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Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah

Dhayan Mantra of visnhu sahastranam

six akshara mantras cleans your own weakness or your problems
every morning
Hare Rama Krishna
Hare is me or shiva
Rama is the Guru
Krisnha Is Bhagwan- Bhagwan is one Who attracts us.
This is a prasida Mantras.. They donot require Diksha
Planets Shows us the animate things the kids , wife etc

Houses show the areas of life:state of being

signs are moving thru the houses: showing what the situation is

planets move thru sighns and signs move thrugh house

saumya: benefics
krora: malefic

Once a child is born he is Saturn until he hits puberty,after puberty he is mars,married Jupiter, wife dies
he is rahu
women is mercury before puberty,after puberty she is venus,after marriage venus,mother she is moon ,
widow ketu

Sun is the soul

moon is mind
mars strength
mercury speech communication
Jupiter happiness and knowledge giver
venus is vitality giver, virya sexuality and vitality
Saturn giver of grief
rahu: moha, being in our imagination, illusion,desire
ketu: moksha

planetary cabinet
sun is king
moon is queen in charge of social aspect of the kingdom

mars army chief who follows the sun

mercury: he is the prince does not have power, dreams to have power,soon to have power , life is
playful, he is learning , playful
Jupiter :counselor to king , priest
venus Counselor to king , diplomatic, where to people engage
Saturn: servants lower status
rahu and ketu: lower military, general masses

virgo is gardens yards

leo is forest
aries:forest gold and silver mines
taurs : fields cultivated ,beautiful and lustful places ,farm houses

sky is houses
directly above us is 10th house
15 degress above and below the horizon where the sun rises in the east is 1st house
where the sun sets 15 degress above and below in the west is 7 th house


Astronomy for Astrology-2006-Intro to Science of Light Vol. 1 - Introduction
to Vedic Astrology

ravi marg

it takes about 2 hrs for a signs to rise approx.

every hour half sign rises: each half sign different energy. that hour comes from hora

sun moves 1 degree every day which goes to 360 degree in a year

moon moves all signs in a month

time is kala rupa of Vishnu

every 12 degress is a tithi a lunar phases

30 tithis are there of each 12 degree angle( moon)
30 degress in a signs. And 12 signs (sun)
Gunas and Creation According to BPHS - 2005 - Opening California Vyasa
SJC Lecture by Sanjay Rath

sins coming from ignorance-tamas,sins coming from wrong desire-rajas, sattva guna does not cause

sin. Gunatit means who goes beyond tri gunas.

narayana ¼ is evolving or everchanging which has a start and has an end. rest ¾ which

indestructible or which not changing which is beyond our comprehension which does not start and

end. ¾ is also narayan which is brahma visnu Mahesh together. having rajas ,satva and tamas


¼ is the jagannath which is evoloving.it has two parts

one has no physical creation having two gunas sattva and ras guna

one has complete physical creation. which humans can know or perceive. it is 1/8 of the lord. 1/8 part

of the lord is vasudeva

what is universe? manifestation of jagannath.

physicaly manifested universe is

bhu- bhu loka/ earth- we live

bhuva – solar system- after death

swaha- heavens which we may go if have higher achievements.

2nd half of vasudeva is not accessible to us. they are spiritual lokas.

vasudeva controller has seven lokas

1. bhu 2.bhuva 3. swata- material lokas

4. maha jana tapa satya- spiritual lokas – having only satva and rajas guna
om bhu om bhuva om svaha om maha om jana om tapah om satyam

tatsa vitur varenyam, bhargo devaisa dhimahi, dhiyo yo naha prachodayat

om aapojyoti raso amritam brahma bhur bhuvah swarom.

om is taaraa bija

from meditating gautam rishi got “A” bija by meditating brahma- meditating on “A” akshara we can

cross over rajas guna

atri got u from meditating Vishnu( cross over sattva guna)

bharadvaja got m from meditating shiva( cross over tamo guna)- shiva has nila shakti

Earth= bhu loka


material things-

jadatma which cannot procreate- stones

jiv atama living things- plants animals and us which can procreate

atma means self

we can have horoscope based upon the starting moment of jiba atma or jad atma

Symbol for living is mars. mars is dominating earth so bhumi puta. rules of planet mars will dominate

in this earth- stronger will rule. mars has symbolic child called death

paramatma which is beyond the three Gunas and also has the three gunas.

Everything in the universe be it plants humans have to manifest thru grahas..

that is thru eclicpse- grahan or to be grasped by planets. you need to be cught hold by some graham
to be born on this planet earth
aatma gets a mana which is struck thru rahu.
look at the evolution it has only two gunas satva guna rajas guna
satvguna is shree shakti or laksmi shrin
raja guna is bhu sakti or saraswati hrim
tama guna krin or kali

spiritual plane you had satva and rajas. to come on earth you must have tamas. so kali is the
protector to krin

Introduction to the Planets-2006-SOL Vol1. Ch.3 Audio - Intro To Astrology

Free Class

earth element connected to mercury: earth has form. it is dense. every other element changes like

fire, air, water.arth is final end creation its physical creation.

physical creation needs things to sustain. you need food to sustin. for food you need money. money

is earth element which in physical is gold and silver. for money you need to have career. earth

element is connected to work, money, career,form, creation of products


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