Electrical Sciences EEE F111

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Electrical Sciences

EEE F111

Dr. A. Amalin Prince

BITS - Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Lecture – 19,20,21
Frequency response: Frequency response and Resonance in Parallel and Series

EEE F111 2

What is Frequency Response of a Circuit?

It is the variation in a circuit’s

behavior with change in signal
frequency and may also be
considered as the variation of the gain
and phase with frequency.

The transfer function H() of a circuit is the frequency dependent ratio of the phasor
output Y() to a phasor input X().
 Considered input and output may be either the current or the voltage variable.
 4 types of possible transfer functions.

Y( )
H( ) 
X( )
= H( ) | 

V ( ) Vo ( )
H( )  Voltage gain  o H( )  Transfer Impedance 
Vi ( ) I i ( )

I o ( ) I o ( )
H( )  Current gain  H( )  Transfer Admittance 
I i ( ) Vi ( )
Frequency Response of the RC Circuit

a) Time Domain RC Circuit b) Frequency Domain RC Circuit

Vo ( ) jC 1
H ( )    Transfer Function
Vs ( ) R  1 1  j RC
H ( )  Magnitude Response
1  ( ) 2

 ( )  H ( )   tan
Phase Response
Where o 
Drawing Frequency Response of RC Circuit

Low Pass Filter

H ( ) 
1  ( )2
o 
 ( )  H ( )   tan 1

a) Amplitude Response b) Phase Response

The frequency value of o is of special interest.
 Because output is considerable only at low values of frequency, the circuit is also
Half Power Frequency

In general, given an amplitude response whose maximum

value is M, the half-power frequencies are those frequencies
for which the magnitude of the amplitude response is M / 2

EEE F111 7
Practice Problem

Find the transfer function

H(ω) = V0/Vs and plot it

HIGH Pass Filter

Types of Filters
Types of Filters
Types of Filters
Practice Problem

Determine what type of filter is shown

in Figure Calculate the corner or cutoff
frequency. Take R = 2 k, L = 2 H, and C =
2 μF.
Decibel Scale
 The DECIBEL provides us with a unit of less magnitude.
GdB  10 log10 is defined as Decibel Gain

V2 2 2
P2 R2  V2  R
GdB  10 log10  10 log10 2  10 log10    10 log10 1
P1 V1  V1  R2
V2 R V
 20 log10  10 log10 2  20 log10 2 if R2  R1
V1 R1 V1

P2 V2
GdB  10 log10  20 log10
P1 V1
Decibel Scale
 The DECIBEL value is a logarithmic measurement of the ratio of one variable to
another of the same type.
 Decibel value has no dimension.
 It is used for voltage, current and power gains.
Magnitude H Decibel Value HdB V2
0.001 -60 H dB  20 log10 H  20 log10
0.01 -40
Some Properties of Logarithms
0.1 -20
0.5 -6 log P1 P2  log P1  log P2
1/√2 -3  P1 
log    log P1  log P2
1 0  P2 
√2 3 log P n  n log P
2 6
log 1  0
10 20
20 26
100 40
Typical Sound Levels and Their Decibel Levels.
Semilog Scale
Series Resonance
 Resonance is a condition in an RLC circuit in which the
capacitive and inductive reactance are equal in magnitude,
thereby resulting in purely resistive impedance.

 The features of series resonance:

The impedance is purely resistive, Z = R;
• The supply voltage Vs and the current I are in phase (cosq = 1)
• The magnitude of the transfer function H(ω) = Z(ω) is minimum;
• The inductor voltage and capacitor voltage can be much more
than the source voltage.
Series Resonance

Vs ( ) 1  1 
Z ( )  H ( )   R  j L   R  j L 
I ( ) jC  C 
Resonance occurs when circuit is purely resistive
1 1
Im( Z )   L   0  o L 
C oC
o  Resonance Frequency

1 1
o  , fo 
LC 2 LC
Series Resonance
 VR, VL, VC, and I versus frequency for a series resonant circuit.
Series Resonance
 Resonance occurs when the circuit has a complex conjugate pair of
 Resonance allows frequency discrimination in circuits.
 Resonance occurs in a circuit that has at least one inductor and one

At Resonance:
1) Impedance is purely resistive.
2) The voltage and current are in phase.
3) The transfer function H()= Z() is Minimum
4) Inductor and capacitor voltages can be much more than (Q times) source
VL  o L  QVm
V 1 o L 1
VC  m  QVm Q 
R oC R oCR
Bandwidth of Series Resonance
 Current versus frequency for the series resonant circuit.
II 
R 2  ( L  1 )2

Half Power Frequencies

Dissipated power is half of the
maximum value.

• The half-power frequencies 1 and 2 can be obtained by setting,

Z (1 )  Z (2 )  R 2  ( L  1 )2  2 R
 Vm 
 
P(1 )  P(2 )   2
2 2
R  R  1 R  R  1
1       , 2      
2L  2 L  LC 2L  2 L  LC
 The frequencies corresponding to 0.707 of the maximum current are called the band
frequencies, cutoff frequencies, or half-power frequencies (ƒ1, ƒ2).

 Half-power frequencies are those frequencies at which the power delivered is one-
half that delivered at resonant frequency.

 The range of frequencies between the two are referred to as bandwidth (abbreviated
BW) of the resonant circuit.

 Since the resonant circuit is adjusted to select a band of frequencies it is called a

selectivity curve.

 The shape of the curve depends on each element of the series R-L-C circuit.

 If resistance is made smaller with a fixed inductance and capacitance, the bandwidth
decreases and the selectivity increases.

 If the ratio L/C increases with fixed resistance, the bandwidth again decreases with
an increase in selectivity.
Bandwidth of Series Resonance

 The width of the response is measured by the BANDWIDTH.

 BANDWIDTH is the difference between the half-power
frequencies. B    2 1
 Resonance frequency can be obtained from the half-power

o  12 , B  2  1

 The SHARPNESS of the resonance is measured by the QUALITY

 QUALITY FACTOR is the ratio of the resonance frequency to the
bandwidth. The higher the Q the smaller is the bandwidth. o
Quality Factor of Series Resonance


Peak Energy Stored

Q  2
Energy Dissipated in one Period at Resonance
L 1
Q o 
R  o RC

o L 1
Q 
R  o RC
R o
B 
1   o  ,  2   o 
2 2
Effect on Selectivity of R, L, C for Series

Effect of R on selectivity

Effect of L and C on selectivity

Practice Problem
 Resonance is a condition in an RLC circuit in which the capacitive and inductive
reactances are equal in magnitude, resulting in a purely resistive impedance.
 Parallel resonance circuit behaves similarly but in opposite fashion compared to
series resonant circuit.
 The admitance is minimum at resonance or impedance is maximum.

o 

Parallel resonant circuit.

I 1 1 1  1 
Y  H ( )    jC    j  C 
V R j L R   L 
Resonance occurs when admitance is purely resistive
1 1 1
Im(Y )   L   0  o L  o  rad/sec
C oC LC

 At Resonance frequency:
1) Admitance is purely resistive.
2) The voltage and current are in phase.
3) The transfer function H()= Y() is Minimum.
4) Inductor and capacitor currents can be much more than the source current.

Im R
IL   QI m I C  oCI m R  QVm
o L

VV 
   ( C  1 )2

Voltage versus frequency for the parallel resonant circuit.

 The half-power frequencies can be obtained as:
1  1  1
1      
2 RC  2 RC  LC
1  1  1
2      
2 RC  2 RC  LC
o  1 2 , B   2  1 
Summary of series and parallel resonance

Characteristic Series circuit Parallel circuit

ωo 1 1
Q ωo L 1 R
or or o RC
R ωo RC o L

B o o

ω1, ω2 1 2 o 1 2 
o 1  ( )  o 1  ( )  o
2Q 2Q 2Q 2Q

Q ≥ 10, ω1, ω2 o 
o 
2 2
The equalizer changes
Dual-channel 15-band the contribution of the
different frequency
“Constant Q” Graphic components of the music
Equalizer signal according to the
listeners’s wish.

Gains given to
different frequency
components of the
music signal.
Practice Problem
Practice Problem
In the parallel RLC circuit in Figure, let R = 8 kΩ, L = 0.2 mH, and C = 8 μF. (a)
Calculate ω0, Q, and B. (b) Find ω1 and ω2. (c) Determine the power dissipated at ω0,
ω1, and ω2.
Practice Problem
Practice Problem
Practice Problem
Practice Problem
EEE F111 39

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