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AR12/AR13 ME 2404

B.Tech – 3rd Semester

Semester End Supplementary Examination, Oct, 2019
Engineering Thermodynamics
(Common to ME & PE)

Time: Three hours Maximum: 70 marks

Section I : Answer all questions.
Section II : Answer all questions.


1. (5x2M=10M)

a Define the quasi-static process. 2M

b Draw a compressibility chart. 2M
c Find the characteristic gas constant of Hydrogen. 2M
d Define triple point and mention the properties of water at the point. 2M
e A petrol engine is operating with a compression ratio 15. estimate the thermal 2M

SECTION II (4x15M=60M)
a Explain the Boyle’s law, Charle’s law and Avagadro’s law. 9M
b Define property? Distinguish between the intensive and extensive properties. 6M
a Derive the relation between the two principle specific heats and characteristic gas
constant for a perfect Gas.
b Determine the value of compressibility factor at critical point for the Vander-Waals

a One kg of fluid enters a nozzle with a velocity of 300 m/min and enthalpy of
2990kJ/kg. The enthalpy of the fluid at the exit of the nozzle is 2760 kJ/kg. The
nozzle Is place horizontally and neglects the heat loss from the nozzle. Determine
(a) The velocity of the fluid at the exit of the nozzle, 10M
(b) The mass flow rate if the area at the inlet is 0.095 m 2 and the specific volume at
the inlet is 0.19 m3/kg and
(c) The exit area of the nozzle if the specific volume at the exit is 0.5 m 3/kg .
b Derive the SFEE. 5M

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AR12/AR13 ME 2404

a Two reversible heat engines A and B are arranged in series with A rejecting heat
directly to B through an intermediate reservoir. A receives 200kJ of heat from a
reservoir at 421˚C and engine B is in thermal communication with a sink at 4.4 ˚C.
If the work output of the A is twice that of B find. 10M
(i) Intermediate temperature between A and B,
(ii) The efficiency of each engine and
(iii) The heat rejected to the cold sink.
b Explain different processes in Carnot’s cycle. 5M

a Differentiate between Available energy and availability. 7M

b Prove that entropy is point function. 8M
a Prove the Avogadro’s law of additive volume. 5M
b Two kg mole CO2 at a pressure of 1.8 bar, 80˚C is mixed in thermally insulated
vessel with 3 kg-mole of Nitrogen is at equilibrium. Determine the final 10M
temperature and pressure and change in entropy of the mixture.

a A vessel of 0.4 m3 capacity contains 2 kg of wet steam at 6 bar. Calculate

8 (i). The volume and mass of water and (ii). Volume and mass of steam.
b What is pure substance? Draw a p-T diagram for a pure substance. 6M
a A certain quantity of air at a pressure of 1 bar and temperature of 70°C is
compressed adiabatically until the pressure is 7 bar in Otto cycle engine. 465 kJ of
heat per kg of air is now added at constant volume. Determine :
(i) Compression ratio of the engine.
(ii) Temperature at the end of compression.
(iii) Temperature at the end of heat addition.
9 Take for air Cp = 1.0 kJ/kg K, Cv = 0.706 kJ/kg K.
Show each operation on p-V and T-s diagrams.
b An engine working on Otto cycle, in which the salient points are 1, 2,3 and 4, has
upper and lower temperature limits T3 and T1. If the maximum work per kg of air
is to be done, show that the intermediate temperature is given by T2 = T4 = √ T 1 T 3


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