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Questions about you

1. what is your gender?

a. female
b. male
2. how old are you?
a. below 24
b. 25-30 years old
c. 31-45 years old
d. above 46 years old
3. which of the following best describes your current occupation?
a. full-time working
b. self-employed
c. retired
d. part-time working
e. student
f. unemployed
g. other’s specify ……………
4. What do you prefer to drink?
a. Tea
b. Coffee
5. Which tea brand do you prefer?
a. Tata tea
b. Red lable
c. Wagh bakri
d. Taj mahal
6. On average, how often do you drink tea?
a. Once a day
b. Twice a day
c. More than twice a day
d. Once a week
e. Rarely
f. Newer
7. Why do you drink tea?
a. Family tradition
b. It is healthier that other drinks
c. Dietary reasons
d. I don’t like coffee
e. I don’t drink tea
f. Others specify ……………
8. On what occasions , do you often consume the tea?
a. Feeling thirsty
b. Parties / celebrations
c. Without any reason
d. It helps me to stay awake
e. It gives me energy
f. Others specify …………..
9. Do you buy tea?
a. No
b. Yes
i) If yes please indicate your answer using the following 4-point scale
1= totally unimportant
2= unimportant
3= important
4= very important

I. Low price ------------------

II. Smooth taste ------------------
III. Purchasing a specific brand ------------------
IV. Attractive packaging of tea ------------------
V. Discounts available or special schemes ------------------

10. What do you prefer?

a. Packets of tea
b. Tea bags
11. Why do you drink tea?
a. Family tradition
b. It is healthier that other drinks
c. Dietary reasons
d. I don’t like coffee
e. I don’t drink tea
f. Others specify ……………
12. Where do you usually enjoy drinking tea?
a. At home
b. At work
c. At a café
d. Anywhere

13. Which of these charactaristics do you consider when you buy tea at the supermarket?
a. Quality
b. Price
c. Brand
d. Taste
e. Post- purchase service
f. Your available income
g. Advertisements
14. Do you view your preferred tea brand as a mark of status symbol?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Cant say
15. Is the taste of your preferred brand better than others?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Cant say
16. Do you find different varients in your tea brand?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Cant say
17. Does your consumed brand use advertisements as a tool of marketing?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Cant say
18. Which brand according to you has the largest market share?
a. Red lable
b. Tata tea
c. Wagh bakri
d. Taj mahal
19. Are you satisfied with your brand?
a. Yes
b. No
I. If no, which other brand would you like to shift?
a. Red lable
b. Tajmahal
c. Waghbakri
d. Tata tea

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