Bahasa Inggris Tugas 1 (Sampel Darah)

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Nurses will take blood taking measures on anemia patients in RSBK Kediri
Nurse : Good morning miss, I’m an eka nurse. This morning I served in this room.
Can mention the name and place of birth date
Ms. Grace : Good morning too nurse, my name is Grace, my date of birth is March 7,
1997 in Kediri
Nurse : Well, your name and date of birth are the same as the bracelet used. How are
you feeling now?
Ms. Grace : Actually I don't feel good enough, nurse. I have a headache, dizziness and
Nurse : I'm very sorry to hear that, Ms. Grace. Was the medicine taken overnight?
Ms. Grace : Yes, I have taken the nurse
Nurse : Okay, I'll take the medicine according to the schedule, miss, to reduce your
headache and dizziness
Ms. Grace : Thank you, nurse

Before taking blood samples from the patient, the nurse performs a vital check first.
after completing the Vital sign examination blood pressure 80 / mmHg, pulse 120x /
min, breathing 22x / min, temperature 37 ° c

Nurse : Well. I will do a complete blood test on Ms. to find out the number of red
blood cells in the blood and to find out if there are other diseases or not
Ms. Grace : Yes, nurse, but does it hurt when blood is taken?
Nurse : It doesn't hurt much, miss. No need to be afraid too because the action of
taking blood is not long
Ms. Grace : Yes nurse, I am willing
Nurse : I will start the action. I will draw blood on your right arm, miss
Ms. Grace : Yes nurse
The nurse then takes action by preparing a sterile instrument that will be used, then
sterilizing the area to be stabbed and then installing a tourniquet.

Nurse : Miss, please clench your hands because I'm going to prick a needle into a
Ms. Grace : all right, nurse

After inserting the needle into a vein, the nurse takes a tube and pushes the blood vessel.
Then release the tourniquet and wait until the tube is filled as needed.

Nurse : I have finished taking blood on Miss. Do you feel sick?

Ms. Grace : It doesn't hurt that much
Nurse : Well. I will return to the nurse's office. If you need something you can call
me or press the button on the left side of the woman. Thank you
Ms. Grace : Thank you, nurse

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