Repaso 1º Eso

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1. Put in ‘can’ / ‘can’t’ / ‘could’ / ‘couldn’t’. If none is possible, use ‘be able to’ in the
correct tense:
1. _________________ you swim when you were 10?
2. We _________________ get to the meeting on time yesterday because the train
was delayed by one hour.
3. He _________________ arrive at the party on time, even after missing the train, so
he was very pleased.
4. He’s amazing, he _________________ speak 5 languages including Chinese.
5. I _________________ drive a car until I was 34, then I moved to the countryside so I
had to learn.
6. I looked everywhere for my glasses but I _________________ find them anywhere.
7. I searched for your house for ages, luckily I _________________ find it in the end.
8. She’s 7 years old but she _________________ read yet – her parents are getting her
extra lessons.
9. I read the book three times but I _________________ understand it.
10. James _________________ speak Japanese when he lived in Japan, but he’s
forgotten most of it now.

2. Translate the following sentences

1. ¿Puedes leer esta revista por mí? No puedo leerla sin mis gafas.
2. Yo sabía hablar inglés cuando tenía 12 años.
3. Sally no estaba en casa, pero pude contactar con ella en la oficina.
4. El año que viene podré comprarme un coche.

3. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in brackets.
SARA Hi you two! What are you doing?
STEVE We’re playing basketball. Do you want to play?
SARA No thanks. I (1) ________________________ (not like / play) basketball.
CARL Wow! I (2) ________________________ (love / play) basketball, it’s great!
STEVE What do you (3) ________________________ (like / do)?

SARA Well, I (4) ________________________ (like / ride).

CARL Yeah! That can be fun.
SARA And I (5) ________________________ (like / dance).
STEVE Dancing! Oh, I (6) ________________________ (hate / dance). I can’t dance.
SARA That’s not true. Everyone can dance.
STEVE Not me!
SARA So I know you (7) ________________________ (like / play) basketball, but what
else do you (8) ________________________ (like / do)?
STEVE I (9) ________________________ (like / play) chess.
CARL Chess! That’s boring

5. Write sentences using the prompts. e.g. He / love / fish He loves fishing.
1 Steve / love / play / volleyball
2 Sara / love / ride
3 She / don’t mind / swim
4 Carl / don’t like / play / chess
5 you / like / dance / ?
6 They / like / sail
______7 Barbara / like / cook / ?

Underline the correct answer.

1. Would you like a / some rice with your fish?

2. We haven’t got any / an apples at home.

3. Dan doesn’t eat some / any vegetables but he loves fruit.

4. I always have an / some egg for breakfast.

5. Can I have any / a fizzy drink please?

6. I’d like any / some crisps, please.

7. Have you got any / a pasta?

8. I haven’t got some / any milk in the fridge.

6. Complete the sentences.

1. _____________ there a good pizza place near here?

2. There _____________ any tomatoes in this salad.

3. _____________ there any Chinese restaurants in your town?

4. There _____________ a new takeaway place in the park.

5. There _____________ a banana in the fruit salad because I don’t like bananas.

6. _____________ there a sports centre in your town?

7. There _____________ any salt in this bread.

8. There _____________ a good Indian restaurant in town.


7. Complete the sentences with much, many or a lot of.

1. How _______________ water do you drink every day?

2. We haven’t got _______________ glasses.

3. There are _______________ cafés near here.

4. How _______________ burgers do you eat every week?

5. There isn’t _______________ salt in this salad.

6. How _______________ chocolate bars do you eat every week?

7. There isn’t _______________ ice cream in the fridge.

8. There’s _______________ salt in this pizza.

8. Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.

1. Have you got ______ fruit at home?

a) some
b) a
c) any

2. I eat a ______ every day.

a) meat
b) banana
c) bread

3. There ______ a canteen at school so I bring my own lunch.

a) are
b) is
c) isn’t

4. I drink ______ water every day.


a) a lot of
b) much
c) many

5. How ______ bread do you eat?

a) many
b) much
c) often

6. Are there ______ eggs in this cake?

a) some
b) much
c) any

7. Is there a __________ in the fridge?

a) milk
b) water
c) fizzy drink

8. How ______ bread have you got?

a) much
b) many
c) a lot


1. Write different types of meat in each group

- Pig: ________ __________ ______________

- Sheep: ____________

- Poultry:___________ ________________ ______________

- Cow: _____________ _______________

- Inside an animal: _____________ _____________

2. Translate the following words:

- Mejillones

- Lenguado

- Trucha

- Calamar

- Langosta

- Gamba

- Almeja

3. Translate the following words

- Macedonia

- Pan integral

- Pan de ajo

- Aceite de oliva

- Aceite de girasol

- Tarta de boda

- Salsa de soja

- Salsa de ostras

- Pastel de carne

- Pastel casero

- Fruta madura

- Fruta podrida

4. Translate the following fruits

- Melocotón

- Cerezas

- Piña

- Frambuesa

- Grosella

- Ciruelas

5. Translate the following vegetables


- Coliflor

- Puerro

- Champiñón

- Guisantes

- Calabacín (2 words)

- Berenjena (2 words)

- Judias

- Sin semillas

- Piel

- Pipas



19. Write an email to your friend and tell them about your new school. Use the
questions below to help you. Write at least 80 words.

What’s the name of your school? / Where is your school? / How many pupils and
teachers are at the school? / What class are you in? / How many classmates do you
have? / Do you have a school uniform? / If so, what colour is it? / What subjects do you
study? / What’s your favourite subject and why?


20. Write about a special meal. Use the prompts below to help you. Write at least 80

When is it? / Where is it? / Who comes to it? / Who prepares the food? / What do you
eat? / What do you do after the meal?


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