Adhesive Ramnant Index

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Original Article

Reliability of the Adhesive Remnant Index Score System with

Different Magnifications
Mona A. Montassera; James L. Drummondb
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Objective: To test the hypothesis that adhesive remnant index (ARI) scores show no differences
when examined under different magnifications.
Materials and Methods: The study included 80 upper human premolars. Stainless steel brackets
were bonded to the specimens with Transbond XT light cure adhesive and Transbond Plus Self
Etch Primer (3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif, USA). The brackets were debonded 24 hours after
bonding with a universal testing machine (LLOYD Instruments, Segensworth, Fareham, England)
at a cross head speed of 2.00 mm/min. The adhesive remnant was evaluated after debonding
with the naked eye and under 10⫻ and 20⫻ magnification (Mag) using the 4-point scale described
by Årtun and Bergland.
Results: ARI scores were significantly different at different magnifications (P ⫽ .018). Scores
The Angle Orthodontist 2009.79:773-776.

were not significantly different when evaluated with the naked eye and under 10⫻ Mag (P ⫽
.102). Scores were significantly different under 20⫻ Mag and with the naked eye (P ⫽ .014);
under 20⫻ Mag, score 0 decreased from 12 to 6 and score 2 increased from 14 to 20 and also
under 20⫻ Mag and under 10⫻ Mag (P ⫽ .046); the under 20⫻ Mag score 1 decreased from 40
to 38 and score 3 increased from 14 to 16.
Conclusion: ARI scores were significantly different under 20⫻ Mag, where score 0 decreased
and score 2 increased compared with the naked eye, while score 1 decreased and score 3
increased compared with 10⫻ Mag. (Angle Orthod. 2009;79:773–776.)
KEY WORDS: Adhesive remnant index; Different magnifications

INTRODUCTION pression of the bracket mesh. Over the years, ARI

scores have been one of the most frequently evalu-
Årtun and Bergland1 used an Adhesive Remnant In-
ated aspects in studies on orthodontic adhesives. Be-
dex (ARI) system to evaluate the amount of adhesive
cause the adhesive remnant score system is qualita-
left on the tooth after debracketing. This index system
tive and subjective, many attempts have been made
was developed on the basis of a pilot study of 20 ex-
to modify the original system, or to develop new quan-
tracted teeth and the criteria were as follows: score 0
titative methods that can be used to more accurately
⫽ no adhesive left on the tooth; score 1 ⫽ less than
assess the adhesive remnant. To more accurately
half of the adhesive left on the tooth; score 2 ⫽ more
evaluate the adhesive remnant qualitatively, many
than half of the adhesive left on the tooth; and score
3 ⫽ all adhesive left on the tooth with a distinct im- studies expanded the ARI system that was developed
by Årtun and Bergland1 into 5 or 6 scales.2–6 Studies
such as that of O’Brien et al7 aimed to introduce a
Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry,
more precise technique for describing the resin rem-
Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.
Professor Emeritus, Department of Restorative Dentistry, nant; this study used a quantitative method whereby
School of Dentistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, a magnified image of the enamel is digitized and the
Illinois. amount of remaining resin is expressed as a percent-
Corresponding author: Dr Mona A. Montasser, Orthodontic age of bracket base area.
Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University, Man-
soura, 35516 Egypt To accurately score the ARI is important because it
(e-mail: is an important factor to be considered in the selection
Accepted: October 2008. Submitted: August 2008.
of orthodontic adhesive. Studies8–11 have debated
 2009 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, whether the differences in ARI scores reflect a differ-
Inc. ence in bond strength between the enamel and the

DOI: 10.2319/080108-398.1 773 Angle Orthodontist, Vol 79, No 4, 2009


adhesive for the different adhesive systems, but ad- Table 1. Frequencies of ARI Scores for the 3 Magnificationsa
hesive systems that show less adhesive remnant on ARI Scores
the tooth has been advocated for easier and safer re- N 0 1 2 3
moval of residual resin after debonding.12,13 Accurate
Naked eye 80 12 38 14 16
evaluation of the adhesive remnant, which is crucial in 10⫻ Mag 80 6 40 20 14
the final process of enamel cleaning after debonding, 20⫻ Mag 80 6 38 20 16
is needed for satisfactory removal and restoration of
Chi-square ⫽ 8.089; P ⫽ .018.*
the enamel surface to as close to pretreatment con- a
ARI indicates adhesive remnant index; Mag, magnification.
dition as possible. Most laboratory studies on the bond * Significant at P ⱕ .05.
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strength of orthodontic brackets have examined teeth

and brackets under 10⫻ magnification (Mag) to as-
Table 2. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test Comparing the 3 Magnifi-
sess and score the adhesive remnant,3,4,6,10 although
laboratory studies designed for evaluation of the
enamel surface after debonding and cleaning of the z Significance
surface have used more sophisticated methods such Naked eye–10⫻ Mag ⫺1.63 .102
as scanning electron microscope, finite element anal- Naked eye–20⫻ Mag ⫺2.44 .014*
10⫻ Mag–20⫻ Mag ⫺2.00 .046*
ysis, and 3-dimensional profilometry.14–16 Clinically,
evaluation of the adhesive remnant and the enamel a
Mag indicates magnification.
surface after bracket debonding and enamel cleanup * Significant at P ⱕ .05.
generally is done by visual inspection under a dental
The Angle Orthodontist 2009.79:773-776.

operating light.
with an occlusal-gingival load applied to the bracket,
Because of the small surface area of the orthodontic
producing a shear force at the bracket tooth interface.
brackets and thus of the enamel surface area covered
Evaluation and scoring of the adhesive remnant
by the adhesive remnant, group gap and overlaps
were carried out by the same evaluator under the dif-
could appear during evaluation of the ARI. No studies
ferent magnifications chosen for this study. Evaluation
have attempted to study the effect of magnification on
was carried out with the naked eye, under 10⫻ Mag,
the reliability of the ARI score system.
and under 20⫻ Mag. The specimens were evaluated
The objective of this study was to test the hypoth-
under each magnification in a separate session and
esis that adhesive remnant index (ARI) scores show
randomly in each session. The ARI evaluation used
no differences when eaminedx under different magni-
the 4-point scale of Årtun and Bergland,5 where 0 in-
fications. dicates no adhesive left on the tooth surface, implying
that bond fracture occurred at the resin/enamel inter-
MATERIALS AND METHODS face; 1 indicates that less than half the adhesive is left
on the tooth surface, implying that bond fracture oc-
This study examined 80 human upper premolars ex- curred predominantly at the resin/enamel interface; 2
tracted for orthodontic purposes and stored in an indicates that more than half the adhesive is left on
aqueous solution of thymol (0.1% wt/vol). The teeth the tooth surface, implying that bond fracture occurred
were fixed in self-curing acrylic resin placed in plastic predominantly at the bracket/resin interface; and 3 in-
rings of 30 mm diameter with only the buccal surface dicates that all adhesive is left on the tooth surface
exposed and oriented parallel to the bottom of the with a distinct impression of the bracket base, implying
mold. that bond fracture occurred at the bracket/resin inter-
The buccal surface of each tooth was cleaned with face.
nonfluoridated oil-free pumice paste and then was A Friedman test followed by a Wilcoxon signed
rinsed with water and dried with an oil-free air spray.
ranks test was used to investigate any significant dif-
Upper premolar stainless steel brackets (Mini Twin, ferences in ARI scores between the different magnifi-
American Orthodontics, Sheboygan, Wis, USA) were cations.
bonded to the specimens with Transbond XT light cure
adhesive and Transbond Plus Self Etch Primer (3M
Unitek, Monrovia, Calif, USA), in keeping with the
manufacturer’s instructions. The specimens were then The ARI score distribution for the different magnifi-
stored for 24 hours in distilled water before undergoing cations is shown in Table 1. The results of the Fried-
testing at 37⬚C. man test show that the ARI score evaluation was sig-
A universal testing machine (LLOYD Instruments, nificantly different under different magnifications (P ⫽
Segensworth, Fareham, England) was used to debond .018). The Wilcoxon signed ranks test (Table 2) shows
the brackets at a cross head speed of 2.00 mm/min a significant difference when scores were evaluated

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 79, No 4, 2009


under 20⫻ Mag and with the naked eye (P ⫽ .014); surements; this study compared the system as de-
under 20⫻ Mag, the number of score 0 decreased scribed by Årtun and Bergland1 and by Bishara and
from 12 to 6, and the number of score 2 increased Trulove,19 wherein ARI scores were designed from 0
from 14 to 20. ARI scores were also significantly dif- to 3 and from 1 to 5, respectively, vs a quantitative
ferent when evaluated under 20⫻ Mag and under 10⫻ method wherein the area covered with the adhesive
Mag (P ⫽ .046); under 20⫻ Mag, the number of score remnant was measured from photographs with a sonic
1 decreased from 40 to 38, and the number of score digitizer and a linear magnification factor of 30.8⫻.
3 increased from 14 to 16. ARI scores were not sig- Graphs representing qualitative scores and quantita-
nificantly different when evaluated with the naked eye tive measurements converted to percentages showed
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and under 10⫻ Mag (P ⫽ .102). that the qualitative methods currently used to assess
the amount of remnant adhesive left on the enamel
DISCUSSION surface after debonding did not closely reflect the
quantitative area measurement of the remnant adhe-
The ARI score system has proved to be of value in sive. Investigators concluded that the quantitative
studies of orthodontic adhesive systems. It is a quick methods are preferable if accurate evaluation of the
and simple method that needs no special equipment. adhesive remnant is required. However, quantitative
However, its reliability requires investigation, with spe- evaluation of the adhesive remnant is more sophisti-
cial attention on the effects of magnification on eval- cated, requires special equipment, and is more time
uation of the adhesive remnant. The results of this consuming than qualitative evaluation, and it is espe-
study show that there was a significant difference be- cially difficult to apply clinically.
The Angle Orthodontist 2009.79:773-776.

tween ARI scores when the evaluation was done at A higher magnification may offer a way to perform
different magnifications. A significant difference be- more accurate evaluation of the adhesive remnant, but
tween scores can be seen when evaluation was done further investigation is needed to reach a standard
with the naked eye and under 20⫻ Mag. Changes in magnification.
scores were noted mainly in 2 areas: score 0 and
score 2. Under 20⫻ Mag, the number of score 0 de- CONCLUSIONS
creased from 12 to 6, and the number of score 2 in-
• The original hypothesis was rejected; the statistics
creased from 14 to 20. A significant difference be-
showed significant differences when ARI scores
tween scores was also evident when evaluation was
were evaluated under different magnifications.
done under 10⫻ Mag and under 20⫻ Mag. Under 20⫻
• At higher (20⫻) magnification, the tendency is for
Mag, the number of score 1 decreased from 40 to 38,
lower scores to decrease and higher scores to in-
and the number of score 3 increased from 14 to 16.
crease as compared with lower (naked eye and
Generally, under the higher (20⫻) magnification, there
10⫻) magnifications.
was a tendency for the lower scores to decrease and
• Under 20⫻ Mag, score 0 decreased from 12 to 6,
the higher scores to increase as compared with the
and score 2 increased from 14 to 20 compared with
lower (naked eye and 10⫻) magnifications. An inter-
naked eye scores; also, score 1 decreased from 40
esting result was that no significant difference was
to 38 and score 3 increased from 14 to 16 compared
seen between ARI scores when evaluation was done
with 10⫻ Mag scores.
with the naked eye and under 10⫻ Mag. Differences
in the number of the scores in the 2 groups were not-
ed, but statistically, these differences were insignifi-
cant. This indicates that there is no evidence to sup- Special thanks to the manufacturers 3M Unitek and American
Orthodontic for supplying the materials for this study.
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Angle Orthodontist, Vol 79, No 4, 2009

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