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This is to authorize X, of legal age, Filipino, married, and

a resident of Lot 31-33, Block 11, 123 Subdivision, City, to
do and perform any of the following acts:

TO EXCLUSIVELY SELL the following lots located at

Barangay A, City and all its improvements thereon and
which are more particularly described as follows:

1. TCT T-3747 with an area consisting of more or less

Nine Thousand and Sixty Eight Square Meters (9,068 sqm);

2. TCT T-3748 with an area consisting of more or less

Eight Thousand and Sixty Five Square Meters (8,065 sqm);

3. TCT T-3749 with an area consisting of more or less

Forty Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Thirteen Square
Meters (47,213 sqm);

4. TCT T-3750 with an area consisting of more or less

Eleven Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Three Square
Meters (11,853 sqm);

5. TCT T-3751 with an area consisting of more or less

Eight Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy Seven Square
Meters (8,877 sqm);

6. TCT T-3752 with an area consisting of more or less

Eight Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Three Square
Meters (8,823 sqm);

7. TCT T-3753 with an area consisting of more or less

Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Eighteen Square
Meters (7,318 sqm); and,

8. TCT T-4736 with an area consisting of more or less

Three Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Seven Square
Meters (3,467 sqm).

With the following TERMS and CONDITIONS:

I. The owner, Mr. Jose, is selling the above described
property at a rate of One Hundred Fifty Pesos (P 150.00) per
square meter;

II. The agent, Mr. Lauro, is authorized to sell the property

for more than One Hundred Fifty Pesos per square meter
and, in the event of a successful sale, any and all excess
from such rate shall be paid to him as his commission;

III. In the event of a successful sale, all expenses for the

transfer of the title from the seller to the buyer shall be
borne by the agent, Mr. Laur, from his commission;

IV. The owner, Mr. Jose, shall not sell the property at a
rate of less than One Hundred Fifty Pesos (150) per square
meter if the prospective buyer was referred by the agent, Mr.
V. The agent, Mr. Lauro, shall register the name of the
prospective buyer in writing, through text messaging or

VI. This Exclusive Authority shall cease and become

ineffective only after Thirty (30) days from receipt of either
party of a written notice terminating such authority.

VII. Notwithstanding the expiration of this authority to

sell, Mr. Lauro shall still be entitled to the full commission
provided that the name of the prospective buyer has been
registered with Mr. Jose in writing during the period of the

VIII. Should the sale be made or affected on modified

terms or such other terms as may be accepted by the owner,
Mr. Jose, the agent, Mr. Lauro shall be likewise credited for
the said sale and shall be given his commission fee based on
the revised agreed price.

IX. The parties hereby agree that any dispute or legal

controversy involving the instant authority to sell shall be
exclusively confined in the proper courts in Cagayan de Oro

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto affixed our
consists of three (3) pages this _____ day of
__________________ at __________________.

Owner Spouse


Signed in the presence of

________________________ ________________________

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