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Situation 1:

Tom is in the school and he is waiting for his friend jhon

Tom: Why don’t arrive Jhon? I have been waiting two hours. I’m angry.
If he considers our friendship, he will call me.
John: Sorry friend. I had a problema. Can you excuse me?
Tom: But tell me the reason. I think that you don´t consider for me.
I have been waiting for a long time. Why don’t call me?
John: Sorry, My mom has been bad since yesteday. I had to carry to the
Tom: Sorry friend, I didn’t know. Now I understand why you were late.

Situation 2:
Camila is at home and she is wainting for his boyfriend beacuse they will
go to the cinema.
Camila: Mario arrives in some minutes. We will go to the cinema. I’m
In that moment It starts to rain.
Camila: Oh no! It’s raining
Three hours later
Camila: It have been raining for three hours and I can’t go to the
cinema with Mario.
In that moment the boyfriend calls.
Boyfriend: My love. I haven’t gone to her house for the rain. I have been
wainting this day.
Camila: Me too! I have been praying to stop raining. Because i want to
see yo. I feel sad.
Boyfriend : I konw how you feel, but I have Heard on the news the it
will rain until the next day. Don’t worry! I will see you tomorrow. I
promise you that we will go to the cinema.

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