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Q DATAQUEST KEY \W6'l so shorthand in thi cheat shoot 4 -A pons Dataframe objet '5-Apandas Seis object .read_csv( Filename) From CSV fle é.read_table(ilenane)-Fromadeliited txt ‘leks T¥ .read_excel(f1lenane) -Foman Exe fle .read_sql(query, connection object) Reads oma SQL tbleldatabase pd read_json(Js0n_string)-Reads rama SON read htsl (url) -Pases an html URL tng ot sont tables toi of datas 1. read_eLipboard() Takes the contents of your ‘ipbowrd ang paseo read_table() é.0ntaFrane(dict)-Froma ct kay for lars amas vals or dat a its 4F.to_csu(#lLename) Whites oa C5 fle Gf. to_excel(Flenane) -Witestoan Eel le 4F-t0_sal(table_nane, connection object) wees t050L table 4F.to_json(FiLenane) -Wites toa fin JSON Gf. to_tn (LLenane) Saves asan HTL table Gf. t0_eLipboard() -Whtesto the cpboad Us .DataFrane(ap-randon.rand(20,5))-5 é.sSeries(ay_Uist)-Cratesa series rom a terablomy list AF index = pd.date_range(’900/1/30", pertodsedf.shape[@]) -Addsa date index VIEWING/INSPECTING DATA 4f head) Fist mows the Oatafame 4F.2a11(0) -Lastnrowsofthe DataFame 6F. shape - Number of rows and cols 4 AnFo() Index, Datatype and Memery Gf. describe()- Summary satisis for numeri ‘s.value_counts(éropna=False) Views unique values and counts 4f. apply(po.Sertes.value_counts) - Unique Values and counts forallcolns Data Science Cheat Sheet IMPORTS Inmpor these to start inport pandas as pa inport numpy as mp [col] - Rerum column with abel ol as Sves GF{{eo12, €ol2)] -RetunsColumnsasanew Bataframe 5: 10c(6] Selection by postion 5: oe{@} Selection by index 4 A20e(6, :]-Fastiow 4 A20e{0,0] Fist clement fist calum GF colums » ['2',"B',"€"]-Renames columns i fsnu1() Check for rul Values Rete Been ray natn ()- Opposite of. Ssn411() 4 dropna() -Dropsalrows that contain null ‘dues 4f dropna(axis=1) -Drops al corms that 4 dropna anise, threshen) -Dropsalloms 4 #8114 (3) -Replce rl values thx -.f411na(s.mean() Replace all valve ith themean mean can be repliced wth almost ny fumetion fromthe tates ection) -astype( float) -Convers the datatype ofthe series to float -replace(4, “one') Replaces al aes equ to ath one -replace( [2,3], [one "theee*]}) Replaces f renane(colunns=Lanbda x: x + 2) Mass 4 renane (coluanss{'o14_na rane") Selective renaming =F set_index( column one 0.5) -Rowswherethe col column GF{(aF{eot] > 0.5) & (aF{eot] < @.7)1 7 > col > 0.5 4F.sort_values(col1) Sorts vlvsby colin ending order Gf. sort_values(col2,ascending=False) Sorts ‘values by colzin descending order 4f-sort_values({colt,¢012], ‘ascendinge[True,False]} -Sortsvaluesby Pandas {6 groupby (col) Reta group abject for vals rom one clunn

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