002 Vedic Astrological Calculations Astrology English

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Balas of Grahas and Bhavas 195 Bhava Madhya Its Rasi Its Nature Nru. Bala. (i) 276° 18" Makara (1st half) Chatushpada 30 sh. (ii) 309 14 Kumbha Nru 50 sh. (iii) 343 34. Meena Jalachara 50 sh. (iv) 15 36 Mesha Chatushpada Osh. (v) 43 48 0 Vrishabha Chatushpada 10 sh. (vi) 69 43 Mithuna Nru 1Wsh (vii) 96 18 Kataks Jalachara 30 sh. (viii) 129 14 Simha Chatushpada — 40 sh. (ix) 163 34 Kanya Nru 20 sh. (x) 195 36 Tula Nru 30sh. (xi) 223 48 Vrischika Kilaka 20 sh. (xii) 249 43 Dhanus(Isthalf) Nru 20 sh. Instead of applying the formula, after finding the nature of the rasi in which a bhava madhya falls, and the number of the bhava madhya, refer to Table XVI for the Nrurasyadi bala. 131 A. Bhava Drishti Bala—To determine the drishti of the several grahas on the various bhavas, the bhava madhya point is treated as if it were a drishya graha. And all the rules enunciated under Drishti between grahas in Articles 93 to 97, are applicable to the determination of graha drishti on bhavas including those relating to the vishesha drishti of Kuja, Guru and Sani. The drishti on a drishya bhavas madhya is positive or negative according as the shubha drishti on it outweighs the krura drishti or not, as in drishti between grahas. Finally, the drishti of Guru and Budha on the several bhava madhyas are taken as they are, but only a fourth part of the drishti of the other grahas on the several bhava madhyas is taken. The total thus obtained of the drishtis of all grahas on a bhava madhya is the Drishti Bala of the bhava. First, we should determine the Drishti Angle, that is, the forward or anticlocwise distance from the drishti graha to the drishya bhava madhya, by deducting the longitude of the drishtr graha from that of the bhava madhya, If the longitude of 196 Vedic Astrological Calculations the drishya bhava madhya is numerically less than that of the drishti graha, add 360° to the former and then deduct. If the difference found is less than 30° or more than 300° then the Drishti bala is zero shashtiamsa; and if itis between 30° and 300° refer with it to Table XI for the Drishti and Visesha Drishti Values. Guru, Sukra and Chandra are always shubhas, while Ravi, Kuja and Sani are always kruras. Budha is a krura only when he occupies a rasi with a krura, otherwise he is a shubha. 197 Balas of Grahas and Bhavas nysiaq eysest, aiearpur ad4q yony ui samsy ayy] —"g“N €l LEE 9S ES ZL oOFE BL LEE Ze OEE ve €9¢ Sl 7e LO 8% LE €@k €2 Ize ct HOE se 2z¢ 90 pot Gh GEE SO SH LL €6z OE MZ €Z 667 #0 79% Le LZe £0 £9 60 L9t 8% FET lz £97 th Le 0 6% Cr 8% Gr 9ZZ 80 OIZ Lo €€z SF FOL LE 09Z Lr OVE 6S ESL ZI ZL 0 007 €L 89L 99 Ct TL 67E BL LOL Z€ OSL Oe ZL SL ZtL LO 80% ZL OE €% LF cr FZL se ZL 90 FLL 6F GLL SO SéZ IL ELL Of 96 €% 6LL $078 Seok] g WSsueal SHoMnsny Am313 Bulag BypaA TuIpuodsanoD Saw] d WsuEAL Shon nlsny Sey a Slog bypan SupuTdsaaD Vedic Astrological Calculations Sae_LSUPAL sHONTTSny WoOpy Saoe[g Wsubal shomidsny 214 (eYpea) woHPNAsqQ Jo sareIq *PAXX-?IMpatPs Gocharam 215 As regards Rahu and Ketu, most of the classical texts have not assigned any benefic/ malefic places for their transits. However, Mantreshwar has assigned their benefic places as that of Sun. Their vedha points are also same. Rahu | Auspicious Transit Places 3 6 10. 11 Corresponding Vedha Points 9 12_ 4 5 | Ketu Auspicious Transit Places 3 6 10.11 Corresponding Vedha Points 9 12,4 5 Some others treat Rahu/ Ketu at par with Saturn/ Mars. In such case, the vedha points will be as under:- Rahu ] Auspicious Transit Places 3 6 il Corresponding Vedha Points 12 9 5 Ketu Auspicious Transit Places 3 6 i Corresponding Vedha Points 12 9 5 However, in practice Rahu and Ketu give better results when considered as similar to Saturn and Mars. Variety of views regarding Rahu and Ketu exist, it is difficult to arrive at any decision. For all practical purposes, normally Rahu and Ketu may not be considered for their transit results. In table 4, there are certain figures against the row transit places, which indicate the auspicious points and below those are other figures corresponding to each which create an obstruction (vedha) e.g. take the Sun. He is auspicious in the 3, 6, 10 and 11 from the natal Moon. Below these figures we find 9, 12, 4 and 5, it means the Sun's benefic effects in transit in the 3rd from the natal Moon, will be nullified by another simultaneous transit of some planet in the 9 from the natal Moon. He is benefic in the 6" from the natal Moon, but another transit in the 12" front 216 Vedic Astrological Calculations the natal Moon will remove its good effects. He is good in the 10% from the natal Moon but another transit in the 4° from the natal Moon will eliminate the good effects. The Sun gives good results in the 11" from the natal Moon and any other planet in the 5“ from the natal Moon will cancel such results. These obstructive transits from natal Moon cause Vedha. Accordingly, the auspicious places and vedha points for other planets may be understood. There are some exceptions to the above. The Sun and Saturn do no cause obstruction (vedha) to each other. Similarly, there is no obstruction (vedha) between Moon and Mercury. PART II—-AYURDHAYA LESSON XIV KINDS OF AYURDHAYA 143. Different Methods of determining the Ayurdhaya—Ayurdhaya means the duration of life. There are as many as thirty-two different methods mentioned in classical works. Of these, only five methods are commonly followed— (a) Amsayuvu, (b) Pindayuvu, (c) Naisargayuvu, (d) Jeeva-sarmayuvu and (e) Ashtakavargayuvu. Among the authorities, the first two methods have each its own exclusive advocates who hold that each is applicable to all cases alike. While among others, Manintha and Saravali state that each method is applicable only under certain circumstances. Amsayuvu applies when among the Lagnadipati, Ravi and Chandra, the Lagnadipati alone is powerful, that is, has a shadbala of over 8 rupas: Pindayuvu when among the three grahas Ravi alone is powerful: Naisargayuvu when among the three grahas Chandra alone is powerful: and Jeeva- sarmayuvu when all the three grahas are powerless. When two grahas are powerful, the corresponding methods are adopted and the average taken. And when the three are equally powerful all the three methods are followed, and the sum of the products of Amsayuvu and Lagnadipati bala, of Pindayuvu and Ravi bala, and of Naisargayuvu and Chandra bala is divided by the sum of the Lagnadipati bala, Ravi bala and Chandra bala, to obtian the sphuta ayurdhaya. This view was propounded by Nilakanta and accepted by Sripati and Saravali. Again Sridhara held that 218 Vedic Astrological Calculations this method should be adopted in all cases alike, whether the three grahas were equally powerful or not. There are also some who hold that for the adoption of one or another of the first three methods, the Lagnadipati, Ravi or Chandra need not be powerful in itself, but that it will do if it is, though weak in itself, more powerful than the other two. We have been testing each of these five methods of ayurdhaya in a sufficiently large number of cases, only to find that none of them yield even approximate results. In testing each method, We have adopted (i) both the ayanamsa given earlier and the ayanamsa of 22° odd, (ii) all the divergent views held in regard to the circumstances under which each method applies, and (iii) all the different opinions maintained as to the details of each method. It appears that the several theories advanced in regard to the applicability and the details of the methods were based only on a small number of instances. So ayurdhaya has to be determined in the usual way by judging horosoopes, having in view essentially the Marakas in each nativity, but not by purely arithmetical calculations as some eminent Hindu Astrologers maintain. All the same, we shall briefly sketch each of these methods just to let the reader have a taste of it, and to enable him, if he is so inclined, to verify the conclusion. 144.Amsayuvu—It is so called, as it rests on the navamsa positions of grahas. This was propounded by Satyacharya, and is largely followed. Bhattotpala states that it is the only correct method that should be adopted in all cases alike. But Manintha and Saravali state that it is applicable to the cases of individuals in whose nativities the Lagnadipati only is powerful or is most powerful of the three though in itself powerless. 145. Amsyuvu—Oocha Cheshta Rasmija Sphuta Gunakara—This is the first factor required to be found. To start with we have to ascertain the Oocha Kendra and the Cheshta Kendra of each of the seven grahas. Oocha Kinds of Ayurdliaya 219 Kendra is graha minus its neecha bhaga; and if the difference exceeds 180", it has to he rectified by deducting it from 360°, Cheshta Kendra is found as described in Article 124. Next, the Oocha Rasmi and the Cheshta Rasmi of each graha are found by dividing the respective kendras taken in degrees by 30, and then adding one to the quotient. Now, the Oocha Sredi and the Cheshta Sredi of each graha are determined by multiplying half of the rasmi by the respective rasmi minus one. Next, the Oocha Gunakara and the Cheshta Gunakara are obtained (i) when Sredi is greater than Rasmi, by dividing the Sredi by the Rasmi, and (ii) when Sredi is less than Rasmi, by dividing Sredi plus one by twice the Rasmi. Finally, the Oocha Cheshta Rasmija Sphuta Gunakara of each graha is derived by extracting the square root of the product of the Oocha Gunakara and the Cheshta Gunakara of each graha. Some hold that instead of extracting the square root of their product, we may, take half their sum as the sphuta gunakara. The latter method will give only approximate results, and that only when ‘the Oocha Gunakara and the Cheshta Gunakara are nearly equal, but not otherwise. This view has been advanced to save the calculator the trouble of extracting the square root of composite numbers, for all numbers are given in integers and sixtieth parts. PROBLEM 75 = Find the Oocha Cheshta Rasmija Sphuta Gunakara of each of the grahas in the nativity of Raja born in Madras at 4-32 p.m., L.M.T., on Wednesday, July 19, 1843. Ravi's bala is 7.4 rupas, Chandra’s 6.5, the Lagnadipati’s 8.4. Rect.Oo, Oocha Oocha (i) Graha Long.—Nee.Bhagas Kendra Rasmi_—_Sredi Ravi 98 =12' — 190° 91.80" 4.06 6.21 Chandra 7 O04 = 213 154.07 6.14 15.78 Kuja 229 35 — 118 111 58 4.72 8.78 Budha 79 38 — 345 94.63 415 6.34 220 Vedic Astrological Calculations Guu 307 59" Sani 274 21 — 275 Sukra 78 05 —177 — 20 (ii) Graha — Rect.C. Kendra Ravi 153 .93° Chandra 91 13 Kuja 174 .00 Budha 119 40 Guru 158 68 Sukra 56 .40 Sani 176 .10 OochaRasmi CheshtaRasmi O.C.R.S. (iii) Graha Gunakara Ravi 1.53 Chandra 2.57 Kuja 1.86 Budha 1.60 Guru 0.51 Sukra 1.65 Sani 1.76 146. Amsayuvu—Asraya 32.98 2.09 1.14 98 92 4.30 7.10 105 .65 452 7.94 C. Rasmi C.Sredi 6.13 15.72 4.04 6.14 6.80 19.72 4.98 9.91 6.28 16.58 2.88 271 6.87 20.16 Gunakara Gunakara 2.56 1,9791 1.52 1.9765 2.90 2.3225 1.99 1.7844 2.64 1.1603 0.66 1.0436 2.93 2.2709 Samjna, Pradhama Gunakara—The relation which each graha bears to its house in each of the seven vargas is determined. The relation would be one of six kinds (Articles 79 to 81). Values are assigned to each graha according to its relation to its house in the varga, as shown in the schedule below. These factors are termed the Asraya Samjna Pradhama Guuakara. Asraya means position, samjna means funda- mental, pradhama means first, and gunakara means factor. Kinds of Ayurdhaya 221 SCHEDULE XXVI—ASRAYA SAMJNA PRADHAMA GUNAKARA FOR THE RELATIONS IN THE VARGAS $A SSS Varga Swakshe- Atimi Mitra Sama Shatru Atishatru tra tra Rasi 1/2 3/8 1/3 I/4 1/6 1/8 Hora 1/4 3/16 1/6 «1/8 1/12 1/16 Drekkana 1/2 3/16 «1/6 1/8 1/12 1/16 Saplamsa 1/4 3/16 1/6 1/8 1/12 1/16 Navamas 1/2 3/16 1/6 1/8 1/12 1116 Dwadasamsa 1/4 3/16 1/6 «1/8 1/12 1/16 Trimsamsa 1/43/16 «1/6 =1/8 1/12 1/16 EE It may be noted that the rasi values are twice that of the other varga values, except in the case of swadrekkana and swanavamsa relations. If a graha is in vargottama, then its factor for the navamsa varga is 1/2, no matter what its relation may be to the lord of the navamsa, Vedic Astrological Calculations 222 8/L usr —eures 8/L WN Pures 9/vumy =A $/ LUNN —eMsS 9L/¢ uaa —wWv 9/Lwny = WW 9/Lury WN b/w —"eMS 8/L NW —eures 9L/Lusry -sS'V ZL/L 71S OL/L IN -S'Vv 9L/e UN —Wv 8/L ein —smesg Z/L wn —"eMS, ZL/1 aay 1S z/Lueyq —'?MS, ZL/L uaa 1s 9L/e ueya nv 9L/e UN nv 9/L ue —1W 9L/ Lung sv F/1 PL “PMS $/L “uaa "OMS 8/L en — Pug 9L/L ue -sv 9L/€ “YsRE —-wv 9L/L amy -sv Z/L RN "RMS Z/E INL, —"eMS 9/L-uny = 8/L PINE —eures 91/¢ uaa, —W'¥ ZL/L USO 1S 9L/¢ sey —Wyv g/L ueyd — Pures 8/EueyD — Pues 8/[ wey — Pius 8/L-ueyD — Pures g/L ara rues OL/¢ ary —wWv 91/¢ “ueYyD —wv Z/L RN — PMS #/ LUN —eues ¢/pumy TW z/L UN —"eMS Z/L SHA —"eMS 9/L use 1S g/¢3ey Wy jues eDINS nim 4png elny vapuryD ary “puepyosie, ur st eyes oN “cz wra[qoig aas seyess Jo sopny Buoy oy] 104 ‘Ayayou s vloy ut svyvsd ayy fo vanyounh munypord vuluws vfvasv ayy puly — 92 WATAONd Kinds of Ayurdhaya 223 147. Amsayuvu—Asraya Samjna Dwitiya Guna- kara—If a graha is not in its swakshetra, but in one of the other five relations in its rasi, and if the same graha is in its swadrekkana or swanavamsa or in vargottama or in any two or all of these three relations, then its Asraya Samjna Pradhama Gunakara for its rasi should be multiplied by 11/7, 29/21, 1, 13/21 or 3/7 according as its rasi relation is atimitra, mitra, sama, shatru or atishatru respectively, These are called the Asraya Samjna Dwitiya Gunakaras. Dwitiya means second. Some hold that if such a graha is both in its swanavamsa and vargottama, the asraya samjna pradhama gunakara or its rasi should be multiplied by twice the appropriate Asraya Samjna Dwitiya Gunakara, that is 22/7, 58/21, 2, 26/31 or 6/7 respectively. SCHEDULE XXVII-ASRAYA SAMJNA DWITIYA GUNAKARA. Mitra | Sama | Shatru| Atishatru Rasi Varga Atimitra Graha not in swarasi but in swadrek- kana or swana- vamsa or vargot- tama. PROBLEM 77—Find the asraya samajna dwitiya gunakara, if any, of each of the grahas in Raja’s heroscope. AS.D, Gunakara Guru is in Mitra rasi and Swanavamsa. 29/21 Sukra is in Sama rasi and Swadrekkana we 148. Amsayuvu—Asraya Samjna Tritiya Gunakara- Again a third set of factors called the Asraya Samjna Tritiya Gunakara of each of the grahas according to the nature of the same relations which they bear to the lords -of the vargas occupied by them, are as shown in the 224 Vedic Astrological Calculations schedule below. Tritiya means third. It may be noted that the factors, unlike the pradhama gunakaras, are just the same for all vargas but vary only according to the relations. SCHEDULE XXVIII—ASRAYA SAMJNA TRITIYA GUNAKARAS Swakshetra Rasi, Hora, Drekkena. Sap- tamsa, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa and Trimsamsa. PROBLEM 78—Find the asraya samjna tritiya gunakara of each of the grahas, in Raja's horoscope. 149. Amsayuvu—Asraya Gunakara—Asrayas when the first, the second, if any, and the third asraya samjna gunakaras of the same varga of a graha are all multiplied together, and finally the products of the seven vargas of each graha are added together, we get the Asraya Gunakara of each graha. yurdhaya Kinds of A BOLLE L*B/L OXb/L @T/L €/LXOL/T exe /T. 1xg/1 2xU/L jues €lZ2z LXB/L DXB/L 6 /SX21/L Xb /L 2XZ/L. 1X8/LLXIX$/L Rann 6/€L* C2627 6E/TX9/LE/LXOL/L-2XZ/L exb/L 6 /ELXO/L_XB/L AZ /6zxe/L nD 9696 L — EXE/L 6 /SXTL/L 6/SXZL/LLX8/L X8/I Lx8/1 @xZ/L eypng THOT C/SXYL/E E/LXOI/L E/SXOL/E E/LXOL/L C/sxoL/e —1X8/1 2xZ/L vin 9629 G/EIX9/L €/SXOL/E E/SXOI/L E/SxOL/E 6 /SxZL/L E/SX9L/E 6/SX9/L erpuey S428'L G/EIXO/L — XB/L_—6/ELX9/EE/IXOL/L_€/exOL/€ €/sxOL/E ¢/sxB/¢ tary Paeyeuns, eheisy = Psu, ‘sepemq = “uIeAeN “ureydeg yaq PIO sey pyri, ‘adoosouoy s,vloy us myjv48 yova fo vanyoun3 vfivsso af Puly— 64 WA1dOUd 226 Vedic Astrological Calculations 150. Amsayuvu—Ayur Varsha Gunakara—Ayu means life, and varsha means years. The Ocoha Cheshta Rasmija Sphuta Gunakara and the Asraya Gunakara of each graha are multiplied together, and the square root of the product is extracted. The square root is the Ayur Varsha Gunakara. Some take the mean of the two quantities as the Ayur Varsha Gunakara, but it is incorrect (Art. 145). PROBLEM 80-Find the ayush kala gunakara of each graha in Raja's horoscope . Ayur Varsha Gunakara Ravi Jf. 9791_x «18773 = 1.9275 Chandra J19765 x 1.6296 = 1.7947 Kuja (2.3225 x 2.1042 = 2.2106 Budha 1.7844 x (1.9676 = 1.8738 Guru 1.1603 x 2.7992 = 1.7999 Sukra Vl.0436 x 2.1713 = 1.5053 Sani 2.2709 x 3.7708 = 2.9263 Varahamita gives very simple factors in lieu of ayur varaha gunakara. They are as follow :— (i) When a graha is in its Oocha Rasi, the multiplier is 3 iii) When a graha is Retrograde, the multiplier is 3. (iii) When a graha is in Swarasi, the multiplier is 2. (iv) When graha is in Swadrekkana, the multiplier is 2 (v) When a graha is in Swanavamsa, the multiplier is 2 (vi) When a graha is in Vargottama, the multiplier 2. (vii) When a graha is in its Neecha Rasi, the multiplier is 1/2. When a graha has more than one of the above qualifications, only the greatest muiltipilier should be taken. For example when a graha is in its oocha rasi and also in vargottama, the multiplier is only 3, but not 3 x 2 or 6; again when a graha is in swadrekkana and in swanavamsa, Kinds of Ayurdhaya 227 the multiplier is only 2, but not 2 x 2 or 4. For obvious reasons the lagna has neither ayur varsha gunakara nor any of the multipliers. 151. Amsayuvu —Ayush Kala—Ayur means life, and kala means minutes of arc. In the ecliptic there are nine cycles each of twelve navamsas. So each cycle is 40° in extent. To determine the position of a graha in its cycle of navamsas, first cast away the greatest multiple of 40° from its nirayana longitude, that is, the number of degrees and minutes in its nirayana longitude is divided by 40, the quotient rejected and the remainder is the position of the graha in its cycle of navamsas. And when the remainder is reduced to minutes, it is termed the Ayush Kala of the graha. 152 Amsayuvu—Ayur Varsha— Varsha means years. When a graha is at the very first point in its arc of 40°, the number of years denoted by it is zero; when it is at the very last point in its arc of 40°, the number of years denoted by it is 12; and when it is at any intermediate Position in its arc of 40", the number of years denoted by it is found by proportion at the rate of one full year for every 3° 20’ or 200’ of arc. Therefore, the Ayush Kala of a graha divided by 200 gives its Ayur Varsha. PROBLEM 81 —Find the ayush kalas and the ayur varshas of the grahas, in Raja’s horoscope. Graha Nira, sphashta | Ayush kala|Ayur varsha Ravi 5.46 years Chand BAe! on Kuja 8.88 ,, Budha 11.89 ,, Guru 840 ,, Sukra 11.43, Sani 10.31, 228 Vedic Astrological Calculations 153.Amsayuvu—Sphuta Ayur Varsha—When the ayur varsha of a graha is multiplied by its ayur varsha gunakara, we get the Sphuta Ayur Varsha of the graha. Acoording to Varahamira, if the ayur varsha is multiplied by the multipiliers mentioned by him (Art. 151) we get the sphuta ayur varsha. PROBLEM 82—Find the sphuta ayur varshas of the grahas in Raja's horoscope. Graha Ay. Varsha Ay. Gunakara Sph. Ay. Varsha EE Ravi 5.46 1.9275 10.524 years Chandra 2.12 1.7947 3.805 Kuja 8.88 2.2106 19.630, Budha 11.89 1.8738 22.279 Guru 8.40 1.7999 15.119, Sukra 11.43 1.5053 17.206 Sani 10.31 2.9263 30.170, PROBLEM 83-—Find the sphuta ayur, varshas, of the grahas, in Raja's horoscope, according to Varahamira. Varahamira’s | Sphuta Ay. Graha Ayur Varsha Varsha Ravi 5.46 Chandra 2.12 Kuja 17.76 Budha 23.78 Guru 25.20 Sukra 22.86 Sani. 10.31 30.93 154. Chakrapata Harana— Chakrapata means the nodes of the circle of horizon, i.e., the ascendant and the descendant, and harana means reduction. The sphuta ayur varshas of grahas above the horizon at birth, i-e., of those Kinds of Ayurdhaya 229 within 180° west of Janma Lagna Madhya undergo this reduction. But grahas which at birth were below the horizon are not subjected to this reduction. The amount of harana varies according as the graha is a saumya or a krura, being in the case of a saumya half of what it is in the case of a krura. The saumyas are Chandra, Sukra and Guru, and the kruras are Ravi, Kuja and Sani. Budha is a krura only when he is in the same rasi as a krura, but otherwise a saumya. The amount of harana varies also according to the distance of the graha from the lagna madhya. The semicircle of 180° west of the lagna madhya is divided into six equal houses of 30° each. They may be taken as the six houses of horoscopes, XII, XI, X, IX, VIII and VII, as they are spoken of in Modern Astrology. SCHEDULE-XXIX—CHAKRAPATA HARANA The westward distance of a graha from Lapna Madhya in degrees 150-180 1/6 1/12 Sripati describes a different method for determining the harana. If the graha is above the horizon, deduct it from the lagna madhya, and rectify the difference, if necessary (Direction II). Next reduce the difference to minutes. If in the case of a krura the minutes obtained are more than 1800, then divide them by 1800; and if in the case of a saumya the minutes obtained are more than 900, then divice them by 900. The improper fraction obtained in either case is the Chedha Bhinna. The reciprocal of the Chedha Bhinna is the Harana. And if in the case of a krura, the minutes obtained are less than 1800, then too divide them by 1800; and if in the case of a saumya they are less 230 Vedic Astrological Calculations than 900, then too divide them by 900. The proper fraction obtained is itself the Harana. The Chakrapata Harana is applicable in all the first four methods of Ayurdhaya. According to Satycharya, of the several grahas in the same house of 30° from the lagna madhya, the harana is applicable only to the case of the graha which gives the greatest ayur varsha, but not to the rest. Another view is that in such a case only the graha which has the greatest bala is subjected to this harana. But according to Devala the reciprocal of the average of the Chedha Bhinna of all the grahas in the same house is the harana to be applied to the graha which has the greatest bala. According to Yavanacharya when the grahas in the same house are of equal bala, every graha not aspected by Guru will be subject to this reduction. 155.Graha Ayurdhaya—When the sphuta ayur varsha of a graha obtained as described in Article 153, is multiplied by one minus the chakrapata barana of the graha, we get the Graha Ayurdhaya or the number of years in the life of tbe individual denoted by the graha. PROBLEM 84—Find the ayurdhaya of each of the grahas, in Raja’s horoscope, after carrying out chakrapata harana. 15.119 17.206 30.170 Kinds of Ayurdhaya 231 156, Shatrukshetra Harana—Shatrukshetra means inimical house. When a graha is in the rasi of its Tatkalika Shatru, one-third of its sphuta ayur varsha after carrying out chakrapata harana is deducted. But if the graha is in retrograde course, then this harana does not apply. According to some it is Kuja but not a retrograde graha, that is exempted from this harana. Some hold that this harana is not to be carried out in the Amsayuvu method. 157.Astangata Harana—Astangata means Immer- sion. When a graha is within a certain number of degrees from the Sun it is said to be in Immersion, and one-half of its sphuta ayur varshas after carrying out chakrapata harana is deducted. SCHEDULE XXX—LIMITS OF ASTANGATA ‘Graha Limits of Immersion Chandra 12° forwards or backwards from the Sun Kuja ir ” Budha (Direct) Ww Budha (Retrograde) | 12° ” Guru Ww ” Sukra (Direct) Ww , Sukra (Retrograde) 8 ie Sani 15° a All authorities have agreed that Sukra and Sani are exempted from this harana even when they are in immersion. PROBLEM 85 - Find the graha ayurdhaya of each of the Srahas in Raja's horoscope, after carrying out the shatruksitetra and astangata haranas. 232 Vedic Astrological Calculations Graha Sp. Ay. Shatru- Astan- Graha Varshas kshetraH. — gataH. Ayurdhaya Ravi 8.77 - - 8.77 years Chandra 3.81 1/3 = 254 Kuja - - - - Budha 18.57 = = 18.57 Guru 15.12 - - 15.12 , Sukra 16.78 1/3 = 10.51 ,, Sani 30.17 - = 30.17_ 158.Lagna Ayurdhaya—As lagna madhya has no ayur varsha gunakara and chakrapata harana, so the ayush kala of tbe lagna madhya is divided by 200 to obtain the Lagna Ayurdhaya. But the lagna ayurdhaya is rectified when the lagnadipati is more powerful than either Ravi or Chandra, by adding to its ayurdhaya the number of years obtained by dividing its longitude in degrees by 30. PROBLEM 86-Find the rectified lagna ayurdhaya in Raja’s horoscope. Nira. Sphashta Aya Kala Ayur Varsha Lagna Madhya 251°’ 3.33. yrs. Lagna Madhya 251.1 +30 is 8.38, so reetiesiiont is 8.38 ,, ~.Lagna Ayurdhaya is T1i7Z1 ,, 159. Amsayuvu—Paramayurdha—Parama means great. The sum of the ayurdhayas of all the seven grahas and the rectified ayurdhaya of the lagna is the Parama Ayurdhaya of an individual. PROBLEM 87-Find the parama ayurdhaya of Raja. Revi 8.77 years Chandra 2.54 ,, Kuja — un Budha 18.57, Guru 15.12 ,, Sukra 10.51 , Sani 30.17, Lagna W711, Kinds of Ayurdhaya 233 «. Parama Ayurdhaya is 97.39 years. But Raja died when he was 73 years of age. 160. Pindayuvu—Pinda means total. It is so called, because each graha has assigned to it, a certain number of years. Parasara, Maya and Yavanacharya state that this method should be adopted alike in all cases. But Manintha and Saravali state that this method is applicable only to the cases of individuals in whose nativities, the Sun is more powerful than either the lagnadipati or the Moon. 161. Pindayuvu—Graha Sphuta Ayur Varshas— There are no gunakaras or multipliers in this method. Each graha is held to denote a certain number of years when it occupies its oocha bhaga, and half the period when it occupies its neecha bhaga. At intermediate positions, they denote the period equal to half the period plus the period propertionate to the graha’s position from the neecha bhaga. So we have to find the Greater Arc between the oocha bhaga and the graha by deducting the oocha bhaga from the graha. If the difference is over 180°, take it as the greater arc; and if it is less than 180°, rectify it by subtracting it from 360° and take the result as the greater arc. The years ascribed to each graha being true when the graha is at its oocha bhaga, the full number of years is taken when the greater arc is 360°, and the numbers of years indicated by greater arcs between 180° and 360°, are found by proportion. 360° : great arc :: graha’s years : Sphuta Ay. Varsha. The full number of years of the grahas are according to Maya, Yavanacharya, Manintha and Parasara, as stated in the schedule below, 234 Vedic Astrological Calculations SCHEDULE XXXI—PINDAYUVU YEARS. Ss Graha Number of maximum Years Ravi 19 Chandra 25 Kuja 15 Budha 12 Guru 15 Sukra 21 Sani 20 PROBLEM 88 — Find the sphuta ayur varshas of grahas, in the standard nativity. Ravi's bala is 6.9 rupas, Chandra's 4.1, Lagnadhipati 6.2. So Ravi is the most powerful of the these. Graha Graha—Neecha Greater — Sphuta Ayur Bhaga Arc Varshas Ravi 242° 27°10? 232.45°-232.45° x19 _ 49 99 Chandra 256 13-33 223 .22 208.22425 - 4559 Kuja 279 06-298 341 10 341 eas =14.21 Budha 262 25-165 262 58 262 Cnr = 8.75 Guru 100 31-95. 354 48 354 ax 15 244977 Sukra 195 47—357 198 .78 os eat =11.60 Sani 261 30-200 298. 50 298.50x20 ag 5g 60 Kinds of Ayurdhaya 235 162. Haranas—Besides Chakrapata harana, Shatrukshetra harana and Astangata harana discussed in the Amsayuvu method, Krurodhaya harana (Art. 164) also is applicable in the Pindayuvu method. The years obtained after carrying out the first three haranas is termed the Graha Ayurdhaya. PROBLEM 89-—Find the graha ayardhayas in the standard nativity. ee Graha Sahuta Chakra Satru ss Astan. Graha Varshas Harana Harana Harana Ayurdhaya Ravi 12.27 1/2 1/3 = 6.14 Chandra 15.50 - 1/3 = 10.33 Kuja 14.21 «= a = 14.21 Budha 8.75 1 173 - - Guru 14.15 1/4 - “ 10.61 Sukra 11.69 1/6 = = 9.74 Sani 16.58 =. 1/3 - 11.05 Kuja has no chakrapata harana, as it is below the horizon. Of Budha, Chandra and Sani occupying the same house, only Budha, the most powerful, has the harana, Ravi, Sukra and Guru have the harana. Kuja and Sukra have no shatrukshetra harana, as they do not occupy their shatrukshetra. The rest have the harana, except Guru which ia retrograde. No graha is in astangata. 163. Pindayuvu—Lagna Ayurdhayu—Lagna has no Pinda Ayur Varshas. It has only an ayurdhaya which is obtained by taking the longitude of the lagna madhya in signs and ascribing one year for every one complete sign. PROBLEM 90—Find the lagna ayurdhaya, in the standard nativity. Lagna madhya is 276° 18’, ie., 9.21 signs. +. Lagna Ayurdhaya is 9.21 years. 236 Vedic Astrological Calculations 164, Pindayuyu—Krurodhaya Harana—Krura means malefic, and oodhaya means rising. When one or more of the kruras, Ravi, Kuja and Sani are in the lagna bhava, the ayurdhyas of all the grahas, i.e., the years obtained after carrying out all the three reductions is subjected to a further reduction called the Krurodhaya Harana. The harana fraction is obtained by omitting the number of signs, and taking only the number of degrees in the nirayana longitude of the lagna madhya, and dividing it by 360. But when a krura graha in the lagna bhava is aspected by a saumya, the harana fraction is half of what it would be otherwise. It should be noted that, krurodhaya harana is not held to apply in Amsayuvu. PROBLEM 91 -Find the Krurodhuya harana in the standard nativity, and the Pindayuvu after carrying out the kurodhaya harana. Kuja, a krura, is in the lagna bhava. Lagna madhya’s nirayana longitude is 216° 18’. .. The degrees in the longitude is 6.3° -. The krurodhaya harana is 6.3 + 360=0.02. But Kuja is aspected by the saumya Guru. “. The Krurodhaya harana is 0.01. The ayurdhaya of Kuja is 14.21 years. -. The harana is 0.1421 years. -. The Pindayuvu is 70.06 — 0.14 = 69.92 years. 165. Naisargayuvu—No authority advocates this method to be adopted exclusively in all cases. But Manintha and Saravali hold that it is applicable to cases in which Chandra is the most powerful among the Lagnadipati, Ravi and Chandra, It is exactly similar to the Pindayavu method in all its details, exeept that grahas when in their oocha bhaga are ascribed a different set of years. Kinds of Ayurdhaya 237 SCHEDULE XXXII—Naisargayuvu years. Graha Maximum Number of years. Ravi 20 Chandra 1 Kuja 2 Budha 9 Guru 18 Sukra 20 Sani 50 PROBLEM 92—Find the Naisarga ayurdhaya of Narayan, born in Madras at 0.15 a.m. on Monday, November 18, 1861. Greha Sphuta Chakra Shatru. Astan. Kruro. Ayur Ayurvarsha Harana Harana Harana Harana dhaya Ravi 11.52 - = = = 11.32 Chandra (0.93. 1/8 1/3 - = 0.57 Kuja 173 = = = - 1.73 Budha 7.98 - 1/2 - - 3.99 Guru 15.01 = = = = 15.01 Sukra 14.75 - - - 14.75 Sani 43.44 - = - - 43.44 Lagna 4.44 - - - - 444 -.The Nasairarga Ayurdhaya of Narayan is 95.10 years. Narayan died when he was 51 years old (Problem 94). 166. Jeevasarma Ayuvu—No authority advocates that this method is applicable to all cases alike. But Manintha and Saravali hold that it is applicable to cases of nativities in which the Lagnadipati, Ravi and Chandra are all powerless, i.e., have each a bala of less than 8 rupas. Like the Naisargayuvu, this method is exactly similar to the 238 Vedic Astrological Calculations Pindayuvu method in all its details, except that grahas while in their oocha bhaga are all assigned the same period of 617+, days or 17 years and 521, days, ie , 8641/504 years. The total period ascribed to the seven grahas is thus 43205 days or 120 years and 5 days. The degrees obtained by deducting a graha’s oocha bhaga from the graha and rectified if it is less than 180°, is multiplied by 8641 and divided by 504 and the result is the Graha Ayur Dinas (days). Chakrapata, shatrukshetra, astangata and krurodhaya haranas are all applicable in this method. PROBLEM 93—Find the Jeevasarma ayurdhaya in the standard nativity. Lagnadipati, Ravi, and Chandra are all weak (Art. 128) Graha Greater Arc Multiplier Graha Ayur Dinas Ravi 232.45° 8641/504 4156.7 days Chandra 223-22 ” 3827.1, Kuja 341 10 » 5848.1, Budha 262 58 A 4501.9, Guru 354 48 a 60775, Sukra 198 .78 ” 3408.1, Sani 298 50 ¥ 5117.7, Graba Chakra. Shatru. Kruro. Graha Ayur-Dinas Harana Harana Harana Ayurdhaya Ravi 4156.7 1/2 1/3 = 3.85 years Chandra 3827.1 - 1/3 =e 7.09 Kuja 3848.1 = = V7 13.92 , Budha 4501.9 1 1/3 = = Guru 6077.5 1/12 - = 15.50 ,, Sukra 3408.1 1/6 - - 790 4 Sani 5117.1 - 1/3 _ 948, Lagna - - = = 921 ,, Jeevasarma Ayurdhaya in the standard nativity, is 66.95 years. Kinds of Ayurdhaya 239 PROBLEM 94—Find the feevasarma ayurdhuya of Narayan Graha Ayur.Dinas CH. SH. AH. KH. Ayurdhaya Ravi 3555 - - = = 9.88 Chandra 6055 1/8 1/3 - - 9.81 Kuja 4303 = - - - 11.95 Budha S474 = _ 2 —- 7.60 Guru 5145 - - - - 14.29 Sukra 4552 = - - - 12.64 Sani 5362 - - = = 14.90 Lagna = = = ee 443 -.Jeevasarma Ayurdhaya of Narayan is 85.50 years. Narayan died when be was 51 years old (Problem 92). LESSON XV ASHTAKA VARGA AYUVU 167.Ashtaka Varga Ayuvu—Ashta means eight, varga means class, and ayuvu means duration of life. It is socalled, because each graha has eight sets of benefic houses counted from the rasis occupied by the seven grahas and the lagna madhya at birth. The remaining houses of the bhachakra are malefic. So each graha has its own Ashtaka Varga. SCHEDULE XXxXIII (A)—The Benefic Houses in Ravi’s A. V. Graha, from the rasiin which | The numbers of the benefic it is the houses are counted houses — (48) in all Ravi 1, 2.4, 7, 8,9, 10,11 Chandra 3, 6,10, 11 Kuja 1, 2, 4, 7,8, 9,10, 11 Budha 3, 5,6, 9, 10, 11,12 Guru 5, 6,9, 11 Sukra 6, 7, 12 Sani 1, 2,4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 3, 4,6, 10, 11, 12 Ashttaka Varga Ayuvu 241 SCHEDULE XXxXIII (B).The Benefic Houses in Chandra’s AY, Graha, from the rasi in which itis the houses are counted Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Guru Sukra Sani Lagna The numbers of the benefic houses — (49) in all 3, 6,7, 8, 10, 11 1, 3, 6,7, 10,11 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 1,3, 4, 5,7, 8,10, 11 1,4,7, 8,10, 11, 12 3,4,5, 7,9, 10, 11 3,5,6, 11 3, 6, 10, 11 SchEDULE XXxXIII (C)—The Benefic House in Kuja’s A. V. Graha, from the rasi in which itis the houses are counted The numbers of the benefic houses — (39) in all Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Guru Sukra Sani Lagna 3,5, 6, 10, 11 3.6, 11 1, 2,4,7,8,10, 11 3,5, 6,11 6, 10, 11, 12 6, 8,11, 12 1,457, 8,9, 10,11 1. 3,6, 10, 11 po 242 Vedic Astrological Calculations SCHEDULE XXXII (D).The Benefic Houses in Budha’s A.V. The numbers of the benefic houses —(54) in all he houses are counted Ravi 5, 6,9. 11, 12 Chandra 2,4, 6,8, 10, 11 Kuja 1,2,4,7,8,9,10, 11 Budha 1, 3,5, 6,9, 10, 11, 12 Cura 6,8, 11, 12 Sukra 1,2,3,4,5,8,9, 11 Sani 1,2,4, 7,8, 9, 10, 11 Lagna 1,2,4, 6,8, 10, 11 SCHEDULE XXxXIII (E) —The Benefic Houses in Guru's A. Vv. Graha, from the rasi in which | The numbers of the benefic it is the houses are counted houses — (56) in all T Ravi 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9,10, 11 Chandra 2,5, 7,9, 11 Kuja 14, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11 Budha 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 Guru 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11 Sukra 2, 5, 6) 9) 10, 11 Sani 3, 5, 6, 12 Lagna 1, 2,4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 Ashtaka Varga Ayuou 243 SCHEDULE XXxIII (F)— The Benefic Houses in Sukra’s A.V. Graha, from the rasi in which itis the houses are counted The numbers of the benefic houses —(52) in all Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Guru Sukra Sani Lagna 8, 11, 12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,8, 9, 11, 12 3, 8, 6, 9, 11, 12 3.5, 6,9, 11 5, 8, 9. 10, 11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11 SCHEDULE XXxXIII (G)—The Benefic Houses in Sani’s A.V. Graha, from the rasi in which itis the houses are counted The numbers of the benefic houses —(39) in all Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Guru Sukra Sani Lagna 1,2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11 3,.6,. 11 3,5, 6, 10, 11, 12 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 5, 6, 11, 12 6, 11, 12 3,5, 6, 11 1, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11 244 Vedic Astrological Calculations In preparing the ashtaka varga chakras of a graha, a star mark is placed in the benefic houses, and a zero in the malefic ones, reckoned from the rasis in which the grahas and the lagna madhya were at birth. The sum of the benefic (*) and the malefic (0) marks in each house of the same graha’s ashtak varga is always 8. These chakras are known as Bhinna Ashtaka Varga Chakras (Bhinna means small). When the benefic points of all the seven grahas in each rasi are added and placed in each rasi, we have the Sarva Ashtaka Varga (Sarva means all). The total number of benefic points in a the twelve houses, of all the seven grahas ie., Sarva Ashtak Varga is 337. PROBLEM 95 — Find the benefic and the malefic points in ihe twelve rasis in Ravi’s ashtaka varga in the standard nativity. At birth, the Lagna Madhya and Kuja were in Makara Guru in Karaka, Sukra in Tula, and Ravi, Budha, Chandra and Sani in Dhanus (Figure V). eH o0000=5 Ravi's Ashtaka Varga Chakra Fig.— XVIII. a Ashtaka Varga Ayuou 24. Therefore, the benefic points of Ravi in the twelve rasis from Mesha onwards are 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 6, 6, 4, 4, 3, 3.and 5, that is, 48 in all. The malefic points of Ravi in the twelve houses are 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 2,2, 4, 4, 5, 5 and 3. But generally the benefic points only are marked in a chakra. If the benefic points in a house are in excess over the malefic points, then the graha while it passes through the house in its annual motion denotes benefic influence. But if the malefic points are in excess, the graha denotes malefic influence. If both benefic and malefic points are equal, i.e., each 4, then the influence is neutral. The degree of influence for good or bad is expressed by the ratio which the difference between the benefic and the malefic points bears to eight, the total number of all points. Thus, in the ashtaka varga of Ravi the benefie points in Tula are 6, and the malefic points 2. Therefore, the excess of benelic points being 4, Ravi is held to denote 4/8 or 1/2 benefic influence when it Passes through the Tula rasi. It may be observed that the ashtaka varga chakras are also used in judging horoscopes especially in regard to the most outstanding facts of life, but as we are not for the present concerned with Judicial Astrology, we shall pass over this aspect of the subject, and confine ourselves to the ayurdhaya. Before the ashtaka varga chakras are turned to use, two reductions have to be carried out, (1) Trikona Harana and (2) Ekadipatya Harana. 188. Trikona Harana—Trikona means, triangle. This harana relates to each set ot triangular rasis, i.e, (i) the 1st, the 5th and the 9th (b) the 2nd, the 6th and the 10th, (c) the 3rd, the 7th and the 11th, and (d) the 4th, the 8th and the 12th rasi. The following are the rules for carrying out the reduction: — 1. Of the figures in a set of three triangular rasis, deduct the least from each of the three figures, and note the remainders in the respective houses. So, if all the figures are equal remove them all. According to some, reduce the 246 Vedic Astrological Calculations figures in the three houses to the lowest figure in the group So, if all the figures are equal, retain them. 2. If one or two of the three figures arc zero, no reduction need to be made. According to some, if there is zero in one or two of the three houses, remove the figure in the one or two of the houses. PROBLEM 96 — Find the benefic points in the twelve rasis in Ravi’s ashtaka varga chakra in the standard nativity, after carrying out the trikona reduction. Ravi's A.V. After Trik. Reduction, Meshadi Trikona 4,4,4 0,0,0 Makaradi ,, 3, 6, 3 0,3,0 Tuladi # 36,3 0,3,0 Karakadi , 3,4,5 0,.1;,.2 169. Ekadipatya Harana— Every graha, except Ravi and Chandra, has regency over two rasis; and so the two rasis After Trikona are said to be under an Reduction Ekadipati (Eka means one). The figures in the two rasis under the regency of the same graha, are subjected to this reduction. The reduction is applied to the figures FigXIX obtained after carrying out the Trikona reduction. The rules for carrying out the reduction are as follow :— 1. If both the houses under the regency of the same graha are occupied by some graha or other, leave the figures in the two houses with no reduction. 2 If only one of the two houses under the regency of the same graha is occupied by some graha or other, and (i) if the figure in the occupied house is greater than that in the unoccupied house, remove the figure in the unoccupied Ashtaka Varga Ayuou 247 house: (ii) if the figures in the two houses are equal, remove the figure in the unoccupied house: and (iii) if the figure in the occupied house is less than that in the unoccupied house, make the figure in the occupied house equal to that in the unoccupied house. 3. If both the houses under the regency of the same graha are not occupied by any graha, and (i) if the figures in the two houses are equal, remove them both: and (ii) if the figures are unequal, reduce both of them to the smaller figure. 4. If there is zero in one of the two houses, no reduction need be made, whether the two houses are both occupied, or one occupied and the other unoccupied, or both unoccupied. 5. The figures in the rasis of Karaka and Simha need not be subjected to any reduction, as a second house is not owned by their regents, Chandra and Ravi. PROBLEM 97. — Find the benefic points in the twelve rasis in Ravi's ashlaka varga chakra, in the standard nativity, after carrying out the ekadipatya reduction. Mesha and Vrischika are both unoccupied, with zero in one. Of Vrishaba and Tula only one is occupied, with zero in one. Mithuna and Kanya are both unoccupied, with zero in one. Of Dhanus and Meena only one is occupied, with zero in one. Of Makara and Kumbha only one is occupied, with zoro in both. Therefore, no Ekadipatya reduction is required. [2] o] ofo] 110. Rasi Gunakara—Rasi Gunakara means the multipliers of the figures in the rasis The figures left after the two reductions, in the several rasis of the ashtaka varga of eaeh graha, are multiplied by their respective Rasi Gunakara, and all the twelve products are added together. The Rasi After Ekadipatya 248 Vedic Astrological Calculations Gunakaras are as given in the schedule below. SCHEDULE XXXIV —RASI GUNAKARAS IN ASHTAKA VARGA Rasi Gunakara_ Rasi Gunakara Mesha 7 Tula 7 Vrishabha 10 Vrischika 8 Mithuna 8 Dhanus 9 Karaka 4 Makara 5 Simha 10 Kumbha 11 Kanya 5 Meena 12 171, Graha Gunakara—In the ashtaka varga of each graha the figures left in the rasis occupied by the several grahas after the two reductions, are multiplied by their respective Graha Gunakara, and the seven products pertaining to the seven grahas are added together. The Graha Gunakaras are as given in the schedule below. SCHEDULE XXXV-GRAHA GUNAKARAS IN ASHTAKA VARGA. Graha Gunakara Graha Gunakara Ravi 5 Guru 10 Chandra 5 Sukra 7 Kuja 8 Sani Budha 5 172. Ashtaka Ayurdhaya— Add the total rasi figures of the twelve rasis, and the total graha figures of the seven grahas in each graha’s ashtaka varga. If the sum is multiplied by 7 and divided by 27, it gives the Graha's Ayurdhaya in years. Ashtaka Varga Ayuou 249 PROBLEM 98— Find Ravi’s ashtaka varga ayurdhaya. Mesha Ox 7=0 Tula 3x 7=21 Vrishaba 0x 10=0 Vrischika 3x 8 = 24 Mithuna Ox 8=0 Dhanus Ox 9= 0 Karaka Ox 4=0 Makara Ox 5= 0 Simha 0x 10=0 Kumbha 0x 11 = 0 Kanya 3x 5=15 Meena 2x12 =24 -. The Rasi total is 84, Ravi 0x«5=0 Guru Ox 10= 0 Chandra 0x6=0 Sukra 3x 7=21 Kuja 0x8=0 Sani Ox 5=0 Budha 0x5=0 -. The Graha total is 21. The sum of the two totals is 105. «. Ravi’s Ayurdhaya is 105 x7 _ 979 years. 27 . 173. Ashtaka Ayurdhaya Harana—The ayurdhaya or the number of years obtained in regard to each graha is subjected to a final reduction as stated below. (i) When more than one graha is in a rasi, deduct one- half from the ayurdhaya of each graha in the rasi. (ii) If a graha occupies its Neecha rasi, deduct one- half from its ayurdhaya. (iii) If a graha is in Astangata, deduct one-half from its ayurdhaya. (iv) If a graha occupies the rasi of its Tatkalika shatru deduct one-third from its ayurdhaya. (v) If a graha is above the horizon at birth, deduct one-half from its ayurdhaya. (vi) Ifa graha is defeated when in conjunction (yudha) with another graha, deduct one-third from its ayurdhaya. (vii) If Ravi or Chandra is of unusual appearance, as in Eclipses, deduct one-third from its ayurdhaya. When one and the same graha is subject to several reductions, only the greatest reduction should be made. 250 Vedie Astrological Calculations 174 Ashtaka Ayuvu— After subjecting the ayurdhaya of each graha to the greatest reduction indicated, add all the rectified ayurdhayas of the several grahas, and multiply the sum of years by 334, and divide it by 365, to convert the chandramana year into the sauramana year. The result obtained is the Ashtaka Ayuvu of the individual. SUMMARY oS 176. King Edward's Horoscope—King Edward Vil was born in Buckingham Palace at 10-48 a.m. Greenwich mean time on Tuesday, November 9, 1841. PRELIMINARY DATA 176. Birthplace—The longitude of Buckingham Palace, London, is 0 hr. 0 min. 39 sec. West, and the geographical latitude is 51° 31’ North. The geographical latitude should be converted into its equivalent geocentric latitude (Formula 10, Art. 43). PROBLEM 99—Find the geocentric latitude of London, given its geographic latitude is 51° 31’ Novth. The cor. for geog. lat. 51° 31'N. is—11’ 18. 06" (Table Vil). The geoc. lat. of London is 51° 19° 42", i.e., 51° 20’ N. 177. Birth-time—If birth-date is given according to Hindu chronology, then we have to find the corresponding date according to the Christian era, to be able to refer toa modern ephemeris for our data, The king's birth-date is given according to the Christian era, so we have to take it as it is. Again, when birth-time is given in nadis and vinadis from sunrise or sunset, convert the nadis and vinadis into the equivalent period of meantime interval (Rule V1), or take the equivalent meantime interval from Table III. Next, find the apparent time of sunrise or sunset (Formula 1) or take it from Table |. Now, find the equation of time as applied to apparent time (Article 11), or take it from table II, and apply it to the apparent time of sunset or sunrise to obtain the local meantime of sunset or sunrise (Rule V) 252 Vedic Astrological Calculations Lastly, to the local meantime of sunrise or sunset as the case may be add the meantime interval equivalent to the given nadis and vinadis to get the local meantime of birth. Finally, the Greenwich meantime of birth is found (Rule Vil or VIII, Article 34). PROBLEM 100—Find the local meantime and the Greenwich; meantime at the birth of a native born an Madras, at 26 nadis 55 vinadis from sunrise, on Wednesday, Audi 5, Sobhakrit (S. India). Audi 5, Sobhakrit, is July 19, 1843 (Srinivasa Rao’s Universal Encyclopedic Calendar, Theosophical Society, Madras). 26 nadis and 55 vinadis = 10 hours 46 minutes. Declination of the sun on the date was 21° 2’ N; and the geocentric terrestrial latitude of Madras is 12° 59’. :. The A. T. of sunrise was 5-40 a.m. (Table 1). The sun’s sayana longitude on the date was 116° 4’. The Equation of Time as applied to apparent time when the sun’s sayana longitude is 116° 4’ is + 6 minutes (Table Il). -. The M. T. of sunrise was 5-46 a.m. 2. G.M.T. of birth was 5-46 a.m.+10 hr. 46 min. = 4-32 p.m. The longitude of birthplace in time is 5 hrs. 21 min. East. “. G.M.T. of birth was 4-32 p.m.—5 hrs. 21 mm. = 11-11 a.m. As the king’s birth-time is given in Greenwich meantime, we take it as it is and proceed to find the local meantime. PROBLEM 101—Find the Local meantime at the king’s birth, given that the G.M.T. of birth was 10-48 a.m, and that the longitude of the birthplace is 39 seconds West. G.M.T. of birth was 10-48 a.m. Summary 253 Long of the birthplace in time is 39 seconds West. ..L.M.T. of birth was 10 hr. 48 min.—39 sec.=10.47a.m. AYANAMSA 118. Ayanamsa on the Date of Birth—The sum of the ayanamsa on January 1, of the year of birth, and of the precession on the date of birth is the ayanamsa at birth. PROBLEM 102—Find the ayanamsa on November 9 1841. Ayan. on Jan. 1, 1841 was 17° 50’ 14. 73" (Table IV). The Precession on November 9, 1841 was 43. 06" Ayanamsa on November 9, 1841 was 17° 50’ 58”. NIRAYANA LONGITUDES OF GRAHAS 179, Greenwich Meantime Interval at Birth—If the G.M.T. of birth is P.M., then it is also the Greenwich Meantime Interval at birth; but if it is AM., then the G. M.T. plus 12 hours is the Greenwich Meantime Interval at birth. PROBLEM 103—Find the G.M.T. Interval at the king's birth. G.M.T. of birth was 10-48 a.m. G.M T. Interval at birth was 22 hrs. 48 min. 180. Daily Motion of Grahas—The Daily Motion of a graha is the difference between its longitudes at the two consecutive Greenwich mean noons between which birth occurred. It is positive always in the cases of Ravi and Chandra, and only so in the cases of planets when they are in direct course. It is negative always in the cases of Rahu and Ketu, and only so in the cases of planets when they are in retrograde course. PROBLEM 104 — Find D.M.’s of graltas at the king's birth. 254 Vedic Astrological Calculations G.M.LN., G.M.N., Daily Nov. 8 Nov. 9 Motion Ravi 225° 56’ 58” 226° 6719" +1° 0°21” Chandra 166 13 180 08 +1355 Kuja 284 30 285 16 +0 46 Budha 242 10 241 41 -0 2 Guru 261 16 261 28 +0 12 Sukra 198 04 199 18 +1 14 Sani 270 05 270 11 +0 06 181. Diurnal Proportional Arcs of Grahas—The Diurnal Proportional Arc of a graha is the arc traversed by it during the G.M.T. Interval at birth PROBLEM 106 —Find the D.P.A.‘s grahas at the king's birth, G.M.T. Interval D.M. D.P.A. Ravi 22 hrs. 48 min. + 1° O' 21” + 0°57’ 20” Chandra ” + 1355 + 13 13 Kuja ” + 0 46 + 0 44 Budha “” - 029 — 0 28 Guru o + 012 * 10 da Sukra iw + 114 + 110 Sani ie + 006 + 0 06 182.Sayana Longitudes of Grahas at Birth—The sayana longitude of a graha is the sum of its longitude at the previous G.M.N. and its Diurnal Proportional Arc. Summary 255 PROBLEM 106 —Find the sayana longitudes of graha at the king’s birth. Graha_ Long. at Prev.G.M.N. _D.P.A. Say. Long. Ravi 225° 56’ 58” + 0° 57’ 20” 226° 54’ Chandra 166 13 +1313 179 26 Kuja 284 30 + 0 44 285 14 Budha 242 10 - 0 28 241 42 Guru 261 16 +0 11 261 27 Sukra 198 04 + 1 10 199 14 Sani 270 05 + 0 06 270 11 183. Correction of Moon’s Longitude for Second Difference— The longitude of a graha corrected for second difference is found with the aid of formula 8 or 9. But as we have already determined the longitude of Chandra by proportion, we have now merely to apply the correction for second difference. The formulae for determining the correction for second difference are :— Formula 36. sa= x by a a6-1) 1), ba + bo 2 Where n= the veils between the odd time for which D.P.A, is required, and the tabular interval. b, = the second difference on a line with the latter of the two longitudes between which the required longitude lies. b- = the second difference on a line wih the former of the two longitudes between which the required longitude lies. Formula 37. 256 Vedic Astrological Calculations PROBLEM 107 — Find the correction for second difference to be applied to Chandra’s D.P.A. in the king's nativity, given the longitudes of Moon on the two days previous and subsequent to birth. Long. 1st Duff. 2nd Duff, G.M.N., Nov. 7 152° 13° Pe wx 8 166° 13° +14 0° -5’ “ o 9 180° 08’ +-13° 55! -6 «10 193°) 57! +13 49° The odd time for which D.P.A. is required is 22hrs. 48 min., and the tabular interval is 24 hours. _ 22h 48m, _ 19 24h. 0m 20° -. Second diff, = =+— As Moon’s longitude has not been found correct to a second, and as the correction is only+ 8”, it may he neglected. 184. Nirayana Longitudes of Grahas at Birth—The sayana longitude minus the ayanamsa gives the nirayana longitude. PROBLEM 108— Find the nirayana longitudes of graha is at the king’s birth. Sayan. Long. Ayanamsa’ Nir. Long. Ravi 226° 54’ 17° 51’ 209° 03’ Chandra 179 26 ” 161 35 Kuja 285 14 ” 267 23 Budha 241 42 ‘i 223 51 Guru 261 27 ” 243 36 Sukra 199 14 ” 181 23 Sani 270 11 we 252 20 Sumanary 237 NIRAYANA LONGITUDES OF CUSPS 185. Sidereal Time at the Local Mean Noon Previous to Birth—If the birthplace has an ephemeris calculated for its meridian, then this is readily found. If not, take the S.T, at the G.M.N. previous to birth and apply the correction, + 9.8565 seconds for every one hour of longitude West of Greenwich, and — 9.8565 seconds for every one hour of longitude East of Greenwich (Rule XIII, Art. 46, Page 67). PROBLEM 109—Find the S.T. af the mean noon of London on November 8, 1841. The S.T. at G.M.N. Nov. 8, 1841 was 15hrs. 10min, Osec. The Long in Time of London is 39 sec. or 1/90 hr. West. -. The correction is +9.8565 + 90 = +0.11 seconds. -. The S.T. at L.M.N. on Nov. 8, was 15hrs. 10m. 0.11 sec. 186. Sidereal Interval at Birth—First, find the Local Meantime Interval at birth. If the L.M.T. of birth is P.M. then it is also the Local Meantime Interval at birth; but if it is AM., then 12 hours plus the L.M.T. of birth is the Local Meantime Interval at birth. Next, convert the Local Meantime Interval into its equivalent Sidereal Interval (Rule XIL, Art. 45, Page 66. PROBLEM 110—Find the Sidereal interval at the king's birth. The L.M.T. of birth was 10 hr. 47 min. 21 sec. a.m. -. M.T. Interval at birth was 22 hr. 47 min. 21 sec. H. M., S. M.T. Interval of 22 hours=22 3 36.84, S.T. Interval. vm 47 min. = 047 7.12 at 21 sec. = 00 21.06 is # 22h. 47 m:20s.=22h. 51 m, 4.615, 5.T. 167. Sidereal Time or R.A.M.C. at birth—The sum of the S.T. at the previous local mean noon and the sidereal interval at birth is the sidereal time at birth, which when multiplied by 15 gives the R.A.M.C. at birth. 258 Vedic Astrological Calculations PROBLEM 111—Find the S. T. and the R.A.M.C, at the king's birth. H. M. Ss. The S.T. at the previous L.M.N. was 15 10 0.11 The Sidereal Interval at the birth was 22 51 4.61 -. The S.T. at the birth was 38 1 4.72 Cast off the full cycle of 24 0 0.00 .. The S.T. at the birth was 14 1 4.72 .. The R.A.M.C. at the birth was 210° 16’ 10 . 80" 186. Sayana Longitudes of Cusps—When the R.A.M.C, or S.T. at birth, and the geocentric latitude of the birthplace (Art. 176) are known, the sayana longitudes can be found very accurately straight by “Combined Method” (Articles 49 to 50) or they may be found, correct to one-tenth of a minute, from “Century Table of Houses.” PROBLEM 112—Find the sayana longitudes of X, Xl, XII, 1, Il and III cusps at the king's birth, given that the R.A.M.C. at birth was 210° 16’ 11”, and that the geocentric latitude of the birthplace was 51° 20’ N. From Century Table of Houses, we have :— Cusp | Sayan. Long. Cusp |Sayan. Long. 212° 27.8' } a 267° 42.4" XI 234 «14.1 i 312 527 Xl 251 25.6 I QO 21.4 189. Nirayana Longitudes of Cusps—When the ayanamsa at birth is deducted from the sayana longitudes of cusps, we get the nirayana longitudes of cusps. PROBLEM 113- Find the nirayana longitudes of cusps at the king's birth. Summary 259 Say. Long. | Ayanamsa 212° 27.8! 224 14.1 251 25.6 267 42.4 312 52.7 0 21.4 190 Nirayana Longitude of the Madhyas, Arambhas, and Antyas of Bhavas—The cusps of the houses of horoscope according to Modern Astrology, are the Madhyas of the corresponding Bhavas according to Vedic Astrology. So the nirayana longitudes of the cusps found in Problem 113, are the nirayana longitudes of the respective Bhava Madhyas. The nirayana longitude of a Bhava Arambha is obtained by dividing by two the sum of the longitude of the Bhava Madhya and of the Bhava Madhya next west. The nirayana longitude of a Bhava Antya is obtained by dividing by two the sum of the longitude of the Bhava Madhya and of the Bhava Madhya next east. PROBLEM 114—Find the nirayana longitudes of the Arambha, the Madhya and the Antya points of the twelve bhavas, and mark the positions of the grahas in the bhavas. Bhava = Aramba Madhys Antya X 178° 33.60' 9 194° 36.8’ 205° 29.95! Xl 205 29.95 © 216 23.1 % 224 58.55 XII 224 58.85 233 34.6 241 43.00 1 241 43.00 4 249 51.4% ¢ 272 26.55 I 272) 26.55 295 1,7 318 46.05 Il 318 46.05 342 30.4 358 33.60 IV 358 33.60 14 36.8 25. 29.95 Vv 25 29.95 36 23.1 44 58.85 VI 44 58.85 53 34.6 61 43.00 VII 61 43.00 69 51.4 92 26.55 Vil 92 26.65 115 Lee 138 46.05 IX 138 46.05 » 162 304 178 33.60 260 Vedic Astrological Calculations SAPTA VARGAS 191.Rasi Vargas and their Adipatis—Take the nirayana longitude of each graha, and find out in which rasi each graha is, and who the adipati of the rasi is, with the aid of the schedule in Article 57. PROBLEM 115—Find the rasi in which each graha is and the adipati of the rasi, in the king's nativity. Graha Nir. Spashta| Rasi Adipati Ravi 209" 03" Tula Sukra Chandra 161 35 Kanya Budha Kuja | 267 «23 Dhanus Guru Budha (R) | 223 51 Vrischika | Kuja Guru i= 243 36 Dhanus Guru Sukra 181 23 Tula Sukra Sani 252 20 Dhanus Guru Lagna 249 «51 Dhanus Guru Or with the nirayana longitudes refer straight to Table X. 192. Hora Varga and their Adipatis —Take the odd degrees and minutes at which a graha is in its rasi, and see if the graha is within the first or the last 15° of the rasi, and note also if the rasi is an Oja or Yugma one. The first half of an oja rasi and the second half of a yugma rasi are Ravi Horas : the second half of an oja rasi and the first half of a yugma rasi are Chandra Horas. Ravi and Chandra are the adipatis of the respective horas. PROBLEM 116—Find the hora in which each graha is, and the adipati of the hora, in the king's nativity. Summary 261 Graha Odd Deg. Hora Name Adipati Ravi 29 03’ 2nd H. in ojarasi ChandraHora Chandra Chandra 11 35 Ist, yupma , ” ” Kuja 27° 23 and, oja é ” ” Budha 13 51 Ist, yugma ,, i i Guru 3 36 Ist, oja » RaviHora Ravi Sukra 1 23 Ist, oja ” w » Sani 12 20 Ist, oja ” ” ” Lagna 9 Sl ist, ca Or with the nirayana longitudes refer straight to Tablex. 193. Drekkana Vargas and their Adipatis—Take the odd degrees and minutes at which a graha is in its rasi, a see if it is within the first or the second or the third ten degrees of its rasi. The first drekkana of a rasi is named after the rasi itself, the second drekkana after the fifth rasi, and the third drekkana after the ninth rasi. The adipatis of the drekkanas are those of the rasis after which they are named, PROBLEM 117—Find the drekkana in which each graha is, and the adipati of the drekkana, in the king's nativity. Graha. OddDeg. Drekkana Name. Adipati Ravi 29° 03' 3rd Dirck Tula Mithuna Drek Budha Chandra 11 35 2nd, Kanya Makara, Sani Kuja 27 23 3rd =, Dhanus Simha «Ravi Budha 13.51 2nd, Vrischika Meena » Guru Guru 3.36 Ist; Dhanus Dhanus , Guru Bukra 123 Ist , Tula Tula » Sukra Sani 12 20 2nd, Dhanus Mesha —,_-Kuja Lagna 9 51 Ist , Dhanus Dhanus Guru Or with the nirayana longitudes refer straight & to Table X 194, Saptamsa Varga and their Adipatis—Take the odd degrees and minutes at which a graha is in its rasi, 262 Vedic Astrological Calculations and see if it is in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th part ol the rasi. In the case of the Oja rasis, they are named from the rasi itself, and in the case of the Yugma rasis from the seventh rasi. For the limit of each Saptamsa, its name and its adipati see the schedule in Article 63. PROBLEM 118— Find the saptamsa in which each graha is, and the adipati of the saptamsa, in the king’s nativity. Graha Odd Deg. Saptamna Name Adipati Ravi 29 03’ 7th of Tula Mesha Sapt. Kuja Chandra 11 35 3rdofKenya Vrishaba , Sukra Kuja 27 23 7thofDhauus Mithuna , Budha Budha 13 51 4thofVrisehika Simha Ravi Guru 3 36 IstofDhanus Dhanus , Gum Sukra 1 23° Ist of Tula Tula » — Sukra Sani 12 20 3rdofDhanus Kumbha , Sani Lagna 9 51 3rdofDhanus Kumbha , Sani Or with the nirayana longitudes refer straight to Table X. 195.Navamsa Vargas and their Adipatis—Take the odd degrees and minutes at which a graha is in its rasi, and see if it is in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Sth, 6th, 7th, 8th or 9th part of the rasi. For the limit of each Navamsa, its name and its adipati see the schedule in Article 65. PROBLBM 119—Find the navamsa in which each graha is, and the adipati of the navamsa, in the king's nativity. Graha OddDeg. Navamsa Name Adipati Ravi 29° 03’ 9th of Tula Mithuna Nav. Budha Chandra 11:35 = 4thof Kanya Mesha » Kaja Kuja 27 23 9%thofDhanus Dhanus , Guru Budha 13.51 5SthofVrischika Vrischika , Kuja Guru 3 36 2ndofDhanus Vrishaba , Sukra Sukra 1 23 1stofTula Tula » Sukra Sani 12 20 4thofDhanus Karaka » Chandra Lagna 9 51 3rdofDhanus Mithuna , Budha Or with the nirayana longitudes refer straight to Table X. Summary 263 196. Dwadasamsa Vargas and their Adipatis— Take the odd degrees and minutes at which a graha is in its rasi, and see if it is in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th part of the rasi. For the limit of each Dwadasamsa, its name and its adipati see the schedule in Article 69, PROBLEM 120-Find the dwadasamsa in which each graha is, and the adipati of the dwadasamsa, in the king's nativity. . Gaha Odd Deg. Dwadasamsa Name Adipati Ravi 29° 03 12thof Tula Kanya’ Dwad.Budha Chandra 11 35 6thof Kanya Makara, Sani Kuja 27 23° WthofDhanus Tula vw Sukra Budha 13 51 6thofVrischika Mesha » Kuja Guru 3 36 2ndofDhanus Makara , Sani Sukra 1 23 Istof Tula Tula » Sukra Sani 12 20 SthofDhanus Mesha » Kuja Lagna 9 51 4thofDhanus Meena » Guru Or with the nirayana longitudes refer straight to Table X. 197. Trimsamsa Vargas and their Adipatis—Take the odd degrees and minutes at which a graha is in its rasi and see in which of the 30 degrees it is. The names and adipatis vary according as the rasi is oja or yugma. For the name and the adipati of the Trimsamsa see the schedule in Article 71. PROBLEM 121—Find, the trimsamsa in which each graha is, and the adipati of the trimsamsa, in the king’s nativity. Graha Odd Deg, Trimsamsa Name Adipati Ravi 29° 3’ 30th of Oja Tula Trim. Sukra ‘Chandra 11°35 12thof Yugma Kanya » Budha Kuja 27 23 28thof Oja Tula » Sukra Budha 13 51 14thofYugma Meena » Guru Guru 3 36 4thofOja Mesha » Kuja ‘Sukra 1 23. 2nd of Oja Mesha » Kuya. Sani 12 20 13thof Oja Dhanus ,, Guru Lagna 9 51 10thof Oja Kumbha Sani Or with the nirayana longitudes refer straight to Table X 264 Vedic Astrological Calculations RELATIONS 198. Mutual Relations between Grahas—The Naisarga relation is a fixed one and is given in Schedule Ill, Article 76. The Tatkalika Mitras of a graha are the grahas occuping the three houses to the right and to the left of the rasi in which the graha is. The rest are its Tatkalika Shatrus. For the compounded relations of grahas refer to Article 78 and Schedule V. PROBLEM 122—Find the Tatkalika relations of each graha in the king’s nativity. Tatkalika Mitras Tatkalika Shatrus Ravi Chandra, Budha, Kuja, Guru, Sani Sukra Chandra Ravi, Sukra, Budha, Guru, Kuja, Sani. = Kuja Budha, Ravi, Sukra, Chandra. Guru, Sani Budha Ravi, Chandra, Kuja, Guru, Sukra, Sani. = Guru Budha, Ravi, Sukra, Chandra. Kuja, Sani Sukra Chandra, Budha, Kuja, Guru, Sani. Ravi Sani Budha, Ravi, Sukra. Chandra. Kuja, Guru PROBLEM 123—Find the compounded relations of each graha in the king's nativity. Graha Atishatru Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Summary 265 199. Ordinary Relations between Grahas and Vargas — When a graha is (i) in its own Rasi, it is said to be in Swakshetra, and (ii) in it own Hora. Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa or Trimsamsa, it is said to be in Swahora, Swadrekkana, Swasaptamsa, Swanavamsa, Swadwadasamsa, or Swatrimsamsa respectively. In one word, when a graha is in any of its own varga it is said to be in Swavarga. When a graha oocupies a varga under the regency of its Atimitra, Mitra, Sama, Shatru or Atishatru graha, it is said be in its Atimitra, Mitra, Sama, Shatru or Atishatru Sthana (place). Hence, the relation of a graha to its varga may be one of six. As there are in all sixteen vargas, a graha may be in swavarga as many as sixteen times. For the special name given when a graha is in swavarga more than once, refer to Article 79. 200. Extraordinary Relations between Grahas and Vargas—In regard to rasi varga, a graha may be in one of three extraordinary relations—Oocha, Neecha or Moolatrikona (Schedule VI, Article 83). In regard to navamsa varga, a graha may be in the extraordinary relation termed Vargottama, when it occupies a rasi and a navamsa of the same name. This happens when it occupies the first navamsa of Mesha, Karaka, Tula or Makara rasi, the fifth navamsa of Vrischika, Simha, Vrishabha or Kumbha rasi, and the ninth navamsa of Mithuna, Kanya, Dhanur or Meena rasi (Schedule |, Article 66). PROBLEM 124—Find the ordinary relations and the extraordinary relations between each graha and its seven vargas, in the king’s nativity. That three grahas are in Vargottama is a very rare feature; and Sukra is both in Vargottama and Swanavamsa It should also be noted that in this nativity, Chandra is only once in Swavarga; but Guru is thrice in its Swavarga, and Sukra five times in its Swavarga. But if all the sixteen vargas are worked out, Guru and in particular Sukra will be found to be many more times in their Swavarga, which is an extraordinary feature. Vedic Astrological Calculations 266 vaueu awies ayy jo esuieaeu e pur Isel @ ur BuTaq Yea ‘eWeHOSIeA Ul ae eING pue eYpNg ‘elny (p) RUOXLWL[OOP] ur are BNNs pue nny (9) “eSeyq eydaaKy JO PYD20G UT SI aUON (q 3p e) suoyejar Areurproenxg (11) ‘SIN—"S°V | ‘Ts—euTeS | yas yurs = esreaems eaieaems| edreaemg | ‘IS—'S'V | eBivaems eps eBreaems eareaemg rung “SN —"W TA-W eypng ein a WY edieaems vapueyd, aL Sv ary “RUT sey eyrID suonefas Areurpic (I) Summary 267 201, Relations between Grahas and Bhavas-The adipati of the rasi in which a bhava madhya is, is the Bhavadipati. PROBLEM 125—Find the twelve bhavadipatis in the king's nativity. Bhavadipati l 249° 51" Lagnadipati—Guru fl 295 02 Dhanadipati—Sani Til 342 30 Bhratradipati—Guru IV 14 37 Sukhadipati—Kuja Vv 36 23 Putradipati—Sukra vi 53 35 Shatrudipati—Sukra VII 69 51 Kalatradipati—Budha Vit 115 02 Ayushadipati—Chandra IX 162 30 Bhagyadipati—Budha x 194 37 Rajyadipati—Sukra xl 216 23 Labhadipati—Kuja XI 233 35 Vayadipati—Kuja 202. Shubhas in a Nativity—The Shubhas are :— (1) The lords of the 5th and the 9th bhava. (2) The lords of the Kendra bhavas (a) if they are Kruras not occupying Swarasis, or (b) if they are Saumyas oocupying Swarasis. (3) The lords of the 2nd and the 12th bhava, (a) when the reside with a Saumya or occupy all alone a Saumya’s bhava. (4) The lord of the 8th bhava, if he is also the lord of the ist. PROBLEM 126—Find the Shubhas in the king’s nativity. (1) Sukra, the lord of the Sth bhava madhya. 268 Vedie Astrological Calculations (2) Budha, the lord of the 9th bhava madhya. (3) Kuja, the Krura lord of the 4th bhava madhya, not occupying Swarasi. (4) Guru, the Saumya lord of the Ist bhava madhya occupying Swarasi. 208. Kruras in a Nativity—The Kruras are (1) The lords of the 3rd, the 6th and the 11th bhavas. (2) The lords of the Kendra bhavas, (a) if they are Saumyas not occupying swarasis or (b) if they are Kruras occupying Swarasis. (3) The lords of the 2nd and the 12th bhavas, (a) when they reside in a bhava with a Krura or (b) when they ocoupy alone a Krura’s bhava. (4) The lord of the 8th bhava, if he is not the lord of the 1st bhava. PROBLEM 127—Find the Kruras in the king’s nativity. (1) Guru, the lord of the 3rd bhava madhya. (2) Sukra, the lord of the 6th bhava madhya. (3) Kuja, the lord of the 11th bhava madhya. (4) Budha, the Saumya lord of the 7th bhava madhya, not ocoupying Swarasi. (5) Sukra, the Saumya lord of the 10th bhava tadhya, not occupying Swarasi. (6) Sani, the lord of the 2nd bhava madhya, residing with Kuja, a Krura. (7) Kuja, the lord of the 12th bhava madhya, residing with Sani, a krura, (8) Chandra, the lord of the 8th but not of the ist bhava. 204. Yogas in a nativity—The Yogas are the lords of the 5th and the 9th bhava madhya, (1) when he is also the lord of a kendra bhava or (2) when he occupies the same bhava as the lord of a kendra bhava or Summary 269 (3) when he is aspected by the lord of a kendra bhava, or (4) when he is in Parivartana with a kendradipati, ie., occupies the bhava of the kendradipati, while the kendradipati occupies his bhava, i.e., exchanges bhava with the kendradipati, and (6) Provided he is not also the lord of the 8th or the 11th bhava. PROBLEM 128—Find the Yogas in the king’s nativity. (1) Sukra, the lord of the 5th and the 10th bhava madhyas. (2) Budha, the lord of the 9th and the 7th bhava madhyas. 205. Marakas in a nativity —The Marakas are (1) The lord of the 2nd and the 7th bhava. (2) Grahas residing in the same bhava as the lord of the 2nd or the 7th bhava. (iii) Grahas aspected by the lord of the 2nd or the 7th bhava (iv) Grahas occupying the 2nd or the 7th bhava. PROBLEM 129—Find the Marakas in the king’s nativity, (1) Sani, the lord of the 2nd bhava. (2) Budha, the krura lord of the 7th bhava. 206. Kranti— When the declination and the celestial latitude are of the same name, their difference is the Kranti: when the declination and the celestial latitude are of opposite names, their sum is the Kranti (Formula 22, Page 106). Again, if the declination and the celestial latitude are of the same name, and if the declination is less than the celestial longitude, the Kranti is Opposite in name to the declination; in all other cases, the kranti is of the Same name as the declination (Rule XV). PROBLEM 130—Fid the Krantis of grahas in the kiig’s natrotiy. 270 Vedic Astrological Calculations Graha Kranti Ravi 16° $.54' Chandra 0 N.35 Kuja 22 = S. 36 DRISHTI 207. Drishti values— The values of the Drishti of each Drishti (aspecting) graha on a Drishya (aspected) graha are found with the aid of Formula 23 A to 23 G. Or they may be better found by taking each graha in succession, as the Drishya graha, and deducting from its longitude the longitudes of all other grahas taken as Drishti grahas. When the longitude of a Drishya graha is numerically less than that of a Drishti graha, add 360° to it. This difference may be known as the Aspect Angle, and with it refer to Table Xl for the Drishti values. The extraordinary Drishti values are given at the head of the vertical columns of the table. Finally, the sum of all the Drishti values, ordinary and extraordinary on a Drishya graha, is the Drishti Pinda (total) value on the graha. 271 Summary 7 ZS 02 6% 8% Lg bE Sv 06 ZU ep WE 009T tues £0 687 - we Le 00 ¥Zz 8h 6L O@ ZEE 7 ol BL BINS 91 Ise€ | €l 7 sp 61 €l 9€€ 10 78 ce VE DE of PT ning L€ Ee | 82 CF _ 8% OLE 9L t9 8b FL LG o€@S eypng €O SL 00 98 te fh = 8b SOL | 0% 8¢ 18S LIT efnyy SL 69% | ZL OFE pp L67 TL St = ce CLE JSE ol IL erpueyd 0 o9LE| OF of% ZL oGPE | OF oLOE 87 oLP = £0 602 ary 40% 0ST] .€7 oLBL UG o€@Z | ET oL9T | .SE ol 9L | ,€0 0607 Wes BINS vypng einyy vipuey | rary WHVUD SVHVU9 ILHShIG VAHSIUG « sajguy yedsy ay “Anayou s,8ury ayy ur ‘oyos8 vfysiag youe uo anjva vpulg NYS a4 PulJ—LEL WE1dOUd Vedic Astrological Calculations 272 097+] OO oo 00 IF +] 99- jues 00 [L+ | 00 o€l-| oO 00 Pans TZL+] 00 00 00 oze+] 6% - nny TO + 00 00 00 Zl +] 00 eypng Olr+} O'0 s9- | 00 Ve +| THL- einy 00 OIL+/ TL- | 6zz-| oO” 00 eapueyd 00 00 00 i) 28+ | oo 1aey epulg Tues eIyNg mins) eypng | e{ny | erpueyd TARY nusug eyeing seyeID nysug efysuq —? MOT[OJ se are “eyerd PAYS Yea Jo epurg NYsH aq) pur sane, nysuq ayy Summary 273 SHADBALA OF GRAHAS (i) Sthana Bala 208. Oochabala— When a graha is at its Oocha bhaga, it has the maximum bala of 60 shashtiamsas, at its Neecha bhaga the minimum bala of zero shashtiamsa, and at inter- mediate positions proportionate values. The Oochabala is found with the aid of. Formula 24. (Graha in deg. — Neecha bhaga) + 3= Oocha bala in shashtiamsas. Direction LII—If the difference is over 180°, rectify it by deducting it from 360°. PROBLEM 132—Find the Oocha bala of grahas in the king's nativity. Oocha Bala Graha Sphashta} Bhaga 161 35] 213/308 35 | 51 25/171, 267 23] 118/149 23 |149 23/498 ,, 345 121 09/404 , Chandra Kuja Budha Guru 275 ® Sukra 181 23) 177 4 23 18) » Sani 252 20) 20 [232 20 |127 4042.6 ,, Instead of working out fully the problem, with the unrectified difference refer to Table XII for Oocha bala. 209. Moola Trikonadi Bala—When a graha is in its Moola Trikona, Swakshetra, or Atimitra, Mitra, Sama, Shatru or Atishatru sthana, it is assigned a Moola Trikonadi bala of 45, 30, 22.5. 15, 7.5, 3.75, or 1.875 shashtiamsas respectively. PROBLEM 133—Find the Moola Trikonadi bala grahas in the king’s nativity. 274 Vedic Astrological Calculations PROBLEM 124-gives the relations between grahas and varga. Graha 45.0 Sukra 45.0] 19 | 30.0 | 30.0 3. 5 | 146.3 30.0 | 15.0 ]181.9 | Sani 3.8] 75] 19 aa] 19 | 3.8 | 56.3 | 210. Oja Yugma Rasyamusa Bala—When Ravi, Kuja Budha, Guru, or Sani occupies an Oja Rasi or Oja Navamsa, it is held to have a bala of 15 shashtiamsas; and when Chandra or Sukra occupies a Yugma Rasi or Yugma Navamsa it is held to have a bala of 15 shashtia- msas. PROBLEM 134—Find the Oja Yugma Rasyamsa bala of grahas in the king’s nativity. Graha Rasi Rasi bala} Nava. |N. neo 225 Ravi oja 15 15 30 Chandra | yugma 15 0 15 Kuja oja 15 30 Budha_ | yugma 0 yugma 0 Guru oja 15 yugma 15 Sukra oja 0 Sani oja 15 oja yugrna 15 211. Kendra bala—When a graha is in the 1st, the 4th, the 7th or the 10th bhava, it is held to have a Kendra Summary 275 bala of 60 shashtiamsas: when it is in the 2nd, the 5th, the 8th, or the 11th bhava, a Kendra bala of 30 shashtiamsas: and when it is in the 3rd, the 6th, the 9th or the 12th bhava, a Kendra bala of 15 shashtiamsas. PROBLEM 135—Find the Kendra balas of grahas in the king's nativity. Graha Bhava Kendra bala Ravi 11th 30 Chandra 9th 15 Kuja Ist 60 Budha lith 30 Guru Ist 60 Sukra 10th 60 Sani Ist 60 212. Linga bala—When the Purusha (mile) grahas, Ravi, Kuja and Guru are in the First Drekkana, when the Napumsaka (hermaphrodite) grahas, Budha end Sani are in the second Drekkana, and when the Stree (female) grahas Chandra and Sukra are in the Third Drekkana, they are held to have a Linya bala of 15 shashtiamsas. PROBLEM 136—Find the Linga bala of grhas in the king's nativity. No. of Drek. | Linga Bala Female Male Herma Female Sani Herma 2nd 15 276 Vedic Astrological Calculations 213. Sthana bala—The sum of the above five balas of graha is the Sthana bala of the graha. PROBLEM 137— Find the Sthana bala of grahas in the king's natiavity. bala 93.8 142.5 97.5 105.0 146.3 181.9 56.3 (ii) Dik Bala 214. Dik bala—When Sani is in the First Bhava madhya or the East, when Ravi or Kuja is in the Fourth Bhava madhya or the North, when Budha or Guru is in the Seventh Bhava madhya or the West, and when Chandra or Sukra is in the Tenth Bhava madhya or the South, it is held to have a Dik bala of zero shashtiamsa. The same graha when it is in the opposite Bhava madhya, is held to have a Dik bala of 60 shashtiamsas. The Dik bala of a graha is found with the aid of. Formula 25. (Graha— Longitude of Powerless bhava madhya) + 3 = Dik bala in shashtiamsas (Direction III). PROBLEM 138 — Find the Dik bala of grahas in the king's nativity. Powerless Rect. Graha Sphashta B.Madhya Diff. Diff. Dikbala Ravi 209° 03’ 14° 37’ 194° 26’ 165° 34’ 55.2 sh. Chandra 161 35 194 37 326 58 33.02 11.0sh. Kuja 267 23 14 37 252 46 107 14 35.7sh. Summary 277 Budaha 223° 51’ 6% 51’ 154° 00" 154° 00' —51.3sh. Guru 243 36 «69 «51 (173 «45 «(173 45 57.9Sh. Sukra 181 23 194 37 346 46 13 14 44 sh, Sani 252 20 249 51 2 29 2 29 0.8 sh. Instead of working, out fully, with the difference refer Table XII for Dik bala of grahas. (iii) Kala Bala 215. Divratri bala—Ravi, Guru and Sukra are held to have a bala of 60 shashtiamsas at apparent noon, and a bala of zero shashtiamsa at apparent midnight. This is their Diva bala. Chandra, Kuja and Sani are held to have a bala of 60 shashtiamsa at apparent midnight, and a bala of zero shashtimsas, at apparent noon. This is their Ratri bala. And Budha is held to have a Sadha bala of 60 shashtiamsas. The interval between the previous apparent midnight and the apparent time of birth is converted into degrees (Art. 109). If it is more than 180°, deduct it from 360°. This is the birth-time in degrees. Diva balas of Ravi, Guru and Sukra are found with the aid of. Formula 26. Birth-time in degrees + 3 = Diva bala in shashtiamsas. The Ratri balas of Chandra, Kuja and Sani are found with the aid of. Formula 21. (180° — Birth-time in degrees) = 3=Ratri bala in shashtiamsas. PROBLEM 139—Find the Divaratri, bala of grahas in the king’s nativity. The birth-time is 10.48 a.m., G.M.T. = 10-47.20 a.m., L.M.T. The Interval between the previous mean midnight and 10-47-20 a.m. is 10 hrs. 47 min. 20 sec. = 161° 50°. =. Birth—time in degrees is 161° 50' -. Diva bala of Ravi, Guru and Sukra 16 3 3 =53.9 sh 278 Vedic Astrological Calculations 182 --Ratri bala of Chandra, Kuja and Sani = 3 =6.1sh. And the Sadha bala of Budha is 60.0 sh. 216. Tribhaga bala—The day-time and night are each divided into three equal periods. The first part of day-time is assigned to Budha, the second part to Ravi, and the third + part to Sani, and the first part of night to Chandra the second part to Sukra and the third part to Kuja. The graha in whose period birth had taken place is held to have a bala of 60 shashtiamsas, and the rest none. But Guru to whom no period is assigned is held to have a Sadha bala of 60 shashtiamsas. PROBLEM 140—Find the Tribhaga bala of grahas in the king's nativity. The birth-time is 10-47-20 a.m., L.M.T. Sunrise on Nov. 9,1841 when the declination of the sun was 16 S 51, in London whose geocentric latitude is 51° 20’ N. was at 7-29 a.m., apparent time. «The A.T. of sunset was 4.31 p.m. The Equation of Time as applied to A.T. was —16 min. -. The L.M.T. of Sunrise, on Nov. 9. 1841 was 7.13 a.m., and the L.M.T. of Sunset, on Nov. 9, 1841 was 4.15 p.m. “The period of day-time was 9 hrs, 2 min, As birth occurred during the day-time, the three periods are from (i) 7-13 a.m. to 10-14 a.m., (ii) 10.14 a.m. to 1-14 p.m. and (iii) 1-14 p.m. to 4-15 p.m. So birth occurred during the 2nd third of day-time which is assigned to Ravi. -. Ravi has a Tribhaga bala of 60 sh. Guru has the Sadha bala of 60 sh. 217. Abda Masadi bala—Find the ahargana on December 31, prior to the date of birth from Table XIIl, and add to it the number of day’s from January 1 to the date of birth, both inclusive, and we get the ahargana on the birth-date. Test if the ahargana found is correet, by

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