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Final Presentation-GSGOL

Group 9

Anu Sharma Roll No-48

Nitin Kharbanda Roll No-49

Saurav Kumar Roll No-..

Prashant Kumar Roll No-..

The companies we are taken for comparison are Diageo and Pernod Ricard. The brief description of
companies are given below.

Company Snapshot:

Origin- Diageo 1997, but the brands presence since 17 th Century, Pernod Ricard- 40 year old
company holding brands since 17th Century.

Based at-British multinational based out of London, French company based out of France paris.

Operation in Continent-Diageo operate in 5 continents and 180 countries, Pernod Ricard in 5

continents, operate same in 180 countries

Market Value- 73 Billion GBP, 40 Billion Euro

Share Price- as on 26th March 2684 GBP, 135 Euro

Number of Employees-Diageo 29,917, Pernod Ricard 18,900

Number of Brands under umbrella-Diageo 60 under different categories, Pernod Ricard 37

international brands

Annual Turnover- Diageo Euro 12,867 Million, operation profits Euro 3248 Million,

Description of Supply Chain:

Diageo- The core strategy is lies with in three parameters as Ensuring expected standards, building
capability and Supporting value chains with local businesses. They achieve the same by following

 Responsible sourcing- under this they set guidelines for suppliers across the globe, initially
screening of suppliers was done, registration with SEDEX and then follow the registration for
 Reducing environmental impact-Rain fed agriculture, also focus on the usage of water to
produce products. Along with this the carbon footprint was also taken into consideration as
2/3 of them come from supply chain and the last in this would be focusing on sustainable
packaging by 2020 all the packaging material used in paper and board will be sustainable.
 Sustainable Agriculture-Member of Sustainable Agriculture initiative (SAI) platform and
doing farm sustainable Assessment.

Pernod Ricard- the Pernod Ricard is doing the infor demand planning to meet the demand of back
end along with commercial team asking for raw material. They also use the AI for better forecasting
of demand of raw material.

Matching the Goals with CSR Report:

Diageo-the CSR report of Diageo is talking about reduction of greenhouse gases by 44% in direct
operation, improved water efficiency by 43%, electricity 100% taken by renewable sources in UK. In
the sustainability report they talked about empowering women employees in the organization on all
the levels, sustainable supply chain model, protecting the water and environment as talked about in
the CSR goals.

Pernod Ricard-they don’t have CSR report additional to the annual report. As per annual report of
2018-2019 they have specified the sustainability parameters mentioned below.

 Empowering the employees-they are helping local communities as per UN SDG goal # 15 life
on land along with UN SDG # 6 for clean water and sanitation.
 Developing the local communities- all the partners involved with organization since 2012
and company is helping them to develop themselves.
 Promoting responsible consumption-they were organizing 590 responsible parties for
students in which 3,70,000 students attended the same and trained about responsible
 Protecting the planet- this is the most important point at the CSR, in which they disclose
about 20% less reduction of water usage against last year and 30% reduction on carbon
 Supplier have signed the sustainable principles.

Non-Commercial Pressure:

Diageo-the company is committed towards the working for UN SDG goals for society and goals under
UN SDG focused mentioned below.

 SDG # 1-No poverty

 SDG # 2- Zero Hunger
 SDG # 3-Good health and well being
 SDG # 4-Quality Education
 SDG # 5-Gender Equality
 SDG # 6-Clean water and sanitation
 SDG # 7-Afforadable and clean energy
 SDG # 8-work and economic growth
 SDG # 10- reduce in equalities
 SDG # 12-reponsible production and consumption
 SDG # 13-Climate Action
 SDG # 15-life on land
 SDG # 17-partnership for goals

Other Parameters for Sustainability-

 12th in the Gartner Supply chain

 Provide water and sanitation to 2,32,000 people in Africa
 Ranked in Dow Jones index
 Ranked Fourth in Thomson Global Diversity Index
 Signatory of UN global compact
 Awarded AA in CDP for carbon and water performance, in top 1% of global companies
 36% senior managers are women’s
Pernod Ricard-The Pernod Ricard also talks about the UN SDG goals. Al though they are not detailed
as talked by other company Diageo. Below are the UN SDG goals taken by Pernod Ricard.

 SDG# 1- end poverty

 SDG #- Protect the planet
 SDG #- Peace and prosperity for all.

Conclusion: All discussed in detail at above report we come to conclusion that Diageo is better
organization among both the companies. The basics for that are below.

 UN SDG goals- Diageo is taking about 12 goals and Pernod Ricard is talking about three
 Separate CSR report- Diageo is publishing separate CSR report for sustainability along with
annual report.
 Diageo is getting awards and accreditation from different agencies and index which shows
the clear commitment towards the sustainability goals.

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