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I cannot say that I have not traveled a lot.

I went to different countries and saw many man-made

wonders. I also have seen natural wonders and these I like themost. Until now I have seen only two
landscapes which are by far my favorites.

Even though my cousin worked in Greece I have never been there more than two times: first, with my
mother when I was rather young and the second time with my uncle and my aunt, last summer.And it all
happened last summer. We rented a flat in a village named Vrahati. The best part was the flat was near
the seashore. So near that I only had to go across the road and I’ve had already sinked my feet in the
smooth sand; I could hear the joyful cries of the children playing in the water, cries fighting to cover the
noise made by passing seagulls and discover the brightness of the blinding sun which was hitting
everyone with its powerful rays of heat and light.It felt as if I was dreaming. It was a dream from which I
have never wanted to wake up from. Now, if I close my eyes I can still remember the waves crashing on
the beach, coming closer and closer as if they were jealous I was enjoying only the heat of the sun and
did not want to feel their calm, cold and salty waters.Every time I was preparing to enter the water I
was staying and listening for all those noises that were crashing into my ear-drums and feeling all those
things that were stimulating my senses, making me drunk with happiness and joy.And every time I was
going back home I was promising myself that the next morning I would come even earlier so I could see
the rising of the sky’s king. A king who shines and who loves to admire himself in the water’s mirror
every day.Next day at half past five in the morning was sitting on the seashore and waiting for the king’s
arrival.Before him, like servants, hundreds of boats were crossing his mirror as they wanted to clean it of
fish which disturbed its perfect polish. The fish were then imprisoned in the fish market –not far away
from where I was- which’s stench I could hardly smell.He was not late like he never is. Throwing his first
spears of light, with which he fought and put the night on the run, he also announces his arrival. Like an
orchestra the roasters welcome him and cry signals that let everybody know the sun is back on his

During the week I spent there I was shown that clouds did not dare to stay before the sun. Instead, they
were chasing one another along the horizon. It was magical.
Time is constantly flowing. We are becoming more mature and our lives are no longer so carefree.

We cannot escape the past. It is always with us in our memories. Futures thus shaped the present
through the building of infrastructures and the normalisation of social

practices. These futures, however, were far from inevitable as multiple versions competed for
ascendency. We are facing new challenges and difficulties. We are stepping into the future, one part of
our lives is ending. With safe steps, we are opening a new chapter in our lives. we leave a part of
ourselves between these walls. We leave memories of the beautiful school days, the glorious days of our
youth. and we are responsible for our actions. We stand for our future and hope. We live in faith for a
better tomorrow, for a beautiful life and for fulfilling all our desires. , at least briefly, in those same
school classrooms where we had so many beautiful moments. We wish to relive at least some of our
memories when we safely enjoyed instead, we are now stepping into that unknown future. We hope to
experience the same beautiful moments in it.

If the present is dry and hazy, the future is opaque, then all the splendor and riches of the world rests in
the memory of the past


Everyone has a place where they go to escape all the pressures and worries of life. There is always that
one spot that can soothe all your problems and troublesin times of stress. For me, the beach is the
ultimate cure to all of my problems.While I am there, all of my obligations are suddenly erased.

As I stroll along I can feel the soft smooth sand beneath my feet. I am taken in bythe soothing
atmosphere that encircles me. I close my eyes, letting myself absorb the blistering rays of the sun on a
scorching summer day. I am comfortedby the sounds of the ocean; the rhythmic pounding of the waves
represses all of my worries. I look into the cloudless cerulean blue sky and see the perfection of life. I
often want to be like a seagull, seemingly drifting endlessly in the windwithout a care in the world. As I
sit in my chair I can see all the sights of Now that I am relaxed, I allow myself to close my eyes and drift
off for a peacefulnap. I am soon awoken but the sounds of birds scurrying about for food along theshore
line. I open my eyes, and to my surprise, the setting sun hangs in the skylike a red-orange balloon off in
the distance. I find myself alone on the beach.The surf has ceased to crash on the shores, the placid
waves gently roll onto thesand. The sky is transformed into a colorful horizon; filled with endless
streams of purple and blue.

As the daylight falls to the darkness of night I can feel the change in temperatureon my skin. A chilly mist
can be felt in the wind blowing off the calm sea. On mywalk back along the sand I am reminded of those
obligations that have evadedme on my peaceful journey. Tomorrow brings school and work; however, I
amnot the least upset.

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