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Name: Nousheen Aslam

Course: Critical thinking and reflective practices

Class : B.ED- 2

Instructor: Sadiya Durrani


Q1. In your study during this semester, what has been your experience with practicing

Critical Thinking as a student? Share 5 short instances.

1. Open mindness of my fellows, this I mostly experienced during my semester. Coming to class

and having the chance to sit next to someone of a different mindset just about every day is

rewarding. I have learned that before making final judgment, we should observe and looked

around the things with great care and should try to show open mindness. Many times during my

course I have realized my mistakes on my early judgments and I have realized that i must get rid

of the idea of judging everyone.

2. Another thing which I have learned and practice is bloom taxonomy, amazingly as a teacher I

never heard about bloom taxonomy. In this course i practiced how important this is for teacher

like me. more over the way in which you explained bloom taxonomy is amazing I think that is

that’s the best way to teach bloom taxonomy and develop the understand of bloom taxonomy.

3. After taking the class on Socratic questioning, I came to the conclusion, we must use a

Socratic debate to show students how they should not be limited by their own perspectives, but
they should map out conceivable possibilities before making judgment. We should involve our

students in discussions where everybody feels free to give his/her opinion. Create an

environment that enables and foster a culture that encourages people to think outside of the box

and to go above and beyond their day-to-day tasks.

4. During this semester I have started to reflect on my own teaching practice I reflected on how

different parts of what i do work well. Where aspects of my teaching can be improved, and how

Problems which arise could be solved, and I started thinking to Introducing concepts, tools and

skills for critical thinking, and setting up a variety of interesting, current and multi-leveled ways

to implement those skills is an important aspect of bringing critical thinking into the classroom. I

have learned a lot of activities which you have used during your classes.

5. To me initially it was very difficult to write reflections as I have never ever wrote the

reflections but now somehow I have managed myself to write reflections. Writing reflection is

the most difficult task I have ever witnessed in this semester. I have learned that the most

important aspect of engaging in reflection for your ongoing personal and Professional learning is

that you are able to demonstrate your progression towards achievement of professional learning

outcomes and standards of proficiency.

Q2. In your work life, what can you do repeatedly (self and students)to exercise the habits

of the mind?

 Developing insight into egocentricity or socio centricity

 Developing Intellectual Courage

 Evaluating the Credibility of Sources of Information

Developing insight into egocentricity or socio centricity:

i) I understand ego-centrism to be a negative adaptation of our purposeful nature when we

engage life without wisdom.

For developing insight into socio centricity what I found interesting is to conduct lectures

through discussion method. Or enhance the pee work activity. It will help the students who don’t

feel comfortable working in a group gradually they will develop a habit of doing work in groups.

So it will help them to look into socio centricity and to come out of their circle

ii) Other thing to develop insight in to ego centricity is to develop a habit of saying sorry for your

actions and try to help others in your daily routine. As a teacher what can I do repeatedly I can

help other teachers and I usually help other teachers whenever they need any help. And saying

sorry is also a way to develop a sight into egocentricity and also to kill it gradually.

Developing Intellectual courage:

i) To develop an intellectual courage it is very important to realize your mistakes first and

acknowledged them as well. And think about the ways which can lead to the success.

What I can do repeatedly or I often do is that whenever I made any mistake I have realized it

later and always tried not to do the same thing again in my work life. I have a habit to

acknowledge my mistakes.
ii) To develop intellectual courage in my students I will ask them to think critically and write the

reflections of their own actions. I will plan my lesson which can facilitate critical thinking. I will

make my students to ask do questionings again and again. It will also help them to exercise


Evaluating the Credibility of Sources of Information:

i) Always try to find the source of information. Whenever you get any news, don’t assume it as

a reality; just see that is spreading and whether any benefit is hidden for him/her by spreading the

new. Always try to listen critically, and find someone whom you think can guide you about its

dimensions and then act accordingly. Like in my school whenever I heard any news I always

went to my coordinator to confirm the news

ii) In a week I always had a good discussion with my students related to whatever I found

interesting incidents, quotation and information which I thought is good to share it with my

students. Before sharing it, I always first confirm it from reliable website, for example if I want

to tell them about any religious material before sharing it I always search it with reference to

Quran and hadith. After confirmation, I deliver it to my students. And this is what I can do

repeatedly to realize my students as well before saying something just confirm it.

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