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Chemical Reactions and Equations

1 Physical and chemical changes

Chemical change – change in which one or more new substances with new physical and chemical
properties are formed. It cannot be reversed by physical methods like magnetism, centrifugation
,filtration distillation, evaporation.

Physical change – change in colour or state occurs but no new substance is formed. Example: Water
changes to steam on boiling but no new substance is formed (Even though steam and water look
different when they are made to react with a piece of Na, they react the same way and give the exact
same products). This involves only a change in state (liquid to vapour).

2. What do you mean by Chemical reactions? --- The transformation of chemical substance into a new
chemical substance by making and breaking of bonds between different atoms is known as Chemical
Reaction. Chemical reactions in our daily life digestion of food , rusting of iron, formation of curd etc.
Only a rearrangement of atoms takes place in a chemical reaction.

The substances which take part in a chemical reaction are called reactants.

The new substances produced as a result of chemical reaction are called products.

In a chemical reaction, reactants are transformed into products.

Note: Before burning in air, the magnesium ribbon is cleaned by rubbing with a sand paper. This is done
to remove the protective layer of basic magnesium carbonate from the surface of magnesium ribbon so
that it may readily combine with the oxygen of air.

3. How will you know chemical reaction has taken place --- These factors denote that a chemical
reaction has taken place—

a) change of state of substance eg. when wax is burned (in the form of wax candle), then water
and carbon dioxide are formed
b) change of colour of substance eg. the chemical reaction between citric acid and purple
coloured potassium permanganate solution is characterized by a change in color from
purple to colorless.

c) evolution of heat eg. the chemical reaction between quicklime and water to form slaked
lime is characterized by a change in temperature.

d) absorption of heat eg. Photosynthesis

e) evolution of gas eg. the chemical reaction between zinc and dilute sulphuric acid is
characterized by the evolution of hydrogen gas. and evolution of light

e) formation of precipitate eg. the chemical between potassium iodide and lead nitrate is
characterized by the formation of a yellow precipitate of lead iodide.

4. How to represent a chemical reaction --- By a Chemical Equation

Q1Draw tables3.1 3.6 4.1 (class 9 lesson 3&4)

Q2.Write the chemical formulae of the following:

(a) Magnesium chloride
(b) Calcium oxide
(c) Copper nitrate
(d) Aluminum chloride
(e) Calcium carbonate
(f) sodium oxide
(g) aluminum chloride
(h) sodium sulphide
(i) magnesium hydroxide

Q3. Write down the names of compounds represented by the following formulae:
(i) Al2 (SO4)3
(ii) CaCl2
(iii) K2SO4
(iv) KNO3
(v) CaCO3

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