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Background of the Old Testament



Submitted to Rev. Sunanta Biroo, the faculty of Life Theological Seminary.

In Partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course old testament theology for

The Degree of master of divinity.


Mr. Ganpat kumar jangde

(B th 2rd Year)


3rd November , 2018

Table of Content

1. Genesis. 31. Obadiah.

2. Exodus. 32. Jonah.
3. Leviticus. 33. Micah.
4. Numbers. 34. Nahum.
5. Deuteronomy. 35. Habakkuk.
6. Joshua. 36. Zephaniah.
7. Judges. 37. Haggai.
8. Ruth. 38. Zechariah.
9. 1 Samuel. 39. Malachi.
10.2 Samuel.
11.1 Kings.
12.2 Kings.
13.1 Chronicles.
14.2 Chronicles.
22.Song of Solomon.

Genesis : The name “ Genesis “ is a Greek word , its mean “ source or origin “.the book outline is chs. 1-
11, the primeval history, and chs.12-50 , the patriarchal history.

Theme : The Book of Beginnings ,Writer : Moses, Date : 1446-1406 B.C , Purpose : To bring us back to
our roots.

Theology : Chapter 1-11 :the four major theological themes are referring.

1)The nature and implications of the fact that God is creator. ,2)The radical sinuousness of sin. ,3)The
way in which God’s judgement meets human sin. ,4)The presence , nonetheless and almost surprisingly ,
of his preserving sustaining Grace.

Chapter 12-50 : are presented the basic facts of the beginning of redemptive history.

1).election and promises of God. ,2).faith and righteousness. ,3).covenant.

Exodus : The exodus is the primary even of the old testament redemptive history, the means by which
God brought to historical fulfilment his promise to the patriarchs of land and nationhood. Exodus is
Greek word meaning “departure”.

Theme : The Book of Redemption .Writer : Moses ,Date : 1440 B.C ,

Theology :

1.Role Of Moses. a).name, parentage ,& early life. b).moses in Midian. c).call of moses.

2.plagues and passover.

3,Deliverance at the sea of reeds.

4.covenant and law at Sinai.

5.the tabernacle.

Leviticus : The Leviticus comes from the Greek “ the book pertaining to the Levite’s”. The central theme
of the Leviticus is “holy and set apart”.

Theme : The Book of Worship. Writer : moses .Date : 1440 B.C

1.Sacrifices and offerings.


b).role of the person making offerings.

c).role of the priest.

d).significance of blood.

e).day of atonement.

2. Laws of Holiness.

a).holiness code.

b).law of neighbor love.

3. Relationship of Leviticus to other portion of the bible.



c).law and grace

d).types of symbols.

Numbers : Name numbers is a strange name for a book of this sort. It’s title in the Hebrew bible on “
the wilderness of Sinai”. The translator of lxx gave it name” numbers”.

Theme : The Book of Wanderings. Writer : Moses ,Date : 1404 B.C .Purpose : To show God's judgement
and his faithfulness.

Theology :


2).the Providence of Yahweh.



5).Yahweh and nations.

6).star and scepter prophecy.

Deuteronomy : According to the book of Deuteronomy , moses took this occasion to give tree
addresses to the people , because he had been told that he could not enter the land with the people.

Theme : remembering ,Writer : Moses ,Date : 1406 B.C ,Purpose : To give counsel to people about to
make a great transition.

1. The first was delivered " beyond the Jordan , in the land of moab".(1:5).
2. The second was given " beyond the Jordon in the valley opposite beth-poer ,in the land of sihon the
king of amorites.(4:44-49).

3. The third was " in the land of moab".(29:1).

Theological concepts :

1. Creed.

2. God who acts.

3.election of Israel.

4.covenant relationship.

5.concept of sin.

6.god in history.

Joshua.:The book of Joshua takes up where deouternomy left off,the Israelite's were encamped in the
plain of moab,awaiting the lords command to go over and posses canoon.

Theme :The Book of Conquest. Writer : Joshua ,Date :1300 B.C

Purpose : To reassure people that what God promises , what Hpd accomplishes.

Theological insights :

1.the promise keeping lord.

2. The covenant idea.

3.the achievement of rest..

Judges :

Theme : The Book of Heroes. Writer : unknown , possibly Samuel. Date :1000.B.C Purpose : To describe
human depravity at it's worst and God's unrelenting love.

At the end of Joshua the tribes of Israel were in the land Yahweh had promised to the patriarch.they had
subdued some of the enemies , but not all ultimately they would become a Nation with a king.

Central concept : Yahweh test's Israel , what is a judge ?.

Theological contribution :

1. God is the savior.

2. View of history.

Ruth :

Theme : Romance of Redemption ,Writer : unknown ,Date : 1000 B.C. ,

Message : God does not leave us in hard times.

1. Choice of ruth .( ch1).

2. Occupation of Ruth .(ch2).

3. Claim of Ruth.(CH 3).

4. Marriage of Ruth.(CH 4).

1 Samuel :

Theme : Nation in transition ,Writer : unkniown ,Date : 925 B.C ,Purpose : To record the establisent of
kingship in israel

The birth of monarchy.

Samuel : priest , prophet & judge (1-7).

1. Samuel's childhood. (1:1-3:21).

2. Samuel's call.(3:1-21).

3. The Philistines and ark.judgeship of samuel.(4:1-7:17).

Samuel and Saul : time of transition. (8: 1-15:35).

1. Quest for a king.(8:1-11:25).

2. Saul's military exploits.(13:1-14:52).

3.Saul's fatal choice.(15:1-35).

4.Saul andvdavid struggle for power. (16:1-31:13).

5.David court favorite.(16:1-20:42).

6.David the hunted refugee.(21:1-27:12).

7. Decline of Saul.(28:1- 31::13).

2 Samuel :
Theme : Ecstacy and agony of a king ,Writer : unknown ,Date : 925 B.C , Purpose : Tob trace israels
history from sauls death to the end of Davids reign.

Israel's golden age David and Solomon.

David's powwr full reign.(1:1-8:18).

1.king over Judah at Hebron.(1:1-4:12).

(a).how are the mighty fallen.(1:1-27).

(b).struggle for the throne. (2:1-4:12).

2. King over al Israel.at Jerusalem. (5:1-8:18).

(a).capture of Jerusalem. (5:6-16).

(b).religious reform.(6:1-7:29).

(c). Unparalleled military success. (8:1-18).

3. Davids ambitious. (9:1-24:25).

(a). David's strengths fofoibles.(9:1-12:31).

(b). Absaloms lust for power.(13:1-18:33).

(C). Davids last days.(18:1-24:25).

1st kings :

Writer : unknown ,Date : 560-550 B.C ,Purpose : To describe the movement from a united kingdom to
a divided kingdom.

1. Solomon in al his glory.(1:1-11:43).

Authorship and composition of kings.

Solomon - the Master sage.

Solomon - merchant and sstatusman

2.Divided monarchy :( 12:1-18:46).

Rehoboam and Jeroboam - the kingdom rent asunder .(12:1-14:31).

Rehoboam's dr policy. (12:1-24).

Jeroboam's rivalshrines .(12:25-14:20).

Struggle within and without.(14:21-15:34).

House of omri - building the northern capital.(16:1-34).

Elijah - Israel at the crossroads. (17:1-22:53).

Ahab's political powers :

Jezebel's flagrant opposition to Israels faith.

Elijah's contest on mount Carmel. (18:1-46).

2nd Kings :

Theme : compromise to captivity. Writer : unknown ,Date : 560-550 B.C ,Purpose : To record the
downfall of the northern and southern kingdoms.

Exploits of Elisha. (1:1-8:29).

Elijah and elisha.

Elisha and jehoram.

Elishavand the Syrians.

Jehu and his house - trouble in Israel.(9:1-14:29).

Athaliah and joash.Jeroboam II.

Last days of Israel.(15:1-18:12)





Judah alone (chs 18- 25).

Rebellion against Assyria.

IntrIngue with Egypt.

Overtures from Babylon.invasion by Sennacherib.

Mannassehs rebelrebellion .(21:1-26).

Compromise with Assyria.

Conflict with the prophets.

Joshua's revival (22:1-23:30).

Book of the law.

Battle with neco.

Jerusalem's fall.(23:31- 25:30).

Egypt's dominance.

Babylon's conquests.

Zedekiah's rebellion.

Jehoiachins release.

1st chronicles :

Writer : possibly Ezra ,Date : 450-400 B.C ,Purpose : To show the Israelites how they fit into Gods plan.

Gods view : " From nothingness to greatness".

1. Genealogies .( chs 1-9).

2. Saul.(CH 10).

3. David.(chs 11-21).

4. Temple. (Chs 22-29).

2nd chronicles:

Gods view : " from greatness to nothingness ".

1.Solomon the king .(chs1-9).

2. Judah th nation. (chs10-36).

The year and it's divisions.

1. Day.2. Month

3. Year.

4. Intercalation.

5. Civil year and sacrad year.

6. Calender.

7. Accession year and non accession years.


Theme : Rebuilding what Once Was ,Writer : Ezra ,Date : 440 B.C, Purpose : To show God as the power
behind earthly events.

I . Leader : zerubbabel( construction).

Kings : Cyrus and Darius.

1. Census and journey .(chs1-2).

2. Construction ofthe Temple. (chs3-6).

II . Leader : Ezra (reformation).

Kings : Artaxerxes

1. Census and journey .(chs7-8).

2. Reformation (revival) of the people.(chs9-10).


Theme : Softhearted hard hat ,Writer : possibly Ezra and Nehemiah ,Date : 430 B.C ,Purpose : To remind
the returned exiles of their spiritual heritage.

I . Location : Susa , Persia

Focus : leadership of a man.

1. Cupbearer of king.(chs.1:1-2:10).

2. Builder of wall.(chs2:11-6:19).

II . Location : jerusalem in palestine

Focus : revival of a nation

1.Governor of people.(chs7-13).

Esther :

Theme : Beauty and the best ,Writer : unknown ,Date : 460-350 B.C ,Prpose : To keep alive the memory
of rhe preservation of the jewish people.

1. Kings banquet .(chs 1-2).

2. Hamans Edict .(3).

3. Queens obedience.(chs4-5).

4. Gods deliverance.(chs6-7).

5. Mordecais edict.(8).

6. Jews rejoicing.(9).

7. Shalom.(10).

Job: Where is God when Bad things Happen?

Theme : magnificent man of misery.

Writer : unknown

Date : 1900-1700 B.C

Purpose : To illustrate Gods sovereign permission of suffering.

Theological contributions :

1. Freedom of God.

2. Testing of the Satan.

3. Strength for suffering.

Psalms :

Biblical wisdom literature is Israel's contributions to that vast body of written and oral sayings which
made sage observation about life and set down in memorable form rules for success and happiness. In
the Hebrew bible , psalms stands at the beginning of the writings.

Date : 1490-444 B .C

Purpose : To reflect in a myriad of ways thw rwality of a loving and strong God who cares for his people .

Literary divisions :

1. Humanity - (1-41), personal 41 hymns.

2. Deliverance -(42-72) devotional 31 hymns.

3. Aanctuary -(73-89),liturgical or historical 17 hymns.

4. Gods reign over the earth -(90-106),general 17 hymns.

5. Word of God -(107-150), natural 44 hymns.

Authors :

1. David.

2. Sons of korah.

3, Asaph.

4, solomon.

1. Hymn :

(I). A call to worship , whereva leader urges the congregation to praise the lord.

(ii). A description of Gods actsvor attributes , usually forming the body of the hymn , giving the
motivation of praise.

(iii). A conclusion , calling for fresh praise or obedience

2. Complaints of the people :

(I). An address to God and a preliminary cry for help.

(io). A confession of trust, frequently based on Gods past deeds.

(iii). An appeal to Gods reputation or his covenant commitments.

(iv). A vow of praise in which the suffers promise to celebrate their rescue with public praises.

3. Complaints of the individual :

(I). An address to God and cry for help.

(ii). A highly poetic complaint.

(iii). A confession of trust.

(iv). A vow of praise , praising public testimony and a thank offering.

4. Thanksgiving songs of the individual :

(I). A proclamation of love and praise.

(ii). An introductory summury.

(iii). A poetic recollection of tthe time of nneed

(iv). A renewal of the vow of prpraise5. Royal psalms :

(I). Weddings - The king would necessarily celebrate his wedding in publ ceremony.( PS 45).

(ii). Coronations.

(iii). Prayers before or after battle.

6. Wisdom psalms :

7. Scope of biblical wisdom litreature.:

1. Role of the wise man.

2. Chareceristcs of the biblical wisdom.


Writer : Solomon and others

Date : 970-930 B.C ,Purpose : To capture all sources of knowledge and give wisdom for living.

The book of proverbs is actually a collection of collections.

1. The importance of wisdom.(1:1-9:18).

2. Proverbs of solomon.(10:1-22:16).

3. Words of the wise.(22:17-24:22).

4. Additional sayings .(24:23-34).

5. Proverbs of solomon copied by Hezekiah's men.(25:1-29:27).

6.words of anger.(30:1-33).

7.words of Lemuel.(31:1-9).

8. Description of a virtuous wife.(31:10-31).

9. Limits of wisdom..

Ecclesiastes :

Writer : Solomon ,Date : 970-930 B.C ,Purpose : To eximine the world as one man had experienced it.

1. Introduction.(1:1-11).

Questions and illustrations.

2. Investigation and discoveries. (1:12-11:6).

3. Admonition. (11:7-12:8).

4. Conclusion : The end of the searching. (12:9-14).


1. Freedom of God and lits of wisdom.

2. Facing life's realities.

(a). Grace.

(b). Death.

(c). Enjoyment.

(d). Preparation for the Gospel.

Song of Solomon :

Theme : a poem of faithful love ,Writer : Solomon ,Date : 970-930B.C ,Purpose : To disclose Love's
exquite charm and beauty as one of God's great gifts.

key theme : The joy and intmacy of love within the commited marriage relationship.

1. Days of romantic courtship.(chs 1:1-3:5).

2. The wedding day .(chs3:6-5:1).

3. The joys of married life.(chs5:2-8:14).

Isaiah : Isaiah is one of the largest book in the old testament.

Writer : Isaiah ,Date : 700-680B.C ,Purpose : To warn Gods peaople of judgement and to offer hope and
the promise of restoration.

Prophetic vision: Vision and Mission

Doctrine of God :

1. The holy one of Israel.

2. Idea of the holy.

3. Yahweh as savior.

4. Yahweh as redeemer.

5. Yahwehvas father.
6. Yahweh as supreme and only ruler.

7. Spirit of yahweh.

Man's relationship to God:



Servant of the lord.

Messianic prprophecy :

I.messianic prophecy without messiah?

1. Soteriological prophecy.

2. Eschatological prophecy.

3. Apocalyptic prophecy.

4. Messianic prophecy.

II.messianic person and office :

1. Son of David.

2. Davidic dynasty.

3. Royal psalms.

4.messianic kingdom.

Jerimiah : Jeremiah's call prophecy and his character.

Theme :weaping ,warning and waiting ,Writer : Jeremiah ,Date : 585-580 B.C ,Purpose : To warGods
people of judgement and to urge them to repent , before it was too late.

Content :

Joshias reign .




The governorship of gedaliah.

Theological contributions :

1. Yahweh sovereignty in history.

2. Old and new Torah.

3. Strength of personal faith.

Lamentation :

Writer : Jeremiah ,Date : 586-580B.C ,Purpose : To express personal and corporate grief and to
encourage repentance.

1. Voice of the city.(ch1).

2. Voice of the lord.(ch2).

3.voice of the prophet. (ch3).

4. Voice of the possetions. (ch4).

5. Voice of the captives(ch5).

Ezekiel : Ezekiel is a prophecy from the exile.according to the bo itself , the prophet's message came
from yahweh duringbthe first part of the exile between 593 and 571 b.c

Writer : Ezekiel ,Date : 571 B.C ,Purpose : To deliver a heartrending word of divine judgement a
consoling word of hope to judah.

Theology :

1. Vision of God :

Ezekiel saw a wheel.(1:13).

2.Idolatry :

The basis of Gods judgement on idplatry is given.(vv 14,21,23& 27).

3. Personal resposibility :

Probably a current proverbs.(18:2).

4. Sabbath:

Ezekiel uses thevexpression " my sabbath" twelve times .(ch20).

5. Tyre :
The prophecy against tyre.(chs26-28).

6. Egypt :

In rehearsing the history of israel , the prophets often refer to the bondage in egypt.(ch30).

Eschatology :

1.true shepherd.(Ch34).

2. New heart and new spirit.

3. Valley of dry bones.( ch37).

4. A second exile ? .(chs38-39).

5.will the cult be reestablished?.(40-48).

Daniel :

Writer : Daniel ,Date : 536-530 B.C,Purpose : To encourage the exiles in Babylon by reminding them of
Gods ultimate control.

1. Daniel and the king .( chs 1-6).

2. Dreams of Daniel.( chs7-12).

Hosea : The book of Hosea was chosen to head the collection of minor prophets.

Writer : Hosea ,Date : 715 B.C ,Purpose : To proclaim Gods compassion and love that cannot let go of his

Introduction :

Prophet, His ministry.

Hosea's marriage :(1:1-3:5).

Character and meaning of the marriage.

Hossiahs message.(4:1-14:9).

Knowledge of God. ,Folly of ingratitude. ,Futility of mere religion. ,Gods changeless compassion.

Joel : The book of Joel even less i s known about Joel as avperson than about Zephaniah. Apart from
mentioning his father pethuel .he tells nothing of his personal history. Hisinterest in Jerusalem
particular the temple.

Writer : joel ,Date : 835 B.C ,Purpose : To urge the people of judah to turn again to God.
1. The plague of locusts .(chs1:1-2;11).

2. The call to repentance.(ch2:12-17).

3. The greatest promise of hope in all the old testament.(ch2;18-27)

4. The message for israel.(chs2:28-3:21).


Writer :Amos ,Date : 760 -750 B.C ,Purpose : To challenge the materialism and immorality of the people
of Israel.

1. Oracles against gentile nations. (chs1:1-2:16).

2. Sermons against nation of Israel. (Ch3-6).

3. Visions of judgements. (Chs7:1-9:10).

4. Promises of hope.(ch9:11-15).

Theological insights :

1. Yahweh the supreme God.

2. Yahweh judges all nation.

3. Yahweh is God of moral perfection.

4. Yahweh the God of Israel.

5. Election responsibility.

Obadia : Obodiah is the shortest book in the old testament 21 verse long, nevertheless ; obodiah is part
of the word of God.

Theme.: strong warnings to the proud ,Writer : obodiah ,Date : 853-841 B.C ,Purpose : To condemn the
arrogance of the edpmites and to pronounce judgment on them.

1.Edoms humiliation and destruction (1-9).

2. Edoms cruelty andcrimes.(10-14).

3. Edoms judgement and doom.(15-21).

Message :

1. Edom.

2. Day of yahweh.
(a). Yahweh is God who demands righteous ness.

(b). Yahweh is ruler of heaven and earth.

)c). But if yahweh is holy and demands holiness of his people.

Jonah : The major characteristics is the message of Yahweh to the prophet and through the prophet to

Writer: Jonah ,Date : 785-750 B.C ,Purpose : To show Gods concern even for the enemies of his people.

1. Running from God.(1).

2. Running to God (2).

3. Running with God. (3).

4. Running against God.(4).

Story of jonah. : Divine command and its consequences. ,Second command and results. ,Conclusions of
the story, Religions contributions of Jonah :

1. Concept of God. 2. Universality of yahweh and his redemption purpose.

Micah : This book of Micah proved a stout ally I prophesying the twin themes of doom and hope.

Writer : micah ,Date : 740-710 B.C ,Purpose : Tp warn Gods people of approaching judgement and to
offer hope foe the faithful.

1. Doom declared .(chs1-2).

2. Sin exposed .(chs3-5).

3. Hope predocted .( chs6-7).

Introduction :

1.The prophet 2.Unity.

Message :

1. First message of doom.(1:1-2:11).

2. First hint of hope.(2:12).

3. Second message of doom .(chs 3)

4. Second message of hope.(4:1-5:15).

5. Messianic kingdom.(ch4).
6.Messianic king .(5:1-15).

7. Third message of doom .(6:1-7:7).

8. Third qped of hope.(7:8-20).

Nahum : The personal background of Nahum the name probably means " confronted by Yahweh" is
difficult to reconstruct apart from his prophecy between two events .the fall of the Egyptians city in 663
b.c by Assyrian armies.(3:8-10). And the destruction of Nineveh in 612 b.c.(1:1,2:8,3:7).

Writer : Nahum ,Date : 663-609 B.C ,Purpose : To assure God's people that evil does not endure forever.

1. The character of God. (ch1:1-15).

2. The judgement of God. (Chs 2-3).

Habakkuk :

Writer : Habakkuk ,Date : 610 -605 B.C ,Purpose : To assure God's people that evil does not endure

1.Problem :

God has not judged Judah's wickedness.) 1:2-4).

2. God's answer:

The Babylonians will judge judah.(1:5-11).

3.problem :

Can a righteous God use the wicked to punish those more righteous.(1:11-17).

4. Gods answer.(CH 2).

5. Habakkuk's response.(ch3).

Theological insights :

1. Like fe of the faithful.

1. Understanding through honest doubt.

Zephaniah : Zephaniah broke the half - century of prophetic silence in judah during Manasseh's reign of
violence and corruption.

Writer : Zephaniah

Date : 635- 630 B.C

Purpose : To stir the people of judah to repentance.

1. Divine judgement on judah. (Chs 1:1-18).

2. Invitation .( ch2:1-3).

3. Sure doom of nations .(chs2:4-3:7).

4, kingdom promises to remanant. ( ch3 :8-20).

Haggai : On 539 b.c. the army of Cyrus thegreat entered Babylon and brought the Babylonian empire to
an end.

Writer.: Haggai ,Date : 520 B.C ,Purpose : To spur the people of Judah to complete the rebuilding
project by showing the consequence of disobediences and of oobedience.

1.First message - Commitment and work. (1).

2. Second message - Encouragement and hope.(2).

(I) .the return. (ii).rebuilding the temple.

Zechariah : The book is apost exilic prophecy.

Writer : Zechariah ,Date : 520 B.C ,Purpose : To encourage the fainthearted to take their eyes off their
distress and turn them to their sovereign lLord.

1. Call to repentance. (CH 1:1-6).

2. Encoureament and motivation. ( chs 1:7-6:15).

3. Questions. ( chs7-8).

4. Encouragement and hope.(chs 9-14).

Malachi : Malachi is not only the last of the book .the prophet himself is traditionally the end of
prophetic activity.

Writer : Malachi ,Date : 430 B.C ,Purpose : To confront the spirit of complacency and indifferency that
had developed.

1. Love. ( ch 1:1-5).

2. Against the priests. ( chs 1:6-2:9).

3. Against the people. ( chs 2:10-3:18).

4. Hope .(ch 4).

Theology :

1. Yahweh of hosts.

2. Theodicy.

(a). Yahweh is God of all.

(b). Although yahweh is God of all the world , Israel hasvacspecial place as a result of Divine election.

(c). The day of yahweh , long known is amos . Joel and Zephaniah occurs again in the last of the old
testament prophets.

3. The forerunner.

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