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1. Introduction

Newspaper is any printed periodical work containing public news or comments on

public news. -The Registrar of Newspaper for India.

The Global Newspaper Industry is facing major challenge for survival. The

Newspaper Publishing industry is in a dying phase of its life-cycle because of

escalating competition from other forms of media (IBS World Report 2012). Various

groups of researchers have opined that the Newspaper industry is ailing globally,

circulation and Readership are declining and advertising revenue is shrinking.

On the other hand Indian journey of Newspapers have been long and steady in this

rapidly growing economy and is moving towards increase in Circulation and Advt.

revenue. Media and Entertainment Industry touched US $ 15.7 bn. in 2013 and Indian

Print Media contributes 21% of this growth (FICCI-KPMG Indian Media and

entertainment Industry Report 2014). In one of the report from (FICC and PWC

Report, 2007) it is noted that, Indian Print Media is one of the largest markets in the

world. It has potential to garner US$200 bn. by 2015.

1.1 English Newspapers in Pune

Pune - known as the ‘Oxford’ of East - has high literacy rate and higher income group

of Readers who prefer to buy English Newspapers. Everyday more than 300000

copies of English Newspapers are circulated across the city. Times of India, Indian

Express, Sakal Times and DNA are some of the well established brands in

commercial English Newspaper market. (Primary Source)

Page vii
The Researcher has witnessed the growth of English Newspaper in past few years.

Compared to Global market the Indian Market is growing rapidly and will continue to

grow further.

Strong Marketing Strategies adopted by Indian Newspaper industry is one of the

major reasons behind such growth of Indian Newspapers. Having realized this fact,

this research has been undertaken with a specific focus on Marketing Strategies of

English Newspapers and the Consumers’ response to these strategies with special

reference to Pune.

2. Scope of the Research

The pivotal areas of this research are Marketing Strategies, Consumers Response and

Newspaper Sustainability in Pune market. However, the scope is not restricted to

these areas, but extends to the general understanding of overall business pattern of

Newspaper industry. The research is also inclusive of areas such as Reading habits,

Digital media, SERVQUAL model, Brand Image, Distribution, Promotion, People

impacting on Readers’ overall Satisfaction and Distributors’ overall satisfaction. The

study also enunciates the Distributors’ overall satisfaction with Organisational


3. Literature Review and Research Gap

Literature review has led to the identification of Newspaper survival as an emerging
research area particularly in the context of English Newspaper in Pune. Several

studies have highlighted the importance of Marketing Strategies in the context of

Newspaper Survival (Paranjoy Guha Thakurta ,2012) and have mentioned the

demographical factors influencing to such rapid growth (Larkin, John, Sabharwal,

Binny, May 2006). Newspaper being a part of service industry the Marketing
Strategies are based on Product, Price, Place and Promotion (McCarthy 1960) and

People, Physical Evidence and Process. While some researchers have stated that the
global Newspaper industry is in decline phase (IBS World Report 2012, Kuttner &

Page viii
Robert, 2007), other researchers identified the positive side of Indian Newspaper

(Larkin, John, Sabharwal, Binny, May 2006, Philip Meyer 2009, Paranjoy Guha

Thakurta ,2012 ).

The literature review has revealed that there is a dearth of research evidence to prove

empirical relationships between the predictors and dependent variable in the context

of Newspaper survival. Thus, the to fill the research gap is the empirical evidence for

the significance of relationships between Marketing Strategies and Consumers’

response leading to the growth of English Newspapers with respect to Pune.

4. Significance of the Research

The literature under the study has discovered the difference between the Global

Newspaper Industry and Indian Newspaper Industry. Indian Newspaper Industry is

showing progressive signs for the growth in India, but very few literatures have been

stating the reasons behind such growth. There is a dearth of literature on the

Sustainability of Newspaper based on the Marketing Strategies adopted by the

Newspaper industry.

Research in English Newspaper Industry lies in the interface between Marketing

Strategies and Readers’ and Distributors’ Satisfaction. Lot of research is in progress

in this direction. Marketing Strategies being an important constituent of Newspaper

growth, the prime significance of this research lies in the very exploration of the

Marketing Strategies in the context of Readers’ & Distributors’ satisfaction and

Newspaper Sustainability. This is exactly where the research in English Newspaper

Industry became significant. This research has found empirical evidence for the

relationships between the various constructs of Marketing strategy and Readers’ &

Distributors’ Satisfaction.

Page ix
5. Problem Statement
“To identify various Marketing Strategies adopted by English Newspapers’ in the

context of Readers’ and Distributors’ response in Pune market and to identify the

factors influencing on Sustainability and the Growth of English Newspaper. The study

aims to seek empirical evidence for the contribution of Marketing Strategies towards

Readers’ and Distributors’ satisfaction and Newspaper Sustainability.”

6. Research Objectives
The research is directed to study of “Marketing Strategies adopted by English

Newspapers’ & Consumers’ response towards English Newspapers with special

reference to Pune”. To attain this aim, following objectives have been developed.

1. To study the Marketing Strategies (7 P’s ) adopted by English Newspapers

with special reference to Pune City.

2. To study the shift in consumer behaviour for obtaining news from Newspapers

– Radio – Television – Internet to Cell Phone.

3. To analyse the Readers’ & Distributors’ response towards Marketing

Strategies adopted by English Newspapers.

4. To analyse the impact of the online media context to English Newspapers


5. To find out the key driving forces of Sustainability for English Newspaper in
the Indian Market.

6. To recommend new Marketing Strategies to English Newspapers in order to

achieve Sustainability in market. (if any)

Page x
7. Statement of Hypotheses

The following Six are the main research hypotheses (or alternative hypotheses) based

on which 27 sub-hypotheses have been developed:

Ha1: Service Quality, Newspaper Brand, Distribution, Promotion and People have

significant influence on Readers’ Satisfaction.

Ha2: Readers’ ratings to various media for news extraction differ on the basis of

types of Media.

Ha3: Newspaper Brand has significant relation with Readers association.

Ha4: Readers Satisfaction is the key driving force for Sustainability of English


Ha5: Newspaper Organisational Policies have significant relationship with

Distributors’ Satisfaction.

Ha6: Newspaper Brand has significant impact with Distributors’ Satisfaction.

8. Research Methodology

8.1 Organization Profile

This study covers major commercial English Newspaper Published from Pune


Times of India, Sakal Times, Indian Express and DNA

The targeted Newspapers were selected on the basis of

 Language

 Commercial Newspapers

 Newspapers Published from Pune (Pune Edition)

Page xi
Respondents Demographics

 Distribution Centre Heads of English Newspapers under the study

 Readers of English Newspapers from Pune.

 Management Personnel of English Newspapers under the study.

8.2 The Research Design

The research design is Exploratory and Descriptive in nature. The metric

(measurement instrument) used in this research is a self-administered Structured

questionnaire for Readers and Distributors. An Interview Schedule had been used to

conduct depth interview with Management Personnel. The metric has been subjected

to standard procedure of validation and reliability test through a pilot study of 110


8.2.1 Sample design:

Stratified (Area) Random Sampling (or Probabilistic Sampling) has been used as the

basic design of sampling. The strata already created on the basis of geographical
location (29 Distribution centre) by Newspaper organisations have been used for this


8.2.2 Sample size (n):

The universe was observed as infinite; hence the large sample size for Readers was

selected. For this study 500 regular Readers and 44% of Distributors (51 out of 116)

were selected. (Source : Universal Accreditation Board, 2003). The Researcher has

selected all the Four Newspaper organisations personnel for personal interview.

Page xii
9. Statistical Procedures and Tools
This research adopts Mean, Standard Deviation, t-statistics, Analysis of Variance,

Chi-Square, Correlation Matrix, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) as

the tools for the inferential statistics. IBM SPSS 20 has been used for descriptive

statistics; SmartPLS Version 3.1.9 has been used for constructing the relationship

between the variables.

10.Analysis and Results

1. Demographic Distribution of Respondents
Demographic distribution gives the general idea about the respondents who have

participated in this research. In Readers category Gender-wise majority were male

(81%), In Distributors category Gender-wise Majority were Male (100%), Age-wise

majority were 25-35 years (43%) followed by 15-25 years (35%), Occupation-wise

Majority were Service (81%) and Newspaper Brand-wise majority were Times of

India (49.2%) followed by Sakal Times (20.6%.)

2. Overall Perceptions

Overall perceptions of Readers are studied in terms of the five main constructs. In

general, Service Quality (75.4%), Brand Image (73.1%), Promotion (62.4%),

Distribution (74.2%), and People (73.2%), have been perceived Satisfactory by the

respondents on the overall basis and a small group of respondents feels that these

construct are non-satisfactory.

Page xiii
3. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)

The path coefficients indicate the increase or decrease in the dependent variable for a

given increase in the predictor variable.

R2 value indicates the practicality of the study i.e. the percentage influence of all

independent variable on dependent variable

 In this study the R2 value is 0.690 which means the independent variable or the

indicators which have been selected have 69% influence on the dependent

variable i.e. satisfaction.

 This implies that the dimensions or indicators selected for the study are adequate

to find out the satisfaction.

11.Hypotheses Testing : Readers

The t-statistic of Integrated Hypothetical Research Model:

Original Sample Standard

T Statistics P Hypotheses
Sample Mean Error
(|O/STERR|) Values Testing
(O) (M) (STERR)

Assurance -> Quality 0.189 0.190 0.058 3.249 0.001 Accepted

Individual Attention -> Quality 0.192 0.194 0.056 3.438 0.001 Accepted
Overall Brand Image -> Readers Satisfaction 0.308 0.307 0.036 8.595 0.000 Accepted
Overall Distribution -> Overall Brand Image 0.179 0.179 0.045 3.938 0.000 Accepted
Overall Distribution -> Readers Satisfaction 0.268 0.267 0.040 6.630 0.000 Accepted
Overall People -> Overall Brand Image -0.186 -0.187 0.039 4.703 0.000 Accepted
Overall People -> Overall Distribution 0.076 0.078 0.039 1.940 0.053 Not accepted
Overall People -> Overall Promotion 0.375 0.372 0.047 8.070 0.000 Accepted
Overall People -> Readers Satisfaction 0.093 0.093 0.033 2.834 0.005 Accepted
Overall Promotion -> Readers Satisfaction 0.007 0.008 0.031 0.233 0.816 Not accepted
Quality -> Overall Brand Image 0.475 0.472 0.060 7.973 0.000 Accepted
Quality -> Overall Distribution 0.496 0.492 0.055 9.008 0.000 Accepted
Quality -> Overall Promotion -0.057 -0.058 0.040 1.424 0.155 Accepted
Quality -> Readers Satisfaction 0.366 0.366 0.048 7.578 0.000 Accepted
Reliability -> Quality 0.272 0.267 0.052 5.280 0.000 Accepted
Responsiveness -> Quality 0.031 0.030 0.053 0.577 0.564 Not accepted
Tangibility -> Quality 0.102 0.109 0.047 2.167 0.031 Accepted

Page xiv
11.1 The t-statistic of Integrated Hypothetical Research Model :

Model t Sig.
Service Quality -> Readers Satisfaction (Ha1) 9.525 .000 Accepted
Newspaper Brand -> Readers Satisfaction (Ha2) 8.527 .000 Accepted
Promotion -> Readers Satisfaction (Ha3) .258 .797 Rejected
Distribution -> Readers Satisfaction (Ha4) 8.269 .000 Accepted
People -> Readers Satisfaction (Ha5) 3.166 .002 Accepted

12.Chi- Square Analysis of Integrated Hypothetical Research Model:


Model x2 Sig.
Years of Association -> Newspaper Brand (Ha11) 24.836 .003 Accepted
Sales Quantity -> Newspaper Brand (Ha12) 25.770 .002 Accepted
Promotional Benefits -> Newspaper Brand (Ha13) 6.160 0.406 Rejected
Promotional Benefits -> Year of Association (Ha14) 2.460 0.873 Rejected
Newspaper Brand -> satisfaction (Ha15) 24.352 0.069 Rejected

13.Results and Discussions

1. Cronbach’s Alpha, (Readers 0.820, Distributors 0.615) Correlation Matrix, and

ANOVA extracted under this study provided evidence for the reliability by

comparison to the inter-item correlation. These measures provide adequate

evidence for the reliability and build confidence in the data that has been


Page xv
2. Hypotheses testing revealed that Service Quality, Brand Image, Distribution

and People have significant influence on the Readers’ Satisfaction. The

Promotion is not significantly influencing the Readers’ Satisfaction. The study

indicates that the promotional benefits designed by these organisations are either

not implemented properly, not communicated properly or the strategies are not

too attractive for the Readers.

3. Hypothesis testing for Distributors’ satisfaction revealed that, the Organisational

policies developed for Distributors have significant relation with Distributors’

satisfaction and lead towards generating more sales volume. The mean values of

almost all the constructs except Credit (1.71), Promotion (2.12) and Participation

(3.43) are considerable and show a positive approach of Distributors towards the

Particular Newspaper Organisation. This provides an opportunity for the

organisation under study to understand the Distributors’ expectation from the

organisation and the dimension impacting positively on their satisfaction.

4. The hypothesis related to Sustainability indicates that Newspapers is the most

preferred medium by the Readers to extract the news and Indian English

Newspaper Industry has a great potential to grow in the market. This means other

forms of media are not impacting on the growth of Indian Newspaper. (Friedman


Page xvi
14.Research Findings and Implications
1. The findings through the descriptive statistics have provided valuable information

about the data gathered in this research. The demographics study revealed that

majority of the respondents in the sample size were male members and in the age

group of 15-35 and engaged in service. Majority of the Readers subscribe

particular Newspaper for Quality and Content of News, Price, On Time Delivery

and People associated with it. The Readers observed to be preferring to read

Headlines, Local news and Supplements in morning time. This outcome will be

useful for the Newspaper organisation for understanding the target audiences

and segment them according to their preference. These findings may provide an

insight of Readers’ choices and preferences for Newspaper and may be used in

formulation of Marketing Strategies for attracting new Readers and sustaining

in the competitive market.

2. The findings through the descriptive statistics have revealed certain key aspects

relevant to the research. The first depiction is that five constructs of the study

(Service Quality, Brand Image, Distribution, Promotion and People) have similar

response except Promotion and thus they are related to each other. This study can

be used to conduct Service GAP Analysis and the Readers Perceived Quality

about the service. The Perceived Quality of Readers and the Service Delivery

Quality leads towards Readers’ satisfaction. This study may also provide an
opportunity for the Newspaper organisation to understand the current market

demand and competition level in the market.

Page xvii
3. Hypotheses testing revealed that Service Quality, Brand Image, Distribution,

and People are impacting positively on Readers’ satisfaction. It was also

observed that Promotion does not have a significant influence on Readers

Satisfaction. These findings are important for the strategy managers of the

organizations under consideration as they have not been fully successful in taking

advantage of the Service Quality, Brand Image, Distribution, Promotion, and

People. Measures may be initiated to look for the right kind of opportunity which

exists in the market and accordingly channelize their resources towards it.

Similarly, a thorough study of the present Readers base and their needs have to be

carried out so that the organization can draw upon the same and Sustain in


4. In addition to the Readers’ findings the Distributors’ study and quantitative

analysis discussed in the previous points, the qualitative section of the

questionnaire has also revealed several facts which were substantiated during the

formal interviews with Management personnel of various organisations under the

study. There have also been several suggestions which have emerged based on

the qualitative components of questionnaire.

Page xviii
15.Contribution to the body of knowledge

This research has made significant contribution to the body of knowledge in the area

of Newspaper Marketing. It has contributed a tested and validated metric for the

measurement of the factors which measures Readers’ and Distributors’ satisfaction

with respect to Newspaper marketing strategies.

For New Start-ups, the research will give insights for understanding the market and

Readers behaviour towards English Newspaper. It will allow them to carry out the

SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats) and ETOP (Environmental

Threat and Opportunity) analysis.

For Current English Newspapers Organisations it will help them to conduct the

competitive analysis. Outcomes of this research would be useful to the policy makers

to formulate new Editorial, Advertising and Printing & Circulation initiatives for

Newspaper and Readers’ and Distributors’ satisfaction.

For students, the research shall permit them to Study the Marketing Strategies of

service sector and understand the market scenario. These findings, if supported by

further research, can have considerable impact on the Newspaper Sustainability and

growth. Even though the study is based on Commercial English Newspaper from

Pune, the model can be used for other Language and other types of Newspapers in

same region and across the nation with little or no modification.

Page xix
16.Limitations of the Study and Scope for Future Work

Like any other research, this research has its set of limitations. The research includes

both qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The qualitative data may affect the

repeatability and reproducibility of the results which becomes a limitation for this

study. The quantitative data being based on statistical procedures, all the limitations of

statistical methods are applicable to this research too. Instruments have been created

and modified to suit the requirements of the research subject which may not be

suitable in all conditions.

All the above limitations offer immense scope for future research.

17.Principle Conclusions

The research started with an idea of studying the English Newspaper market has

provided thorough insight of Marketing Strategies adopted by English Newspapers

and Readers’ & Distributors’ Response to such strategies. The research deals with

understanding the impact of Marketing Strategies on Readers’ and Distributors’

satisfaction and Newspaper Sustainability. The research is timely as the outcomes of

this research would be useful to the policy makers of these organizations.

From the literature review it is concluded that it was relevant to undertake a study for

empirically validating the influence of Marketing Strategies on Readers’ &

Distributors’ satisfaction due to the lack of empirical evidence to relate these two

constructs. The sample size of 500 Readers and 51 Distributors based on Stratified

(Area) Random Sampling has been passable for the generalization of results. The

hypotheses testing has indicated that all the four dimensions of Marketing Mix,

Service Quality, Brand Image, Distribution and People have significance influence on

Readers’ satisfaction.

Page xx
However; Promotion does not have significant influence on Readers’ satisfaction. The

Organisational policies developed for Distributors have significant relation with

Distributors’ satisfaction and lead toward generating high sales volume.

The Cronbach Alpha value has validated the data and proved that the data is reliable

for the study. This research has contributed a tested and validated questionnaire for

the survey of the data on the constructs of research interest. The Regression Analysis

has provided a mathematical model to relate the Competitive advantage to the

dimensions of the Marketing Mix.

In this era of digital market, Sustainability has become a major concern to the

Newspaper industry. This research has contributed a model that relates the Readers’

and Distributors’ satisfaction to the Marketing Strategies on which the Newspapers

will sustain. The empirical study has also led to drawing the implications to the

Strategic Planning Managers in these organizations. Strategic planning managers can

take a set of possible future scenarios for the development of competition in their

startups. The research will assist the policy maker (Editorial, Advertising and Printing

and Circulation) to comprehend the market scenario and frame the striking strategies

to attract and satisfy the Readers and Distributors.

Finally, this study provides a future scope for research and can act as a guideline for

such study by providing systematic principles of research methodology to empirically

validate a theoretical model, and thus fill the gap between the theory and practice.

Page xxi
18. Chapter Scheme

Chapter Title Contents

Overview of Newspaper Industry, Evolution, Global and
1 Introduction
Indian Scenario, Rationale of the study
Theoretical Strategic Business Model, Marketing Strategies,
Framework Newspaper Sustainability
Overview of review approach, theories, Research
3 problems, Theoretical and analytical framework for the
problem in consideration.
Background of the Research, Research Problem,
Research Significance of Research, Methodology overview,
Methodology Definitions and Scope Justification for methodology,
Research procedures, sampling methods.
Subjects matter, discussion for hypothesis, Patterns of
Analysis of
5 data.
Data Analysis and Interpretation.
Conclusions Conclusions about research issues, problems,
6 and Implications for theory, policy and practice, Limitations
Implications and further Research.

Page xxii
19.Publications of Author

Publication of Author related to Ph.D.:

Journal Publications:

 Mr. Suraj C. Kamble and Dr. Mrs. Sarita T. Aurangabadkar: “An

Empirical study on Impact of Business Strategies on Sustainability and

Readers Satisfaction adopted by Indian English Newspaper Industry in

Decaling Global Market”, JSPM’s International Journal on Computer

Applications and Management with ISSS No: 2231-0967, July 2013

Research Paper Presentation

 Mr. Suraj Chandrakant Kamble and Dr. Mrs. Sarita T. Aurangabadkar:

“Business Strategies adopted by Indian English Newspaper Industry in

Declining Global Newspaper Market” Paper Presentation in International

conference at IMSCDR, Ahmednagar, Jan. 2013

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