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Assignment # 4

Course: DCN

Submission Date: 31st March 2020.

1. Given the dataword 1010011110 and the divisor 10111,

a. Show the generation of the codeword at the sender site (using binary division).

b. Show the checking of the codeword at the receiver site (assume no error).

2. Discuss the concept of redundancy in error detection and correction.

3. Distinguish between forward error correction versus error correction by retransmission.

4. What kind of arithmetic is used to add data items in checksum calculation?

5. What kind of error is undetectable by the checksum?

6. Using figure 1, find the shortest path tree and the routing table for router F.

Figure 1

7. The code 10010100101 was received. Using the Hamming-encoding algorithm, what is the original
code sent?

8. Calculate redundancy bits for 110011011011 bits stream, Using Hamming code algorithm.

9. A router has the following RIP routing table:

Net1 4 B
Net2 2 C

Net3 1 F

Net4 5 G

What would be the contents of the table if the router received the following RIP message from
router C?

Netl 2

Net2 1

Net3 3

Net4 7

10. A sender needs to send the four data items 3456, ABCC, 02BC, and EEEE. Answer the following:

a. Find the checksum at the sender site.

b. Find the checksum at the receiver site if there is no error.

c. Find the checksum at the receiver site if the second data item is changed to ABCE.

d. Find the checksum at the receiver site if the second data item is changed to ABCE and the
third data item is changed to 02BA.

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