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Philosophy of Research

Explain the following terms in your own words and give
one example of each category

One Concept Explanation and One Example
Assigning Date: 7th April 2020
Submission Date: 15th April 2020
Individual Assignment.
Marks: 30

Topics to Write Upon:

1. Ontology
2. Epistemology
3. Axiology
4. Positivism
5. Constructivism
6. Transformative

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It refers with the detailed specification of a what actually exist or can be said to exists. If defined
simply it is the study of existence but if we see it in detail it is also the study of how we
determine if things exist or not and also the classification of existence.


Game of thrones (American drama series) is a rare example of a fantasy story with a very strange
ontology but very realistic metaphysics. In the story, there are dragons, giants, zombies, and all
sorts of other fantastic creatures that don’t exist in the real world. However, all these creatures
behave according to fairly familiar laws, which give the series a more realistic feel. At certain
points, the show includes magic, but it is relatively rare and always seems surprising because
otherwise the show is hyper-realistic. Due to the relative absence of magic, the show can be said
to have a pretty realistic metaphysics in spite of its fantasy ontology.


The study of knowledge that you have in your mindset through which the action of performance
and how it is possible. In which we strive to generate truthful or valid descriptions and
explanations of the world that we drive from the nature of ground experience and knowledge is
called epistemology.


How do you know that the water in the cup is hot? (You need to justify it)

By using our senses (sense of touch) we put our hands in the cup, if our sense of touch reacts and
feels that it is hot, we know and justify that the water in the cup is hot.

The word axiology is derived from two Greek words that ‘Axio’ means worthy and ‘logy’ means
study. The axiology is the study of the philosophy of the system of values and judgment values
that guide you what is considered to be right or wrong, good or bad. If you want to change
society to be considered better, more economical value, better health, deeper relationships, these
are all axiological issues.


(In Islam) A value system that evaluates human behavior whether it is good and right
(Maaruf) or bad and wrong (Mungkar)

Obligator (Wajib)

Whether by words, actions or in the heart

Performing the values with sincerity will be rewarded

Compulsory to be done by all Muslims

Failure to perform it will amount to sin

For example:

Prayer 5 times a day



Seeking knowledge


1. Considers as Ma’ruf as long as not contradicting Islamic teachings.

2. Performance of the value must be within the boundaries of Islamic teachings.

3. Without such intention, there will be no reward as well as no sin amounted to it.
4. If we do not put such intention, there will be no reward as well as no sin.

5. Ex: playing football, if we intend to have a healthy body to perform ibadah, then it is

Examples: grumbling, committing adultery, bribery, spying on other’s privacy.


Positivists believe that only the information driven by sense is the result of scientific
knowledge; it means an approach to the study of society that relies specifically on scientific
evidence and proves or experiments the true nature of how society operates. Positivism fails to
address aspects such as personal beliefs, experiences and motivation. Positivism has one single
reality they believe in objective truth.


It makes sense to study them in the same way as a natural scientist would study nature.
Knowledge can be measured. Despite its ambiguous stance on science, the movie Avatar has
some positivist underpinnings. For one thing, the nature-forces of Pandora are not spiritual
beings; they're flesh-and-blood super organisms that could in principle be understood through
science. So the movie basically takes a positivist stance on what sort of things exist in the world,
but it still makes room for a semi-spiritual relationship to the natural world. In addition, the
scientists in the movie are mostly good guys, with better values than the film’s villains, who are
mainly corporate and military types.


On the other hand constructivism believes there are multiple realities, reality can be
interpreted. It is the view that social reality is constructed by human beings structures such as
race, class, and nationality are all social constructions rather than objective realities.

Based on observation through mindset or a scientific study about how people learn,
according to this people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through
experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences.

If I learn things by heart through learning and watching related videos. I believe that my
exams are going good. If I just understand things thoroughly then my exams going average this
is my observation according to my experience. Because teachers just play a role of facilitator
providing sources we need to grape things through my listening and understanding skills.


Belief that research methods do not fit. Not well defined, includes researchers from various foci
and includes: feminist, critical theorists, racial and ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities,
one who acknowledge the need of change then identify what is need to be changed then work as
a catalyst or a change agent, finally execute.


There are many examples such as IBM, Apple, Nokia, Starbucks, Adidas, and McDonalds etc.

I want to take the example of Apple.

Apple Computers appealed to the audiences much more than other PCs.

The company evolved its innovative pursuits and developed iPad, iPod, and iPhone.

The company reinvented itself and became a Multi-Billion dollar brand itself.

Apple remains the most wanted brand because of its laptops and handheld device.

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