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As you will notice that a child becomes noticeably more independent.

At the same time they like to

know where they stand – and respond well to simple, clear guidelines that apply to everyone in the

By the age of eight many children already have a few of their adult teeth. It’s vital to get your child into
the habit of brushing twice a day – and make sure that they are doing it properly.

Many children, particularly girls, develop ‘puppy fat’ at the age of seven or eight, which is usually
nothing to worry about. Some children also begin the process of puberty earlier than others, so you may
notice girls as young as eight beginning to develop breasts and hips.

It’s normal for girls to start having periods anywhere between the child development stages: Ages 6-12,
though more specifically between 10-16, although some girls start even sooner than this. On average,
periods start roughly two years after the breasts start developing and pubic hair appears. Girls also go
through a growth spurt at this time, and can grow by as much as 10-12cm per year for the next two or
three years.

Boys often start puberty slightly later – around the age of 11 – but it can happen as late as 14. However
boys can experience wet dreams in the run up to puberty, so it’s wise to explain that this might happen
in case your son worries that he has wet the bed.

The first sign of puberty in boys is the enlargement of the testes, followed by growth of the penis. Pubic
hair appears soon after. Boys usually have their growth spurt between the ages of 12-14, when they will
grow at a rate of around 4-6cm per year. For this reason it may take them a while to catch up with girls
of the same age.

How to help?

Most parents struggle with the idea of letting a child of this age do things without supervision, but bear
in mind that your child will probably be desperate for a taste of freedom. Depending on your child’s
maturity and the area where you live, consider letting your child run an errand to a local shop or walk to
a neighbouring friend’s house by themselves as this will help to boost their confidence and satisfy their
urge to feel more grown up.

Resist the temptation to nag or lecture your child, as this will almost certainly cause an argument.
Sometimes you will need to give them more freedom, but remember that in some cases it is best for
everyone if you stand your ground.

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