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With blanket wool and large needles this cardigan can be
quickly knitted in time for spring.
Trim and neat, this cardigan in blanket wool
is ideal for early spring days.
Materials: 10
skeins Wilga or
Sunbeam blanket
wool, shade - No.
2101 (royal blue) or
any other preferred
colour; 1 pr. No. 3
needles, 1 crochet
Length from top of
shoulder 23in. bust
32-34in, length of
sleeve seam 19in;
for 34-36 bust use
No. 0 instead of No.
3 needles.
Abbreviations: K.
knit, P. purl, St.
stitch, Tog. togeth-
er, SI. slip, d.c.
double crochet.
Tension: 9 sts.
2in; 10 rows 2in.
Cast on 72 sts. P.
into back of sts.
1st Row: K.1, sl.l,
purlwise, *k.2, sl.l,
purlwise, repeat
from . to last st.,
2nd Row: P. 1
sl.l purlwise, *p.2,
sl. 1 purlwise, re-
peat from * to last
st., p.1.
3rd Row: Repeat
1st row.
4th Row: K.
Repeat these 4 pattern rows, and
when work measures 15ln. shape arm
holes by casting off 6 sts. at the begin-
ning of the next two rows. K.2 tog.
each end of the next 3 rows. When
armholes measure 7in, shape shoulders
by casting off 6 sts. at the beginning
of the next 6 rows. Cast off.
Cast on 45 sts. Work in pattern
for 15in (purling 1st row into back
of sts.). Cast off 6 sts. at armhole
edge of the next row. Work 1 row,
then k.2 tog. at armhole edge of the
next 3 rows. K.2 tog. at centre
front on the next, and then every 2nd
row until decreased to l8 sts. When
armhole measures 7in, shape shoulder
by casting off 6 sts. at armhole edge
every 2nd row 3 times.
Work to correspond with left front,
working shapings at opposite ends. -
Cast on 30 sts. Work in pattern
for 3in (purling 1st row into back of
sts.). Increase 1 st. each of every
8th row until increased to 48 sts.
When sleeve seam measures 19in k.2
tog. each end of every 2nd row until
decreased to 30 sts. When work
measures 6in from 1st decrease cast
off 9 sts. at the beginning of the
next 2 rows. Work remaining 12
sts. for 2in, Cast off. Stitch the 9
cast off sts. to side of sts. worked for
2in to form box sleeve.
Cast on 24 sts. Work in pattern
for 5in. Cast off. Work 1 row
of d.c. around edge.
Press with a warm iron and damp
cloth. Sew up seams, sew in sleeves.
Work 1 row of d.c, down each front
and around back of neck. Sew on
To ensure success of knitted gar-
ments always use wool and needles
specified in directions.

MATERIALS: One pound, two ounces PATONS

BONNY SPORTS WOOL; 1 pair No. 5 need-
les; 16 buttons; crochet hook.
MEASUREMENTS: Width all round at
underarm, 34-36 inches. Length from top of
shoulder, 21in. Underarm to hem, 13in. Length of
sleeve, 17½in.
TENSION: 3½ sts. to 1 inch in width.
A SLIP-ON cardigan coat is es-
sential to your wardrobe in
any season. This pattern is at once
practical and attractive. 'Only by
using the specified materials can
you assure the success of your gar-
BACK: Cast on 69 sts.
1st ROW: K. 1,'* P. 1, K. 1, re-
pent from " to end of row.
2nd ROW: Purl.
3rd ROW: P. 1, * K. 1, P. 1,
repeat from * to end of row.
4th ROW: Purl.
These four rows form pattern.
Work in pattern for 3in then
K. 2 tog. each end of next and
every following 10th rows until
59 sts remain.
Continue without shaping until
work measures 13in from .com-
Cast off 4sts, at beg.
of next 2 rows.
K. 2 tog. each end
of next and alternate
rows until 47 sts. re-
Continue on these
sts. without shaping un-
til work measures 20½in
from commencement.
Shape for shoulders
as follows:
Cast off 5 sts. at beg. of
next 4 rows.
Cast off 6 sts. at beg. of next 2 rows.
Cast off remaining sts.
LEFT FRONT: Cast on 39 sts.
Work in pattern as given for back for
3in. K. 2 tog. at beg. of next and
every following 10th rows until 34
sts. remain.
Continue on these sts. until work
measures 13in.
Cast off 4 sts. at beg. of next row.
K. 2 tog. at, armhole edge of every
alternate row until 28 sts. remain.
Work straight until armhole meas-
ures 6in ending at neck edge. Cast
off 5 sts. and work to end of row.
K. 2 tog. at neck edge of every row
until 16 sts. remain. Work 1 row.
and 3rd rows cast off 5 sts. and work
to end of row. 2nd and 4th rows
purl. 5th row. Cast off remain. 6
RIGHT FRONT: Work to corre-
spond with left front, working shap-
ings at opposite ends of the needle.
Cast on 27 sts. Work in pattern as
given for back for 2in.
Keeping continuity of pattern, increase
1 st. each end of needle in next and every
following 8th rows' until there ares 47
sts. on the needle.
Work without inc. until sleeve meas-
ures 17½in or length desired.
Cast off 4 sts. at beg. of next 2 rows.
K. 2 tog. each end of next and alternate
rows until 33 sts. remain, then every 3rd
row until 23 sts. remain.
Cast off 3 sts. at beg. of next 4 rows.
Cast off remaining 11 sts. Work another
sleeve in the same manner.
COLLAR: Cast on 41 sts. and work 5
rows in pattern as given for the back.
Cast off.
SHOULDER PADS: Cast on 19 sts.
and work 21 rows in st. st. cast off. Fold
diagonally across and pad with a thin
layer of cotton wool and sew around
TO MAKE UP: With a warm iron
and damp cloth press all pieces care-
fully. Sew up side, sleeve and shoulder
seams. Sew in sleeves. Work 1 row
of single crochet along neck edge. Sew
on collar 1½in from front either side.
Work 1 row of double crochet all
round coat and sleeves, Sow shoulder
Fix this textpads in position.

Instructions inside! 
Wow! It took me more than 2 months to finish this, which is a looooong time for me. But
having started school again in October had’nt left me much time for knitting. I’m so
happy with how it turned out: It’s really thick and warm. Maybe I’ll make a lining later. I
could’nt wait to take pictures and post…

Stitch pattern is Noelle’s clover dishcloth. It makes a beautiful fabric with no curling at

All the rest - planning and math - is mine… 
Front Panels: 
Long tail CO 39sts. 
Knit in pattern 100 rows. 
Reductions for sleeve opening: starting at 101: 5, 2, 2, 1, 1 sts, at the beginning of
every odd row. 
Continue in pattern until 146 rows. 
Reductions for neck opening: 5, 3, 1, 1, at the beginning of every even row. 
Continue until 164 rows. Keep sts on waste yarn for 3-needle bind-off later. 
Nov.20 - left front is done. Used up 40gr of each color. Nov.27 - finished right front. 
CO 74sts. 
Dec.18 - finished the back. 
Did reductions for sleeves exactly like in front panels. 
Reductions for back neck: cast-off 13sts at the center of row 159, then 1st x2 on each
side on row 161, and again on row 163. 19sts left for each shoulder. 
Closed shoulder seems with 3-needle bind-off. 
CO 39sts. 
Increase 1st at each side on rows 22,44,66,88,110, 132. 
Decrease according to excel chart from row 135. All decreases are symmetrical. 
Finish at 172 rows. 
1.1.11 - finished 1 sleeve. 
14.1.11 - finished 2nd sleeve and all seams. 
Mock Pockets Flaps 
CO 23sts. Knit in 1x1 rib with 5mm needles, for 8 rows. BO. Top-stitch onto cardi. 
For small flap CO 16sts, the rest as above. 
Seam all parts. 
Top stitch (“chain” stitch) with 5mm crochet hook, from front bottom, 0.5cm away from
the edge, across the neck and down to the other front side bottom.

I really like the buttons: they are vintage, and they remind me of the Chanel logo so

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