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JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, Feb. 1996, p. 976–984 Vol. 70, No.

Copyright q 1996, American Society for Microbiology

The Spontaneous Reactivation Function of the Herpes Simplex

Virus Type 1 LAT Gene Resides Completely within the First
1.5 Kilobases of the 8.3-Kilobase Primary Transcript
Ophthalmology Research Laboratories, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Research Institute,
Los Angeles, California 90048,1 and Department of Ophthalmology,
UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California 900242
Received 21 August 1995/Accepted 29 October 1995

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The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) latency-associated transcript (LAT) gene is essential for efficient
spontaneous reactivation of HSV-1 from latency. We report here that although the LAT gene is 8.3 kb in length,
the first 1.5 kb of the LAT gene alone is sufficient for wild-type levels of spontaneous reactivation. We began
with a LAT deletion mutant of HSV-1 strain McKrae in which the LAT promoter and the first 1.6 kb of the 5*
end of the LAT gene had been deleted from both copies of LAT (one in each viral long repeat). As we previously
reported, this mutant (dLAT2903) was significantly impaired for spontaneous reactivation (G. C. Perng, E. C.
Dunkel, P. A. Geary, S. M. Slanina, H. Ghiasi, R. Kaiwar, A. B. Nesburn, and S. L. Wechsler, J. Virol. 68:8045–
8055, 1994). We then inserted the LAT promoter and the first 1.5 kb of the LAT gene into a location in the
unique long region of dLAT2903 far removed from the normal location of LAT in the long repeats. This resulted
in a virus (LAT15a) whose capacity for transcribing LAT RNA was limited to the first 1.5 kb of the 8.3-kb LAT
primary transcript. Rabbits were ocularly infected with this mutant, and spontaneous reactivation was mea-
sured in comparison to those of the original LAT-negative mutant and its marker-rescued (wild-type) virus,
dLAT2903R. LAT15a had an in vivo spontaneous reactivation rate of 12%, compared with a rate of 11% for the
marker-rescued virus and 0% for the LAT-negative virus. Southern analysis confirmed that the spontaneously
reactivated LAT15a virus retained the original deletions in both copies of LAT and the 1.5-kb LAT insertion
in the unique long region. Thus, insertion of the first 1.5 kb of LAT (and its promoter) at a site distant from
the normal LAT location appeared to completely restore in vivo spontaneous reactivation to wild-type levels,
despite the remaining inability of the original LAT genes to transcribe any LAT RNA. The function of LAT
involved in efficient spontaneous reactivation therefore appeared to map completely within the first 1.5 kb of
the LAT gene.

A hallmark of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) latent primary 8.3-kb LAT transcript been mapped. It has been pro-
infection is the propensity of the latent virus to reactivate at posed that LAT may function via some type of antisense reg-
various times and produce recurrent disease. Recurrent HSV-1 ulation of the important ICP0 and/or ICP34.5 viral genes, both
corneal infection, which can lead to blindness due to scarring of which the primary 8.3-kb LAT transcript completely over-
of the cornea, is the most common cause of infectious blind- laps in an antisense direction (47) (see Fig. 1). Presumably
ness in the developed world (21). During latency, LAT is the such an antisense interaction would block ICP0 or ICP34.5
only viral gene that is abundantly transcribed (28, 35). LAT is function, thereby leading to latency. Increased latency would
located in the long repeat region of the HSV-1 genome and is then result in increased reactivation rates. Although this in-
therefore present in two copies per genome. The primary LAT triguing hypothesis has received continued bolstering by the
transcript is 8.3 kb and gives rise to a family of LAT RNAs uniform inability to detect a LAT-encoded protein during la-
(LATs), including very stable ones of 2 and 1.5 kb (6, 9, 28, 32, tency in experimental animals, no direct supportive experimen-
34, 35, 40–44, 47). LAT is essential for efficient reactivation tal evidence has yet been presented.
from sensory neurons, since LAT transcription-negative mu- Determining the region(s) of LAT required for LAT’s func-
tants have been shown to reactivate poorly by explant or in- tion would be very helpful in determining if an antisense mech-
duced reactivation in the mouse (1, 11–13, 18, 19, 29, 33, 39), anism may be involved. Unfortunately, the same overlap with
by induced reactivation in the rabbit (2), and by spontaneous ICP0 and ICP34.5 that makes antisense a possible mechanism
reactivation in the rabbit (24). severely complicates attempts to make LAT mutants that would
Despite the large body of work indicating that LAT is re- address the likelihood of such an antisense mechanism. It is not
quired for efficient reactivation, the mechanism by which LAT possible to delete or mutate portions of LAT that are colinear
functions remains unknown. No LAT-encoded protein has been with ICP0 or ICP34.5 without also altering the colinear gene.
detected during latency, nor has the functional region of the Likewise, it is not possible to alter ICP0 or ICP34.5 without
altering LAT. If such mutants had an altered phenotype, it
would be very difficult to determine if the phenotype was due
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Ophthalmology Research to the alteration in LAT or to the alteration in the overlapping
Laboratories, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Research Institute, Davis gene.
Bldg., Room 5072, 8700 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048. Phone: This concern would not apply to mapping that portion of the
(310) 855-6455. Fax: (310) 652-8411. LAT gene (approximately 1.8 kb) prior to the regions of ICP0


and ICP34.5 overlap. One approach might be to insert a tran- PacI site of the plasmid pV375Pac. The resulting plasmid was designated
scriptional stop site (i.e., a polyadenylation signal) prior to the pV375LAT3.2. This plasmid contains the HSV-1 McKrae LAT fragment de-
scribed above, bounded by UL37 and UL38. pV375LAT3.2 was then amplified in
region of ICP0 overlap. However, interpretation would be am- E. coli as described above.
biguous because it would not be possible to unequivocally LAT15a was generated by homologous recombination as we previously de-
prove that the stop site blocked transcription with 100% effi- scribed (23, 24, 26). Briefly, pV375LAT3.2 was cotransfected with infectious
ciency. Even a very small, undetectable level of readthrough dLAT2903 DNA (the LAT deletion mutant described above) by the calcium
transcription could result in maintenance of a biological func- phosphate method. Viruses from the cotransfection were plated, and isolated
plaques were picked and screened for insertion of the 3.2-kb LAT fragment
tion. We therefore took a novel approach. Starting with a LAT between UL37 and UL38 by restriction digestion and Southern analysis. Selected
mutant (dLAT2903) that we had previously made and which plaques were triple plaque purified and reanalyzed by restriction digestion and
lacks the LAT promoter and the first 1.6 kb of LAT (24), we Southern analysis to ensure that the 3.2-kb LAT fragment was present between
introduced the first 1.5 kb of the LAT gene along with 1.7 kb UL37 and UL38 and that both long repeats retained the original 1.8-kb LAT
deletion of the promoter and first 1.6 kb of the 59 end of the primary LAT
of upstream promoter sequences into a distant location in the transcript (see Fig. 6). A final plaque was purified and designated LAT15a
unique long region of the virus genome (see Fig. 1). This virus (LAT15 indicates 1.5 kb of the 59 end of LAT; a indicates addition).
(LAT15a) can transcribe only the first 1.5 kb of the 8.3-kb LAT Replication of virus in tissue culture. Cell monolayers at approximately 70 to
transcript from the inserted material. No LAT transcription 80% confluency were infected with virus at 0.01 PFU per cell, and all monolayers
were refed with exactly the same amount of minimal essential medium contain-
should occur from either original promoter-negative LAT ing 10% fetal calf serum. Virus was harvested for titration at various times by two

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gene. In addition, it is not possible for the original LAT genes cycles of freeze-thawing of the monolayers plus medium (2808C to room tem-
to be rescued by homologous recombination with the 1.5-kb perature). The numbers of PFU per milliliter were determined by standard
LAT insert, because the 1.5-kb insert is 168 nucleotides (nt) plaque assays on RS cells.
Rabbits. Eight- to 10-week old New Zealand White female rabbits (Irish
shorter than the corresponding deletion in the original LAT Farms) were used for all experiments. Rabbits were treated in accordance with
genes. the guidelines of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, the
Rabbits were infected in both eyes with 2 3 105 PFU of American Association for Laboratory Animal Care, and the National Institutes
LAT15a, its LAT-deficient parent dLAT2903, or the dLAT2903 of Health.
Rabbit model of ocular HSV-1 infection, latency, and spontaneous reactiva-
marker-rescued virus dLAT2903R per eye. Although LAT15a tion. Rabbits were bilaterally infected without scarification or anesthesia by
is capable of making only the first 1.5 kb of the 8.3-kb LAT, it placing 2 3 105 PFU of HSV-1 per eye into the conjunctival cul-de-sac, closing
nonetheless reactivated spontaneously in a manner indistin- the eye, and rubbing the lid gently against the eye for 30 s (28). At this dose of
guishable from that of wild-type virus (spontaneous-reacti- HSV-1 McKrae, virtually all of the surviving rabbits harbor a bilateral latent
HSV infection in both trigeminal ganglia (TG), resulting in a high group rate of
vation rates were 12% for LAT15a, 11% for dLAT2903R, spontaneous reactivation with the McKrae strain of HSV-1. Latency is assumed
and 0% for dLAT2903). In addition, Southern analyses con- to have been established by 28 days postinfection. Acute ocular infection of all
firmed that the reactivated LAT15a virus was identical to the eyes was confirmed by HSV-1-positive tear film cultures collected on days 3 and
input virus. Specifically, it retained the original deletion in both 4 postinfection.
Detection of spontaneous reactivation by ocular shedding. Beginning on day
original copies of LAT. Thus, the function of LAT involved in 30 postinfection, tear film specimens were collected daily from each eye for 26
spontaneous reactivation appeared to be completely contained days as previously described (22), using a nylon-tipped swab. The swab was then
within the first 1.5-kb portion of LAT. Since this region of LAT placed in 0.5 ml of tissue culture medium and squeezed, and the inoculated
does not overlap any known HSV-1 gene, our findings formally medium was used to infect primary rabbit kidney cell monolayers. These cell
monolayers were observed in a masked fashion by phase-contrast microscopy for
eliminate an ICP0 or ICP34.5 antisense mechanism from being up to 30 days for HSV-1 cytopathic effects. All positive monolayers were blindly
essential in the LAT function responsible for efficient sponta- passaged onto fresh cells to confirm the presence of virus. DNA was purified
neous reactivation. from randomly selected positive cultures derived from latently infected rabbits
and analyzed by restriction enzyme digestion and Southern blots to confirm that
the cytopathic effect was due to reactivated HSV-1 and that the reactivated virus
MATERIALS AND METHODS was identical to the input virus.
Reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR). RNA was isolated from individual TG
Virus and cells. All mutants were derived from HSV-1 strain McKrae. The from latently infected rabbits. Each TG was placed in 1 ml of lysis buffer (a
parental McKrae virus and all mutants were triple plaque purified and passaged 1:1:0.1 solution of water-saturated phenol, 4 M guanidinium thiocyanate in 25
only one or two times prior to use. Rabbit tear films were cultured on primary mM sodium citrate [pH 7.0], and 2 M sodium acetate [pH 4.0]) supplemented
rabbit kidney cell monolayers to look for the presence of reactivated HSV-1. with 7.2 ml of b-mercaptoethanol per ml, vortexed for 30 s, incubated at 558C for
Rabbit skin (RS) cells were used for all other experiments, unless otherwise 1 h, and revortexed, and debris was removed by microcentrifugation for 2 min.
indicated. All cells were grown in Eagle’s minimal essential medium supple- The supernatants were transferred to fresh microcentrifuge tubes, and 0.1 vol-
mented with 10% fetal calf serum. ume of chloroform-isoamylalcohol (24:1) was added. The mixture was vortexed
Construction of LAT15a, containing the first 1.5 kb of LAT in a novel location. until emulsified, incubated at 48C for 15 min, and centrifuged for 15 min at 48C,
The parental virus for the LAT15a construct was dLAT2903, a mutant of HSV-1 and the supernatant was collected and precipitated with 2.5 volumes of ethanol.
strain McKrae containing a 1.8-kb EcoRV-HpaI) deletion in both copies of LAT The pellet was treated with DNase I (12 U, 378C, 30 min; Stratagene, La Jolla,
that removed 0.2 kb of the LAT promoter and 1.6 kb of the 59 end of the primary Calif.), digested with proteinase K (200 mg/ml, 558C, 1 h; Sigma), extracted with
8.3-kb LAT transcript (24). The previously cloned EcoRI A fragment from phenol-chloroform, and precipitated with 100% ethanol. Each RNA pellet was
HSV-1 strain McKrae (25) was digested with BamHI, and the products were resuspended in diethyl pyrocarbonate-treated double-distilled water, and 5 mg
separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. A resulting 7.5-kb band containing the was subjected to first-strand cDNA synthesis with Superscript II (Gibco BRL,
McKrae genomic region including UL37 and UL38 was isolated by electroelu- Grand Island, N.Y.) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The primer for
tion and cloned into the BamHI site of plasmid pEV-vrf3 (7, 25) to produce the first-strand cDNA synthesis from the LAT RNA was 59-CTTTGTTGAACGA
plasmid pV375. pV375 was digested with AflII, the overhang was filled in by CACCGGGGCGCCCTCGA-39. The cDNA product was then amplified by PCR
using the Klenow fragment, and the blunt ends were self ligated to create a with the primer 59-CCACAACGGCCCGGCGCATGCGCTGTGGTT-39 and
unique PacI site in the plasmid between the sequences for UL37 and UL38. The the first-strand primer. These primers generate a 160-bp product specific for
resulting plasmid, designated pV375Pac, was amplified by transformation into LAT nucleotides 471 to 631. The PCRs were done in 100 ml containing 5 ml of
Escherichia coli RR1lCI857 according to standard protocols. the first-strand synthesis mixture, 10 ml of 103 buffer (Boehringer Mannheim
A portion of the LAT gene was isolated and prepared for insertion into the Biochemicals, Indianapolis, Ind.), 2 ml of 100 mM deoxynucleoside triphosphate
PacI site of pV375Pac as follows. The previously cloned BamHI B restriction mix (New England Biolabs), 1 ml of each of the two primers, 1 ml of Taq
fragment of strain McKrae (25) was digested with HpaI to produce a 3.2-kb DNA polymerase (Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals), and 80 ml of double-distilled
fragment containing the first 1.5 kb of the 59 end of the primary 8.3-kb LAT water. This mixture was overlaid with 100 ml of mineral oil. Cycling reactions
transcript and 1.7 kb of the immediately upstream region (containing the LAT were performed on a thermal cycler (Appligene, Pleasanton, Calif.) as follows:
promoter and known and potential upstream regulatory regions that might be (i) one cycle of denaturation at 958C for 4 min; (ii) 30 cycles of denaturation at
essential for long-term LAT expression during neuronal latency) (see Fig. 1D). 948C for 40 s, annealing at 608C for 30 s, and extension at 718C for 2 min; and (iii)
The band containing the LAT fragment was eluted from an agarose gel. A PacI one cycle of extension at 748C for 10 min. The amplified products were fraction-
linker (New England Biolabs, Beverly, Mass.) was added, and the fragment was ated on a 4% NuSieve agarose gel running in Tris-borate-EDTA buffer, trans-
digested with PacI to produce PacI ends. This fragment was then ligated into the ferred to a nylon membrane, and hybridized to the 32P-labeled internal probe

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FIG. 1. Construction and structure of LAT15a. (A) Schematic representation of marker-rescued dLAT2903R virus, which is identical to wild-type HSV-1 McKrae.
The prototypic orientation of HSV-1 shown here contains a unique long region and a unique short region, each bounded by inverted repeats. The unique regions are
shown as solid lines, and the repeats are shown as open rectangles. UL, unique long region; US, unique short region; TRL, long terminal repeat; IRL, long internal
repeat; TRS, short terminal repeat; IRS, short internal repeat. The lines with arrows under the genome indicate the locations and directions of the LAT, ICP34.5, and
ICP0 transcripts. The solid rectangle within the primary 8.3-kb LAT transcript indicates the location of the stable 2-kb LAT. TATA indicates the location (in the
genomic DNA) of the LAT promoter TATA box. (B) The previously described (24) LAT deletion mutant dLAT2903. The dashed rectangle and the preceding dashed
line represent the portion of LAT deleted from both long repeats. (C) Enlargement showing the location of the 3.2-kb LAT fragment inserted between genes UL37
and UL38 in the unique long region of the LAT deletion mutant dLAT2903 to generate the virus LAT15a. The insertion site is outside the domains of the UL37 and
UL38 promoters (see Materials and Methods for additional details). (D) Enlargement of the insert, which consists of 1.7 kb of the LAT promoter and upstream
sequences and 1.5 kb of the structural portion of LAT. (E) Further enlargement of the 1.5-kb region of the LAT insertion. This 1,499-nt region consists of 662 nt from
the TATA box to the start of the stable 2-kb LAT and the first 837 nt of the 2-kb LAT. LAT15a retains the 1.8-kb deletion in both original copies of LAT.

59-TCTCCCCCCCCCCTTCTTCACCCCCAGTAC-39, corresponding to LAT repeats (long terminal and internal repeats and short terminal
nt 550 to 580. and internal repeats). The long repeats are expanded in Fig.
Statistical analyses. Statistical analyses were performed by using Instat, a
personal-computer software program. For analyses with either the Student t test, 1A to show the relative locations and statuses of the LAT,
the Mann-Whitney rank sum test, the chi-square test, or the Fisher exact test, ICP0, and ICP34.5 genes. The primary 8.3-kb LAT transcript is
results were considered statistically significant when the P value was ,0.05. unstable and difficult to detect. It gives rise to the very stable
and easily detected 2-kb LAT, the location of which is shown in
RESULTS Fig. 1A; the location of the LAT promoter TATA box is also
indicated. Transcription of the 8.3-kb LAT (11) starts 28 nt
Structure of the LAT15a virus. The McKrae strain was used downstream of the TATA box (47).
as the original parental virus for all mutants because its high The LAT promoter mutant dLAT2903, which we have pre-
spontaneous-reactivation rate in rabbits allows changes in the viously described (24) is shown schematically in Fig. 1B.
spontaneous-reactivation rates of mutants to be detected and dLAT2903 contains a 1.8-kb deletion in both copies of the
analyzed statistically. The genomic structures of wild-type HSV-1 LAT gene (one in each long repeat). This deletion consists of
McKrae and dLAT2903R, a marker-rescued virus of the LAT 0.2 kb of the LAT promoter and the portion of the LAT gene
deletion mutant dLAT2903 (24), are shown schematically in encoding the first 1.6 kb of the 8.3-kb primary LAT transcript.
Fig. 1A. The HSV-1 genome contains a unique long region and As indicated in Fig. 1B, the deletion extends to LAT nt 1667.
a unique short region, both of which are flanked by inverted As we previously described (24), dLAT2903 was marker res-

cued back to wild type (dLAT2903R) by homologous recom-

bination. The double-headed arrow between panels A and B
of Fig. 1 indicates that dLAT2903 was derived from wild-type
McKrae and that dLAT2903R, which is identical to wild-type
McKrae, was derived from dLAT2903.
LAT15a was derived from dLAT2903 by the insertion of the
LAT promoter and the DNA encoding the first 1.5 kb of the
8.3-kb primary LAT transcript into the unique long region
(Fig. 1C to E). The insertion was at an AflII site between the
59 ends of UL37 and UL38 (genomic nt 84252). UL37 and
UL38 are both gamma genes that require only the first 29 to 34
nt upstream of the mRNA cap site for transcriptional activity
(8, 14, 30, 31). The AflII site that we converted to a PacI site
and into which we then cloned the LAT insert is located 36 nt
upstream of the UL37 cap site and 126 nt upstream of the
UL38 cap site. Thus, neither the UL37 nor the UL38 promoter

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is disrupted in this construct. The complete insert is 3.2 kb and
consists of the LAT promoter and associated upstream se-
quences, totaling 1.7 kb, and the first 1.5 kb of the structural
portion of the 8.3-kb LAT gene. Further details of the con-
struction of LAT15a are given in Materials and Methods.
LAT15a retains the dLAT2903 deletion in both copies of LAT
and differs from dLAT2903 only in that it contains a small
portion of LAT introduced into the viral unique long region
rather than the normal LAT location. As indicated in Fig. 1E,
the 1.5-kb structural portion of the insert contains the 662-
nucleotide region between the LAT TATA box and the start of
the 2-kb LAT along with the first 837 nucleotides of the 2-kb
LAT. The structure of LAT15a was confirmed by Southern
analysis (see Fig. 6).
Replication of LAT15a in tissue culture. To ensure that FIG. 2. Growth kinetics of LAT15a in tissue culture. Semiconfluent mono-
LAT15a was capable of wild-type replication in tissue culture, layers of RS cells were infected with 0.01 PFU of LAT15a, dLAT2903, or
RS cells were infected with 0.01 PFU of LAT15a, dLAT2903, wild-type McKrae per cell. At the indicated times, the infected-cell monolayers
were harvested by freeze-thawing, and the amount of virus was determined by
or wild-type McKrae per cell. All three viruses grew to the plaque assay on RS cells. Each datum point is the average of two determinations.
same final titer of approximately 2 3 108 PFU per ml (Fig. 2).
At each of the time points, the titers of all three viruses ap-
peared to be similar. Thus, as we previously showed (24),
deletion of the LAT promoter and the beginning of LAT did lected rabbits latently infected with the LAT deletion mutant
not affect replication of the virus in tissue culture. Further- dLAT2903. No RT-PCR product is seen, confirming that this
more, insertion of the 3.2-kb LAT fragment between UL37 mutant does not transcribe this region of LAT during latency.
and UL38 did not adversely affect viral replication. Negative results were also seen with RNA from TG of unin-
Virulence of LAT15a in rabbits. Groups of 21 or 39 rabbits fected rabbits (not shown). Lanes 15a show the results from
were infected with 2 3 105 PFU of LAT-negative dLAT2903, two rabbits latently infected with LAT15a. Each lane shows a
marker-rescued wild-type dLAT2903R, or LAT15a per eye. single band identical to that seen in lanes wt. Identical RT-
Survival was determined at 21 days postinfection (Fig. 3). All PCRs were also done with a primer pair that produces a prod-
deaths were attributable to HSV-1-induced encephalitis. There uct corresponding to LAT nt 960 to 1130, within the 2-kb LAT
was no difference in survival between rabbits ocularly infected region. As before, Southern analysis with an internal probe
with LAT15a and those infected with dLAT2903 (P 5 0.52) or detected the expected RT-PCR product in both rabbits latently
between rabbits ocularly infected with LAT15a and those in- infected with LAT15a (data not shown). Thus, the LAT insert
fected with dLAT2903R (P 5 0.40). Thus, insertion of the in LAT15a appeared to rescue the ability of the original
3.2-kb LAT fragment between UL37 and UL38 did not de- dLAT2903 to transcribe this region of LAT.
crease the virulence of LAT15a. Spontaneous reactivation of LAT15a. We recently showed
Transcription of LAT in TG of rabbits latently infected with that the LAT deletion mutant dLAT2903, which has the first
LAT15a. Rabbits were infected ocularly, and 60 days later 1.6 kb of LAT deleted and is incapable of making any LAT
(.30 days after latency had been established), TG were re- RNA, had significantly reduced spontaneous reactivation in
moved, total RNA was isolated from individual TG, and RT- latently infected rabbits (24). To determine if restoration of the
PCR was performed to detect LAT transcription as described first 1.5 kb of LAT in a distant location (along with upstream
in Materials and Methods. The primers used generate a 160-bp elements) could restore the ability of the virus to reactivate
product specific for LAT nt 471 to 631 (the 2-kb LAT starts at spontaneously, we examined the ability of LAT15a to reacti-
nt 662 [Fig. 1E]). The RT-PCR products were subjected to vate spontaneously. Rabbit eyes were infected with 2 3 105
Southern analysis with an internal 32P-labeled probe (LAT nt PFU of LAT15a, dLAT2903, or marker-rescued dLAT2903R.
550 to 580) (Fig. 4). Each lane wt in Fig. 4 shows the result Beginning 30 days postinfection (at which time latency had
from one randomly selected TG, each from a different rabbit already been established), all eyes were swabbed once a day to
latently infected with wild-type McKrae virus. As expected, a collect tear films for analysis of spontaneously reactivated virus
single band migrating with an apparent size of 160 bp is seen as described in Materials and Methods. The cumulative num-
in each case. Lanes D show the results for two randomly se- ber of virus-positive tear film cultures per eye during 26 days

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FIG. 5. Spontaneous reactivation in rabbits latently infected with LAT15a.
FIG. 3. Virulence of LAT15a. Rabbits were infected ocularly as described in
Rabbits were ocularly infected with LAT15a, dLAT2903, or dLAT2903R (mark-
Materials and Methods. The percentage of rabbits surviving until day 21 postin-
er-rescued wild type). Beginning on day 30 postinfection (day 0), at which time
fection is shown by the bars. The numbers above each bar show the number of
latency had been established, tear films were collected daily, plated on primary
surviving rabbits/total number of infected rabbits for that group. P values com-
rabbit kidney cells, and observed for up to 30 days for the presence of cytopathic
pare adjacent bars and were determined by the Fisher exact test. wt, wild type.
effects. All positive cultures were confirmed by passage and Southern analysis
(see Fig. 6). The y axis represents the cumulative number of HSV-1 positive
cultures for each virus group divided by the number of eyes in the group.
Statistical analyses are shown in Table 1.
for each virus is shown in Fig. 5. Consistent with the very low
spontaneous-reactivation rate that we previously reported for
the LAT-negative mutant dLAT2903 (24), during the time
period observed, no spontaneous reactivations were detected ative dLAT2903 (P , 0.0001 by the Fisher exact test) and was
in any of the dLAT2903-infected eyes (Fig. 5). In contrast, not different from the 11% (70 of 624) positive cultures from
rabbits latently infected with LAT15a or wild-type (marker- rabbits latently infected with dLAT2903R marker-rescued
rescued dLAT2903R) virus had virtually identical cumulative wild-type virus (P 5 0.85). Thus, although LAT15a contains
spontaneous-reactivation rates of approximately three positive only a single copy of the first 1.5 kb of the 8.3-kb LAT, its
cultures per eye (Fig. 5). spontaneous-reactivation rate appeared to have been com-
A statistical analysis of positive (spontaneously reactivated) pletely restored back to wild-type levels.
cultures versus negative cultures is shown in Table 1. Almost Because the analyses described above do not take into ac-
12% (55 of 468) of the tear films from rabbits latently infected count the number of eyes in each of the groups, the data were
with LAT15a contained spontaneously reactivated virus. This analyzed by additional methods. The fraction of virus-positive
was significantly higher than the 0% (0 of 312) positive tear cultures for each eye in each group (i.e., the fraction of time
film cultures from the rabbits latently infected with LAT-neg- that each eye was virus positive) was calculated, and these
fractions were analyzed (Table 1). Spontaneous reactivation
with the LAT15a virus was significantly higher than that with
the LAT-negative dLAT2903 virus (P 5 0.001 by the Mann-
Whitney rank sum test) and was similar to that with wild-type
virus (P 5 0.66).
The number of eyes in each group that had at least one
spontaneous reactivation was also analyzed (Table 1). Again,
the result for the LAT15a virus was significantly higher than
the result for the LAT-negative dLAT2903 virus (72 versus
0%; P , 0.0001 by the Fisher exact test) and similar to the
FIG. 4. LAT transcription in rabbits latently infected with LAT15a. RT-PCR
wild-type results (72 versus 75%; P 5 1.0). Likewise, the num-
of total RNA isolated from individual TG from latently infected rabbits was done ber of rabbits that had at least one spontaneous reactivation
as described in Materials and Methods with primers corresponding to LAT nt (Table 1) was significantly higher for the rabbits latently in-
471 to 500 and 602 to 631. Southern analysis of the RT-PCR products was done fected with the LAT15a virus than for those latently infected
by using a 32P-labeled probe corresponding to LAT nt 550 to 580. Each lane
shows the RT-PCR product from one TG. Duplicate lanes are from different
with dLAT2903 (89 versus 0%; P 5 0.001 by the Fisher exact
rabbits. Lanes: wt, dLAT2903 marker-rescued wild-type virus; D, dLAT2903 test) and was similar to that of the wild-type-infected group
LAT-negative virus; 15a, LAT15a virus. (83%; P 5 1.0).

TABLE 1. Spontaneous reactivation of HSV-1 in rabbits latently infected with LAT15aa

Virus No. of positive tear film Fraction of posi- No. of eyes that reacti- No. of rabbits that Avg no. of reactiva-
(no. of eyes) cultures/total (%)b tive cultures/eyec vated/total (%) reactivated/total (%) tion episodes/eyed

LAT15a (18) 55/468 (11.8) 0.12 13/18 (72) 8/9 (89) 1.4
dLAT2903 (12) 0/312 (0) (P , 0.0001e) 0.0 (P 5 0.001 f) 0/12 (0) (P , 0.0001e) 0/6 (0) (P 5 0.001e) 0 (P 5 0.001 f)
dLAT2903R (wt) (24)g 70/624 (11.2) (P 5 0.85e) 0.11 (P 5 0.66 f) 18/24 (75) (P 5 1.0e) 10/12 (83) (P 5 1.0e) 1.6 (P 5 0.68 f)
Statistical analysis of the data presented in Fig. 5. Rabbits were bilaterally ocularly infected with dLAT2903 (virus with the LAT promoter and the first 1.6 kb of
LAT deleted), dLAT2903R (marker-rescued wild-type virus), or LAT15a (dLAT2903 containing the LAT promoter and the first 1.5 kb of LAT at a distant location)
as described in Materials and Methods.
Spontaneous reactivation was assessed beginning on day 30 postinfection by culturing tear films collected daily for 26 days as described in the text.
For each eye within each group, the fraction of days on which positive cultures were obtained was calculated (total HSV-1-positive cultures for eye/total cultures
for eye). The average is shown.
The total number of reactivations in each group, assuming that consecutive days of HSV-1-positive tear film cultures from a single eye are the result of a single
reactivation event or episode.
Versus LAT15a; determined by a two-sided Fisher exact test. The groups are considered significantly different if P is ,0.05.
Versus LAT15a; determined by a two-sided Mann-Whitney rank sum test. The groups are considered significantly different if P is ,0.05.
Wild-type (wt) virus. This marker-rescued virus is indistinguishable from the original parental McKrae virus.

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Another method of examining the effect of the 1.5-kb LAT quences. Both the wild type (lane wt) and dLAT2903 (lane D)
insert on spontaneous reactivation is to analyze the number of show a single band of 7.5 kb, corresponding in size to the
times spontaneous reactivation is detected in each eye, regard- BamHI H restriction fragment containing UL37 and UL38.
less of the length of time that virus is present. This is equivalent Lanes 15a and R1 both contain only a more slowly migrating
to the number of episodes in which reactivated virus is detect- band of 10.7 kb, corresponding to BamHI-H plus the 3.2-kb
ed in the tears, with consecutive days of positive cultures being LAT insert. This again indicates that the spontaneously reac-
treated as a single event. Thus, an eye that sheds virus for a sin- tivated LAT15a virus retained the LAT insert between UL37
gle day and an eye that sheds virus for 5 consecutive days would and UL38.
each constitute one episode of spontaneous reactivation. The The viral DNAs in Fig. 6C were also digested with BamHI
average number of spontaneous reactivations per eye in each but were hybridized to a probe specific for a region of LAT
group calculated in this manner are shown in Table 1. The num- that is present in the wild type and dLAT2903 but not in the
ber of episodes of spontaneous reactivation in LAT15a-infect- LAT insert of LAT15a (a cloned HpaI-MluI restriction frag-
ed eyes was much higher than that in dLAT2903-infected eyes ment corresponding to LAT nt 1667 to 2850). This probe
(1.4 versus 0; P 5 0.001) and similar to that in wild-type-in- should hybridize only to the BamHI B and BamHI E restric-
fected eyes (1.6; P 5 0.68). All of the analyses described above tion fragments generated from the long repeats (one from each
indicate that LAT15a reactivated spontaneously at a rate in- repeat) that contain the HSV-1 sequence corresponding to the
distinguishable from that of the marker-rescued dLAT2903R probe. As seen in Fig. 6C, lane wt, these two bands are of
(wild-type) virus. different sizes because in both restriction fragments one
Southern analysis of spontaneously reactivated virus. To
eliminate the unlikely possibility that the spontaneously reac-
tivated virus recovered from eyes of rabbits latently infected
with the LAT15a virus was contaminating wild-type virus or
LAT15a virus that had somehow reverted back to wild-type
virus, Southern analyses were done on spontaneously reacti-
vated virus recovered from all eyes that had been infected with
LAT15a. Examples of some of these Southern analyses are
shown in Fig. 6. Purified LAT15a viral DNA was obtained
prior to infection (lanes 15a) and from LAT15a virus in tears
after spontaneous reactivation (lanes R1 and R2). Figure 6A
shows a Southern analysis of DNAs that were individually
digested with PacI and probed with a 32P-labeled restriction
fragment that is completely within the LAT region deleted in
dLAT2903 and that therefore can hybridize only with LAT
sequences in the LAT15a insert. The wild-type virus (lane wt)
produced a single large band of genome size, as expected since
PacI does not cut wild-type HSV-1. In contrast, PacI should cut
the PacI sites flanking the 3.2-kb LAT fragment (LAT nt 1 to
1499 plus 1.7 kb of upstream DNA) inserted between UL37
and UL38 in LAT15a. This should produce a single band of 3.2 FIG. 6. Southern analysis of spontaneously reactivating LAT15a. DNA was
kb that hybridizes to the probe, as is seen in lane 15a. The isolated from the tears of rabbits latently infected with LAT15a virus and com-
pared with DNA from tissue culture-grown virus by restriction digestion and
spontaneously reactivated LAT15a DNAs from two different Southern analysis. (A) The viral DNAs were cut with PacI and hybridized to a
rabbits (R1 and R2) each produced the same 3.2-kb band, 32
P-labeled probe corresponding to part of the LAT region deleted in dLAT2903
indicating that the spontaneously reactivated LAT15a virus but present in the LAT insert in LAT15a (see text). (B) DNAs were cut with
retained the LAT insert. BamHI. The probe was specific for the UL37-UL38 region. (C) DNAs were cut
with BamHI. The probe was specific for a region of LAT near the deletion in
The viral DNAs in Fig. 6B were digested with BamHI and dLAT2903 but outside the region inserted into LAT15a. Lanes: wt, dLAT2903R
probed with the BamHI H restriction fragment that hybridizes marker-rescued wild-type virus; 15a, LAT15a; D, dLAT2903; R1 and R2, spon-
to the UL37-UL38 region but not to any of the LAT se- taneously reactivated LAT15a from two different rabbits.

BamHI cut is in the repeat and one is in the adjacent unique in this study was mapped to the first 1.5 kb of LAT must be
long region. The larger band contains LAT from the internal involved in spontaneous reactivation, not establishment of la-
repeat, while the smaller band is from the terminal repeat. tency. The similarity in intensity of hybridization to the LAT
Both of these bands are smaller in the original LAT deletion RT-PCR products from rabbits latently infected with wild-type
dLAT2903 (lane D) and LAT15a (lane 15a), indicative of the virus and LAT15a virus also suggests a wild-type level of la-
1.8-kb LAT deletion in each long repeat in these viruses. Lane tency with LAT15a, further suggesting a role for the first 1.5 kb
R1 (containing a spontaneously reactivated LAT15a virus) of LAT in reactivation.
contains bands identical to those seen in lanes D and 15a, The stable 2-kb LAT is not essential for wild-type levels of
confirming that the original LAT deletion was retained in both spontaneous reactivation. The 2-kb LAT is extremely stable
original copies of LAT in the LAT15a spontaneously reacti- compared with the remainder of the 8.3-kb LAT RNA (47).
vated virus. This stability makes the 2-kb LAT relatively easy to detect
These Southern analyses confirm the structure of the during latency compared with the rest of the LAT transcript.
LAT15a virus and demonstrate that the spontaneously reacti- Thus, for several years after the initial reports of LAT (28, 35),
vated LAT15a virus retained the 1.8-kb LAT deletion in both it was thought that the 2-kb LAT (and a 1.5-kb LAT derived
repeats as well as the 3.2-kb LAT insert in the unique long from the 2-kb LAT) constituted the entire LAT RNA. Because
region. This was found to be the case for all of the spontane- of its abundance during latency, it is still often assumed that

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ously reactivated LAT15a virus examined. Thus, the ability of the 2-kb LAT is the functionally important portion of LAT as
LAT15a to reactivate spontaneously was due to inherent prop- regards reactivation from latency. The LAT15a mutant showed
erties of the virus and not to rescue of the original LAT that this is not the case, as it is not capable of transcribing the
deletions by homologous recombination with LAT gene se- entire 2-kb LAT. The 1.5-kb LAT insert contains only the first
quences inserted into the unique long region. 837 nt of the 2-kb LAT, and hence only about 40% of the 2-kb
LAT can be transcribed. Since LAT15a reactivated like wild-
DISCUSSION type virus, it appears that the presence of the entire 2-kb LAT
is not essential for efficient spontaneous reactivation.
The function of LAT involved in spontaneous reactivation A possible role for the remaining 6.8 kb of the 8.3-kb LAT.
maps to within the first 1.5 kb of the primary LAT transcript. The primary LAT transcript is 8.3 kb in length and appears to
As we previously described, the 1.8-kb deletion in dLAT2903 be well conserved in various HSV-1 and HSV-2 strains. From
removed both the authentic LAT promoter and a hypothetical an evolutionary standpoint this argues strongly that there has
cryptic promoter from both copies of LAT, thereby rendering been continued selective pressure to maintain the entire 8.3-kb
the mutant unable to express any LAT-related RNA (24). This LAT gene. This further argues that regions of LAT in addition
virus is severely impaired for spontaneous reactivation in the to the first 1.5 kb of LAT may have a function. There are at
rabbit ocular model. In this study, we have restored spontane- least two possibilities. First, it is possible that the remaining
ous reactivation in this mutant to wild-type levels by insertion region of LAT has a function unrelated to latency and that this
of the first 1.5 kb of LAT (and 1.7 kb of upstream sequences) function, although useful in nature, is not essential for repli-
into a distant location (LAT15a). Since the 39 extent of the cation in tissue culture or in laboratory animals. Second, it is
original LAT deletion (LAT nt 1667) exceeded that of the possible that the remaining region of LAT has a function in the
1.5-kb insert (LAT nt 1499) (Fig. 1), it was not possible for the latency cycle but that this function is not easily observed in
original LAT region to be rescued by homologous recombina- laboratory animals. Thus, different regions of LAT may con-
tion. This was confirmed by Southern analysis, which demon- tribute to LAT’s function, with the LAT15a mutant having
strated that all of the spontaneously reactivated virus retained wild-type function in laboratory animals but possibly being
the original deletion in both copies of LAT. These results impaired in nature. This would be similar to the situation for
therefore mapped the function of LAT involved in spontane- numerous HSV-1 genes that are designated nonessential.
ous reactivation to within the first 1.5 kb of the LAT transcript. These genes are ‘‘nonessential’’ because they are not required
Establishment of latency. In situ hybridization to estimate for efficient tissue culture replication. However, it is obvious
the percentage of neurons containing the 2-kb LAT RNA and that such genes must be useful in nature and provide the virus
PCR to estimate the HSV-1 genomic copy number in ganglia some selective advantage; otherwise, they would not be con-
have both been used to estimate the relative amount of latency served.
in animals latently infected with HSV-1 mutants (15, 27, 36). Recently, an HSV-1 RNA that is colinear and coterminal
For mutants such as LAT2903 that do not express the 2-kb with approximately the last 25% of the primary 8.3-kb LAT has
LAT RNA, in situ hybridization is not a feasible method. In been described (3, 16, 17, 46). This RNA is transcribed inde-
this situation, PCR analysis is the most sensitive technique pendently of LAT, contains a presumptive open reading frame
currently available. Using this approach, we have previously (ORF P), and appears to be made in tissue culture under some
observed that the amount of HSV-1 DNA detected in TG of circumstances. Although the function of this RNA during
rabbits latently infected with dLAT2903 (the LAT mutant res- acute or latent infection is unknown, it is possible that the
cued in this study to produce LAT15a) and marker-rescued sequence of this region of the HSV-1 genome has been con-
dLAT2903R appeared to be identical (24). Since this method served because of selective pressure to retain this newly dis-
was unable to distinguish between establishment of latency by covered RNA (or the ICP34.5 gene, which is almost completely
wild-type virus and by the LAT-negative dLAT2903 virus, overlapped in an antisense direction by this transcript). How-
there was no purpose in using this method with LAT15a. ever, this would not explain why the primary LAT has been
Therefore, although we have not specifically determined in this conserved as an 8.3-kb transcript.
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virus, our prior results with dLAT2903 and dLAT2903R indi- first 1.5 kb of the primary LAT transcript included in the LAT
cate that at the level of sensitivity of competitive PCR analysis, insert in LAT15a, we also included 1,792 nt upstream of the
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We thank Anita Avery for excellent technical assistance. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 31:77–82.
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Slanina, H. Ghiasi, A. B. Nesburn, and S. L. Wechsler. 1996. The region of
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