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Quality Gates Concept

How to embed quality in projects and

Munich, October 2003 Top+
Corporate Quality Management

top+ 08/03
Copyright (C) Siemens AG - Corporate Quality Management 2003 All Rights Reserved – For internal use only Stand: 16.09.2004 15:29 – 0301mrp2.ppt 1
Quality Gates
Gates are
are the
the backbone
backbone of
of “Embedded
“Embedded quality
quality in
in processes
processes // projects”
and therefore
therefore mandatory
mandatory for
for Siemens
Siemens Quality
Quality Management

Methodological Cultural / methodological

elements elements Cultural elements

• Embedded quality in • Customer integration • Spirit by management

processes / projects involvement
• Broad qualification on
• Consequent supplier quality issues • Control and support
management • Continuous improvement role of quality manager
• Business-driven quality
• Focused quality

Source: Benchmarkingteams, CQM, SMC top+ 08/03

Copyright (C) Siemens AG - Corporate Quality Management 2003 All Rights Reserved – For internal use only Stand: 16.09.2004 15:29 – 0301mrp2.ppt 2
Siemens Quality
Quality Gates
Gates Concept


• Benefits from quality gates

• Characteristics and elements of quality

gates concept

• Examples of quality gates implementations

• Implementation

top+ 08/03
Copyright (C) Siemens AG - Corporate Quality Management 2003 All Rights Reserved – For internal use only Stand: 16.09.2004 15:29 – 0301mrp2.ppt 3
• Benefits from quality gates

- Initial situation in complex processes / projects

- Definition and characteristics of quality gates


- Must haves of the Quality Gates Concept

- Long term benefits of Q-Gates

- Impact of levers in the automotive industry

- Evaluation of quality gates

top+ 08/03
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Quality in
in complex
complex projects
projects and
and processes
processes is
is often
often not
not professionally
professionally managed
Initial situation in complex processes / projects

Typical situation in complex processes

… causes maturity problems
and projects …

• No standardized approach to monitor quality

in processes / projects • Cost overruns and missed deadlines
• Undefined content to evaluate at milestones • In part variable/undefined interfaces
• Inconsistent deadline specification/planning • Numerous late/unforeseen changes
• Lack of cost target transparency at the sub-
• Ramp-up with low quality or less
assembly and components level
successful products
• No milestones coordinated and agreed with
all functions • Intransparency for involved
• Lack of milestone controlling with a
preventative effect • Lessons learnt not automatically
• Unsystematic involvement of internal and integrated
external suppliers • No real integration of suppliers and
• Started development projects are not customers
stopped in case of low marketability

Source: CQM, SMC, McKinsey top+ 08/03

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By using
using quality
quality gates
gates in
in the
the development
development process,
process, the
the "maturity
"maturity dilemma"
dilemma" can
be avoided
avoided early
early on
Definition and characteristics of quality gates concept
"A set point in time within a process at which the previously agreed performance is measured jointly by
the specific supplier and the customer and then evaluated in terms of quality and completeness."


• Regular and standardized evaluation of quality and

Development progress based on concrete criteria and quantitative
progress with indicators
quality gates • Unification and standards create transparency with
respect to requirements, methods, progress and
status of the project
Quality gate 4 • Facilitated process with clear roles and
Readiness responsibilities
checks • Integration of suppliers and customers (differentiation
Quality gate 3 between internal and external gates)
• Short feedback loops and tight action controlling
Quality gate 2 • Cross-functional synchronization of all activities in the
relevant areas
• Clear escalation and deviation analysis process
Quality gate 1 • Prompt involvement of top management in critical
Source: CQM, SMC, McKinsey top+ 08/03
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Quality Gates
Gates set
set the
the highest
highest quality
quality aspiration
aspiration level
level for
for milestone
milestone controlling
Must haves of the Quality Gates Concept

• All customer requirements Mindset
need to be checked one a • Check as early as you
100% base and always up to can for good prevention!
• Always concrete metrics • Never say "we will solve
behind the check all issues" without
• Each deviation needs an having checked a proven
alternative problem solution alternative!
• Concentrate on
problems to be solved
Procedure and not on good news!
• Location in the process /
• Always address the
project only where quality
BU Head as client of a
critical decision points to be
quality gate!
• Thorough preparation with • Better stop than
readiness checks produce more cost of
• Gate check with 60 minutes non conformity!
only on quality critical issues

Hence, a few milestones are quality gates and there could be additional ones
Source: CQM top+ 08/03
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Decision Points,
Points, Milestones
Milestones and
and Quality
Quality Gates
Gates can
can be
be differentiated

Synchronized definitions1) between CIO and CQM

Ruling principles:
ƒ Quality Gates can be defined
Aspiration Quality Gates
independently from Decision level
Points and Milestones Point in the process chain, where
quality-driven decision making takes
ƒ Quality Gates contain typically place, i.e.:
several Decision Points
1. All customer requirements
ƒ Quality Gates and Milestones (incl. supplier- and critical business
can be located simultaneously Milestones issues) have to be checked with
concrete metrics
Point in the process
chain, indicating the 2. Gaps and root causes have to be
Decision Points completion of a analysed, alternative solutions
process phase proposed and preventative actions
Point in the process derived
chain, where decision
making takes place 3. Readiness Checks have to be
performed in front of Quality Gates

1) Similar definition for Quality Gates like on page 6

Source:CIO PM, CQM
top+ 08/03
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Quality Gates
Gates trigger
trigger aa higher
higher quality
quality awareness
awareness in
in the
the long
long run

Long term benefits of Q-Gates

Best in class • Process efficiency improvements and learning


by doing

• Effective combination with preventative cycles:

lessons learnt as e-learning content

• Issues become transparent and trigger quality

awareness and compliance to predefined
standards as common sense

• Quality Gates results will become common

language and professional standard with many

• Positive side effects for 3rd party reviews,

time e.g. US-GAAP

Source: CQM
top+ 08/03
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Quality gates
gates are
are typical
typical levers
levers in
in the
the automotive
automotive industry
industry to
to optimize
optimize risk
Impact of levers in the automotive industry (1 of 2)

stream deve- Concept Series (Detail)
lopment develop- develop- Series preparation Series
ment ment

Selection of innovation,
1 safeguarding of technology
2 Market-oriented concept fit
Securing of
3 concept feasibility
4 Sequence- and criteria-optimized testing and simulation strategy

5 Supplier selection and management

6 Customer integration

7 Differentiated management of changes

8 Modification/change management

9 Shortened tool production and procurement times

10 Management of ramp-up curves

11 Stringent quality gates

12 Continuous model generation by CAX/PDM (IT system support)

Source: McKinsey top+ 08/03

Copyright (C) Siemens AG - Corporate Quality Management 2003 All Rights Reserved – For internal use only Stand: 16.09.2004 15:29 – 0301mrp2.ppt 10

…and are
are considered
considered to
to have
have the
the biggest
biggest influence
influence on
on ensuring
ensuring positive
positive results
Impact of levers in the automotive industry (2 of 2)
Profit contribution in Euro millions of maturity at SOP
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total

Late market launch 90 90 115 155 450

Customer migration 225 255 150 150 750

Reduced production 90 135 75 300


Target production cost 55 165 220 110 550


Target development cost 75 23 52 150


Resources used for 100

ramp-up/SOP 10 20 70

Warranty and goodwill 840

costs 126 378 336

Cost of changes 50 20 30 100

Total 145 225 366 626 320 150 70 110 115 205 826 82 (3,240)
top+ 08/03
Source: McKinsey Copyright (C) Siemens AG - Corporate Quality Management 2003 All Rights Reserved – For internal use only Stand: 16.09.2004 15:29 – 0301mrp2.ppt 11

Quality gates
gates gained
gained positive
positive feedback
feedback also
also from
from operational
operational level
Evaluation of quality gates

Averages of evaluations 0 Times mentioned Statements / quotes

Abso- Abso- • "The entire project is now
Thanks to the quality gate Largely Largely
lutely disagree agree lutely completely transparent."
process ... disagree agree
• "I now have a good under-
... I have a better view of the overall standing for the problems
project workflow 0 2 8 4
which my colleagues have to
handle in other areas and I
... I'm more familiar with the overall can adjust better to them"
status of the project
0 2 7 5 • "The previews are really
helpful in making sure every-
... I communicate more often with one has received the same
my internal customers and suppliers
0 5 7 2 amount of information and
keeping everyone up to
... I have developed a better under-
standing for the problems faced by date"
my internal customers and suppliers 0 4 10 0 • "Now nobody can say he
didn't know about critical
... my internal customers and supp- 10 contents anymore!"
liers understand my difficulties better 0 5 0
• "At the interfaces between
the individual organization
... I can work better together with
my customers and suppliers 1 5 6 1 units, there is now a high
degree to transparency
Total 1 23 48 12 regarding responsibilities,
problems, activities, etc."
28% 72%
Source: McKinsey top+ 08/03
Copyright (C) Siemens AG - Corporate Quality Management 2003 All Rights Reserved – For internal use only Stand: 16.09.2004 15:29 – 0301mrp2.ppt 12
Siemens Quality
Quality Gates
Gates Concept


• Benefits from quality gates

• Characteristics and elements of quality

gates concept

• Examples

• Implementation

top+ 08/03
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• Characteristics and elements of quality
gates concept

- Fields of application

- Location of quality gates

- Content at quality gates

- Typical Q-Gate Content as agenda for Q-

Gate Meeting

- Timeline and Definition of Readiness Checks

- Timing of Readiness Checks

- Evaluation system: Traffic light rationale

- Traffic light rationale in aircraft industry

- Roles within the quality gates concept

top+ 08/03
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Quality gates
gates are
are most
most applicable
applicable for
for risky,
risky, undeterministic
undeterministic processes
processes like
development oror innovation
innovation process
Fields of application

Criticality / risk Quality gates to be established

within Siemens into three
core processes:
High Develop- Product life cycle management:
ment and
innovation • Development
process Sales, • Innovation
Mid marketing Supply chain management:
or logistic
Production • Production ramp up
assembly • Very complex products
Low Customer relationship management:
Degree of • Customer specific solutions
deterministic • Big customer projects
Low Mid High process

Quality gates very applicable → Suitable for hard- and

Selective usage of quality gates
software business
Less suitable for quality gates

Source: CQM, SMC

top+ 08/03
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Location of
of quality
quality gates
gates depends
depends on
on business
business and
and process
process specifics

Location of quality gates


Quality Quality Quality

Gate 1 Gate 2 Gate 3

Location of quality gates is due to:

• Existing business processes
• Maturity of selected process steps
• Experiences according to the occurrence of quality and other critical business issues
• Typical process interfaces
• The possibility to create meaningful packages of content
• The kind of process (e.g. earlier and more often in very undeterministic processes
like development)
• Expected benefits of the gate

Source: CQM, SMC top+ 08/03

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The definition
definition of
of content
content requirements
requirements at
at the
the gates
gates is
is one
one of
of the
the core
core tasks
Content at quality gates

Quality gate

Quantitative KPIs Customer, supplier and business requirements with concrete metrics

Check of correctness and completeness of manuals, working documents ,

Checklists specifications, testing plans, etc.

Qualitative Discussion of plausibility, logic structures or comparison of alternatives


Risk management
Identification and preventive action recommendations concerning risks in
and action
processes or marketability of products

Source: CQM, SMC

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Only critical
critical issues
issues on
on the
the agenda
agenda will
will be
be presented
presented to
to top
top management
Typical Q-Gate Content as agenda for Q-Gate Meeting
Typical agenda

General overview
• Scope (incl. Responsibilities & Resources)
• Solution, Product or System landscape
• Time Schedule
• Business Case and Impact / One
Stakeholder Meeting Results
• Interdependencies hour

Status Readiness Check decision

• Process Planning Deliverables meeting
• Product / Feature Standards
Risk analysis
• Stability criteria top
• Critical Standards mgt.
− Performance
− Safety Only critical issues
− Show Stopper
• Resources
• 3rd parties

Source: CQM
top+ 08/03
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Readiness Checks
Checks are
are aa necessary
necessary „dry-run“
„dry-run“ for
for Q-Gate-Meetings
Q-Gate-Meetings and
and aa key
for smart
smart decision
decision preparation
preparation at
at Q-Gates
Timeline and Definition of Readiness Checks
Iterations possible if deadline not yet reached

Analyze Correct Analyze
discuss results

Start of
Start of Q-
readiness Readiness Check Gate

7-10 days

Readiness Check...
• is an obligatory process before Q-Gate
• evaluates and rates readiness by checking needed documents and work packages for:
- formal completeness and quality of content
• serves to increase degree of readiness:
- give feedback and give a chance for improvement before Q-Gate
• is driven by receiver in Q-Gate Readiness Q-Gate
• is a decision preparation for Q-Gate (decision proposal) Check Meeting
- e.g. “worst-case scenario“ = postponement of the Q-Gate and further milestones
* Start of Readiness Check must be communicated early, e.g. together with invitation for Q-Gate meeting top+ 08/03
Source: CQM Copyright (C) Siemens AG - Corporate Quality Management 2003 All Rights Reserved – For internal use only Stand: 16.09.2004 15:29 – 0301mrp2.ppt 19
Readiness Checks
Checks need
need same
same discipline
discipline of
of participants
participants as
as at
at Q-Gates
Timing of Readiness Checks

Readiness Q-Gate

-6 week -5 week -2 week 0 week 2 week 4 week

1 Availability of Release Master Plan 6 Meeting minutes sent to participants

2 Q-Gate and readiness check invitations sent 7 All action items completed and if
to participants necessary follow-up meeting
3 Deliverables to be distributed
4 Q-Gate presentation prepared and reviewed
5 Presentation sent to participants

Source: CQM
top+ 08/03
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Traffic light
light rationale
rationale should
should visualize
visualize the
the gate
gate evaluation

Evaluation system: Traffic light rationale

Description of evaluation signal Consequence

ƒ According to current information, actions cannot rectify ƒ Project manager/top manager decides on
the deviation of actual from target status in time further steps / escalation

ƒ Sufficient actions exist to close the gap between actual ƒ Project management approves action package
and target status in time ƒ Implement action package according to plan

Green ƒ No / little deviation of actual from target status; ƒ No discussion in quality gate conference
individual actions not problematic ƒ Advance the project

Degree of
tolerated With ongoing
projects /
processes the
demanded quality
level is more and
more increasing

Process /
project time

Source: CQM, SMC, McKinsey top+ 08/03

Copyright (C) Siemens AG - Corporate Quality Management 2003 All Rights Reserved – For internal use only Stand: 16.09.2004 15:29 – 0301mrp2.ppt 21

Traffic light
light rationale
rationale is
is used
used in
in many
many companies

Traffic light rationale in aircraft industry

Quality Gate 1 "Definition of Ramp-Up Concept" Date: 9/27/2001
Flap Tracks Airbus A380 Project Managers: Mr. Maier - MTA13, Mr. Linder - MTA44, Mr. Bechtle - MT231
Evaluation Criteria Evalu- Tar- Cur. Cus- Coordinated
No. Description ation Indicators get Val. Remarks/Complaints Supplier tomer(s) (Signature)
2 Full functionality (Function preview)
Customer requirements, Number of foreseeable critical Hybrid construction/metal, target
2.1 0 3 MT231 MTA13
contractual specifications customer requirements/spec. items dimensions for A-frame, track widths
Number of Flap Tracks without
2.2 Kinematics Indicators 0 1 Roller diameter for track 1 still open BRE/ECT MT231
frozen kinematics Internal
formulated based onFront and rear suspension,
36 rear link connection, drive system, customer/suppliers
Number of interfaces without
2.3.1 Product interfaces 0 BRE/ECT MT231
description/sketchend products
Evaluation down drive, fairing, among other things
per criterion
Number of interfaces without
2.3.2 defined in person(s) responsible
0 0 BRE/ECT MT231

2.4 terms
Number of missing rules 0 0 MT213 MT231

3 Reliability (Reliability preview)

7 of 9 stress categ. for 6 flap locations
Number of missing dimensional
3.1.1 Specifications 0 42 missing, incl. floor and fearing BRE EMD MT222
stresses and types of fault stress
Metal: 5 criteria; CFRP: 12 criteria
Number of dimensional criteria not
3.1.2 0 9 open including CFRP part edge BRE EMD MT222
spacing, box mounting (adhesion?)
Stress range required for creating
3.2.1 Service life Specification range exists Yes Yes BRE EMF MT213
permissible fatigue stresses

Number of allowable stress values
0 0
Alu: forged parts/plate; Titanium: drop BRE EMF,
forge normal/high-strength; steel MT213

using traffic Number of missing damage
0 2
3 categories: Failsafe/impact/crack BRE MT222,
tolerance criteria growth EMD/F MT213
light rationale DSG required for fatigue + DT
3.2.4 Design service goal exists Yes Yes BRE EMF MT213
calculation (threshold and interval)

3.3 Corrosion Number of missing rules 0 1 OWB requirements for CFRP MT213 MT231

Number of coupon and component Ope Necessary tests and testparameters BRE
3.4 Qualification 0 MT222
tests not defined n for CFRP part protection open EMD/F

Source: CQM, SMC, McKinsey top+ 08/03

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Clear roles
roles and
and responsibilities
responsibilities ease
ease the
the use
Roles within the quality gates concept


• Prepares and coordinates evaluation process

Evaluation master
• Handles conflicts and accelerates whole process

• Cross-functional team to evaluate presented data

Evaluation team
• Decide on quality fulfillment

• Drive process / project

Process /
• Prepare all required data for the gates
project team
• Define and implement concrete actions

• Involved in critical situations (e.g. escalation, no consensus)

Top management
• Triggers fast decisions at gates

• Designs the quality gates concept and provides methodological support

Process owner
• Responsible for the continuous improvement of the concept

Source: CQM, SMC

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Siemens Quality
Quality Gates
Gates Concept


• Benefits from quality gates

• Characteristics and elements of quality

gates concept

• Examples

• Implementation

top+ 08/03
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• Examples

- IBM: Product lifecycle management process

- Example: IBM Server Group emerging

business opportunity process

- 3M acceleration process: Quality gates in the

development process

- 3M acceleration initiative

- SAP: Solution Development Life Cycle

- SAP: Quality Gates in the SW development


- Quality assurance in R&D: Development


- Quality Gates within project business at JGC

top+ 08/03
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An integrated
integrated quality
quality gates
gates process
process for
for business
business and
and product
product development
IBM: Product lifecycle management process

Integrated Product
Integrated Product
Management Team (IPMT)
Management Team (IPMT)
9 9 9 9

• Project management data
• Segment performance data
Under- Develop &
stand Define the Perform optimize
Competitor market Manage market segment Market
the market portfolio market
information segment and assess performance planning
market segment analysis segment
place plans
• Resources allocation
portfolio Candidate projects • Project management
• Segment performance data
Customer buying behaviour customers
Product objectives Con- Life Product
Plan Develop Qualify Launch
cept cycle development
Business strategy

R&D roadmap Profit

Product Development
Development Teams
Source: IBM
top+ 08/03
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Defined stage
stage gate
gate process
process within
within IBM's
IBM's business
business development
Example: IBM Server Group emerging business opportunity process

Identify Investigate Incubate Operation

Capture Evaluate Plan .................. Qualify .................. Transition to PDT
100% Ideas ..50% ..40% 10-20 ideas 2-8 ideas Launch new Venture

Primary Investment Decision


New business
(100's - 1000's)

Initial Stage Stage
Stage Process Gates
Screening Gate 1 Gate 2
Gate 3

Identify SG1
SG1 Investigate SG2
Investigate SG2 Incubate
Incubate SG3
SG3 Operate
Ideas for new or existing strategic Prioritize Opportunity Approve Execute strategic plan; test options; Launch, Transfer to new
What initiatives; Technology and market & scope & Reject perform market experiments; deliver License, owner; Concept
opportunity orientations approve strategic plan Hold milestones; adjust plan based on Release DCP in process
EBO core team – new opportunity SGPMT; Opportunity IPMT; Opportunity Teams: eServer IRB Owning
Who Opportunity Teams – existing area opp. Core Team SGPMT Software design Council/Advanced IPMT organization
team & IRB eBusiness Council; Broadband, etc. SGPMT
Source: IBM
top+ 08/03
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Quality gates
gates in
in the
the development
development and
and ongoing
ongoing integration
integration of
of customer
customer needs

3M acceleration process: Quality gates in the development process

7 Phases – Breaks new product development into manageable

levels of risk & investment

Ideas 1 Concept 2 Feasibility 3 Dev’t 4 Scale Up 5 Launch 6 Launch

– Demands VOC through each phase of NPI

At every stage
– Drives critical cross-functional integration customers' view is
Corporate standard: Phases & Deliverables
– Allows consistent management at Business level
– Promotes boundary-less, global behavior

Flexible: Task Process Maps

– Businesses/Divisions drive details that support their unique needs

Source: 3M, CQM, SMC top+ 08/03

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Innovation as
as the
the key
key success
success factor
factor for
for 3M
3M –– gates
gates concept
concept used
used to
to increase
the number
number of
of marketable
marketable products
3M acceleration initiative

NPI Commercialization
Ideas 1 Concept 2 Feasibility 3 Dev’t 4 Scale Up 5 Launch 6

2x New Ideas 3x Commercialization Throughput Yield

DFSS – Tools & Methods

More Market Candid Fewer /

Say Yes or Marketplace
Driven Market Higher
No with Data Impact Speaks
Opportunities Assessment

2X Idea-Generation, 3X Output
Source: 3M
top+ 08/03
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Clear Q-Gates
Q-Gates process
process for
for the
the software
software (solution)
(solution) development
development at
at SAP
SAP: Solution Development Life Cycle

Solution Development Life Cycle

Development Production

Production/ Production Mainstream

Planning Development and Test
Assembly Ramp-up Roll-out1

Release to Hand Over

Sign Off Code Freeze
Customers NAD->IBD
Hand Over Hand Over
Hand Over n.ok Development ok n.ok Production ok n.ok Ramp-Up ok
n.ok ok End Meeting End Meeting Expectation:
Meeting: Plan End Meeting
to Development Decreasing Callrate
Assembly per new customer
# of
Feedback and Release by
Component from market (Customers/Field)
Standard New: Check of Completeness
against the Checklist Controlled Ramp-up of number of
-- customers
-- Checklist
Standard Time

Completion Target # of Target # of

-- --
Checklist New: REFA2 Check regarding Lösung Scenrio
Callrate Actuals...
Status Reason

-- -- --
mySAP CRM Mobile Sales Sep 01 100 500 2 ... feedback tbd

-- -- -- • Total cost of ownership

-- -- -- Parallel Qualifying of supporting
-- -- -- • Customer Situation
-- -- -- SAP units
-- --
-- --
-- New: Verification of product Completion of Solution by Field,
Quality (Spot Checks) Service and Development
Owned by Field
Owned by Production Unit (Supported by Production )
1 Includes Support and Maintenance 2. REFA = Methodology for Work Design, Organization and Corporate Development

Source: SAP top+ 08/03

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Clear Q-Gates
Q-Gates process
process with
with defined
defined product
product standards
for the
the SW
SW development
SAP: Quality Gates in the SW development process

Source: SAP top+ 08/03

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AA consequent
consequent Quality
Quality Gates
Gates process
process for
for R&D

Quality assurance in R&D: Development procedure

Work flow planning Engineering Manufacturing

Mid-term development plan ○

Planning Feed back market information ○
New model development proposal ○ ○ ○
Set up Product Quality Target ○ "E"evaluation
New Model Development Plan ● ○ ○
Develop- Test component prote-type ● ○
ment Drawing review ○ ● "G"evaluation
Assemble prototype and test the performance ● ○ ○
Durability test ○ ● "C"evaluation
Mass-production preparation ● ○ ○
Market release planning ○
Sales & Service material ○

Mass- Pre-production ○ "W"evaluation

production Mass-production ● ○ ○ ○
Market introduction ○
Sales &
● ○ ○ ○

Source: Komatsu top+ 08/03

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Consequent control
control by
by quality
quality gates
gates and
and combined
combined audits
audits at
at JGC
Quality Gates within project business at JGC

Project Schedule 20~30% 60~70% 95%

•Construction 40% 50%

Cost Control
Major Equip. Almost MTO Eng. Virtually
(Check Estimate) Committed Completed Completed

Schedule Control Front End Activities

Plot Critical Loading
Mat’l P. O. Data
P&I Mat’ Const Const
Start Final Plan
Eng. Punch Proc. Punch Const. Punch
List List List

Quality Control Analysis & Rating
Engineering Quality Control
Procurement Quality Control
Construction Quality Control

Quality Assurance Assign Q/A Manager

Project Q/A Program

Audits Procedure Home Office Vendor Const. Site

Source: JGC
top+ 08/03
Copyright (C) Siemens AG - Corporate Quality Management 2003 All Rights Reserved – For internal use only Stand: 16.09.2004 15:29 – 0301mrp2.ppt 33
Siemens Quality
Quality Gates
Gates Concept


• Benefits from quality gates

• Characteristics and elements of quality

gates concept

• Examples

• Implementation

top+ 08/03
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• Implementation

- Implementation of quality gates

- Alignment of quality gates

- Implementation roadmap

top+ 08/03
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AA well
well defined
defined implementation
implementation concept
concept fosters
fosters aa fast
fast launch
Implementation of quality gates

Definition of Definition of content Integration in Implementation

Definition of scope organizational roles and requirements of existing business and continuous
and control system gates processes improvement

• Identification of • Clear roles and • Content (based on • Integration in • Start of quality gates
process scope based responsibilities: customer needs): existing reporting process
on critical business - Evaluation team - KPIs system • Developing and
issues • Alignment with monitoring of
- Evaluation master - Checklists
- Which core project management corrective actions in
processes (PLM,
- Quality gates - Scope of qualitative concept case of deviations
process owner evaluation
CRM, SCM and • Creation of specific • Regular evaluation
projects) - Define escalation - Risk management IT-applications and of whole process
process and processes
- Which process parts integration in IT- and its elements
dedicated Top - Action tracking
- Which level of landscape
process detail • Requirements:
• Controlling
• Scheduling / timing of (evaluation) system
- Format and
gates according to standardization of
business processes reporting
• Consideration of - Level of detail
interdependencies - Used (QM-) methods
- External versus internal
Accompanying trainings for quality gates experts and for all involved employees as well as communication
activities boost a successful implementation.
Source: CQM, SMC top+ 08/03
Copyright (C) Siemens AG - Corporate Quality Management 2003 All Rights Reserved – For internal use only Stand: 16.09.2004 15:29 – 0301mrp2.ppt 36
The Quality
Quality Gates
Gates should
should base
base on
on the
the existing
existing process
process structures,
structures, reporting
systems, quality
quality management
management tools
tools and
and project
project management
Alignment of quality gates

CIO Reference Process House Planning and prioritization tools

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Plan Understand Sell Care

Supply Chain Management (SCM)

Plan Source Make Deliver Return

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)

Product Commer-
Plan Define Realize Phase out
Portf.-Mgt. cialize

Gates concept
Project management Existing reporting systems
Leadership /

Modularisierung /

Markt Komplexitäts-
Kunde reduktion

Vereinfachung der
Kernprozesse und deren

Zielsystem Konsequenz

Source: CQM, SMC, CIO, TS top+ 08/03

Copyright (C) Siemens AG - Corporate Quality Management 2003 All Rights Reserved – For internal use only Stand: 16.09.2004 15:29 – 0301mrp2.ppt 37
Training of
of aa small
small central
central rollout
rollout team
team is
is aa typical
typical approach
approach to
to trigger
implementation within
within business
business units
Implementation roadmap

Activities Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6

Definition of scope, Staffing of central

Rollout / Task force team (3 FTE)

Coaching Workshops for Business Unit


Rollout / Check in Business Units

• Analysis of critical business issues 2 we.

• Timing and Content requirements of

6 we.
selected Q-Gates
• Integration in existing reporting 2 we.

Further Rollout

Source: CQM
top+ 08/03
Copyright (C) Siemens AG - Corporate Quality Management 2003 All Rights Reserved – For internal use only Stand: 16.09.2004 15:29 – 0301mrp2.ppt 38

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