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Mrs. Marx’s Class Rainbow Collection!

Rainbows are such a powerful symbol of hope and love! Let’s flood our neighborhoods with
rainbows! Make a huge rainbow on your sidewalk or driveway with chalk. Cut out hearts and
color them in rainbow colors to decorate your windows. Use markers and draw rainbows and
display them on your front door.

Email pictures of your rainbows to me and I will add them to our Class Rainbow Collection!

Monday, April 13
* We don’t have set activities for today but there are many things that you can do to honor
Easter Monday. Children may remember that the day before was Easter Sunday, and the day
Jesus came back to life which is the heart of the Easter story. Feel free to talk about with your
mom, dad, siblings, or whoever you want.
-Optional snack activity: Put a small amount of white frosting in several small bowls (or cups).
Use food coloring to change the color of white frosting. Mix different colors of food coloring.
What color did you make? Spread the frosting on graham crackers. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 14
*Pick two items from this week’s At Home Learning & Practice mat
*Pick two movements from the Movement Mat
-Story time: Log on to Epic and read Colors in Nature -
-Game: Creating Colors -
-Song: Sesame Street: OK Go – Three Primary Colors
-Religion: Noah’s Ark is a story from the Bible. The Bible has stories about GOD, Jesus, and
people who loved GOD and Jesus. In the story “Noah’s Ark”, GOD was not happy at the people
in the world because they were being mean to one another. GOD was happy with a man named
Noah because he was good and kind to everyone. GOD wanted to let those people who were
being mean to each other know that HE was mad at them by making it rain so much that it
would cover the earth destroying everything that GOD made. GOD did tell Noah about the rain
he was going to make, and HE told Noah to make a big boat called an ark so that Noah, his wife,
and his sons will be safe from the rain. By building the ark, it would float on the water keeping
Noah and his family safe from the rain water.
• If you have a Bible at home, whether it’s a child’s Bible or one of for grown ups, you can
show the story of Noah Ark and look at the pictures. Things the children can point out
are the Ark, the animals, the rain, the dove, and the rainbow. If you don’t have a Bible
handy, you can use the following link which talks about the story of Noah’s Ark or watch
it for fun -
• Using any paper you want, draw a picture of your own ark or you can download the
coloring sheet and color a picture of the Noah’s ark.
• Noah's Ark Coloring Page
- Go on a color scavenger hunt in your house. Try to find at least two items for each of the
primary colors (red, yellow, blue) and at least two items for each of the secondary colors
(orange, green, purple). Which color was easiest to find? Which color was hardest to find?

Wednesday, April 15
*Pick two items from this week’s At Home Learning & Practice mat
*Pick two movements from the Movement Mat
-Story time: Log on to Epic and read The Color Caper -
-Game: Color Mix -
-Song: I Can Sing a Rainbow -
-Religion: - Noah’s Ark. After the Ark was built, GOD told Noah to put two of each animal on the
ark. One boy and one girl. Have your child talk about what they remembered about the story of
Noah from the day before. If you have a Bible handy, you can look at the story of Noah’s Ark and
look at the pictures of the animals.
• Use the link below to read “Noah’s Ark” by Jan Brett. While reading the story, look at
the animals going on the ark.
• When finished with the story, draw two animals you would like to put on the ark. You
can draw your animals on the picture of the ark you drew yesterday or use a new piece of
• When done you can sing a fun song “Who Built The Ark”
- Look outside your window or go for a nature walk in your neighborhood. What colors do you
see in outside? What colors do you see a lot of? What colors do you see only a little bit of? Draw
a picture of what you see outside or what you saw on your walk. Try to label the picture.

Thursday, April 16
*Pick two items from this week’s At Home Learning & Practice mat
*Pick two movements from the Movement Mat
-Story time: Log on to Epic and read Rainbow Balloons -
-Game: Symmetry Painter -
-Song: Exercise and Learn the Colors of the Rainbow -
-Religion: Noah’s Ark. Today we’re going to talk about what happened when Noah sent a bird
called a dove to fly around the earth to see if GOD was having the water recede (going away),
and if there were any signs of land. After GOD made it rain and covered the earth, Noah sent a
bird called a Dove out to see if the water was receding (going away). When the dove came back
the first time, that told Noah that the world was still covered with water. A week later, Noah sent
the dove out a second time and this time he came back with an olive branch. This told Noah the
water was receding (going away) and pretty soon they would be seeing the land. A week later,
Noah sent the dove out for a third time and this time the dove did not return. This told Noah
that the water was receding even more and pretty soon they would be seeing the land.
• Watch the short video of Noah’s Ark. Have your child look the part when Noah sends out
the dove to fly around the earth.
• Weather permitting, go outside and pretend you’re a dove flying around the earth
looking for an olive branch, pretend your home is the ark, and the sticks are an olive
branch. Find a stick you would like to take back to the ark to show Noah.
• You can again sing the song “Who Built the Ark”
- Make a color collage! Cut out shapes/colors from old magazines or catalogs and glue them
down to make a beautiful piece of art!

Friday, April 17
*Pick two items from this week’s At Home Learning & Practice mat
*Pick two movements from the Movement Mat
-Story time: Log on to Epic and read Painting Party -
-Game: Shapes and Colors Bingo -
-Song: They Might Be Giants – Roy G Biv -
-Religion: Noah’s Ark. GOD made a rainbow to promise everyone that he would never make it
rain so much that it would cover the earth and destroy everything in it.
Recall from the videos and stories the rainbow at the end. Explain that when we see a beautiful
and colorful rainbow at the end of a rainstorm, it’s a promise from GOD that HE will never make
it rain so much that it covers the earth and destroys everything in it.
• Read “A Rainbow Of My Own” by Don
• Make a rainbow using a half of a coffee filter, decorating it with markers, slowly dipping it
in a bowl of water, and letting it dry on newspaper. When dried, the colors from the
markers will run together creating a beautiful color rainbow. Display it in a window. If you
prefer, you can instead download the coloring page of a rainbow and color itl Rainbow
Coloring Page.
- Read along with “Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes” - Pete’s shoes changed many colors. Draw a
picture of you wearing your shoes!

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