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Sales Force Automation(SFA) System with ERP Integration


This document contains a brief introduction about the software and its process of
Intergrating Sales Force Automation(SFA) System data with a ERP System.
Software Requirements Specifications Document

Integration Design Specification

Version: (1.01) Date: (07/17/2017)

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Software Requirements Specifications Document

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 4

1.1 Purpose 4
1.2 Scope 4
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations. 5
1.5 Overview 5

2. The Overall Description 5

2.1 Product Perspective 5

2.1.1 Database Structure 6
2.1.2 Security 12

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Software Requirements Specifications Document

1. Introduction

The following subsections of this document will provide an overview of the entire
SDS. Intergrating software will process gathered data from SFA and Syncronize with
ERP System and also it will retrieve data such as invoices from ERP to the
Intermediate database. This software will help to bulid an data bridge with two side of
the SFA and ERP by making it to pass data from SFA to ERP side and to pass ERP
data to SFA as shown in the below figure 1.1

SFA Software ERP

Figure 1.1
1.1 Purpose

Software will upload Purchase Orders, Head Office Returns Received from SFA
System to the ERP as Orders and Credit Notes. Also it will read data from ERP and
download Invoice and Credit notes data into Intermidiate database. This will help SFA
system to gather Headoffice Invoice as GRN (Good Received Notes) and Credit Notes
data for its reference.

1.2 Scope

In this Intergration Software:

(1) Purchase Order Coming from the SFA system can be load to Purchase Order
tables in the intermidiate database.
(2) software will upload above Purchase Orders in to ERP as Orders
(3) Once the Orders converted to Invoice in the ERP, Invoice data will be read
from ERP and save in to Intermediate database as GRN(Good Received Note).
(4) Supplier returns in SFA can be save in Head Office Return Tables in the
intermidiate database.
(5) Supplier office return data will be uploaded in to ERP system as Return/Credit
(6) Credit notes data will be download into Intermediate database by the
intergration software.
(7) All the Transcation will be Trace in to relevant user audit table for security
purpose and for the maintance purpose.
(8) Master data such as Product, Distributor, Price List data will also download
from the ERP side in to the intermediate database for SFA Reference purpose.

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Software Requirements Specifications Document

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations.

SFA – Sales Force Automation

ERP – Enterprice Resource Planing System
GRN – Good Received Note
HOReturn – Head office Return
1.5 Overview

The integration process will be based on the intermediate database architecture in

order to optimize the data integrity. The intermediate database will maintain the
transferred data history with the flags where the administrator could investigate on
data mismatch, if any. PBSS will provide two EXE files (Send data to SFA and
Receive data From SFA) which user can attached to the windows Task scheduler and
schedule as per the requirement. The same EXEs could be execute on demand and
directly import and export data.

The status of the processes data should upate with following codes,
1- Process success
2- Process error

2. The Overall Description

Intergration Software will use an SQL database to keep all transaction data between
SFA and ERP. Transaction log and a user audit tables will keep transaction related
data and user data for future reference.

2.1 Product Perspective

Intermediate DB
& Software

Purchase Order Details

Purchase Order Details As

Purchase Order As Orders

ERP return Status & Messages

Get GRN/Invoice Details

Read GRN Records

Headoffice Return Details

Headoffice Return as

Headoffice Return as
Read Credit Note / Creditnotes / Returns
Return Notes Records ERP return Status & Messages

Get Product Master Data

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Get Distributor Master Data

Read Distributor Master data
Software Requirements Specifications Document

2.1.1 Database Structure

Intermediate database structure might change depend on the requirement and the

Intergration DB Design

Column Data Type Allow Null
MaterialGrp01ID varchar(32) Unchecked
MaterialGrp01Desc varchar(50) Unchecked
MaterialGrp02ID varchar(32) Unchecked
MaterialGrp02Desc varchar(50) Unchecked
MaterialGrp03ID varchar(32) Unchecked
MaterialGrp03Desc varchar(50) Unchecked
MaterialGrp04ID varchar(32) Unchecked
MaterialGrp04Desc varchar(50) Unchecked
MaterialGrp05ID varchar(32) Unchecked
MaterialGrp05Desc varchar(50) Unchecked
AgencyID varchar(32) Unchecked
AgencyName varchar(50) Unchecked
CategoryID varchar(50) Unchecked
ProductID varchar(32) Unchecked
ProductDescription varchar(50) Unchecked
Type varchar(255) Checked
[Group] varchar(255) Checked
SaleUOM varchar(255) Checked
Volume numeric(18, 0) Unchecked
QtyConversion numeric(18, 0) Unchecked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked


DistributorCode varchar(32) Unchecked

DistributorName varchar(50) Unchecked
Address varchar(150) Checked

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Software Requirements Specifications Document

Province varchar(50) Checked

District varchar(50) Checked
Town varchar(50) Checked
Telephone varchar(15) Checked
OwnerName varchar(35) Checked
OwnerNIC varchar(10) Checked
[Group] varchar(255) Checked
Type varchar(255) Checked
PaymentType varchar(255) Checked
PriceListID varchar(32) Checked
VATNum varbinary(150) Checked
DistAppointDate date Checked
DistClosureDate date Checked
AgreementNumber varchar(150) Checked
AgreementExpiryDate date Checked
ContactPerson varchar(50) Checked
CreditLimit numeric(18, 0) Checked
NBTRegNo numeric(18, 0) Checked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked

ItemCode varchar(32) Unchecked
MRP money Unchecked
DPL money Unchecked
RPL money Unchecked
StartDate date Unchecked
EndDate date Unchecked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked


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Software Requirements Specifications Document

POID varchar(32) Unchecked

DistributorID varchar(32) Unchecked
PODateTime datetime Unchecked
DeliveryMode varchar(20) Checked
DeliveryDate datetime Checked
PaymentType varchar(255) Unchecked
PaymentTerm varchar(255) Checked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked


RowID bigint Unchecked

POID varchar(32) Unchecked
ItemCode varchar(32) Unchecked
Qty numeric(18, 0) Unchecked
LineDiscount money Checked
Price money Unchecked
Note varchar(255) Checked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked

POID varchar(32) Unchecked
SAPReference varchar(32) Checked
ErrorMsg varchar(255) Unchecked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked


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Software Requirements Specifications Document

InvDate datetime Unchecked

ERPSONumber varchar(32) Unchecked
ERPSINumber varchar(32) Unchecked
DistributorID varchar(32) Unchecked
HeaderDiscount money Checked
POID varchar(32) Unchecked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked


RowID bigint Unchecked

ERPSONumber varchar(32) Unchecked
ItemCode varchar(32) Unchecked
PriceDistributor money Unchecked
MRP money Unchecked
Qty numeric(18, 0) Unchecked
LineDiscount money Checked
GrossValue money Unchecked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked


ERPSONumber varchar(32) Unchecked

ItemCode varchar(32) Checked
BatchID varchar(32) Checked
ExpiryDate date Checked
SelectedQty numeric(18, 0) Checked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked

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Software Requirements Specifications Document


CreditNoteDate date Unchecked

DistributorID varchar(32) Unchecked
HOReturnNumber varchar(32) Unchecked
Type numeric(18, 0) Checked
ERPSINumber varchar(32) Checked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked


RowID bigint Unchecked

HOReturnNumber varchar(32) Unchecked
ItemCode varchar(32) Unchecked
Qty numeric(18, 0) Unchecked
LineDiscount money Checked
Price money Unchecked
ReasonCode varchar(32) Unchecked
Note varchar(255) Checked
Warehouse varchar(255) Checked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked


HOReturnNumber varchar(32) Unchecked

SAPReference varchar(32) Checked
ErrorMsg varchar(255) Unchecked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked


HOReturnNumber varchar(32) Unchecked

ItemCode varchar(32) Checked

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Software Requirements Specifications Document

BatchID varchar(32) Checked

ExpiryDate date Checked
SelectedQty numeric(18, 0) Checked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked

CreditNoteDate date Unchecked
ERPHOReturnNumber varchar(32) Unchecked
ERPCreditNoteNumber varchar(32) Unchecked
DistributorID varchar(32) Unchecked
HeaderDiscount money Checked
ERPSINumber varchar(32) Checked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked


RowID bigint Unchecked

ERPHOReturnNumber varchar(32) Unchecked
ItemCode varchar(32) Checked
Price money Checked
MRP money Checked
Qty numeric(18, 0) Checked
LineDiscount money Checked
GrossValue money Checked
Warehouse varchar(50) Checked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked


ERPHOReturnNumber varchar(32) Unchecked

ItemCode varchar(32) Checked

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Software Requirements Specifications Document

BatchID varchar(32) Checked

Type varchar(50) Checked
SelectedQty numeric(18, 0) Checked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked


RowID bigint Unchecked

TableID varchar(50) Unchecked
DocumentID varchar(32) Checked
CreateDate datetime Checked
UpdateDate datetime Checked
CreateUser varchar(32) Checked
UpdateUser varchar(32) Checked

TableID int Unchecked
TableName varchar(50) Checked

2.1.2 Security
As mention above system will keep a transaction log for each and every transaction
happen with ERP and SFA. This include user ID, Transaction time, Document
Number, Table ID, Table Name and etc. Software will avoid and roll back all
transactions if any error occurred during a batch of data upload and download process.

Important :
This System Will Not Send any data to SFA System also Will Not Download any
Data from SFA System. SFA Development party should implement a process to
send and update records and also to download data from the Intermediate MS
SQL database

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