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Sixth Edition
Eugene L. Grant
Professor of Economics of Engineering, Emeritus
Stanford University

Richard S. Leavenworth
Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering
University of Florida

1 • 8 ; 8 ; 8

I • 9 • 8 • 8

McGraw-Hill Book Company

New York St. Louis San Francisco Auckland Bogota Caracas
Colorado Springs Hamburg Lisbon London Madrid Mexico
Milan Montreal New Delhi Oklahoma City Panama Paris
San Juan Säo Paulo Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto
List of Examples xiii
Preface xv

1 Introduction 1

Part One Statistical Process Control 29

2 Why the Control Chart Works; Some Statistical Concepts frequency

distributions; averages and measures of dispersion; statistics and
parameters; normal curve; estimating parameters 31
3 Why the Control Chart Works; Some Examples control-chart limit factors;
Shewhart's normal bowl; lack of control; interpreting patterns of
variation 74
4 Directions for Simple X and R Charts control-chart objectives;
subgrouping; recording measurements; plotting control charts; drawing
conclusions; revising control limits; use of computer software 115
5 Rational Subgrouping; Analyzing Process Capability sources of variation;
isolating variation sources; using control charts to analyze variation;
process capability indexes; other statistical techniques 154
6 Some Fundamentals of the Theory of Probability definitions and concepts;
basic theorems; hypergeometric, binomial, and Poisson distributions;
normal distribution and Central Limit Theorem; estimating parameters;
extreme runs; computer programs 181
7 The Control Chart for Fraction Rejected p chart; trial limits; standard
X Contents

values; revising control limits; steps for control-chart setup; np chart;

interpretation of lack of control 239
8 The Control Chart for Nonconformities с chart; и chart; probability limits;
Pareto Analysis; Cause and Effect Analysis; weighting
nonconformities 274
9 Some Special Process Control Procedures variations on the standard
Shewhart chart; charts for medians; homogeneity tests; probability limits;
charts for moving averages; linear trend charts; narrow limit gauging;
reject limits; acceptance control charts 302
10 Cumulative Sum Control Charts X chart and mask construction; Average
Run Length; R chart mask construction 348
11 Some Aspects of Specifications and Tolerances setting design specifications;
interpreting pilot runs; combinations of tolerances; measurement
error 361

Part Two Acceptance Sampling 391

12 Some Fundamental Concepts in Acceptance Sampling operating
characteristic curves; distribution assumptions; indexing systems of
acceptance plans; single-, double-, and multi-level plans 393
13 The Dodge-Romig System for Lot-by-Lot Acceptance Sampling by
Attributes indexing plans by Lot Tolerance Percent Defective and
Average Outgoing Quality Limit; calculation of AOQ; Average Fraction
Inspected; plan operation; minimizing total inspection 426
14 An AQL System for Lot-by-Lot Acceptance Sampling by Attributes
(ABC-STD-105) indexing by Acceptable Quality Level (AQL); operation
of a system of plans; plan ОС curves vs. system ОС curves; Average
Sample Number (ASN); classification of defects; Limiting Quality (LQ);
ANSI standard Z 1.4 450
15 Certain Other Plans for Lot-by-Lot Acceptance Sampling by
Attributes custom sampling plans; sequential sampling; Philips Standard
Sampling System; a simplified AQL system; chain sampling 492
16 Acceptance Inspection for Continuous Production continuous sampling
plans CSP-1, CSP-2, and CSP-3; multilevel continuous sampling; skip-lot
sampling Plans SkSP-1 and SkSP-2 520
17 Acceptance Sampling by Variables Lot Plot method; ОС curves for known
o- variables sampling plans; MIL-STD-414 system of plans, known and
unknown о-; ANSI standard Z1.9; proof testing 537
18 Some Aspects of Life Testing and Reliability relationship of life testing to
acceptance sampling; constant failure rate assumption; ОС curves;
Contents xi

estimating mean life; government publications; reliability functions other

than negative exponential 580

Part Three Some Related Topics 613

19 Some Economic Aspects of Quality Decisions 615
20 Demonstrating the Operation of Systems of Chance Causes 635
21 The Widespread Usefulness of Control Charts and Acceptance Sampling
Procedures 640

Appendixes 646
1 Glossary of Symbols 646
2 Bibliography 656
3 Tables 665
A Area under the normal curve 666
В Right tail area of the \2 distribution 668
С Factors for estimating a from R, J, orCTRMSand aR from R . _669
D Factors for determining from R the 3-sigma control limits for X and
R charts 670
E Factors for determining from J and crRMs the 3-sigma control limits
for X and s or aRMS charts 671
F Factors for determining from a the 3-sigma control limits for X, R,
and л or <7RMS charts 672
G Summation of terms of Poisson's exponential binomial limit 673
H Logarithms of factorials 678
J Logarithms of numbers 683
К Sample size code letters—MIL-STD-105D (ABC standard) 685
L Master table for normal inspection (single sampling)—
MIL-STD-105D (ABC standard) 686
M Master table for tightened inspection (single sampling)—
MIL-STD-105D (ABC standard) 687
N Master table for reduced inspection (single sampling)—
MIL-STD-105D (ABC standard) 688
О Master table for normal inspection (double sampling)—
MIL-STD-105D (ABC standard) 689
P Master table for tightened inspection (double sampling)—
MIL-STD-105D (ABC standard) 690
Q Master table for reduced inspection (double sampling)—
MIL-STD-105D (ABC standard) 691
xii Contents

R Master table for normal inspection (multiple sampling)—

MIL-STD-105D (ABC standard) 692
S Master table for tightened inspection (multiple sampling)—
MIL-STD-105D (ABC standard) 694
T Master table for reduced inspection (multiple sampling)—
MIL-STD-105D (ABC standard) 696
U Average Outgoing Quality Limit factors for normal inspection
(single sampling)—MIL-STD-105D (ABC standard) 698
V Average Outgoing Quality Limit factors for tightened inspection
(single sampling)—MIL-STD-105D (ABC standard) 699
W Limit Numbers for reduced inspection—MIL-STD-105D
(ABC standard) 700
X Random numbers 701

Index 703

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