Perception of Ricks in Online Shopping

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JED No.213 July 2012 | 99 Vietnamese Consumers’ Perception of Risks in Online Shopping HOANG TH] PHUONG THAO Doctor of Philosophy, University of Economics, Hochiminh City E-mail: NGUYEN TH] THANH Lé MBA, CFVG programs ABSTRACT In Vietnam, online shopping is still in its early stages and consumers are reluctant 10 use the Internet for their shopping because of some barriers which have not yet clearly defined. The study examines four main online perceived risks - performance risk, financial risk, time risk and privacy risk - to see how they affect consumer's attitude and online purchase intention. The averall perceived risks negatively affect consumer's attitude toward online shopping, Whenever consumers have a positive attitude towards online shopping they will plan to buy online. Based on the findings, some recommendations to Vietnam online companies and individuals are made for their improvement in consumers’ perceived risk reducing solutions. Keywords: perceived risk, online shopping attitude, purchase intention 100 | Hoang Thj Phuong Thao & Nguyén Thj Thanh Lé Vietnamese Consumers’ Perception of Risks 1. INTRODUCTION The new technology innovation of the Internet has set up a new and obvious trend of online shopping or e-commerce business mode! in the world with several advantages over conventional ones. While it was well accepted in developed countries and consumers have benefited from it, in Vietnam e-commerce has just begun and consumers are reluctant to use it for their shopping because of some barriers, which have not yet clearly defined in previous researches particularly for Vietnamese business environment, Many researchers have discussed online consumer behavior theory and made empirical studies, and they found that there are many factors affecting online purchase jention and behavior. Among these, perceived risk is studied as a negative factor to the intention and actual action of online purchase. Based on these literature reviews, applying to Vietnam market, we make an assumption that there is a relationship between perceived risks and online purchase intention of Vietnamese consumers, and perceived risks are barriers to e-commerce development in Vietnam. The investigation’ of these perceived risk factors and their relationships with online purchase attitude and intention in Vietnamese context therefore is important for manufacturers as well as resellers to understand well what their consumers’ insights of online purchase risks are; and through that they can make preparation of better management of risk-reliever factors and improve consumers attitude and purchase intention in their online businesses. 2. THEORY AND HYPOTHESES Online shopping has some advantages compared with conventional shopping. It is convenient because consumers can have access to online stores at any time and at any place where Intemet is available, Consumers can also review product's information, or comment or rate their items online and share their shopping experience with others. On the other hand, online shopping also has some disadvantages relating to its compatibility and complexity of technology, fraud and security concems, privacy, product suitability, and shipping terms and conditions, etc. Consumers are reluctant to shop online because they perceive some risks (Liu and Wei, 2003). Perceived risk is commonly thought as a negative feeling of uncertainty about possible consequences from using a product or service. Bauer (1967) defined risk as a ination of uncertainty plus seriousness of outcome involved. Featherman & JED No.213 July 2012 | 101 Pavlou (2003) said risk is the potential for loss in the pursuit of a desired outcome of using an e-service, Perceived risk is a concem in almost every decision of purchasing process. If someone sees that his/her perceived risk (potential loss of resources) in a deal is too high for some reason, he/she is less likely to have favorable evaluation on the purchase, and he/she is therefore likely to postpone the transaction until some form of protection is in place in order to minimize the associated risks. Online purchase decision process with its identical characteristics of computer environment and geography distance seems to have higher associated level of risk perceived. Computer environment requires consumers to have technological knowledge about the interaction between client-side interface and program run on iers’ side that not all people can easily adopt at the first time. They therefore may perceive it as a higher level of risk. Performance risk is related to performance of the purchased product or service; it can be understood as quality risk as well. Featherman & Pavlou (2003) defined performance risk as the possibility of a product's malfunction or poor performance which does not meet the expectation as it is designed or/and advertised and thus fails to bring satisfaction to end-users. In online shopping environment, performance risk can easily happen because customers usually have no chance to test product or service in person prior to the purchase. Information that consumers collect before an online purchase is usually from advertisements/ claims of the web store itself or from its testimonials. Thus, if consumers do not have trust in online shopping in general or in a specific web store, they might perceive such online transaction of high performance risk; and they are then not likely to consider the purchase. Financial risk is defined as the potential loss of expense paid for the initial purchase price as well as the cost for subsequent maintenance of the product that cannot be replaced or refunded or that fails to deliver to consumers (Doolin, 2005). Kuo-Kuang, & Chi-Hua (2008) define finan as a loss incurred when consumers have made an inappropriate decision to buy a product that he/she cannot return, or refund or that he/she may not receive the delivery. Privacy risk is defined as potential loss of control over personal information leading to potential consequence of misuse of them, especially credit card or other financial information without consumers’ acknowledgement or permission (Monsuwe et al., 2004); or as unauthorized collection of personal information of users during their 102 | Hoang Thj Phuong Thao & Nguyén Thi Thanh Lé Vietnamese Consumers’ Perception of Risks Internet use; or as the supply of personal information to a third party by the collecting company. In some serious cases, privacy risk may lead to fraudulent transactions, and they become financial loss to consumers. Time risk is defined as time loss for making a bad purchasing decision including time to research and make the purchase, to leam and adjust how to use, and to replace or repair a product or service (Featherman & Pavlou, 2003). Consumers are very time- oriented and concemed about potential risks of ‘wasting time’ implementing, learning how to use, and troubleshooting a new e-service. They therefore are likely to guard against the possible loss of time risk, and are less likely to adopt the e-service if they consider high switching, setup and maintenance time costs. a, Online-Shopping Attitude: Attitude towards a behavior refers to the sum of one’s beliefs about performing the target behavior, which can be evaluated either positively or negatively or refers to the degree to which a person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation or appraisal of the behavior in question (Li & Zhang, 2002). Online-shopping attitude has been conceptualized in several different ways in the existing literature. First, it refers to the consumers’ acceptance of the Internet as a shopping channel (Jahng et al., 2001). Second, it refers to consumer attitudes towards a specific Internet store, i.e. the extent to which consumers think that shopping at this store is appealing. b. Purchase Intention: In the theory of attitude change and behavior, attitude towards behavior determines the behavioral intention to perform a behavior. Heijden (2003) states that a person is more intent on performing a behavior when he/she has a positive attitude towards a behavior, and he/she is less intent on performing when he/she has a negative attitude. Moreover, the stronger the intention to engage in a behavios, the more likely its performance should be. In short, positive attitude towards behavior leads to a stronger intention and finally engages in purchasing behavior. Based on the literature review and: discussion, six hypotheses are proposed as below: HI. There is a positive relationship between performance risks with overall perceived risk in online shopping. JED No.213 July 2012 | 103 H2. There is a positive relationship between financial risks with overall perceived risk in online shopping H3. There is a positive relationship between privacy risks with overall perceived risk in online shopping. H4, There is a positive relationship between time risks with overall perceived risk in online shopping. HS, There is a negative relationship between overall perceived risk with consumers’ attitude towards online shopping. H6. There is a positive relationship between consumers’ attitude towards online shopping with their purchase intention. 3. METHODOLOGY Qualitative discussion of two focus groups is to explore consumers’ perceptions of, online purchasing in general and of perceived risks in particular. The first group includes two university students and two homemakers; the second one is among. working people including two managers and two office workers. All of them are Internet users. The qualitative discussion helps to get ideas for a quantitative questionnaire design. The discussion is based on the draft questionnaire designed from the literature review. of respondents’ understandings of online shopping, the second session concerns a list of risks in online shopping and develops all related observation items to measure the consumers’ perceived risks and their attitude and intention of online shopping. ‘After the qualitative phase, seven proposed constructs are found to be relevant to Vietnamese consumers and all are accepted. There are four constructs of risk factors, one of overall perceived risk, one of online-shopping attitude and one of purchase intention. Twenty-two observation items are developed into complete statements based on a five-point Likert scale from 1-5 (1 means “strongly disagree” - 5 means “strongly agree”). Wordings that describe a clear level of risk in each statement for respondents’ comprehensive understanding are adjusted. Data are collected by convenient sampling method via both online and offline survey. After collected, data are processed and analyzed by SPSS software with the descriptive analysis, reliability, factor analysis, linear regression, and T-test. For online 104 | Hoang Thj Phuong Thao & Nguyén Thi Thanh L# Vietnamese Consumers’ Perception of Risks survey, Google Docs - Spreadsheet is used. The questionnaire is edited in Spreadsheet Form, after that the Form link is sent out to respondents via their email addresses. The link of questionnaires is sent to about 200 email addresses and expected 100-150 responses of answer sheets. For offline survey, 100 questionnaire sheets were delivered to Internet users for an expected return of 50-60 qualified answer sheets. After two weeks, 266 answer sheets are collected and 153 of which are valid for further processing. Hence, the actual sample size of the research contains 153 respondents. 4, RESULTS General information of the research sample is shown in details in Table 1. Nearly 80% of respondents are under 40 years old. Gender contribution is nearly the same with 52% female and 48% male. Only 22% of the respondents attain below-university education, which shows a high education background of the sample. The three most popular occupations are office staff (3796), managers (26%) and technicians (16%). Monthly income of the sample is rather high with 60% of the respondents have monthly income above VND10 million. Table 1: Sample Profile Characteristics (n=153) Frequency Percent Under 23 10 % 24-30 54 35% Age 3140 56 37% Over 40 33 21% Male B 48% Sex Female 80 SI% Under VND10 mn. 6 40% VND10-20 mn. 50 33% ‘Monthly income VND20-30 mn. 22 14% Over VND30 mn, 20 13% High school 2 3% Education ‘Three-year college 2 14% JED No.213 July 2012 | 105~ University 88 58% Above university 31 20% Housewife 5 3% Worker 2 1% Technician 24 16% Office staff 56 37% Manager 40 26% Occupation Business Owner 2 1% Student 6 4% Freelancer 12 8% Retired 2 1% Other 4 3% Half of respondents have less than four-hour access to the Internet while the other 27% and 19% access in 4-8 hours and over 8 hours per day respectively. The purposes of Internet access are presented in Figure 1. Four popular purposes are reading news or searching for information (94%), emailing (61%), chatting (54%), and listening to music (51%). Other [11% Playing games Watching movies Listening music Joining to social network, forum Sharing information/pictures/ blog Emailing Chatting Reading news/ Searching information | TSB Se 94% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% HOM 90% 100% Figure 1: Internet Access Purpose 106 | Hoang Thi Phuong Théo & Nguyén Thi Thanh Lé Vietnamese Consumers’ Perception of Risks Table 2: Factor Analysis of Seven Constructs Cumulative Observation Items Fata cen loading alpha % Performance Risks (PERF) PERFI ~ bad performance because of lack of in- 4 g4g 85.655 person check before purchase PERF2 - performance is different from the 4 91. 0.927 advertisement or claims PERFS — performance brings low satisfaction 0.652 Financial Risk (FINA) FINAI- loss because goods may not be delivered 0.778 65.691 FINA2 — loss because it's hardly to return, replace or 4 gay ne repair goods FINA3- loss because of credit card potential fraud Privacy Risk (PRIV) PRIVI ~ personal information may be revealed by web 4 444 23.237 stores to 3 party ’ PRIV2 ~ security system are not strong enough t0 4 94, ci protect personal information PRIV3 = internet hacker may attack and get personal 4 94 information ; Time Risk (TIME) TIME — time loss for searching for products 0.810 45.672 TIME2 ~ time loss in setting, learning ‘payment 414 9 a7 process TIMES - time loss for solving related problems 0.693 Overall Perceived Risk (OVERALL) OVERALLI — overall uncertainty feeling 0.936 89.226 0.961 OVERALL? -— feeling of consequences of online 9.942 JED No.213 July 2012 | 107 purchase OVERALL3 — feeling of possible losses due to online purchase) O48, OVERALL feeling of risky in general 0.952 ‘Online Shopping Attitude (ATTI) ATTII- online shopping is a good shopping channel 0.936 87.661 ATTI2 — positive attitude towards online shopping, 0,942 0.929 ATT3 — online shopping is appealing 0.948 Purchase Intention (INTE) INTEL ~ intent on buying online 0.953 88.501 INTE2 — willing to buy online 0.959 0.936 INTE3 — consider buying online” 0.909 After performing EFA with four defined factors of risk, all of the observation items are extracted in their same construct as proposed before. This confirms that the observation items in each construct are well applicable to the research model. The four extracted factors are kept the same as beginning as PERF, FINA, PRIV and TIME. KMO value in this EFA is 0.883, much higher than the minimum requirement of 0.5, at the Barlett’s test of sphericity sig. <0.05, which means the correlation among these 12 observation variables is significant. The cumulative loading percent is very high, at 85.65%, which indicates-that the four components extracted can explain. 85.65% of the total variance, and separately, PRIV component can explains 23.7%, TIME, FINA and PERF respectively 21.93%, 20.02% and 19.96% of the data. For the rest three constructs of OVERALL, ATTI and INTE, they are considered as uni-dimensions and results of EFA for these three constructs. KMO of all three constructs is high and they are over 0.7 at significance level of 0.000. Cumulative loadings percentage of each construct gets over 85%. Therefore, it is concluded that they all well meet the criteria and applicable for further regression analyses. 108 | Hoang Thj Phuong Thao & Nguyén Thi Thanh Lé Vietnamese Consumers’ Perception of Risks Table 3: Multiple Regression Model R R Adjusted R® a aft F Sig. F Change 907 823 819 4 148 000 Model Beta t Sig. Collinearity Statisties (Constant) 1.788 10.940 000 Tolerance VIF PRIV 3 8.262 .000 842 1.188 TIME 361 10.164 000 944 1.060 PERF 407 11.116 .000 888 1.126 FINA Al3 10.202 .000 728 1374_ Table 3 shows that the adjusted R? of this model is 0.819 implying that 82% of dependent variable OVERALL (Overall perceived risk) is explained by four predictors of privacy risk (PRIV), time risk (TIME), financial risk (FINA) and performance risk (PERF). The high R? shows this is a good model. P-values for four predictors in coefficients table are all significant (<0.001), which explains the significant relationship between dependent variables PRIV, TIME, FINA, and PERF and independent variable OVERALL. The beta value shows how strong the relationship between dependent and independent variables. The bigger the beta value, the stronger relationship between dependent and independent variables. In Table 3, among four predictors, financial risk (FINA) is the most important one affecting the overall perceived risk in online shopping (OVERALL) because it has the highest value of beta value of 0.413, followed by performance risk (PERF) of 0.407 and time risk (TIME) of 0.361. Privacy risk (PRIV) has the least effect on the overall perceived risk with beta value of 0.311. So HI, H2, H3 and H4 are all accepted. Since all VIF values of these four factors are around 1.0 and all are smaller than 10, it is concluded that there is no multicollinearity. JED No.213 July 2012 | 109 Table 4: Single Regression Models Adjusted i Model a aan one Beta T Sig. A. Independent var. OVERALL 0597 226.498 0.000 --0.775 -15.050 0.000 Dependent var.: ATTI B. Independent var: ATTI 0838 779.616 0.000.916 27.922 0.000 Dependent var.: INTENT The results of two single regression models are shown in Table 4. For model A, there is a considerably negative relationship between overall perceived risk and attitude towards online shopping, with the adjusted R? value of 0.60, and the beta value of -0.775 (p < 0.001). Thus, H5 is accepted. For model B, F-value in ANOVA analysis has Sig. <0.001, the adjusted R? value-is 0.84, and the beta value is 0.916 (p < 0.001). There is & considerably positive relationship between attitude towards online shopping and intention to do online purchasing. Thus, H6 is accepted. The result of hypotheses’ testing is summarized in Figure 2. Generally, all six proposed hypotheses are supported. Online purchase intention Figure 2: Summary of Hypotheses’ Testing 110 | Hoang Thj Phuong Thio & Nguyén Thj Thanh Lé Vietnamese Consumers’ Perception of Risks At 95% of confident interval, the difference of perception between male and female in terms of performance risk, privacy risk and time risk are considerable as the p-value of t-test of these factors are 0.043, 0.034 and 0,003 respectively, Furthermore, there is no significant difference in perception of financial risk between the two groups (Table 5). Table 5: T-test by Gender Factors Sex n Mean Std. Deviation, Mea” Sig. difference Male 733.3425 1.05259 PERF -32420 0.043¢ Female 803.6667 89380 Male 733.5845 “96190 FINA ~05303 0.710 Female 803.6375 77983 Male 3 3.3059 1.01686 PRIV ~30656 0.034" Female 803.6125 74525 Male B 2.8676 -93910 TIME =44909 0.003 Female 80 3.3167 92458 Note: * denotes the significance at p<0.05 5. CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS The research concludes that there are four risk factors composing overall perceived risk in online shopping, in which financial risk is the strongest predictor of consumers’ perception of overall risk in online shopping (B=0.413). Performance risk is the second important one (B=0.407), followed by time risk (B= 0.361) and finally privacy risk (6=0.311). The overall perceived risk causes strongly negative impacts on online purchasing attitude. This relationship is confirmed by data from linear regression analysis with high negative beta value of -0.775. This implies the higher overall risks are perceived by consumers, the more negative attitude they have towards online shopping. Additionally, the more negative attitude towards online shopping consumers have, the less likely their purchase intention is. In this model, the relationship between online shopping attitude and purchase intention is very strong with B=0.916. ¢ \ insceasicesinebbte JED No.213 July 2012 | 111 Another conclusion is the different awareness of risks between male and female. Women usually consider online shopping as a higher level of performance risk, privacy risk and time risk rather than men. Understanding well consumers’ perception of different risk dimensions, of how they compose the overall perceived risk and how strong the overall perceived risk influence the attitude and purchase intention in online shopping will help manvfacturers and resellers find the best ways to reduce perceived risks, enhance consumers’ attitude towards online shopping for better purchase intention. After all, when purchase intention increases, companies can generate higher turnover or sales and their online business can be developed better. It is confirmed that in Vietnamese mind set, financial risk is considered as the most important predictor of the overall risk in online shopping. This finding implies that Vietnamese online businesses have not managed to gain consumers’ trust, and thus their customers are still aftaid of not receiving the product delivery or afraid of poor after-sales services. Since online shopping is still a new business model that most Vietnamese consumers do not know well about and they therefore perceive it as a risky channel of shopping, consumers’ trust becomes the most important thing that can help companies to effectively eliminate any kind of risk concerns. In order to gain trust, companies should have a long-term business strategy to develop their brand of products or web stores so that consumers could identify the brand, and believe in its value and credibility. Additionally, a clear policy of delivery, with perfect after-sale services, that allows consumers to return or replace low-quality products or services or to give fast feedbacks to the companies should be in place during the business operation. Customers should be informed of this policy and companies should make sure that they understand clearly terms and conditions before’ making an online purchase. To avoid fraudulent transactions, it is necessary for web stores to invest in a strong security system to ensure that no credit card or bank information could be stolen by hackers. Web store owners could apply for certificates from well-known security authorizers. Strong commitment on personal information with customers should be presented in the companies’ trading policy. Companies may apply the “brick-and-click” model for their business. In addition to online virtual shops, they may open physical stores to support their web stores in terms 112 | Hoang Thj Phuong Théo & Nguyén Thi Thanh Lé Vietnamese Consumers’ Perception of Risks of demonstration and after-sale service. Companies should make customers recognize quality of the products or service before they purchase. In web store environment, it is important that specification of products or services should be presented precisely and concretely so that consumers could well understand what value could be expected from the products or services. This really helps reduce performance risk for customers. E- demonstration is another way to help customers to understand the products or service well before making purchase decision. For digital products, it is possible to offer certain duration of free trial so that customers could be assured of the quality before purchasing. For luxurious and sophisticated goods that may require experiencing the product visibly before buying it, it is recommended to have physical stores to support visual stores. In order to reduce time risk, companies should make their online purchasing process as simple and quick as possible. By that way, time loss for online transaction may be reduced. A strong server could also help improve web store speed. Transaction interface and local language of web store should be designed to be easy-to-use and friendly to users. To reduce time loss for searching, web stores should have a strong search engine and a plentiful information list of diversified products and services so that consumers can find everything from one source. Forum and chat room on web stores for sharing experience and exchanging information afnong customers and between the customers with the company may work to reduce time risk in buying decision process. Vietnamese consumers are also aware of privacy risk during online shopping. They concern about exposure of personal information via the web and worry if their personal information is revealed and controlled without their acknowledgement or permission. To reduce privacy risk, companies should equip web stores’ database with newly updated and strong security systems. Besides, a strict privacy policy and procedure on web store data process with strong commitment to customers should be created and implemented. To assure customers of the security systems and privacy policy, companies could also apply for security certificates from well-known organizations. A comprehensive communication on such strict privacy policy and procedure and strong security systems could also help companies gain trust from customers. In comparison with males, females are more sensitive to risks in online shopping. This is.understandable because women are often considerate and careful than men. aime JED No.213 July 2012 | 113 From this finding, companies should take into account customers’ gender when launching their products on the web. For businesses, whose target customers are females, the proposed risk relievers in the previous parts should be applied more strictly than those for males. 6. LIMITATIONS AND FURTHER RESEARCH This research investigates risk factors in general online business. It does not particularly study different categories of goods that may have different level of risk perceived by consumers. The research has demographic limitation since it covers only respondents in HCMC with a small sample of 153. Therefore, further research should investigate risk factors in different categories of experience goods or search goods, and expand the sample to other big cities in Vietnam for better understanding of the market References Bauer, R. 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Bé tai da xhe dink duge nam thank phan co ban cita chdt legng dich vu trong gido duc dai hoc 1a: (1) khia canh hoc thugt, (2) khia canh ngodi hoc thugt, (3) chwong trinh hoc, (4) sy tiép can, va (5) co s@ vét cht, Céc phan tich ciing khing dinh mdi quan h@ cing chiéu gitta chit legng dich vu va hinh anh trucing dgi hoc, gitta chat legng dich vy va dy dink hanh vi ciia sinh vién. Nghién citu nay din dén céc ggi § vé dink hwéng xéy dung nguén tec canh tranh & céc truimg dgi hoc VN. Tir khéa: Chdt legng dich va, hink dnh, de dink hanh vi, gido duc dai hoc, Tring Bei koc Kink té TP.HCM. Trong tuong Iai, béi canh canh tranh duge dir dodin sé tro nén ngay cang gay git do bing dai hoc tia cae t6 chire dio tgo sé duge céng nbn nhu nhau Gidi thigu Hon mét thap ky vita qua, linh vuc gido dye dai hoc & VN cé nhiing thay déi dang ké, Két qua la cac 18 chitc giéo duc dai hoc 6 VN dang d6i mat véi site ép canh tranh, de doa sy séng cén cia nhiéu trusng ai hoc hign tgi ciing nhu céc truong dai hoc méi ra 49i, tao ra 4p Iyc canh tranh vé ngudn luc khan hiém 4é phuc vy sé hoc vién tiém nang. Da cé nhiéu ban Jun vé khai nigm “khach hing” khéng pha hop du6i géc d6 ca sinh vién Kkhi thy huéng céc dich vu ido duc dai hoe. Chung quy lai thi phép an dy ndy 4 gidn tiép gan céc tb chitc dao tao dai hoc la cic cung cp dich vy va theo dé da dé bé su che chin ‘cho céc truimg dai hoc khdi anh huong cia teiét It nén tang marketing 12 “khéch hang luén dang”, Tuy nhién, vige nhan thite duge ban chit canb tranh theo quan diém huéng vé khach hang niy sé gitp cAc td chite dao tao tranh bi roi vao thé bat Igi khi xay dyng ngudn Iyc can tranh ciia minh, *78,, Trréng Bei hoc Kinh 6 TP.HCM ** Ths, Trring Bai hoc Kinh té TP.HCM mai:,thao.nk@ueh edu. ‘tren khap cd nude. Céc trig dai hoc can tim ra phuong thie dé canh tranh va tn tai. Hinh énh ‘truéng dai hgc c6 thé duge xem nhw mot tai sin vo gia trong béi canh canh tranh ngay ay vi nd anh huéng dén sy Iya chon cia céc sinh vién tiém nang, ‘M6t sé truémg dai hoc da ting cu’mg diu tu dé tg0 ra sy khac biét giita ho va cdc d6i thi canh tranh. Trén géc d6 nay, céc chién luge canh tranh thich hgp can phai bao gdm nhiing né lye xéc dinh hinh nh cia t8 chitc dao tao va cdi thién hinh anh do. ‘Chit tuong dich vu gido dye dai hoc hign nay chua 1A thé manh cia céc trrémg dai hoc & VN, i, cae t8 chite dio tao cing chua thyc sx én vige xay dung hinh anh. Do vay, muc titu it nay 1a: (1) Xac dinh céc yéu té co ban ‘ila chat {uryng dich vu trong béi canh nding cao chat lugng dio tao dai hoc; (2) arih hung cia chat long owen cuva Trace! ALF PHAT TRIEN KINH TE Ponte nr nee! dich vy dén hinh anh trximg dai'hoc; va (3) anh © hudng cita hinh anh truémg dai hoc dén dy dinh hanh vi tich cc cia sinh vién trong trang hop Truong Dai hoc Kinh té TP.HCM. 2. Cd sd Ii luan va cdc gia thuyét nghién cifu 2.1. Chiit egng dich vy trong linh vic gido duc ai hoc Chit lung duge dink nghia 1a “nhiing don vi phim chat tét dugc déng gi trong mét sin pham hoge dich vy? (Ghobadian va cng su, 1994, #44). Khi két hop véi sr vé hinh va tinh khong déng nhit iia ban chat dich vy thi “chat lugng dich vy la mét thuéc do xem xét dich vy cung cp dap tmg su mong ‘gi ciia khéch hang dugc thyc hign tit nhu thé nao” (Parasuraman va cng sy, 1988, tr 42). C6 hai mé hinh do luimg chat iugng dich vy thudng duge c&c nha nghién citu sit dung. Dé la m6 SERVQUAL (Parasuraman va cng su, 1988) vi m@ hinh SERVPERF (Cronin & Taylor, 1992). Mé hinh thir nhét, 48 nghj rng khodng chénh Iéch gia chét lung dich vu duge mong dyi va chit Iugng dich vu duge cam nhan quyét dink vige dénh id dich vy cia khéch hang. M6 hinh thir bai lai tranh lugn ring vige do luéng chit lugng dich vy chi nén tp trung vio su cém nhdn cia Khéch hang, M6t 's6 nha nghién ciru cho ring mé hinh SERVQUAL khong higu qua khi duge 4p dyng trong béj cénh ido dyc dai hpe vi tinh pic tap cla viée cung clip dich vu "gido’ duc bac cao. Trai lai, m6 hinh SERVPERF citing khéng thé chi ra duge nhimg khiém khuyét trong mitc 46 chat lugng dich vu duge mong gi, Do khéng cé md hinh nao gitta SERVQUAL va SERVPERF cé thé hodn tain phi hop 48 img dung trong méi truég gido duc dai hoc, cdc nha nghién ctu da nd Iyc tim kiém céc mé hin thay thé khéc. Mét céng cy hita hen nhiéu kha ning ‘img dung 4é do luémg chat Iugng dich vy trong Tinh vc gido duc dai hoc 1a md hinh HEdPERF (Abdullah, 2006), Abdullah da due re mgt thang do khdng chi xem xét céc thanh phn vé hoc thuat ma con bao gém nhiéu Khia canh cia toin b§ méi trudng dich vu ma ngwdi hoc duge tréi: nghigm, ‘Cong cy HEPERF dé nghj bén thanh phan cia chat wong dich vy trong méi trig gido duc dai hoc, AG vowencovsrmro.001 bao gdm: (1) Khia canh hoc thuat biéu hign trich nhiém cia nguoi day nhu kién thitc va kinh nghiém, phuong phép ging day, thai 49 giao'tiép cia ngudi day voi ngudi hoc; (2) Khia canh ngoai hoc thust gém nhiing hoat déng thudc trich nhigm ciia nhimg. nnhan vién khng tryc tiép giding day nhim gitp cho sinh vién c6 thé thyc hign duge nghia vu hoc tip cia minh nhw céc dich vu tur vin hoc tap/nghé nghiép, dich vu sic khde, tai chifh, hoat dng ngoai khéa; (3) Sy tip cn thé hign sy sin c& va dé ding trong vige sir dung dich vu; va (4) Chutong trinh hoc bao gém cAc chuong trinh dao tgo 6 uy tin, ohing chuong trinh chuyén su véi sy linh hoat trong két cfu cia chuong trinh va co sé vat chat, trang thiét bi phuc va cho chwong trinh hoc. Nhu vay, bin yéu t6 cla HEAPERF (hoc thust, ngoai hoc thud, sy ti cfn, va chuong trinh hoc) duge ding dé phat trién thang do trong nghién ciru nay. 2.2. Hinh dink truing dgi hoc Hinh anh té chife la én twong chung duge hinh thanh trong tam tri cong ching vé mét t6 chitc. Theo Kazoleas va cong sv (2001), hinh anh t6 chic la qué cia vige tuong téc gitta cdc kinh nghigm, ni tin, cam xic, kién thire va fn tugmg ma con ngudi cd vé mot 6 chit. Trong béi cénh nang cao chat lugng 420 tao dai hoc, hinh anh eta mot trang dai hoc c6 thé dinh nghia nh ting thé niém tin cba cd ahén huéng vé tnrdng 46 (Arpan va cOng sy, 2003). Cac thanh phan cia hinh anh truémg dai hoc 06 thé bao gém: danh tiéng hoc thudt, sy khang trang cia trang, hoc phi, dia iém, khoang cach tir nha dén nghigp va chudn bj nghé nghiép, co hoi tim kiém vigc lim va nhiing thit khéc aia. Trén quan diém céc trating dai hoc la nhimg ngudi cung cép dich vy, sinh vién sé 6 nhting danh gia riéng cia ho 46i vi hinh anh cia 6 chite do tao kh ho dang hye tai t6 chirc 6. Mét khi ho o6 dn tugng tot vé chat wong dich vu eda aha trutmg, nhing cdm nhin tich cure d6i véi hinh anh cia trudng sé duge ho lu gift. Vay gid chuyét du tién duge 48 nghj la: HI: Cé méi quan hé thugin chiéu gidta chit hugng cia Khia canh hoc thuét (Hila), khia canh ngodi hoc thuat (H1Tb), chong trinh hoc (Hc), sy tiép cén (H1d) va hinh anh truémg dai hc: PHAT TRIEN KINH TE SRLS RUUE Us eset Bet 2.3. Die dink hank vi - a nia cant Hia Dy dinh hich vi biéu hién qua | ‘Toewugt hanh vi truyén migng va dy dinh tai mua. Grénroos dinh_nghi HL tas mansin mene (wow in | SARI Mara |e “théng vé mét t6 chic, sy rung dai hoe ne tin nbigm va dng tin ely, eéch PS pte . van hanh va dich vu, céch giao | "Gs teo tip tr nguoi nay dén ngudi tid khéc” (1990, tr. 158). WOW | gyuspetn thutng xay ra gidia vg chéng, di téc, sau d6 1a ban be, ding | nghitp, ho hing, ling giéng vi nhimg ngudi Ip. Mangold va cong sy (1999) tin ring sy tuong thc'ed mot anh hhuéng ding ké lén hanb vi mua hing cia ngudi tiéu ding vi khéch hang tiém nang nhan thite sy giao tiép truyén migng la déng tin tong, ‘Dy djnh téi mua néi vé myc tiéu ciia khach hing him duy tri mt mbi quan he véi mot nha cung edp dich vy nhat dinh va dé mua tiép sin pham cia nhé cung cp dich vu 46. Spreng va cng su (1995) chi ra ring hanh vi mua tiép tc cua khdch hang la van dé quan trong vi chi phi dgt duge mét khach hang mdi thug lén hon chi phi duy tri mot khéch hing ci Mot s6 nghién citu da chi ra ring hinh anh trudmg dai hoc c6 téc déng ding ké dén long trung thanh va vige tiép tue sir dung dich vy ctia sinh vién (Nguyen & Leblanc, 2001; Helgesen & Nesset, 2007). Sinh vién c6 dn tugng tich cyc véi hinh anh ng6i tradng 4K hoc sé c6 thién § gidi thiéu trudng cia ho voi sinh vién khdc, ho néi va lam nhimg diéu tich eye vé truéng cia ho va sé quay tré vé tring tiép tuc hoc trong tuong lai. Vi vay, gid thuyét thir hai duge dat ra la: H2: C6 méi quan hé cing chiéu gita hinh anh trudng dai hoe duge nbén thic béi sinh vign vi dy inh hanh vi cba ngubi hoc. N6i céch khic, hinh anh trudng dai hoc trong tim tri sinh vien cing lon thi dy dinh hanh vi tuong lai cia ho déi véi truéng dai hoc cdng tich cuc. ‘Xuét phat tir 2 gid thuyét dé nghi, mé hinh nghién cu duge mé ta qua hinh sau Hinh 1. M6 hinh nghién cou 3: Phong phap nghién citu Cac thang do Likerts 7 diém (tir 1 = hodn toan khong dong ¥ dén 7 = hodn toan ding ¥) duge xay dung dya trén co sé li thuyét vé chit lugng dich vy gio duc bec dai hoc, hinh anh truémg dai hoc va dy dinh hanh vi. Dé dim bao gié tri ndi dung cia thang do, thio lug nhém duge thyc hign nhim bé sung va diéu chinh cdc phat biéu dé thuan Igi hon cho vige truyén dat. Cudi cing, thang do khai niém chat lugng dich vy bao gdm 30 bién quan sat, thé hién trén 4 khia canh nghién cifu 1a hia canh hoe thust, Khia canh ngoai hoc thuit, chong trinh hoc va su tiép cin, Thang do hinh anh truéng dai hoc gom 6 bién quan sat va thang do dy dinh hanh vi cla nguéi hoc gém.6 bién quan sat. Téng cOng gdm 42 bién quan sat cho tit ca cdc khéi niém nghién ci. ‘Déi tugmg nghién cir tap trung vio cdc sinh vién ‘hoc ki cudi nim thir ba va thir ty cia Truong Dai hoc Kinh t8 TP.HCM. Mau nghién citu chiém ti 1é 5% tng thé, dugc Iya chon theo phuong phap ngau nhién phan ting. Ti é sinh vién trong ting nién khoa va phin khoa duge chon phan Anh ti Ié trong tong thé nghién ciru ldy tix nguén thir cp (Bang 1). Cugc khao sat duge tién hanh tai cae co so cia trang, Phéng vin vien tiép cin céc dp vien tai lop hoe, gidi thigu mye dich cude nghién ciru va hug din céch tra loi va sau d6 phat bang céu hai dé dép _vién ty doc hiéu va tra loi, C6 575 bing céu héi duge phat ra, va 569 bang duge thu vé. Trong sé nhiing bang cdu héi thu vé cé 4 bang khéng dat yeu cdu vi c6 qué nhiéu cfu tra 16i bé trong. Cudi cing, 565 bing ciu héi hitu dung duge dua vao xir li va phan tich. Ti 1¢ hdi dap dat 98%. nomencouarea00® AQ Sk: PHAT TRIEN KINH TE Bang 1. Phan bé mau nghién cifu "Tong th Miu Khoa dio tao aie 7 a Kio 1 pat ibn 1272 119% 6 11.0% ‘Quan kink doa 4.201 112% ™ 13.0% “Thung ma-Du lih-Marketing 1.726 16.1% 96 170% ‘Tai chinh nha nue 578 54% 2 6.0% “Tchinh doar nghigp 1.283 110% 62 110% Ngén hana, 1.598 149% ™ 130% Ké todn ~ Kab tod 2a 19.7% 120 21.0% Ton — Thing ké 651 6.1% 30 50% Tin hoe quan I 213 2.0% 10 2.0% Lut kin tb 103 1.0% 6 10% ‘Nam theo hee Nam thir ba (34) aan 455% 258 457% Nae thet (33) 5.846 54.5% 307 54.9% isin Nam 4601 21 409% No 6.116 34 581% Tang cng 10717 65 Ghi cha: (1) Sé jiu tng th8 nghién cu do Phing Oa0 t20 va Cong tac sinh vién cia Trwéng Bal hec Kinh tb ‘TP-HCM cung cp, Cac phan tich duge thye hign dé kiém djnh cic he s6 thng ké Kaiser-Myer-Olkin, rit trich oe nhin 16 dai dign bing ki thudt phan tich nhin t8 chinh v phép quay Varimax, va dinh gia swt mhét quin n6i tai cla cde khdi nigm nghién ciru va d6 tin cfy cia ‘thang do qua hé sb Cronbach's alpha. Nhom nghién cciru sir dung ki thuat phan tich héi quy boi dé kiém inh bon gid thuyét dau tién va Ki thudt hoi quy don 4é kiém dinh gid thuyét cudi cing. Cac hé s6 VIF va chi s6 didu kign dugc ap dung 4é kiém djnh sy vi pham céc gid dinh cia mé hinh hdi quy b6i. Kiém dinh ¢ duge 4p dung dé xéc dinh sy Kkhéc biét git céc nhém sinh vin. 4, Két qua nghién cif 4.1. Phan tich nhan Phan tich nhan 16 sir dung 30 bién quan sit cia chit lugng dich vy, 6 bién cia hinh anh truimg dai hoc va 6 bién dy dinh hanh vi (Bang 2). Phép quay BO woner cove moos ‘Varimax véi hé sé Eigen lon hon | duge sir dung 4 xe dinh sé nhan t6 rit trich. Gid trj 0,7 cia hé sé Cronbach’s alpha duge 4p dung 48 danh gié mac 44 nhat quan cia thang do (Nunnally vi. Berstein, 1994). Két qua phn tich nhan t6 EFA cho thang do cag thanh hin ‘ca chét Iugng dich vy cho thay c6 - nim yéu t6 duge trich tai gié tri Eigen la 1,104, ‘Ngoai bén yéu t6 ngoai hoc thuat, hoc thuat, su tiép fn va chuong trinh hoc, thinh phdn thir nim duge xc dinh la co sé vat chat. Thanh phan nay lién quan dén cdc phuong tign trong phong hoc, thiét ké phong - hoc, dia diém trudng, thu vign, phéng méy tinh, va Kh6ng gian cho ty hoe va giai tri. Cac hg s6 tai nbn t8 cita cdc thanh phin chdt Iugng dich vy nim trong. khoding 0,623 — 0,804. Tit cd céc hé sé Cronbach's alpha cua chat lugng dich vu dat gid tri ti 0,758 dén 0,901. Véi vige xc dink thém mét thanh phan la co 80 vit chat, mot gid thuyét nghién ciru néta duge bb sung dé kiém dinh méi quan hé gitta thanh phan co 86 vat chét cia chét Iugng dich vy wi hinh anh tnu’mg dai hgc. Hinh 2 mé td mé hinh nghién ciru da duge diéu chiah, Kniaceh—|_> ta hoe ust Kia ch ngodl HA] hoe thust Hinn aon |_H2 ‘Chong tinh Hcl?) ong dai ee ee Ht Su tbp can Is) Hte} Co sirvatenét | —— Hinh 2. M6 hinh diéu chinh inh anh truimg dai hoc va dy dinh hanh vi cha ngudi hoe déu li cdc khdi nigm don bién. Két qua phan tich EFA cho thay cdc hé sé tai nhan t6 cia hai khéi nigm nay déu 1én hon 0,5. Hé sé Cronbach's alpha ca hinh anh trudmg dai hoc la 0,875 va cia dy inh: hinh vi cia ngudi hoc 18 0,856. Nhu vay, véi tat cd cdc hé s6 tai nin t6 In hon 0,5 va gid ta éu 16n hon 0,7, cdc nhan t6 dai dign cho céc Khai nigm nghién ciru c6 tinh nbdt quan ngi tai vé d6 tin cy cao, hoan toan thich hgp cho céc phan tich tip theo. Bang 3 thé hign ma trén twong quan gidta cdc bién nghién ciru. Két qua hé s6 tong quan nhé hon 0,850. chi ra ring gia tri phan biét cd kha ning tdn tai gitta 2 bién (John va Benet-Martinez, 2000), Tat ca hé s6 tuong quan tuyét déi gitta céc bién dao déng tir 0,263 dén 0,599, Khong vrgt qué hé sé diéu kién 0,850, Diéu 46 chimg minh ring gid tri phan biét di dat duge. Hay n6i céch khic, cdc thang do trong nghién ciu nay di do Iuéng duge céc khéi nig nghién citu khéc nhau. 4.2. Phin tich m6 té Hinh 3 trinb bay két qua théng ké mé ta khéi quat cam aban cua sinh vién vé chat lrgng dich vu do nha truémg cung cp. téng thé, sinh vién dénh gid cdc yéu té thé hign cht lugng dich vu tét (tri ‘trung binh tir 4,39 d&n 5,27). Trong cdc nhan t6 cia chét lung dich wy gido dye dai hoc, sinh vién nhgn xét khé tich eye ba yéu PHAT TRIEN KINH TE Peper tt 16 hang dau: Chuong trinh hoc (5,27), khia canh hoc thudt (5,19) va kehfa canh ngodi hoe thuét (5,01). Tuy nhién hai yéu t6 su tiép cfm va co sé vat chat duge xép 6 vj tri thir nr va nm voi trj trung ‘tuong img 4,57 va 4,39. R6 ring hai_yéu 6 nay cin duge cdi thign [>| ach veda nhiéu nhat, 4.3. Kiém dink gid thuyée Két qua kiém dink cdc gia thuyét uge trink bay trong Bing 4 vi Hinh 4. Phan tich hdi quy béi cho thiy bin Dyan gui hoe trong n4m thanh phan ca chét Iugng dich vy 6 anh huéng dang ké dén hinh anh trudng’ dai hoc (R’ diéu chinh = 0,390) véi thir ty tm quan ‘rong la: khia canh hoe thuat (B = 0,400), chuong trinh hoc (8 = 0,370), khfa canh ngodi hoc thuat ( 0,290), va co sé vat chat (B = 0,140). Nhu vay cdc gi thuyét Hla, Hb, Hc, vi Hle duge chép nhin; 4 thuyét Hd Khong duge chip nhén, Phan tich h&i quy don cho thay cé méi lién hé cing chidu gitta inh anh trrdmg dai hoc va dy dinh hanh vi cha gut hgc (R? diéw chinh = 0,430, B = 0,660). 44. Kiém dink t Su khéc bigt vé tri trung binh trorig kiém djnh t cho thay cé su cam nhén khéc nhau gitta hai nhom inh vién nim thir ba va thi tu vé chat long dich vy va hinh anh nha trudmg (Bang 5). Sinh vién nam this ba danh gid cao hon sinh vién nam thir nr vé chit lugng djch vy cia nha tring trén cd nim thanh phan nghién cima. Digu nay cho thdy thoi gian trai nghigm 6 nha trong 06 sy anh huéng dén dinh gid vé chit lugng dich vo. 5. Két luan va cc g¢i 7 vé quan li Két qua nghién ctru da xéc nhén nim thinh phan ‘ciia chat lugng dich vy gido dyc dai hgc gdm cé khia anh chuong trinh hoe, hoc thuat, ngodi hoc thugt, sy tiép cn va co sé vat cht. Tat cd ném yéu t6 cia chat Iugng dich vy duge danh gid & mic trén trung binh (5,89) va cdn duge cai thién nhdt la hai yéu t6 co 28 vit chdt vA su tiép c€n. Hu hét céc aid thayét at ra déu duge chap nhan. Diéu nay c6 nghia la khi chat lugng dich vu duge cam nhn cng cao thi hinh anh truémg dai hoe cdng lon trong tim tri ngwai boc. Ngoai ra, mét hinh anh tét dep cia nbd trtnmg sé owen cous rao 061 I PHAT TRIEN KINH TE Seen ey Bang 2. Phan tich nhan t6 Wes ae nha 6 hinh nnn Main nba ay nee Tia a som Gers clingvinc ile ev bgt rong me ncaa so Port a cin ra in hope O87 ne Gling win ub nn Wogan 3b ng teh nego cba 0728 488 Khi sinh vién gap van dé va hoc tp, ging vién cd sy quan tam nhigt 0,714 498 {inh gi uy. ae vin thé hign théi 49 tich eye, mhiét tinh gidng day huéng v8 sinh 0,757 5,30 Giang vién giao tiép t6t trong lop hoc. 0,606 sa? Giang vién phan hdi kip thei cho sinh vién trong qua trinh hoc. 0,604 5,20 Chung trinh hoc ‘ 3,679 0,758 Nha truéng 06 nganh hoe da dang theo nhu cu x8 hoi 0,727 548, N@i dung cae mén hoc duge ddi mdi, c§p nhat dap dng tht yéu chu dao 0,692 5,05, oe Nha truéng cung cip chong trinh hee trong khung thé gian hop I 0618 488 |S6 lugng cae mon hae phang phi. 0,638 5,67 Co so vit chat ‘5,702 0,858 Cc trang thiét bi trong op hoc dy du va tign ich cho vigc hoc. 0.531 5,06 Quy mé6 lop vira phai di dé sinh vién tap trung chi ¥ trong gitx hye, 0,730 4,40 ja diém hoc cila nha trudng thugn tign va khang trang. 0,743 449 ‘Thu vign dap tng tht nhu cu docimugn sdch cia sinh vién 0,794 434 Phong may tinh dip cng tt nu cdi thy hanh eda sinh vién 0,607 418 Khong gian danh cho ty hoc va gidi tri di va tién Iai. 0,640 3,91 Sy tiép can 38,083, 0,901 Khi sinh vién gp vn 48 hanh chinh/hge vy, nhan vin hanh chinh /gido 0,750 424 vw quan tém giai quyét. Nha vién hanh chinhigido vu law git h8 so hoc vu chinh xée va uy luc 0,689 oe Khi phan vién hanh chinhyhgc vy hira lim vige gl, ho du gi Idi he 0,770 468 Sroten thn wn inh cigs wf gn hl im ie eh vc eng 0.804 aan sae Nhén vién hanh chinhvhoc vy c6 hidu biét sau vd hé théng/thé tye. 0714 475 Nhdin vién hanh chinh/hgc vy giao tiép lich sy va nha nbn voi sinh vién. 0,675 459 BQ vonen cous mover PHAT TRIEN KINH TE Xx ‘Khia canh ngoai hee tut 4800 OAs Nha rng ton trong sy ty do Va riéng tu c& nh eta sinh vd 0525 548 Dich vy tu van hoe tapinghé nghiép cia nha trugng tht, 0.535 476 Dich vu y t& va ngain hang cila nha truréng tign foh. 0,520 490 Dich wy nha vé sinh dy did va sch sé. 0614 4,95 a ‘trrdng khuyén khich va hd tre 18t cdc heat dong doan ndi cia sinh 0,681 5,39 [Nha trurémg ling nghe céc phan hdi cia sinh vién dé cai thién dich vy. 0,733 478 “Tha tye cung ep dich vy cia nha tring dom gin va chun ha 0823 4ar inh anh to6mg 00 Foe ©2629 0875 Trsng Bal hee Kinh té-TP.HCM la trig dai hoe 6 uy tin in. osse 5.88 “Truting Bai hgc Kinht6-TP.HCM la trring dai oc trong cid qubc ia. 0,863 589 Truéng Bai hoe Kinh t6 TP_HCM la té chire trung thuc va dang tin cBy, 0,898 5,64 ‘Truing Bei hoe Kinh wb TP.HGH 116 che gido dyc ed ding gép ion 0838 sar cho x8 Ni Totbng Dal he Kh 18 TP.HCM [a trutng dal hoc quen thude v6i nhidu 0,744 6,06 a Sinh vign t6t nghiép tir Truéng Bai hoc Kinh i TP.HCM dé dang dugc 0,596 5,29 seayéa dyna. : Dy dinh anh vi a 8820 0,856 Tél 6 vb him trvbng eau ki 16 aghigp, 0743 522 Toi 88 chen trurtmg dai hoe nay dB tigc (én cao trong tong la 0.725 5.52 ‘Toi sé khuyén ngudi than/ban be dén hoc & ngdi trxbng nay. 0.817 5.52 Toi SB noi tt vB trudmg dai gc nay vol nud Khdc. 0813, 567 Toi s8 aéng gdp v8 vat chdttinh thdn cho sy phat iby cia tering du 0.776 541 6 abu ibn ‘Tyong lai néu (a ngudi thanh dat, t6i 98 gidp 46 sinh vién tét nghigp tty 0,721 5.88 trdng nay. ‘Bang 3. Ma trn trong quan gilt cdc khai niém nghién cite 1 2 3 4 5 é 7 7 Kia can he tut 7 Ose” oas6" 049s O86 —OATO" 08 2. Chuong tinh hoe 1 04a omoa? atts Suet 36° 3.00 sé.vatchdt 1 ose 0.75 0300" 0.263" 4. Sy bp can 1 air 27 0.288" 5. Khia canh ngoai hgc thugt 1 0,265" 0.259" 6.Hinh anh tnrdng dal bo 1 0.505" 7. Dy dint tanh vi 7 1 Ghi chd: “Tuong quan Pearson e6 ¥ nghia thing ke & mic 0,01; n = 565 nonencvemnons 5B PHAT TRIEN KINH TE SPT GEne seer or Nnwnuan Chiomg Tinhhoc Tinh ngodi Tinhtiép Caso vat winhhee —thudt —hoctnwst ein. chat Hinh 3. Xép hang cdc yéu t6 chat lugng dich vu giéo duc Bang 4. Két qua kiém dinh cdc gia thuyét we, ldndtelép ———siénphytmage MCN GIR Mey deta Hta Khia canh hoc thuat Hinh anh trueng oa 11,855 0,000 Chap nhan (68,624; 0,000} Hib Khia canh ngoai hoc thugt_—-Hinh anh trong, 8716 0,000 ‘Chdp nhgn Hie Chuang trinh hoc Hinh anh trong 14,091 0,000 ‘Chdp nhgn Hid Sy tip can Hinh anh trutng 1,842 0,179 Khong chp nan tte Coss vatene tion en eng 2920 000 —_Cakp ain Hinh anh truéng dai hoe DY dink nanh vi oe 20,639 0,000 ‘Chap nhan cela ngubl bec (425,97; 0,000) 3 Hinh 4, Két qua kiém dinh mé hinh thé hién qua hé s6 beta BG sone cov 8 reas oot PHAT TRIEN KINH TE Sh Bang 5. Cam nh§n khac biét vé chat Iugng dich vy va hinh anh nha tryéng Nam dang hoc —Tritrungbinh DG lgchchudn — Gia eft “Mic Ynghia Khia canh he thuat Nam tho ba (n=258) 5.25 0,801 4212" 0,000 Nam tho tu (n=307) 5.05 oa7e ‘Chuang trinh hoe Nam tho ba 5.45 0,855 ater 0,000 Nam the sa4 0,977 co se vatchit Nam thi ba 458 1068 3,394 0,001 Nam th tu 425 147 Sy tiép can Nam thir ba an 1,058 3.870" 0,000 Nam ther tu 4at 1148 Khia canh ngoti hye thuat Nam thir ba, 528 1,688 2aea 0028 Nim ter 498 1,568 + Hinb nh teuéng dai ge Nam thir ba 587 0,831 2.593" 0910 Nam tho tw 5.68 oat Chi chi: “Mite ynghia thing ké p<0.0. cim nhén cia sinh’ vién d6i v6i chit tugng dich vu va hinh anh cia nha truéng. Sinh vién nam cudi Ivgng dich vu cita trudng th4p hon so in nam thi ba, Thoi gian tréi nghiém ‘cng dai, sinh vign cng doi hoi khit khe hon vé chat Jugng dich vu duge cung cp. Trong dich vu giéo duc, sinh vién vira la khéch hang vira 1a sin phdm. Qué trinh hoc cla sinh vién ciing 1a qué trinh cung c4p dich vy ciia ging vién. Khia canh hgc thuat déng gép Ién nhat vao hinh anh tring dai hoc. Giang vién déng vai tro rit quan trong trong qué trinh chuyén giao dich vu, thé hién qua kién thie va kinh nghiém cia gidng vien, phuong phap ging day, cach tiép xiic va gidi quyét vin 4@ trong hoc tap, danh thdi gian giup d@ va phin ‘di théng tin dén sinh vign. Ngoai viée gidng vién ty than hoc hi va nang cao trinh d6, nha trang nén hd tg nguéi day lam tét vai tro nay nhu t6 chite ca ‘hoa hoc vé phuong phap giing day hién diéu kign cho gidng vién duge co xét véi thye té bén ngoai qua céc dy an hgp téc nghién citu, tw van cho vche doanh nghiép. Chwong trinh hoc 1a thinb phin quan trong tht hai gop phan 190 aén hinh anh Truéng Dai hoc Kinh té TP.HCM. Thiét ké chuong trinh hoc t6t di hoi phai gin véi gido trinh va sch tham khdo cing thoi Jugng day di cho viée day va hoc. B6 tri Ht hoc hgp li gidp can bang gitta li thuyét thyc hanh. Cung. cdp kinh phi hop li sé kich thich ging vién viét tai nha truong va’ doanh nghigp giip gidng vién xdy ‘dymg cdc bai tap tinh huéng kinh doanh phyc vy cho -vigc gidng li thuyét, minh hoa bang thuc té. Khia canh ngodi hoc thugt déng vai td quan tong thir ba anh hung dén hinh anh nba truéng. Sinh vién bj thu hit boi yéu td bé ngoai va sy thuan ign. Nha trurémg.nén quan tam dén vige chudn hoa ‘céc thi tuc cung cp dich vu tir khdu tuyén sinh, thi, tuc mhap hoc, thi tuc ding ky mén hoc, déng hoc phi, tra ciru diém trong qué trinh hgc... Cae phong trdo, hoat dng ngoai khéa trong sinh vién rit dé to. 4n tugng va tiéng vang cho nha trudmg, vi thé ching. nén duge t6 chizc va duy tri thuéng xuyén, ‘Trong nginh dich va, mdi quan hé git hinh anh t8 chite va chét lung dich vy ma t6 chitc cung cp (hi rét khé xde dinh vi tinh vé hinh cia dich vu. Cac 8c diém hiru hinh khac c6 thé ding dé lim’cho hinh ‘anh dé thiy va dé nhdn thire duge. Dé tic dng dén notwen covareno sd Sh PHAT TRIEN KINH TE hanh vi trung thinh véi t6 chite dich vy, truémg dai hoc nén dya trén co sé vat chat béi vi trong suy nghi cha ngudi str ding nhimg yéu t6 nay tgo thinh toi ich hia hen trong qué trinh chuyén giao dich vu. ‘Tring dai hoc nén khai théc cdc yéu t6 vat chat trong truyén théng dé tao ra sy xéc thye vo hinh. Diy ciing 1a céch higu qué 4é tao ra mét hinh anh thyc va cy thé. Vai td cia nhin sy tiép xtc the hign céc nghigp vu ngoai hgc thuat cing quan trong vi ching anh hutmg tryc tiép dén sinh vién va trong, ‘mt chimg myc nao dé ching tao ra sc thai riéng vé chit lugng dich vu cia mot trudng dai hoc. ‘Neodi ra, cdc nha quan Ii giéo duc nén ‘quan téim dén ki thudt do luémg chit lugng dich vy 4é theo doi ‘qué Khia, hign tai va nh§n thie cia sinh vién vé chat lugng dich vy that sy. Céch lm nay gitp cho trang ai hoe ci thin hinh anh tring theo thai gian tr tiga cyc, trung binh, dén tich eye théng qua kinh nghiém dich vy. Tuong ty, ciing cn phai xem xét lai theo thdi gian nhu cau cia sinh vién thay 44i nhw thé no, sinh vign nam sau di héi dich va bac cao hon 48 nha trudng c6 nhimg diéu chinh kip thdi true hi né tré thanh mt loi truyén migng kém tich cye. 6. Han ché va huéng nghién cifu tiép theo Vi nghien cm nay chi trong pam vi mét trutmg (nt s6 diéu chinh R= 40%), sv tgp hop niu dit ligu tir cée truing dai hoe khéc dé so sinh va két tugn sé Jam cho tinh téng quat hoa manh hon, Hon nita, nghién cirr vé chdt Iugng gido dyc dai hoc trong tuong lai nén quan tam dén cam nhan cia giéng vién va nhn vién trong triémg. Ho lé nhing ngudi gin bé nhiéu nam, cé nhiéu kinh nghigm trong moi tru’mg giéo duc. Cam nhén cla nhing ‘ngudi tham gia tao nén dich vy c6 thé mang dén mot su dinh gid khdc bigt Va séu sic hon so voi sinh vien. Trong nghién ciru ndy, hinh anh cia tring dai hoc chi duge do ludmg théng qua déi tong la sinh vién chinh quy dang hoc. Cée déi tugng khiée di da hoc xong hoc chua hgc tai trudg cling cé thé nhan thire vé hinh anh trudng dai hoc 45, Do dé, nghién iru trong tong lai vé hinh anh cua mét td chite giéo duc nén mé rong mau nghién cia dén céc cyu sinh vién va cong déng dia phuong. Ké qua ciia nghién ciru vé sy tréi nghigm sinh’ vién anh huéng dén nhgn thite cita ho vé chit ugng dich vy chi méi bude khdm pha vi so sénh 2 nhém sinh vién khéc mhau cé thai gian trai nghiém nhiéu va it hon, Nghién eifu tuong lai nén thyc hign theo bung nghién ciru lap lai, nghia li cing mot mdu nghién ctu sé thye hign céc thoi gian phong vin khée nhau khi ho hoc nam thir hai, thir ba va thir tu, Phuong phap nghién cir nay sé gitip phat hign su hon y nghia vé “thoi gian”, lim 13 vai trd cia thoi gian va kinh nghigm ngudi hoc trong dénh gia chit Iugng vu gido duc va hinh anh nha trudmgl TAY LIgU THAM KHAO Abdul, F. (2008). 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