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“Private individuals were permitted to organize military expeditions”

It has been common and accepted practice among the rich, elite and even

powerful government officials to have their own private army. A way of providing

protection to the official and to the families as well. In the topic about Spanish

colonization in Mindanao, the private armies are commissioned to suppress the Moros.

In today’s time private armies are organized to give an impression to the general public

that these people must be treated well by the majority or else you will suffer the


The idea that powerful and rich individuals are not ordinary individuals in our

society widens the gap between the rich and the masses. It created an illusion that they

are like gods. They are untouchables. The poor masses happen to be the servers, the

easily punished and the people who are always weak. I guess one of the reasons why

insurgency campaign is still exists due to the government’s insufficient measures to

control and eradicate private armies of few individuals. It made them think that they are

above the law.

The desperate attempts of the Spanish government to control people in

Mindanao was not successful. It even marked a bitter relationship between a colonizer

and the natives. It made me feel proud that our fellow Filipino stood up in protecting our
lands up to the end. At present, I always have this idea that those people with private

armies are probably the most corrupt, law breakers and land grabbers. They can’t go

out in public alone for fear of being abducted or worst being killed. In a government for

the people, by the people and to the people I hope that there will be a solid law that will

prohibit the creation of these groups so that the poor masses can actually feel peace

and stability in this society. Let us all embrace the spirit of equality. Let us all become an

instrument of peace.

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