay (CC) and non-com mplexed clay (N NCC) among thet studied
land uses. The bars corrresponding too each clay fra ntly different (Duncan's
action with diffferent letterss are significan
test, p<0.0

No siggnificant diffferences werre found for the 2.3

3 Atterberg limits and
d consistenc
cy indices
sand and complexed
c cllay (CC) conttents amongg the
slope posiitions, wherreas significcant differen nces Descriptivee statistics of the resuults on the
were obserrved for thee total clay and NCC. The Atteerberg limits and consistency indicces and soil
lowest andd highest meeans of tota al clay and NCC
N actiivity (A) in different
d land uses are presented
p in
were foun nd in the toeslope and a backslope, Tabble 4. The mo ost variable q
quantity amo
ong the land
respectivelyy (Table 3). usees was A witth CV values of 76.0%, 88.7% and

J. Mt. Sci. (2015) 12(6): 1471-1483

46.9% for dryland farming,

Table 4 Descriptive statistics and means’ comparisons of Atterberg
irrigated farming and limits and consistency indices among different land uses in the study
pasture, respectively. region
Following A, PI and FI were Land use Variable Min Max Mean* CV SD
most variable in the three (kg 100kg-1) (%)
Dryland LL 36.7 77.6 50.8ab 13.6 6.9
land uses. However, LL farming (N=34) PL 5.7 42.7 30.2a 25.4 7.7
showed the least variability SL 8.5 16.2 12.0 a 16.7 2.0
with CV values of 13.6%, PI 5.3 48.0 20.6ab 45.6 9.4
13.8% and 10.7% in dryland FI 2.1 32.3 18.2 a 41.8 7.6
farming, irrigated farming SI 27.1 66.3 38.8 ab 16.0 6.2
A (‒) 0.18 2.67 0.71 b 76.0 0.54
and pasture, respectively.
Among the Atterberg limits Irrigated LL 39.1 67.0 53.8 a 13.8 7.4
farming (N=23) PL 10.5 47.5 29.3 a 29.0 8.5
and consistency indices, LL,
SL 9.7 15.7 12.9 a 13.9 1.8
PI and SI showed PI 10.2 46.9 24.4a 36.5 8.9
significant (p<0.05) FI 2.3 33.21 16.4 a 48.1 7.9
differences between the SI 26.0 57.4 40.9 a 17.6 7.2
land uses and the highest A (‒) 0.33 4.20 1.15a 88.7 1.02
values were obtained for the Pasture (N=54) LL 40.3 62.1 49.5b 10.7 5.3
irrigated farming (Table 4). PL 3.5 49.1 32.7 a 25.1 8.2
SL 8.4 15.8 12.5 a 13.6 1.7
The highest mean value of
PI 0.8 42.3 16.8b 43.5 7.3
LL (i.e., 53.8 kg 100kg ) -1
FI 4.9 35.9 20.2 a 36.6 7.4
was observed for the SI 29.2 49.7 37.1b 11.9 4.4
irrigated farming, and A (‒) 0.10 1.30 0.49 b 46.9 0.23
showed no significant Notes: LL, Liquid limit; PL, Plastic limit; SL, Shrinkage limit; PI, Plastic index;
difference with its mean FI, Friability index; SI, Shrinkage index; A, Activity (=PI/clay); CV, Coefficient
of variation; SD, Standard deviation.
value in the dryland
*For each property, the values with different letters among the land uses are
farming (i.e., 50.8 kg 100kg- significantly different (Duncan’s test, p<0.05).
1), but significantly differed

from that in the pasture.

As already reported by other researchers However, Zolfaghari (2014) reported no significant
(Odell et al. 1960; de la Rosa 1979; Seybold et al. correlations between the clay content and the
2008), clay content and type, and OM content were Atterberg limits for the dataset used. In the present
found to be the most important factors affecting LL. study, we used the CC-NCC concept of Dexter et al.
There was no significant difference among the land (2008) to evaluate the effects of CC and NCC on
uses in terms of particle size distribution and clay the Atterberg limits in various land uses. Among
content (Table 1); therefore, the dissimilarity in LL the Atterberg limits and consistency indices, only
values among the land uses might be associated LL and SI showed better correlations with the clay
with the variation in OM content. The highest content when the CC-NCC concept was applied,
mean of OM was observed in the irrigated farming while for PL and other consistency indices (i.e., PI
(Table 1) corresponding to the highest mean of LL and FI), no improvement in the correlations was
(Table 4). Hemmat et al. (2010) and Keller and observed. Similarly, the clay content did not show
Dexter (2012) reported positive significant significant correlation with LL (r=0.04) in the
correlations of LL with OM when soil type (texture) dryland farming; but when CC was employed,
was similar. significant correlation (r=0.34, p<0.01) was
It has been reported that clay content has a obtained between LL and CC. In the irrigated
predominant role in explaining the variability of farming, greater improvement was achieved when
the Atterberg limits. Several researchers (Odell et correlation between CC and LL was calculated
al. 1960; de Jong et al. 1990; Keller and Dexter (r=0.39, p<0.01) rather than when correlation
2012) reported strong positive correlations between clay content and LL was determined
between the clay content and the Atterberg limits. (r=‒0.11, p<0.05). However, there was no

J. Mt. Sci. (2
2015) 12(6): 14

improvemeent in the T
Table 5 The analysis off variance (A ANOVA) for r land use anda slope
relationship p between n clay p
position effeects on Atte erberg limits s and consis stency indic ces in the
content an nd LL based on the s
study region n
CC-NCC concept in n the S
Statistics LL PL S
pasture (rr=0.14 for both). L
Land use effe ect
Similar treends were ob bserved M
Mean square 144.71 119.33 5
5.205 4966.73 128.244 120.83
F value 3.68 1.81 1
1.51 7.144 2.23 3.83
for the SII (i.e., increease in S
Significance leevel 0.028 0.168 0
0.226 0.001 0.112 0.025
correlationn coefficients from
Slope position n effect
0.19 to 0.3 38; from ‒0 0.06 to M
Mean square 206.59 493.36 3.24 3 12225.66 550.43 3 160.88
0.49; and from 0.15 to t 0.22 F value 5.65 8.99 0
0.93 27.117 12.24 5.43
between SII with clay and a CC, S
Significance leevel 0.001 0.0001 0.43
0 0.0001 0.0001 0.002
for the dryland fa arming, N
Notes: LL, Liquid
L limit; PL,
P Plastic limmit; SL, Shriinkage limit; PI, Plastic
irrigated fa
arming and pasture,
p inndex; FI, Friabbility index; SI,
S Shrinkage index.
respectivelyy). It seem ms that
the qualityy of organic matter The resultts of ANOV VA showed that slope
and presu umably typee of clay minerals m wh hich possition had significant
s nfluence on all of the
produce co omplexes witth the OM in i different land l Atteerberg limitss and consisttency indicess, except for
uses led to o variable fo ormation of clay compleexes SL (Table 5). The mean ns’ comparisons using
and hence variable effeects on the Atterberg
A limmits. Dun ncan's test (p<0.05)
(p aree given in Fig gure 4. The
Accordinglyy, Dexter ett al. (2008) suggested that highhest values of
o LL, PI, and d SI (i.e., 54.5, 27.2 and
soil physica al behavior isi not contro olled by OM, but 41.66 kg 100kg-1, respectivelyy) were obseerved on the
by the amo ount of OM which
w is com
mplexed with h the toesslope positio
on. The loweest values weere obtained
clay particlles. for the shoulderr position wiith mean values of 48.3,
With reegard to A (P PI/clay), signifficant differen nces 9.8 and 36.1 kg k 100kg-1, rrespectively (Figure 4).
were observrved among the t land usees (Table 4). The Com mparing theese results w with the treends of soil
highest and d lowest valu ues of A weree observed in n the prooperties in various
v slop pe positionss (Table 3)
irrigated farrming (i.e., 1..15) and drylaand farming (i.e., connfirmed thatt these differrences migh ht be partly
0.49), resspectively. TheseT findiings might be relaated to the OM differeences among g the slope
attributed to
t higher con ntents of exp pandable 2:1 clay possitions. The highest
h OM ccontent was observed in
minerals (i.e., smectitess) in the irrig gated soils which
w the toeslope po osition, which showed the highest
are mostly located
l on thhe lower slopee positions in n the valuues of LL, PI,
P SI and A.. The differeences in the
landscape (Zolfaghari 20 014). Atteerberg limitss and consisttency indicess among the

Figure 4 Means’ comp parisons of Attterberg limitts and consisttency indices among the sslope position ns. The bars
ding to each lim
correspond mit/index with
h different lettters are signifi
ficantly differeent (Duncan's test, p<0.05)..

J. Mt. Sci. (2015) 12(6): 1471-1483

slope positions are not directly attributable to the irrigated farming.

clay content variation because the lowest clay (2) Slope position significantly affected soil
content was observed in the toeslope position physical and chemical properties except for sand
(Table 3). As the relations between soil consistency content, OM, ρb, CEC and CCE; and the highest
limits and clay content were weak, the influence values of silt, OM/clay and CEC/clay were found in
might be ascribed to the fractions coarser than the the toeslope position, mainly due to soil
clay fraction or to the existence of aggregated clay- redistribution within the landscape.
sized particles as reported by Coleman et al. (1964) (3) The use of COC-NCOC concept proposed
and Campbell (2001). Moreover, a part of this by Dexter et al. (2008) showed that majority of the
discrepancy on the relationships between the clay studied soils were located below the saturation line
content, slope position and above-mentioned (i.e., were not saturated with organic carbon) and
Atterberg limits and consistency indices (i.e., PI, SI the OC in the soils was in the complexed (COC)
and A) might be related to the clay type. form. The use of CC-NCC concept proposed by
Zolfaghari (2014) showed that the dominant Dexter et al. (2008) showed that while the total
clay minerals in the lower positions (toeslope) are clay was not significantly different, the CC and NCC
expandable clay minerals such montmorillonite; significantly differed among the land uses. The CC-
and in the upper slopes they are non-active NCC clay fractions in different land uses showed
phyllosilicates such as chlorites and micas. The higher correlation coefficients as compared to total
highest value of CEC/clay in the toeslope position clay with LL and SI in the irrigated and dryland
(CEC/clay=2.49, Table 3) supports these findings. farming systems. However, no significant
Odell et al. (1960) also showed that improvement in the correlations with the Atterberg
montmorillonite percent strongly correlated with limits and consistency indices was observed by
the LL, PL and PI. It seems that soil redistribution using CC instead of total clay under the pasture.
within the studied landscapes and transposition of (4) The Atterberg consistency limits and
fine clay from upslopes to down slopes led to an indices were significantly different among the land
increase in the expandable 2:1 clays in the lower uses and slope positions. The LL, PI, FI and A
positions. Khormali and Ajami (2011) in northern showed significant differences among the land uses
Iran and Mokhtari Karchegani et al. (2011) in and the highest values were obtained for the
western Iran reported higher accumulation of irrigated farming due to high biomass production
smectites as a result of soil redistribution in the and addition of plant residues to the soil. Except
lower slope positions of hilly landscapes. for SL, slope position significantly affected the
Otherwise, the highest values of PL and FI Atterberg limits and consistency indices. The
were observed in the shoulder position (Figure 4), highest values of LL, PI, SI and A were observed in
which might be due to significant higher clay the toeslope position probably because of higher
content in this slope position (41.1 kg 100kg-1) as OM and CEC/clay (i.e., greater content of
compared to the other ones (Table 3). Hathaway- expandable phyllosilicate clays). Therefore, soils on
Jenkins et al. (2011) studying land use effects on the toeslope under irrigated farming with high LL
the Atterberg limits, reported higher PL under and SI and low values of FI need careful tillage
conventionally managed grasslands than under management to avoid soil compaction.
conventional arable farming because of higher clay
3 Conclusions
The authors would like to thank Isfahan
(1) Land use significantly affected several soil University of Technology for the financial support
properties and the irrigated farming increased OM, of this study. Special appreciation is extended to
OM/clay ratio, and decreased ρb and ρb-rel Prof. A.F. Mirlohi of Department of Agronomy and
compared to other land uses. This finding is Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, Isfahan
probably attributable to high biomass production University of Technology, Iran for improving the
and addition of plant residues to the soil in the English.

J. Mt. Sci. (2015) 12(6): 1471-1483


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