1) What Impact The SRP Had On You and How It Has Influenced Your World-View?

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1) What Impact the SRP had on you and how it has influenced your world-view?

I have done my SRP at Nestham NGO, Andhra Pradesh which has given me great
experience about the agricultural farming.
Before I didn’t have any knowledge about the agricultural farming but after doing my
SRP in Nestham NGO which is helping to farmers in a great way.
The main service by Nestham NGO to farmers is creating FPO’s (Farmers Producer
Organization). FPO is a company to be registered under NABARD where farmers are
the members and shareholders of the company. Membership is valid for 3yrs, if the
FPO doesn’t able to stand itself it can be exceeded to 5yrs in special cases.

They conduct classes to farmers about modern technology and provide machines to
the farmers with the help of NABARD.
They take farmers to the Field trips to be aware of chemicals, modern techniques
1st day : V.Suresh who is the CEO of Nestham NGO explained about the activities to
farmers , how they are helping to farmers , subsidies and policies provided by
NABARD by creating FPO company .
He divided into 2groups each 3 and assigned 2 villages
2nd day: we when to chagantipadu.
Where sugarcane, banana, turmeric vegitables , paddy etc are cultivates.
Their I have done a survey by preparing a questionnaire which contains 2 parts i.e
personal information and about crop.
Through that I learnt about how many crops they cultivate in a year? How many
acers do they farm? How much do they grow? How many labours they have and
whats their daily pay? How they are changing the farming methods when there are
any climatic changes? what kind of modern technology they are using in the farming
3rd and 4th days we went to the fields and saw how they are working and doing
everything in a systematic manner. And continued survey.
5th day : which given us great experience . we had a workshop on SHG (self help
groups) and JLG’s(Joint liability groups).

2) Issues of societal problems and the empathy created in your group concerning the
In our SRP we 6 mem covered total of 2 villages where we came to
know most of the problems faced by farmers are labour cost, wastage of crop
due to sudden climate changes.
Most of them are not aware of about the government policies that are
provided to farmers and domestic animals.
Some know about the policies but they are not following due to the latency
of polici agreement.
Some are not aware of modern technology .

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