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Impostors researchers

DIJON (France) : the university where even the night watchman is a co-signatory of

This blog is the result of a survey on the scientific sham of researchers and juries from the
Faculty of Science at the University of DIJON in FRANCE, including especially the following
officials: Geneviève GODEFROY, Gilles ORMANCEY, Pierre JULLIEN.

It also relates to the illegal and scandalous practices of researchers at this university.

These researchers and juries validated theses comprising experimental schemes and false

The values of the physical quantities obtained from these false formulas have been
published in several French and international scientific journals.

In the book that will appear soon, other impostures and other embezzlement will also be
reported: falsification of results, concealment of sources of publications, nepotism
between colleagues in the same lab, threats, citations of convenience, obligation of
results for some doctoral students but obligation of means for others and for themselves,
non-compliance and lies in their contracts with state bodies or business laboratories on a
theoretical model that they would have developed but nowhere implemented and
therefore fictitious, spoliation and appropriation of theoretical and experimental work by
certain doctoral students then exclusion of their names from the list of co-signers of
publications by researchers from this university, servile plagiarism under the authority of
the thesis directors of this university, scandalous exploitation of certain doctoral students
available "in spades" according to the director's own words thesis from this university.

The juries of this university have violated the legal texts during the validation of certain

The thesis directors who are members of these same juries also violated the legal texts
when writing the defense reports, they violated the legal texts by telling certain doctoral
students that they were just able to go to take the CAPES when 'they had just defended
their theses, they violated the legal texts by refusing to make them letters of
recommendation during the competitions of M.C or C.R, they violated the legal texts by
defaming their intellectual capacities near the rapporteurs in order to destroy their
careers and prevent them from accessing such positions, etc.
In other words, it is the incompetence of the thesis directors of this university which is at
the origin of the career destruction of the aforementioned doctoral students.

Serial 1 :
In one of these theses, we find the following diagram (E: electric field, C: optical axis, EL:
laser polarization):

In the same thesis, we find the following formula (82G1) which refers in bibliography to
the publication of P. Günther published in the scientific journal Physics Reports (Review
Section of Physics letters 93 N °4 pp.199-299 1982).


The formula (82G1) is false for several reasons :

1-this experimental scheme does not in any way lead to this formula.
2-this formula which wants to impose the benefit of the only high coefficient r42 is false.
3-this formula does not exist in the publication of 100 pages by P. Günther cited above.

Serial 2: the correct formula and experimental scheme are as follows:

Serial 3 : this thesis defended at the University of DIJON on June 12, 1987 was validated
by a jury made up of six researchers from this university and two guest researchers.

This university was known for another affair: that of the brilliant BOGDANOFF brothers.
These two brothers, who supported their respective theses, were accused of fraud by
researchers and when one of them was convicted in court for questioning their work,
they were more than three hundred to sign a petition to support their colleague when
logically it was the jury that had to be incriminated. Certain signatories had absolutely no
competence in the field of the work of these brothers which shows the corporatism of
this universe that the Ethics Committee of the CNRS itself describes as a club where all
blows are allowed. In a press release, the President of this university had to declare that
these two theses have been validated by juries in accordance with legal texts. However,
the legality argument did not resolve the problem posed by this case.

Serial 4 : title of the thesis : Study of the electro-optical properties of iron-doped BaTiO3
Diffraction efficiency and recording speed of holographic networks.

Serial 5 : the demonstration of plagiarism and the citation of convenience under the
authority of the directors of this university is provided.

Serial 6 : in the same laboratory of this university, a plagiarist-impostor fellow also did a
thesis entitled Electro-optical properties of pure Barium Titanate and iron-doped that he
defended on June 6, 1986.

Serial 7 : CNRS Ethics Committee : a silent, contemptuous and incoherent president.

It appeared during this investigation that the Chairman of this committee, Jean-Gabriel
GANASCIA, has not reacted at all since he was seized by the complainants in December
2017 while during a radio broadcast his attitude was different :

On April 19, 2016, on France Inter Radio, during the program "La tête au carré" hosted by
Mathieu Vidard and entitled "Scientific impostures from yesterday to today" the
presentation and the exchange were as follows:

Jean-Gabriel Ganascia : mathematician and philosopher, professor at the Pierre and

Marie Curie Institute, artificial intelligence research field, also works on the philosophy of
ethics, he is a member and president of Comets, the CNRS ethics committee.

Mathieu VIDARD (17 ') : "Do you track down the impostors within COMETS, is this one of
your missions".

Jean-Gabriel Ganascia : "Our mission is not to track down the impostors themselves but
on the other hand to ensure that the CNRS can find out as much as possible the allegations
of fraud and then try to deal with them ...".

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