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Chapter One
1. Reiterating the question from last year, what really is your definition of the nation brand?
Is it simply limited to government-centric efforts or is it really what the country presents
to the world?
Chapter Two
1. In the theoretical framework of your study, why are you using two theories in
international relations for your study? Why not just use one theory?
Chapter Three
1. Why choose these three countries for the study to limit yourselves? Why not get from
other countries that have established nation brands?
2. Can three countrie s really justify a generalization for the steps to crafting a nation brand?
How can you justify your methodology?
3. What is the use of your checklists in the documents gathering? Is it more of a system of
coding or not? From what I can see, the checklists used were not mentioned in Chapter
Four at all.
4. How were your documents validated? How was your Key Informant Interviews
validated? How sure are you that the methods and instruments used by your group are the
appropriate ones for the study?
Chapter Four
1. First and foremost, how was the data validated? Through what means were you able to
validate the data that you have gathered?
2. If the three countries were used to gather the data, why is it that in some parts of the
thesis some countries do not appear? What does this imply?
3. In your thematization of the data, why was Germany, Singapore, and Malaysia grouped
together instead of separately?
4. Why are the two theories not used co-extensively in your data?
5. How did you thematize your data?
6. In the decision-making process for Germany, did the country follow the prescription
given by Wolff Olins in the book by Dinnie?
7. Why is there more data for Singapore than in Malaysia and Germany?
8. Why is it that in the data for Malaysia, Malaysia Truly Asia is equated as a nation brand
when in research proposal, slogans such as these were not considered to be a nation
9. Where is the analysis and interpretation for the nation brand efforts among the
established nation brands?
10. The 1Malaysia program, can this program be considered the country’s nation brand?
Why or why not?
11. In the data of Malaysia, is it not that the Philippines also has a nation branding council,
much like the Philippines?
12. So, what is the general analysis and interpretation of the data in other words?
Chapter Five
1. Where is the theory of neoliberalism in the conclusion? Why are both theories not
emphasized in Chapter Five.
1. Why is your appendix longer than your thesis paper itself?
2. Why is the KII Field Notes placed in the thesis paper when you were told specifically not
to place anything but the documents gathered and the interview transcripts?
3. Why is there an inconsistency in the documents gathered? The Germany documents
presented were in tabular form, but the documents from Malaysia and Singapore are
presented in raw data form. How do you reconcile this?
4. Why is there an inconsistency in the APA Format for bibliography?
5. In the formatting of your paper, why are some paragraphs in different styles and font

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