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4, OCTOBER 2007 2473

Impact of Network Reconfiguration on Loss

Allocation of Radial Distribution Systems
J. S. Savier and Debapriya Das

Abstract—This paper presents allocation of power losses to con- Voltage at the substation.
sumers connected to radial distribution networks before and after Total number of branches in the loop
network reconfiguration in a deregulated environment. Loss allo- including the tie branch, when th tie
cation is made in a quadratic way and it is based on identifying the switch is closed.
real and imaginary parts of current in each branch, and losses are
allocated to consumers. The network reconfiguration algorithm Voltage of node corresponding to the
is based on the fuzzy multiobjective approach and the max–min opening of the th branch in the loop.
principle is adopted for the multiobjective optimization in a fuzzy Total real-power loss when the th branch
framework. Multiple objectives are considered for real-power loss in the loop is opened.
reduction in which nodes voltage deviation is kept within a range, Total real-power loss in the network
and an absolute value of branch currents is not allowed to exceed
their rated capacities. At the same time, a radial network structure
before reconfiguration.
Magnitude of current of branch- when
is maintained with all loads energized. The three objectives consid-
ered are modeled with fuzzy sets to evaluate their imprecise nature the th branch in the loop is opened.
and one can provide his or her anticipated value of each objective. Line capacity of branch- .
A 69-node example is considered to demonstrate the effectiveness
of the proposed method.
Index Terms—Fuzzy multiobjective optimization, loss allocation,
network reconfiguration.

E LECTRIC power industries throughout the world are un-
dergoing major restructuring processes and are adapting
the deregulated market operation. The vertically integrated
systems have been restructured and unbundled to one or more
Node number. generation companies, transmission companies, and a number
Load current at the th node. of distribution companies. Competition has been introduced in
Real-power load at the th node. power systems around the world based on a premise that it will
Reactive power load at the th node. increase the efficiency of this industrial sector and reduce the
Voltage at the th node. cost of electrical energy for all consumers. Unlike the genera-
Total number of nodes in the system. tion and sale of electrical energy, activities of transmission and
Branch number . distribution are generally considered as a natural monopoly.
Current of branch- . The cost of transmission and distribution activities needs to be
Total number of nodes (consumers) allocated to the users of these networks. Allocation can be done
beyond branch- . through network use tariffs, with a focus on the true impact
Nodes (consumers) beyond branch- , they have on these costs. Among others, distribution power
for . losses are one of the costs to be allocated. The main difficulty
Load current of node . faced in allocating losses is the nonlinearity between the losses
Real component of load current at node and delivered power which complicates the impact of each user
. on network losses [1].
Reactive component of load current at Different techniques have been published in the literature for
node . the allocation of losses, most of them dedicated to transmis-
Real-power loss of branch- . sion networks and can be classified into three broad categories:
Resistance of branch- . 1) pro-rata procedures, 2) marginal procedures, and 3) propor-
Real-power loss of branch- allocated tional sharing procedures [2]–[8]. Costa and Matos [9] have ad-
to consumer . dressed the allocation of losses in distribution networks with
Real-power loss supported by consumer embedded generation by considering the quadratic-loss alloca-
. tion technique.
In recent years, considerable research has been conducted for
Manuscript received June 9, 2006; revised December 7, 2006. Paper no. loss minimization in the area of network reconfiguration of dis-
TPWRD-00343-2006. tribution systems. Distribution system reconfiguration for loss
The authors are with the Electrical Engineering Department, Indian Insti- reduction was first proposed by Merlin and Back [10]. They
tute of Technology, Kharagpur 721302, India (e-mail:; have used a branch-and-bound-type optimization technique to
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2007.905370 determine the minimum loss configuration. In this method, all
0885-8977/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE

network switches are first closed to form a meshed network. The

switches are then opened successively to restore radial configu-
ration. Based on the method of Merlin and Back [10], a heuristic
algorithm has been suggested by Shirmohammadi and Hong
[11]. Also here, the solution procedure starts by closing all of
the network switches which are then opened one after another
so as to establish the optimum flow pattern in the network.
Borozan et al. [12] have presented a network reconfiguration
technique which contains three main parts: real-time load es-
timation, effective determination of minimum power loss con-
figuration, and cost/benefit evaluation. Civanlar et al. [13] have
proposed a heuristic method to determine a distribution system
configuration which would reduce line losses by using a simpli-
fied formula to calculate the loss reduction as a result of load Fig. 1. Sample distribution network with 12 nodes.
transfer between two feeders. Baran and Wu [14] have made
an attempt to improve the method of Civanlar et al. [13] by TABLE I
introducing two approximation formulas for power flow in the BRANCH NUMBER, SENDING END NODE, RECEIVING END
transfer of system loads. Liu et al. [15] have proposed two algo- NODE, AND NODES BEYOND DIFFERENT BRANCHES
rithms to minimize the real-power loss in distribution networks.
To obtain global optimal or, at least near global optimal solu-
tions, Chiang and Jean-Jumeau [16], [17] and Jeon et al. [18]
have proposed new solution methodologies using the simulated
annealing algorithm for the reconfiguration.
Taleski and Rajicic [19] have proposed a method to deter-
mine the configuration with minimum energy losses for a given
period. Lin et al. [20], Jeon and Kim [21], Shin et al. [22], Hsiao
[23], Huang [25], and Huang and Chin [26] have proposed ar-
tificial-intelligence-based applications in a minimum loss con-
figuration. Das [27] has presented an algorithm for network re-
configuration based on heuristic rule and fuzzy multiobjective
Till date, loss allocation, and network reconfiguration in
distribution networks are considered independently. But the
configurations of the distribution networks may be varied II. METHODOLOGY FOR QUADRATIC-LOSS ALLOCATION
with manual or automatic switching operations so as to re-
For the purpose of explanation, consider a sample distribution
duce power loss, increase system security, and enhance power
network as shown in Fig. 1. In Fig. 1, branch numbers are shown
quality. Hence, it is needed to consider loss allocation and
in (.). The branch number, sending end, and receiving end nodes
network reconfiguration together.
are given in Table I.
In the light of the above developments, this work formulates
The load current at any node , is given as
loss allocation based on quadratic loss allocation scheme to
consumers in a radial distribution network. It is assumed that
consumers have to pay for losses. The network reconfiguration
problem is formulated as a fuzzy multiobjective problem subject
to operational and electric constraints. Three objectives consid- Consider branch-8 of Fig. 1. The number of nodes beyond
ered are real-power loss reduction, maximum nodes voltage de- branch-8 is one and this is node 9. Therefore, the current through
viation is kept within a range, and the absolute value of branch branch-8 is
currents is not allowed to exceed their rated capacities. They are
modeled with fuzzy sets to evaluate their imprecise nature. The
problem formulation proposed herein considers the following Similarly consider branch-7. The total number of nodes be-
aspects. yond branch-7 is three and these nodes are 8, 9, and 12. There-
1) Loss allocation to consumers before network reconfigura- fore, the current through branch-7 is
2) Network reconfiguration using a fuzzy multiobjective ap- (3)
proach and, at the same time, the radial structure of the net-
work must remain after reconfiguration in which all loads From (2)–(3), it is clear that if we identify the nodes beyond
must be energized. all of the branches and if the load currents are known, then it
3) Loss allocation to consumers after network reconfigura- is extremely easy to compute the branch currents. In [28], an
tion. algorithm for identifying the nodes beyond all of the branches

has been proposed. A load-flow algorithm based on the identi-

fication of these nodes beyond all of the branches has also been
proposed in [28]. In this paper, the load-flow algorithm is used
to compute the load currents and branch currents.
The general expression of branch current through branch-
is given by [28]

Fig. 2. Membership function for power-loss reduction.


In Table I, the total number of nodes (consumers) be-

yond branch- and nodes (consumers) beyond
branch- are given for Fig. 1
for the purpose of explanation.
Let us define

Fig. 3. Membership function for maximum node voltage deviation.

From (4) and (5), we obtain


The magnitude of current in branch- is expressed as

Fig. 4. Membership function for branch current constraint violation.

With the development of expression given by (10),

the consumer (consumers beyond branch-
(7) for ) has the impact on the terms
and of the power loss
of branch- , which are exclusively due to consumers
for .
The terms

are the results of the simultaneous influence of consumers
The power loss of branch- can be written as and the remaining consumers in the compo-
nents of the current in branch- . These crossed terms must
(9) also be allocated. The allocation of crossed terms has been
done in a quadratic way, as mentioned in [1].
From (8) and (9), we obtain
The crossed terms and
are split into two components
as described here. Let us define

(10) for (11)

Fig. 5. A 69-node distribution system with five tie switches before reconfiguration.


for (12)

Equations (11) and (12) can be simply written as

(14) The global value of losses to be supported by consumer re-
sults from the sum of the losses allocated to it in each branch-
where and are the loss allocation factors for the crossed of the network, i.e.,
terms of the real and reactive components of load current.
In the quadratic loss allocation scheme, since the power losses
grow quadratically with power flows, the following constraint is
imposed [1]: (20)

(15) Note that node 1 is a substation. Equation (20) indicates that

each consumer has allocated losses only at branches to which
power flow contributes.
From (13) and (15), we get
Multiobjective optimization problems have many objectives
and a tradeoff between the objectives exists and we never have
a situation in which all of the objectives can be satisfied simul-
(17) taneously in the best possible way. The methodology adopted
for the reconfiguration scheme in this paper is the fuzzy multi-
Similarly, from (14) and (16), we get objective optimization which will be described.

A. Membership Functions of Different Objectives

In the fuzzy domain, each objective is associated with a mem-
bership function. The membership function indicates the degree
(18) of satisfaction of the objective. In the crisp domain, the degree
of membership value is either zero or unity whereas in the fuzzy
Based on this principle, the power loss of the branch- of domain, the degree of membership function values varies from
the network allocated to consumers beyond branch- , for zero to unity. Thus, fuzzy set theory is an extension of a stan-
are dard set theory [29]. The membership function consists of a
lower and upperbound value, together with a strictly monoton-
ically decreasing and continuous function for different objec-
tives, which are described below.

1) Membership Function for Real Power-Loss Reduction TABLE II

: The basic purpose of this membership function is to LINE AND LOAD DATA OF
reduce the real power loss in the system.
Let us define


Equation (21) indicates that if the value of is high, then

power loss reduction is low.
The membership function for real-power loss reduction is
given in Fig. 2. Mathematically, the membership function can
be expressed as

for (22)

In this paper, the values of and considered are 0.5

and 1.0, respectively. If the real-power loss reduction is more
than 50% of that before reconfiguration, one can say that the
configuration is good and such a configuration is acceptable to
the system operator. Hence, the value of is selected as 0.5.
Also, the system operator would not like to have a configura-
tion which increases power loss after reconfiguration compared
to that before reconfiguration. Hence, the value of is se-
lected as 1.0 for the membership function for real-power loss
2) Membership Function for Maximum Node Voltage Devia-
tion : Let us define


It can be seen from (23) that if the value of is less, then the
system has a better voltage profile.
The membership function for the maximum node voltage de-
viation is given in Fig. 3. Mathematically, the membership func-
tion can be expressed as

for (24)

In the present work, the values of and considered

are 0.05 and 0.10, respectively. means that if the
substation voltage is 1.0 p.u., then the minimum system voltage
will be 0.95 p.u. and if the minimum system voltage is greater
than or equal to 0.95 p.u., the unity membership value is as-
signed. Similarly, if , the minimum system voltage
will be 0.90 p.u. and if the minimum system voltage is less than
or equal to 0.90 p.u., the zero membership value is assigned.
3) Membership Function for Absolute Value of Branch Cur-
rent Not to Exceed its Rated Capacity : Let us define

The membership function for the absolute value of branch

(25) current not to exceed its rated capacity is given in Fig. 4. Math-

Fig. 6. A 69-node distribution system after reconfiguration using the fuzzy multiobjective approach.

ematically, the membership function can be expressed as a logical “or,” we can model it with the union of fuzzy sets. In
for the present work, the classical fuzzy set union is used and the
fuzzy decision for an optimal solution is then given by
for (26)
for (28)
In this work, the values of and considered are 0.80
and 1.0, respectively. Hence, if the absolute values of branch C. Heuristic Rule and Algorithm
currents of the system are less than or equal to 80% of their The optimal switching strategies for network reconfiguration
respective line capacities, unity membership value is assigned proposed by the researchers need to consider every candidate
. The absolute values of branch currents are not switch to evaluate the effectiveness of loss reduction. In this
allowed to exceed their rated capacities. Hence, the value of paper, all of the tie switches are considered and a heuristic rule
is selected as 1.0. is incorporated for selecting the tie switches one at a time. This
heuristic rule is explained below.
B. Optimization in the Fuzzy Environment
In the first iteration, compute the voltage difference across all
When there are multiple objectives to be satisfied simultane- of the open tie switches by running a load flow, and detect the
ously, a compromise has to be made to obtain the best solution. open tie switch across which the voltage difference is maximum
One solution methodology for the multiobjective optimization and consider this tie switch first for closing as it is expected that
in a fuzzy framework is based on the max-min principle which this switching will cause a maximum reduction in real power
is described as follows. loss, an increase in nodes voltage, and a reduction in branch
Step 1) For each option considered, the membership values currents. In the next iteration, the same procedure is repeated
of different objectives are evaluated. for the remaining tie switches and so on.
For example, when the th tie switch of a network A complete algorithm for the proposed method of the network
is closed, a loop is formed with number of reconfiguration process is given below.
branches in the loop. Now, opening each branch 1) Algortithm:
in this loop is an option. After opening the th Step 1) Read system data.
branch in this loop (radial structure is retained), the Step 2) Run the load-flow program for radial distribution net-
load-flow run was carried out to compute works.
and , and for , using (22), (24), Step 3) Compute the voltage difference across the open tie
and (26), respectively. switches, i.e., for ntie.
Step 2) The degree of overall satisfaction for this option is Step 4) Identify the open tie switch across which the
the minimum of all of the membership values from voltage difference is maximum and its code
before. (i.e., ).
Now, a fuzzy decision for overall satisfaction may Step 5) Select the tie switch “ ” and identify the total
be interpreted as a logical “and” of the membership number of loop branches , including the tie
values of the fuzzy sets. In the present work, the branch when the tie switch “ ” is closed.
classical fuzzy set intersection is used and the fuzzy Step 6) Open one branch at a time in the loop and evaluate the
decision for overall satisfaction is then given by value for each objective [i.e., for to com-
pute , and using (22), (24) and (26), re-
(27) spectively, and then compute using (27)].
Step 3) The optimal solution is the maximum of all such Step 7) Obtain the optimal solution for the operation of tie
overall degrees of satisfaction. switch “ ” using (28), i.e.,
Now, a fuzzy decision for an optimal solution for the th tie
switch operation may be defined as the choice that maximizes
all such overall degrees of satisfaction and if we interpret this as Step 8) .

TABLE III given in Table II. The loads considered are either commercial
LOSS ALLOCATION TO CONSUMERS BEFORE or industrial type. The real-power loss of the system before
reconfiguration is 224.95 kW and the minimum system voltage
is p.u. The loss allocation to each
consumer before reconfiguration is given in Table III. It can
be seen that out of the total real-power loss of 224.95 kW, the
consumer at node 61 has been allocated 180.02 kW (80 % of
224.95 kW) and the remaining 44.93 kW (20% of 224.95 kW)
has been allocated to the remaining consumers. Nodes which
do not appear in Table III mean that no load is connected with
these nodes.
Loss allocation to each consumer after network reconfigu-
ration based on a fuzzy multiobjective approach is also given
in Table III. The minimum system voltage is
p.u. compared to p.u. before re-
configuration. Network reconfiguration has resulted in a system
real-power loss of 99.59 kW, out of which 71.26 kW (71.55% of
99.59 kW) was allocated to the consumer at node 61 and 28.33
kW (28.45% of 99.59 kW) to the rest of the consumers. It ap-
pears that the heavily loaded consumer at node 61 will be more
beneficial after reconfiguration and share less of a percentage
of total loss (71.55% of 99.59 kW) compared to the sharing of
a percentage total loss before reconfiguration (80% of 224.95
kW). Fig. 6 shows the radial distribution network after recon-
figuration. It can be seen from Table III that the power loss al-
located to most of the consumers has decreased but those few
consumers (consumers at nodes 39, 40, 45, 49, 50, etc.) has
increased even though the system real-power loss has reduced
from 224.95 kW to 99.59 kW. Although most consumers benefit
due to loss allocation after reconfiguration, it appears that some
of the consumers may have to pay more after reconfiguration.
For example, consumers at nodes 39, 40, 45, 49, 50, etc. have to
pay more after reconfiguration and their tariff structure needs to
be modified such that they need not pay more for this increase
in loss allocation. Also, it is worth mentioning here that the loss
allocation to each consumer depends on various objectives con-
sidered for network reconfiguration.

In this paper, the quadratic-loss allocation scheme has been
examined for allocating losses to consumers connected to a ra-
dial distribution system before and after reconfiguration. The
quadratic-loss allocation scheme is based on branch current flow
and ensures that each consumer only has allocated losses at
Step 9) Check whether . If Yes, go to Step 11).
branches for which current it contributes. An algorithm based on
Otherwise, go to Step 10).
a heuristic rule and fuzzy multiobjective approach has been pro-
Step 10) Rearrange the coding of the remaining tie switches
posed to solve the network reconfiguration problem in a radial
and go to Step 2).
distribution system. The analysis reveals that even though net-
Step 11) Print output results.
work reconfiguration results in a significant reduction in system
Step 12) Stop.
real-power loss and the loss allocation to most of the consumers
will decrease and they have to pay less, it also appears that loss
IV. EXAMPLE allocation to a small group of consumers may increase and they
The proposed algorithm is tested with a 12.66-kV radial may have to pay more after reconfiguration and their tariff struc-
distribution system that has 69 nodes and 73 branches, in- ture will need to be modified such that they need not pay more
cluding tie branches, as shown in Fig. 5, [25], and [30]. This for this increase of loss allocation. Further, it was also observed
network has five tie switches and these tie switches are open that the objectives considered for network reconfiguration have
under normal operating condition. Data for this system are an influence on the real-power loss allocated to each consumer.

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