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Helping Men to Approach You

3 Steps to Being Approachable - Dating Tips for Women by Rori Raye

Rori Raye usually gives some fantastic dating tips for women via her newsletters,
and I wanted to share this one with my readers because one of the biggest
questions I get is how to actually GET a man to approach you, or how to really
spark his interest in you.

So let’s get right to it. One of the biggest reasons that men do not approach women
is because they are afraid to. And its not because you yourself are intimidating as a
woman, because most of us are very nice! But, when we are out there in day to day
life, the hustle and bustle we get caught up in makes us look distracted, frustrated
or hurried, and that is not an approachable invitation to a guy.

So, here are three tips to practice to help him approach you from Rori Raye.

Tip number one to start meeting men everywhere – PUT DOWN THE CELL
PHONE!! You are out and about, shopping or running errands or whatever. You
are SURROUNDED by MEN. Have ya noticed? Probably not! We get SO caught
up in what we are doing and the thousand things running through our head at any
given moment that we forget that the biggest opportunity to meet men (or people in
general!) is in our everyday lives. When you are running through the grocery store,
texting your friend, reading your shopping list, deciding which brand of fabric
softener to get, a great, available and ready to meet you guy may be standing right
beside you. BUT, like most of us, you are too focused on what you are doing to
notice. So START NOTICING. Pause, look around, make eye contact and adjust
your body language so that you seem open and friendly. Take off your coat in the
store and relax a bit, spend a little time in the book aisle or just pause and look
around with an open smile on your face.

So this leads to step two. SMILE. Show your pearly whites, make eye contact with
a man and smile right at him. Be adventurous and say hello! This is where most of
us get flustered and retreat – we look away, we look at something else, we pretend
to be very busy and he feels rejected and keeps moving. So open yourself up a bit
and maintain that eye contact. Most guys are just waiting for the smallest sign that
you are approachable! Give them a little encouragement!

Your body language can say a lot about your “approachableness” too. Put your
arms at your side instead of across your body, lean back a little bit and relax. He
won’t bite. Of course not every guy is going to take the invitation, but if you are
practicing being open like this, many more will than would if you are looking
flustered or hurried. He may approach, strike up a little chat, and maybe even ask
you out or for your number. It may not happen the first time you try this technique,
or even the 5th time. But PERSISTENCE and AWARENESS are the keys here.
And when you DO finally get that date? Tip three, according to Rori Raye, be
curious, laugh and have fun on your date. Don't act like you're evaluating him for a
job. You may have the urge to ask him about everything in his life, to try to get to
know him and evaluate him for his appropriateness for your life on the first date.
Don’t do this. Relax, have fun, laugh, go with the moment and just start being
yourself. You cannot get to know someone in the space of a few short hours, but if
you try to just have a little fun, you will get the feeling as to whether or not you
CAN have fun and be compatible with this man.

So there you have it. Listen to Rori Raye, learn to meet the men around you, be
open and be approachable. Learnt to relax on your dates and have fun instead of
interviewing them for a job. I bet, employing these techniques, that you will begin
to experience much greater success in your live life, starting the next time you
leave your house.

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