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Introduction to Passive Systems

Within the realm of building technologies, most traditional

systems are considered “ active, ” meaning that mechanical systems and
conventional energy are used in some form to keep the system
running. For example, most heating systems use electricity or gas, and
are distributed by pumps and fans. Water filtration systems use pumps
along with carbon filters and chemical processes to deliver water to your

Systems that work without additional energy are referred to as

“passive” systems, and can be an effective addition to a more sustainable
building. Passive designs use the natural movement of heat and air and
other physical principles, operating with little or no mechanical assistance.
They are usually fairly simple systems with no switches or controls. Passive
systems work best in areas where there is a fairly large difference between
daytime and nighttime temperatures. However, whether or not you
should proceed with a specific passive retrofit depends more on your
home's structure than the climate. Depending on the location and the
structure, many of these systems do not completely replace traditional
systems, but can be an effective supplement to the heating, cooling, light
and water needs of a structure.

Ventilation and Air Conditioning

Some of the same heat transfer principles work in reverse

for ventilation and cooling systems. The other principles at work are
natural ventilation and evaporative cooling. Passive cooling is based on
the interaction of the building and its surroundings. Before adopting a
passive cooling strategy, you must be sure that it matches your local

Natural ventilation - This system depends solely on air movement

to cool occupants. Window openings on opposite sides of the building
enhance cross ventilation driven by breezes. Since natural breezes can't
be scheduled, designers often choose to enhance natural ventilation
using tall spaces within buildings called stacks. With openings near the
top of the stack, warm air can escape, while cooler air enters the building
from openings near the ground. Ventilation requires the building to be
open during the day to allow air flow
Evaporative cooling – This technique involves lowering the indoor air
temperature by evaporating water. In dry climates, this is commonly done
directly in the space. But indirect methods, such as roof ponds, allow
evaporative cooling to be used in more temperate climates too.

Ventilation and evaporative cooling are often supplemented with

mechanical means, such as fans. Even so, they use substantially less
energy to maintain comfort compared to refrigeration systems. It is also
possible to use these strategies in completely passive systems that
require no additional machinery or energy to operate.


Passive lighting is a good way to provide sustainable energy-saving

lighting for your structure. Long roof overhangs prevent hot, summer sun
while allowing the low winter sun to light the inside of the house.
Windows, however, are also the largest insulation gaps in a structure, so
they must be insulated and placed carefully.
· Windows placed high on the walls create more light and
thermal warmth in cold, winter climates while allowing
ventilation in hot weather.
· Overhangs can also be placed on the first level of a two-level
house for shading in hot summer months.
· Skylights provide even more lighting for dark areas like
hallways and bathrooms, closets and dining rooms.
· Tubular skylights provide light for small spaces with less
insulation gap than traditional skylights.
Effective lighting can reduce the need for electrical lights as well as
improving the emotional and physical health of the users.

Water Management Systems

Water will always be an indispensable foodstuff. Consumers used to an
almost unlimited quantity of water, inexpensive and of best quality, are
often wasteful with the precious resource, thereby causing problems that
impair the quality and quantity of groundwater.
Water systems are usually divided into potable water – which is safe for
human consumption; greywater – which is usable for household tasks
such as plant irrigation, washing machines and toilet flushing; storm water
management – which is primarily an issue of social responsibility; and
waste water treatment- which varies greatly depending upon location.
Rainwater collection is a valuable tool to reduce the use of potable water
for tasks in which it is unnecessary. Storm water management is
important in reducing the pollutants in our water supply. According to
EPA’s National Water Quality Inventory: 2000 Report, prepared under
Section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act, urban storm water runoff and
discharges from storm sewers are a primary cause of impaired water
quality in the United States.

Rainwater collection Passive rainwater systems use no moving parts and

store the water in the soil rather than a tank. Rainwater is naturally not
germ-free. But the germ loading is so small that health risks can be
excluded when rainwater is responsibly used.
Filtering collectors or vortex filters remove pollutants and bacteria that is
attached to them.
Some common landscape elements that utilize passive rainwater
collection are:
· Rain gardens
· Swales
· Permeable pavement
· Detention basins
· Injection wells
Once a rain garden, swale or infiltration basin has been created, it will
detain, purify and slowly release water into the groundwater supply for an
indefinite amount of time making it a long-term solution to our storm
water problems. Trees planted along a swale will grow quickly, providing
shade to the soil and further improving the ecology of the site while the
deep layer of fibrous roots helps to purify the water as it travels down the
soil column. Maintenance costs are minimal and a smart landscape design
will take advantage of perennial plants versus energy-intensive turf grass
Wastewater Treatment The problem of passive systems for wastewater
treatment are much more complicated than most systems because the
risks involved in improper implementation are much greater. The specific
system chosen has much to do with climate and location as well as local
requirements and codes, and who will be using the system.
The most common system for an urban area is a simple composting toilet.
The most common systems for more rural areas are septic systems using
the waste/nutrient cycle. In very rural areas, lagoons and wetlands or
other plant based systems can be used to purify water and fertilize
The decision to use wetlands must consider the climate. There are
disadvantages to the system that in some locations may make it
unsustainable. Some mechanical problems may include clogging with
sprinkler and drip irrigation systems, particularly with oxidation pond
effluent. Biological growth (slime) in the sprinkler head, emitter orifice, or
supply line cause plugging, as do heavy concentrations of algae and
suspended solids.

Early Integration of Systems

If it is possible to be involved in the earliest planning stages of a project,

passive systems can be much more effective by coordinating efforts and
minimizing the use of more energy intensive systems. Some principles to
consider are:
· Integrated planning: increasing demands and complexity of
technical building systems make it necessary to proceed with an
integrated planning process right from the outset of planning the
building. It is recommended to contract all relevant members of the
design team early and to meet regularly.
· Integrate users into the planning process: indoor room climate can
be enhanced if users are given the opportunity to articulate their
wishes and requirements.
· Contracting of engineers: engineers tend to neglect integrated and
adapted planning falling back on schematic solutions. If a
procedure is proposed for the evaluation of the bidding to take
into account both the competencies of the bidder in energy
efficient and sustainable technologies, cooperative systems are
more likely to occur.
· Requirement guidelines for the facility: consider working with the
management team on facility and technical services guidelines to
include energy consumption and other environmental goals.
7. Retrofitting of Systems
Retrofitting of a building or home also requires the coordination of
systems, and many of the above principles can be adapted to use here. It
is also important, however, to be sure that new systems installed with not
have a negative effect on existing systems. A thorough evaluation of all
systems in a building should be done before any retrofit system is begun.
The three primary passive solar retrofitting techniques are
· using south-facing windows to admit sunlight;
· converting a south-facing masonry wall to an effective solar
collector or "Trombe Wall"; and
· adding a sunspace.
All three methods collect solar radiation through south-facing glazing.
Absorption of the incoming solar radiation occurs in dense materials
(thermal mass) such as water, brick, and concrete that store heat for long
periods. The thermal mass is most effective when placed directly in the
sun's path.
Most wood frame houses cannot support the weight of an additional
masonry wall. Before adding a mass wall, you or your building contractor
should calculate what the new load will be and make sure that the house
will meet or surpass load guidelines set by local building codes.
Water and light systems can often be easily added to an existing structure,
some of which (like composting toilets and skylights) can be purchased
ready to install. Before undertaking any retrofit, check local ordinances
and codes, and-if necessary-obtain a building permit

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