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International Journal of Computer Engineering and Technology (IJCET)

Volume 11, Issue 2, March-April 2020, pp. 1-8, Article ID: IJCET_11_02_001
Available online at
Journal Impact Factor (2020): 10.8630 (Calculated by GISI)
ISSN Print: 0976-6367 and ISSN Online: 0976–6375
© IAEME Publication


J. Karthikeyan*
Research Scholar, Presidency College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Dr. C. Jothi Venkateswaran

Joint Director (P&D), Directorate of Collegiate Education, Tamil Nadu, India
*Corresponding Author Email:

In current situation, image plays vibrant role in all part of business such as
medical images, satellite images, and business images and so on. Image mining is
along branch of datamining that is fretful with the process of knowledge discovery
concerning digital images. Image mining is interesting field which covers traditional
data mining from structured data to unstructured data such as image data. This
growth in number of images and image databases has required the need for image
mining techniques. Image mining is a session of analytical techniques that examine a
large amount of image data. The main objective of this paper is to present a survey of
the different categories of frameworks used to illustrate image mining methods and
techniques utilized for image mining applications.
Key words: Image Mining, Image Clustering, Image Classification, Data Mining,
Image Indexing
Cite this Article: J. Karthikeyan, Dr. C. Jothi Venkateswaran, A Survey on
Frameworks and Techniques of Image Mining, International Journal of Computer
Engineering and Technology 11(2), 2020, pp. 1-8.

An immense quantity of image data is generated in our day by day life. These images occupy
a great number of useful and hidden information that is complex for users to find out. Image
mining can automatically discover this hidden information and patterns from this large
quantity of images. Image mining is an extension of data mining to image domain. Image
mining deals with the extraction of image patterns from a large collection of images. Research
in Image mining can be generally categorized in two major ways a. Domain specific
applications b. General applications. Image Mining is varied from image processing, and
computer vision techniques. This is since the meeting point of image mining is in the removal
of prototypes from a huge set of images, while the focus of computer vision and image
processing techniques is in accepting and/or removing exact features from a particular image. 1
J. Karthikeyan, Dr. C. Jothi Venkateswaran

Image mining includes image pre-processing, object recognition, feature extraction, image
indexing and retrieval, image classification and clustering, association rules mining, and
neural network. Recent research in image mining maintains to be focused on how finest to
characterize images consequently that data mining techniques can be used. Image mining has
a range of applications in different areas like agriculture, biology, remote sensing, space
research, and medical diagnosis etc. This paper aims at surveying the frameworks and
applications of image mining the most often utilised techniques for the individual sub
processes of Image Mining and at identifying the major current issues and challenges in
image mining.

Several researches have been agreed on this image mining. This part of the paper presents a
survey on a variety of image mining techniques that were proposed in advance. Increases in
area of image gaining and storage technique have exposed the way for unbelievable raise in
widely huge and complete image databases. The images which are existing in these databases,
if observed, can supply precious information to the individual clients. Image mining smooth
the progress of the mining of unknown information, image data relationship, or other patterns
not obviously collected in the images. Image mining is an interdisciplinary attempt that offers
major application in the field of machine learning, image retrieval, data mining, image
processing, database, computer vision, and artificial intelligence.
Although the development of numerous applications and techniques in the human user
research area mentioned over, research in image mining has to be discovered in examined the
research problems in image mining, modern expansion in image mining, predominantly,
image mining frameworks, modern techniques and systems (Hsu, et al.).
Gholap et al. proposed by content based tissue image mining in macrobiotic data
organization and mining are significant regions of modern biology research.
Sanjay et al. set into the open an image mining technique by means of wavelet transform.
It utilizes ordinary pattern matching, pattern recognition and data mining representations with
the target that a real life scene/image can be related to a exact category, supporting in different
forecast and predicting mechanisms. It is a three-step process i.e. image collecting,
classification and learning.
Decision tree based image processing and image mining technique was projected by Kun-
Che et al. significant data can be concealed in images, on the other hand, few research speaks
about data mining on them. In their advance, they developed a general framework depending
on the decision tree for mining and processing image data. Pixel-wised image features were
mined and modified into a database-like table which allows a variety of data mining
algorithms to build examinations on it.
Rajendran & Madheswaran discussed an improved image mining technique. An enhanced
image mining technique for brain tumor classification using association rule mining technique
to classify the CT scan brain images into three categories namely normal, benign and malign.
It merges the low-level attributes mined from images and high level information from experts.
Victor & Peter put forth a new minimum spanning tree based clustering algorithm for
image mining. The minimum spanning tree clustering algorithm is proficient of detecting
clusters with irregular boundaries. Existing minimum spanning tree depending on the
clustering method by weighted Euclidean distance for edges, which is essential element in
building the graph from image. The technique constructs „k‟ clusters with segments. This
method has switched the difficulties of undesired clustering formation and redundant vast
quantity of clusters. 2
A Survey on Frameworks and Techniques of Image Mining

Dubey demonstrated on the subject of an Image mining methods which is needy on the
Color texture, Histogram of that Image. The uncertainty image is regarded, then the Texture
and Color Histogram is created and in peace with this the resulting Image is originated. They
include a color texture techniques in two different color spaces, RGB and HSV and
histogram-based search techniques.


Early on effort in image mining has centered on expanding a appropriate framework to
execute the task of image mining. As a result to this conclusion, such a organization normally
includes the following functions: image storage, feature extraction, image processing, image
retrieval and indexing, patterns and knowledge discovery.
Two types of frameworks applied to distinguish image mining systems are
 Function-driven frameworks
 Information-driven frameworks

3.1. Function-Driven Frameworks

Numerous image mining methods have been developed for various purposes. The bulk of
existing image mining method structural designs reduce in the function-driven image mining
framework. The function-driven structure focused on the functionalities of dissimilar
components to classify image mining systems, whereas the end is a hierarchical structure with
an accent on the information requires at different stages of hierarchy. This framework
provides the intention of classifying and clarifying the diverse tasks and roles to be performed
in image mining. It is selectively function oriented and the framework was systematized
according to the component functionality.
For example, MihaiDatcu and Klaus Seidel propose an intelligent satellite mining system
that comprises two modules:
(a) A data acquisition, pre-processing and archiving system which is responsible for the
mining of image data, storage of unprocessed images, and recovery of image.
(b) An image mining method, which allows the clients to survey image meaning and identify
related incidents.

3.2. Information-Driven Frameworks

The image database holding rare image data cannot be straightly applied for mining functions.
Unprocessed image data require to be practiced to produce the data that is exploitable for
high-level mining components. An image mining method is frequently confused because it
occupies different approaches and techniques vary from image indexing and retrieval systems
to data mining and pattern identification. Such a scheme normally includes the following
functions: image processing, image storage, feature extraction, image retrieval and indexing,
patterns and knowledge discovery. In fact, a number of researchers have explained their
image mining framework from the practical point of view.
Zhang suggests an information-driven framework that means to emphasize the task
of information at different stages of image. The framework, distinguishes four levels of
information as follows.
(a) The lowest level is Pixel Level that consists of the raw image data such as image pixels
and the ancient image characteristics such as texture, color, and shape;
(b) Object Level contracts with object or section information based on the primal
characteristics in the Pixel Level; 3
J. Karthikeyan, Dr. C. Jothi Venkateswaran

(c) Semantic model Level gets into concern field data to produce high-level semantic ideas
from the known objects and sections;
(d) Pattern and Knowledge Level includes field related alphanumeric data and the semantic
ideas acquired from the image data to find out primary domain patterns and knowledge.


At the side of inspecting proper frameworks for image mining, premature image miners have
tried to apply existing techniques to extract for image data. These methods contain object
recognition, image classification and clustering, image indexing and retrieval, association
rules mining, and neural network. We will briefly discuss these techniques and how they have
been used to image mining in the subsequent parts.

4.1. Image Analysis

Image analysis is an predictable stage of image Mining. The analysis is often said to be a pre-
processing stage of the image mining. The objective of analyzing an image is to find and
extract all relevant features required to represent an image.

4.2. Image Pre-Processing

Image pre-processing is an initial step of processing images. It is developed for civilizing the
feature of an image before object recognition algorithms are applied. Regulating images is
typically executed in order to decrease noise and/or improve resolution of an image. The
image mining processes are exposed in Figure 1.
These images subsequently undertake a range of transformations and quality mining to
produce the significant characteristics from the images. By the created attributes, mining can
be passed out using data mining techniques to find out important patterns. The resultant
samples are estimated and interpreted to get the absolute knowledge, which can be functional
to applications.

Figure 1. Image Mining Process

Throughout Image mining procedure includes some steps like first refining Image
database, Pre-processing, Transformation and have Extraction, Mining, Interpretation and at
long last Evaluation that determined by knowledge. Here, images from an image database are
first pre-processed to raise their quality. These images subsequently undergo various
transformations and have extraction to generate giving her very features from the actual
images. With the actual generated features, mining can be executed using data mining
processes to discover significant styles. The resulting styles are evaluated and interpreted to
discover the final knowledge, which may be applied to purposes.

4.3. Object Recognition

Object recognition has been an active research focus in field of image mining. By means of
object forms that are known a priori, an object detection system discovers objects in the real 4
A Survey on Frameworks and Techniques of Image Mining

world from an image. This is one of the most important tasks in image mining. Machine
learning and significant information removal can only be recognized when some objects have
been identified and recognized by the machine. The object identification trouble can be
referred to as a supervised labeling difficulty based on replicas of known objects.

4.4. Image Retrieval

Image mining involves that images be retrieved dealing to several necessity requirements. The
constraint specifications can be categorized into three levels of expanding difficulty:
(a) Level 1 includes low level characteristics of such as texture, color, shape or the spatial
position of image factors.
(b) Level 2 includes image retrieval by resultant or logical characteristics like objects of a
known type or individual objects or persons.
(c) Level 3 includes high level characteristics of image.

4.5. Image Indexing

Although focusing on the data requires at different levels, it is too essential to grant support
for the retrieval of image data with a quick and well-organized indexing system. In general,
the image database to be mined is huge and the feature vectors of images are of high
dimension, investigate difficulty is eminent. Two main approaches are: reducing
dimensionality or indexing high dimensional data. Decreasing the dimensions can be skilled
using two familiar methods: the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) update algorithm and
clustering. Other proposed indexing schemes concentrate on specific image features including
color, shape and texture features.

4.6. Image Classification

In supervised classification technique, as input a collection of labeled images are given, and
here the problem is to label a newly encountered, yet unlabeled images. In general, the given
Labeled images are used to do the machine learning of the class description which in turn is
use to label a new Image.

4.7. Image Clustering

Image clustering collection is a known set of unlabeled images into significant clusters
compacting to the image substance not including priority information. Clustering is often
more advantage for minimizing the searching time period of images inside database. There
are a variety of clustering methods: hierarchal, partitioning, density-based, grid based and
fuzzy clustering methods. Previously the images have been clustered, a field specialist is
required to study the images of each cluster to label the conceptual ideas represented by the
cluster. Fuzzy C-means (FCM) is one of the clustering techniques which allocate single bit of
data to fit in to two or more clusters.

4.8. Association Rules Mining

Association rule mining creates rules who have support and confidence greater than some user
specific minimum support in addition to minimum confidence thresholds. A normal
association rule mining algorithm works within two steps. The 1st step finds all important
item sets that match the minimum support constraint. The second move generates rules from
each of the large item sets that match the minimum confidence constraint. 5
J. Karthikeyan, Dr. C. Jothi Venkateswaran

4.9. Neural Network

Neural Networks are calculation arrangements made up of simple processing items called
neurons which are generally systematized into layers with fully or partially correlations. The
major task connected with a neuron is to be given the activation values from its neighbors,
calculate an output based on its weighted input parameters and send that output to its
Neural networks are error liberal and are good quality at pattern recognition and trend
prediction. In the case of limited knowledge, artificial neutral network algorithms are
frequently used to construct a model of the data. Even if there has been a lot of research effort
with consider to neural network and its applications, it is comparatively new in the image
mining field. A important research effort that applied neural network to image mining is the
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) developed by G.G. Gardner et al. which gives a completely
automated approach to fundus image analysis.


Image mining is use in various fields. Different applications of image are medical for
diagnose diseases.(e.g. Brain tumour), Satellite Cloud Imagery (e.g. Detecting copying
unauthorized image on internet), Natural scene recognition, Space research, Remote sensing,
Detection of wild plant(e.g. egeria detection), Agriculture field, industrial work, educational
field and satellite images.


Images, if analyzed, can reveal useful information towards the human users. Image mining
refers to the extraction regarding implicit knowledge, image data relationship, or other
designs not explicitly stored inside images. Image mining is over just an extendable of data
mining to image sector.


Image mining research remains in their infancy and many issues continue to be solved.
Particularly, for image mining research to progress to a fresh height, the pursuing issues need
to be investigated.

7.1. Issues
 Suggest new representation plans for visual patterns that are able to program sufficient
related information to allocate for important extraction of positive visual
 Devise efficient content-based image indexing and retrieval techniques to facilitate
fast and effective access in large image repository.
 Design semantically influential query languages for image databases;
 Explore new discovery techniques that take into account the unique characteristics of
image data;
 Integrate new visualization techniques for the visualization of image patterns.
 Central key issue in image mining is how to pre-process image sets so as to represent
in form that supports the application of data mining.
 Image pattern illustration: How can we characterize the image pattern such that the
relative information, spatial information, and significant image features are maintained
in the representation format? 6
A Survey on Frameworks and Techniques of Image Mining

 Image features selection: Which are the important images features to be used in the
mining process so that the discovered patterns are meaningful visually?
 Image pattern visualization: How to present the mined patterns to the user in a
visually-rich environment?

Image mining is an expansion of data mining technique. The majority of the image processing
algorithms contain image mining. Hence, image mining is at all times an emerging field and it
has involved a lot of researchers to explore its applications in modern years.
 The upcoming research effort may consist of the execution of the Bayesian networks
for relevance feedbacks and further extensive tests with other examples of image
forensic work.
 It is also imagined that subjective testing will be executed with input from forensic
 A number of feasible upcoming studies that may be performed in the area of image
mining contain the experimentations on other image elements such as colors, textures,
shape, and so forth.
 It will also be exciting to inspect unknown associations among images. For example,
intensive and extensive investigative pattern analysis engaged in the existing systems
in database can be extremely helpful.

The main aim of the image mining is to extract the information loss and removing the
important data to the individual predictable requires. In this paper most of image mining
techniques have been discussed. These all techniques have their own advantages and
In this paper, we cover the highlighted requirement for image mining in analysis of the
rapidly producing quantity of image data. Also we have observed two image mining
frameworks: function-driven image mining frameworks and information-driven image mining
frameworks. In addition to discussed about the techniques that are often used in the early
efforts in image mining, namely, image retrieval, object recognition, image indexing, image
classification and clustering, association rule mining and neural network. In summing up the
image mining is a hopeful playing field for research. Image mining research is immobile in its
early years and a lot of issues remain resolved.

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