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People have the tendency to judge people by their covers.

People tend not see beyond that is the surface and just decide
on a whim. As a person, I will not be hypocrite and tell
everyone that I will not behave the same way as Mrs. Thompson.
Neither will I condemn her for what she did was a natural
response forged by our society.

The story made me realize how bent the nature of people

have become. Society has made us unable to see beyond what is
in the surface. Is it maleducation? Is it human nature? We can
never really tell which one is which for we are blind to the
atrocities that we are doing. But one thing is for sure, a
blank canvas can only be painted to make a picture.

In the story, Mrs. Thompson redeems herself after knowing

the background of the boy. She paid particular attention to
the boy despite saying that she will love all her students the
same. It gave the child strength and confidence to succeed in
life. But things don’t always go the way we want it to be.
Life is not full of rainbows and butterflies, most of the
time, it’s full of tragedies. From the words of the Immortal
Dinklage, “Life’s a bitch”. What if she was never given a
chance to redeem herself? What if the child never got over his
depression and then eventually killed himself? What would she
do? Will she grieve? Will she cry?
People tend to forget the fundamental law of life, that
anything and everything we do will affect others. It may be in
a gigantic or minuscule way, you never can tell what type of
impact you may make on another's life by your actions or lack
of action. This is particularly evident in the teaching
profession. Teachers are in a way the second mothers/fathers
of their students and should be their role models. They should
be the first to believe in the good of their students. To help
them reach the full their full potential and be the best they
can be.

Be a better person and try to make a difference in

someone else's life today.


Growth in a sense, is pretty much defining evolution. It

is the changes that all living organisms went through to be
the way they are today. It is the only constant thing present
in our universe.

Billions of years ago, the world was desolate. Nothing

you can see would have life in it. It is only after eons that
a miracle happened. Life began. From a single cell organism
that went through so many years, it began to change and morph
to be the complex multi-cellular beings that we are now.
Everything that our eyes can see now is proof that life

Fast forward to the present, all living beings experience

growth. Why you say? Every day or rather, life itself is a
never ending process of growth and struggle. We grow to adapt
and survive. Each and every second, we change, we grow, and we
adapt. The dark ages are long gone, but still society will
never change. It’s still a cycle in which if you fail to
adapt, you’ll be left behind and rot. That’s the sad truth of

Reading the quote, “GROWTH IS AN EVIDENCE OF LIFE”, it

made me realize how harsh growing in our current society is.
Would it have been better if we never grew? Was it a mistake?
With the atrocities that we humans have done not only to
ourselves but also to our mother earth, was really a miracle
that we lived? What can we do to redeem ourselves? Hopefully
the future generations will find a way to redeem our race and
save our mother earth.

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